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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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I remember having a 48 hour flu type thing at the same time as @LittleMe Jewell  I think we were talking about it on the how are you feeling thread.  Maybe some time early Feb.  It would be wonderful to find out we had it back then.  Especially as I have an autoimmune disease and worry I could be in the badly affected group.  At the time I remember moaning that after having my first ever flu jab, I get the freaking flu but as it was only a 48 hour thing it probably wasn't anything to do with this crap.  

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3 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I remember having a 48 hour flu type thing at the same time as @LittleMe Jewell  I think we were talking about it on the how are you feeling thread.  Maybe some time early Feb.  It would be wonderful to find out we had it back then.  Especially as I have an autoimmune disease and worry I could be in the badly affected group.  At the time I remember moaning that after having my first ever flu jab, I get the freaking flu but as it was only a 48 hour thing it probably wasn't anything to do with this crap.  

I was watching a surgeon a little while ago going over the symptoms.. He was saying,when they say flu like symptoms, he said, it's not the touch of the flu..He said, Picture having the worst flu you've ever had in your life that is going to put you on your butt and leave you down for two weeks..

He was saying, we are in the flu season as well and many people are still getting the flu..

I was sick at the beginning of last week with the flu myself which came with a really raw soar throat to where I couldn't even speak to call in for work..My husband had to call them for me..They told me to go to the doctor, but good luck getting in there..So I had to go to the emergency room..

I decided I was going to leave the house at around 6:00AM .. I couldn't have picked a better time..when I got there ,there was a sign on the door that said they would be changing lobbies at 6:45..They had just finished sanitizing the waiting room..there was nobody else there but me and the staff..

I was back home by 7:14AM.. They told me to gargle with warm salt water and stay hydrated and get plenty of rest..

I was out of work for two days..

I think I was more scared of having to go to the hospital than i was scared of what I had at the time..I was thinking it was going to be packed and that I was going to be there all day..

I told my husband when he asked how it was there..I said, I think I woke them up..hehehe

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6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Picture having the worst flu you've ever had in your life that is going to put you on your butt and leave you down for two weeks..

I had believed that to be the case up until now but we are now hearing  of asymptomatic carriers and people only slightly affected... I am just not so sure anymore.  

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57 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I had believed that to be the case up until now but we are now hearing  of asymptomatic carriers and people only slightly affected... I am just not so sure anymore.  

I understand how you are feeling.. If there was ever a more confusing time with so many things, it's now..

The ones that really confuse me are the ones that think it's like normal right now and can just run around acting like it's just a phase the country is going through..Let's go play some hoops or go to the park or whatever..

They must just not know or understand how this thing is killing people.. Not just in the numbers, But how it actually is attacking the body and the phases that when it really has a hold on someone..

It's like drowning on land.. and it's not happening somewhere else.. It's in everyone's back yard now..

Me and my husband had to straighten out my oldest nephew just the other day..Just because he didn't understand how serious this is..

His mother telling him to do something and him not looking at her but on his phone treating her like she was some silly person that didn't know her way..

She is my sister and all and can pretty much handle her kids really well most of the time..But this all has made her so tired from worry..

So I lit into his ASSests real quick when I seen such disrespect especially in a thing like this..

I won't go into what was said, but when I lit into him and he did his version of talk to the hand, all my husband had to do was get out of his chair..

He dropped that phone faster than you can blink and took him for a walk..

He came back with attitude adjusted..


Edit: Sorry for rambling.. It's morning and I'm on my third cup of tea and taking a minute waiting for the washer to finish all my towels and dish towels and such..

I'm wired in my chair  pretty much hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Me and my husband had to straighten out my oldest nephew just the other day..Just because he didn't understand how serious this is.

How do you straighten out the religious nutjobs that live in my area, that insist not being able to gather for services is a violation of the constitution. It's already been shown via clusters of virus cases that this spreads the virus.

Thank God my meditation group went online and doesn't suffer from whatever delusion they are suffering from.

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14 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:
15 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Some hopeful news:

FEMA to restrict exports of critical supplies leaving US


Interesting.  So, is this a good use of Presidential power, because it puts American's first, or it is evil because it denies resources to other countries?

'Putting America first' is not the issue.
The fact that Trump had such issues getting supplies via negotiating/controlling these corporations is the problem.
At another press briefing he said the corporations were not doing things fast enough so he would take control to get the needed supplies.
Now we hear this strange story (posted above) where he seems to be blaming them for creating bidding wars and shipping supplies to overseas markets, yet others governors have insisted FEMA was actually one of the buyers involved in the bids for supplies.
Something is totally screwy with his system and I think it will be some time before all is revealed, but whatever went on the good news is that it appears the log jam is breaking up finally.

During a pandemic he should have taken responsibility from the get-go and mounted a Fema response that would get tests and PPE much more quickly for all states and ignore his religious faith in markets solving all problems. Neoliberal policies and for-profit health systems just don't work in a pandemic.

Finally, Gavin Newsom (gov of CA) just managed to get an overseas contract for 2 million masks per month:

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9 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Kentucky is going to get nailed (heh) after this weekend. Stupid, stupid, stupid churches. 

Nutjob dominionists in political positions with authority infiltrate much of the central and southern states of the US, and let their religious beliefs and conservative politics override the safety of the people they should be protecting. I never understood fully until now how dangerous it could be living in a red state. I mean I had every little progressive thing I could ever want in my life, from the wild witches full-moon rituals of my youth, up to meditation circles of every kind currently in existence, and every other kind of progressive activity I wanted, so I didn't see the danger.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nutjob dominionists in political positions with authority infiltrate much of the central and southern states of the US, and let their religious beliefs and conservative politics override the safety of the people they should be protecting.

Can't speak for other states, but Governor Andy is horrified and doing whatever he can to stop these idiot evangelicals. So far, he's sending state troopers to every church that plans to have open services to warn people not to go in, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't go even further. These churches are getting no political support, not even from the nuttiest of our nutty republicans. One church has hired a constitutional lawyer who has already told them to just shut it down, but they're not listening. 

One person is already suing Gov Andy over his travel restrictions, and he's not especially concerned with lawsuits. I can't find a clip of it, but a reporter asked him about it in his daily press conference. He said, "Haven't read it, not concerned about it, we will win it," and moved on to the next question. He is absolutely out of f**ks to give when it comes to people being morons. 

The disgusting part about the evangelicals who believe their faith protects them is that they are so freaking arrogant that they think they are the specially chosen Christians that God will protect and the rest of the Christians who've already gotten COVID and died just weren't special or faithful enough. F**k those people. 


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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I think it's evolved like 2 or 3 times since then, So hopefully things have changed some..

Iceland back in March found scientific evidence that it had mutated 40 times. Going by this figure and the time period I would have a guess to say more.

Then again research from UK shows that there are 3 variations with Type A being the original which is found in USA and Australia now and Type B being the mutation of A found in Wuhan and Type C being in Europe. Oddly if this is correct and if I am reading the article correctly, it seems to imply (if one reads between the lines) that if Wuhan is Type B and mutated from Type A and USA and Australia have Type A then China's statements of USA being the origin may be correct. I may be reading the article wrong or the article and research may be hogwash however interesting none the less.


1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This thing just keeps giving and giving and giving -- from the headlines this morning:


Also came out in a similar article that the virus seems to be able to 'hide' from tests once someone has recovered making tests show them being negative and 'cured'. Some have suggested this may be just tests being not 100% accurate, however there is still so much uncertainty as to how the virus is spreading and whether immunity is actually possible. It is important to realise as well that medical experts say a true vaccine for a coronavirus has never been developed. For example:

"Vaccines to combat deadly coronaviruses "are not easy" and "in fact, up to now we've never had a successful vaccine against a coronavirus,' Australia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly says. "

54 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Kentucky is going to get nailed (heh) after this weekend. Stupid, stupid, stupid churches. 

I see your Kentucky and raise you Kansas




Forgot to mention. Whilst technically it is a little to soon to be definite (though hope it isn't and is true), to those saying social distancing and lockdowns don't work. Keep in mind it is per capita and the graphs at the various lockdown stages should be telling enough. As to Australia's death toll, keep in mind that many of those were from the Ruby Princess which for some reason the NSW government allowed to disembark (reckoning coming for them I'm sure).


Edited by Drayke Newall
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51 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

How do you straighten out the religious nutjobs that live in my area, that insist not being able to gather for services is a violation of the constitution. It's already been shown via clusters of virus cases that this spreads the virus.

Thank God my meditation group went online and doesn't suffer from whatever delusion they are suffering from.

I have to worry about ground zero first and work my way out.. I know I'm not getting around any people out and about thinking they'll brush it off..

Here is the thing also..It's not just church goers being idiots.. you can probably pull from every rung on the ladder and find'em..All age groups too..

heck just go in a grocery store and count how many people are inside the tape lines at the check out..

Heck they probably just go home unpack and jump on the furniture without showering and putting their clothes in the wash right away..

the only cure for that is someone they know really close to them or themselves catching it so they can see for themselves just how serious it is.. To me that is a real crying shame that it takes that for some people..

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10 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Iceland back in March found scientific evidence that it had mutated 40 times. Going by this figure and the time period I would have a guess to say more.

Then again research from UK shows that there are 3 variations with Type A being the original which is found in USA and Australia now and Type B being the mutation of A found in Wuhan and Type C being in Europe. Oddly if this is correct and if I am reading the article correctly, it seems to imply (if one reads between the lines) that if Wuhan is Type B and mutated from Type A and USA and Australia have Type A then China's statements of USA being the origin may be correct. I may be reading the article wrong or the article and research may be hogwash however interesting none the less.


All I know is it's not a fast mutating virus but a slow mutating virus..

Fast mutating would be like the A.I.D.S Virus which mutates so fast that they can hardly keep up with it..

Where slow mutating is like the Flu's and SARS and such.. Where they can get to a vaccine and meds and handle much quicker..


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34 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Can't speak for other states, but Governor Andy is horrified and doing whatever he can to stop these idiot evangelicals. So far, he's sending state troopers to every church that plans to have open services to warn people not to go in, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't go even further. These churches are getting no political support, not even from the nuttiest of our nutty republicans. One church has hired a constitutional lawyer who has already told them to just shut it down, but they're not listening. 

One person is already suing Gov Andy over his travel restrictions, and he's not especially concerned with lawsuits. I can't find a clip of it, but a reporter asked him about it in his daily press conference. He said, "Haven't read it, not concerned about it, we will win it," and moved on to the next question. He is absolutely out of f**ks to give when it comes to people being morons. 

The disgusting part about the evangelicals who believe their faith protects them is that they are so freaking arrogant that they think they are the specially chosen Christians that God will protect and the rest of the Christians who've already gotten COVID and died just weren't special or faithful enough. F**k those people. 


Someone asking a question to our governor the other day asked, What are you planning to do about the golf courses that are still open..He said he had seen people playing golf the other day at some golf course..

The governor, you could see he wanted to say, WHAT?!!\o/

He said, We are unaware of that but, please get with us so we can get the information and we'll be looking into that..

I would feel sorry for whoever own's that gold course, in normal times.. But I wouldn't shed a tear for them in these..

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This thing just keeps giving and giving and giving -- from the headlines this morning:


Do we know if it still makes them sick?

It's possible (grasping for silver linings here) that whatever their body did to "cure" them the first time will also work the second time (or just keep working) without necessarily dropping the virus count to zero. If there really are many people recovered from COVID-19 but not showing detectable antibodies, maybe something else is responsible for making symptoms disappear, and maybe whatever that is doesn't preclude further / subsequent positive tests for the virus. This would also connect to the (very early, very small-sample) studies indicating major benefit of plasma from recovered patients -- if it turns out that's not mediated by antibodies. And maybe this hypothesized agent could be identified and synthesized in quantity.

Or probably it's nothing. Just the failure to generate antibodies we discussed yesterday.

One thing it's probably not: mutation. Not that this thing isn't mutating all the time -- it absolutely is -- but so far the genetic changes haven't appeared structurally significant (at least according to something I read a week or so ago) so unlikely to affect effectiveness of either vaccine / antibody nor anti-viral agents. Also these mutations are supposedly at a rate more or less typical for a coronavirus, much slower and less dramatic than the mutation rates typical of influenza.

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2 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:
3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Kentucky is going to get nailed (heh) after this weekend. Stupid, stupid, stupid churches. 

I see your Kentucky and raise you Kansas


Colorado, Florida, and a few other states have completely exempted churches from the Stay at Home orders, while still "encouraging" them to maintain social distancing.  

How in heck can anyone maintain any sort of distancing in a packed church?


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
can't spell
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I read in yesterday's newspaper here in UK that Wuhan where this virus originated from is coming out of its lock down after 76 days. 

UK is on Day 18 of lock down. 

I'm OK. I live pretty much locked down anyway. Watching others going totally insane is the hard part. 


Vent time, as per title of thread:

We had a supermarket delivery yesterday. Man child delivery driver could not have been more than 22 years old. He was not bothered at all about the two metre rule - but I was and stopped him in his tracks. He actually said it didn't matter, if we were meant to get it, we'd get it. Oh. My. God.

I. Want. This. Lock. Down. To. Be. Over. NOW!!!

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On 4/9/2020 at 7:20 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

I was watching a surgeon a little while ago going over the symptoms.. He was saying,when they say flu like symptoms, he said, it's not the touch of the flu..He said, Picture having the worst flu you've ever had in your life that is going to put you on your butt and leave you down for two weeks..

He was saying, we are in the flu season as well and many people are still getting the flu..

I was sick at the beginning of last week with the flu myself which came with a really raw soar throat to where I couldn't even speak to call in for work..My husband had to call them for me..They told me to go to the doctor, but good luck getting in there..So I had to go to the emergency room..

I decided I was going to leave the house at around 6:00AM .. I couldn't have picked a better time..when I got there ,there was a sign on the door that said they would be changing lobbies at 6:45..They had just finished sanitizing the waiting room..there was nobody else there but me and the staff..

I was back home by 7:14AM.. They told me to gargle with warm salt water and stay hydrated and get plenty of rest..

I was out of work for two days..

I think I was more scared of having to go to the hospital than i was scared of what I had at the time..I was thinking it was going to be packed and that I was going to be there all day..

I told my husband when he asked how it was there..I said, I think I woke them up..hehehe

I was down for 3 weeks with the flu 2 years ago.. I honestly wished for death...  The body aches were the worst... nothing helped.


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15 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I read in yesterday's newspaper here in UK that Wuhan where this virus originated from is coming out of its lock down after 76 days. 

UK is on Day 18 of lock down. 

I'm OK. I live pretty much locked down anyway. Watching others going totally insane is the hard part. 


Vent time, as per title of thread:

We had a supermarket delivery yesterday. Man child delivery driver could not have been more than 22 years old. He was not bothered at all about the two metre rule - but I was and stopped him in his tracks. He actually said it didn't matter, if we were meant to get it, we'd get it. Oh. My. God.

I. Want. This. Lock. Down. To. Be. Over. NOW!!!

He is not wrong. Fate is Fate.

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