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Is the Universe a computer simulation?

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25 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

You see, from my POV, faith that a magical being is going to somehow fix all your woes is also just a child's fairy tale.

I view the material world as simply the outer layer of existence...the one we can perceive with the senses we have as humans (interestingly, some animals can perceive levels humans can't unless we use specific instruments to detect them).
But there are deeper levels to the Universe, more hidden to our everyday awareness...whether we call that/those levels 'God' makes no difference to me. And I see more and more people conceiving of the Universe in this way. I think 'sky-daddy' religions are on the way out, although unfortunately having a big last stand in the US it seems.

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we all  have different views on things ,,,,  and we all have our own personal reasons for what we believe and what we do not.

  May I ask  a hhuge favor ,,,

  when we do not agree or have a different persective   would it be posible for each of us to  honor  each other with respect , and an open mind to see what they see and understand 

    my heart breaks for the person/ persons who  post the snark s  /// I love all you and yous are so much better than that and snarky takes  away from all of your beauty  and that is not who any of yous are ,,,, 


   and   for the person/ s  on the recieving  end of the  snarks ,,, my heart aches   for you as well  because   i know the pain of being on thhe recieving end of snarks

.    Life is so precious  please can we    have a good discusion without the snarkness  please ,,,, 

 My rl husband is a scientist  and he said   his career  has only strengthened his belief in GOD ,,

,  People will believe what they   want to believe  ,,, please can respect each other and be kind  . 

 hugs and love to each of yous ,,,

remember life is short ,,, better to use our energy to love and be  kind and have the wisdom to see each others point of view ,

  And at the end of our life will it give us one more minute of life if we got a win  and hurt another ,,,, be kind   be love ,,,,  

Edited by roseelvira
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46 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I have my opinion on where it came from but it as as un-provable as god.  Yet I have faith in its existance.  The universe that is.  Not god.

Can you at least grasp the concept that I have faith in something that is different than yours? 

My faith from your point of view seems to be considered childish.  That's OK for you to believe and I am not calling you out on that at all.  You see, from my POV, faith that a magical being is going to somehow fix all your woes is also just a child's fairy tale.

It is what is is.  This debate is older than civilization itself. You will never change my mind any more that I will change yours.  It is just not going to happen.  But can you at least see that we both have faith?  Our feelings are very much the same.  Our BELIEF is very much the same.  We only differ in direction.

Rhonda, I don’t know where any of this comes from. Maybe read my previous comments.

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17 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

  when we do not agree or have a different persective   would it be posible for each of us to  honor  each other with respect , and an open mind to see what they see and understand 

With all due respect -
You cannot understand what does not exist.
You cannot understand something for which there is no proof.
I was raised as a very strict Roman Catholic. Our family bible is over 300 years old.
Religions are all man made nonsense, specifically designed to vilify and denegrate others.

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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9 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:


My comment was about the limits of science/logic, not about Paul’s or any other Christian point.

I am a Christian existentialist. My POV was formed by other Christian existentialists such as Kierkegaard and Tillich. So I would never, and could not be induced to, discuss my POV with anyone on the Internet, AKA casting pearls.

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27 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

the limits of science/logic

i quite like Godel's works on this question. That a formal logic system can't prove itself


edit add

the ramifications of this is that a formal logic system can only be proved with another system outside of it

Edited by Mollymews
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18 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

With all due respect -
You cannot understand what does not exist.
You cannot understand something for which there is no proof.
I was raised as a very strict Roman Catholic. Our family bible is over 300 years old.
Religions are all man made nonsense, specifically designed to vilify and denegrate others.

you are saying GOD does not exist ,,,  

  So the Old testiment was a lie?  Just asking... And so   what about Jesus ... I do not remember reading anything that he did to vilify and denegrate others....... 

 I also was raised a strict catholic ,,, I left the church for a while to explore other  belief systems and  denominations and religions ,,,, 

  And what i understand may not be your understandings  that is why each person is unique ,,

I see that for you  if i understand  you feel there is no Proof of GOD  ,,,,


 I accept that is your belief system and thank  you for sharing . 


My understanding  is different from yours and i respect 

     and i honor your view on that subject  .

I do not expect other to believe what i beleive nor would i ever tell another what  one can or cannot understand or believe .   

I only want each other to love and be kind to each other and be there for each other despite out differences in our belief systems ...




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Certainly Rose :)
The thing is, my devotion to religion was a learned behaviour - not a personal choice made through gaining wisdom.
I sang to the heavens, prayed endlessly, narrated church plays, rejoiced in the beauty of hymns and churches, saw the vaults
packed with gold, gems & artifacts first hand. (a very rare privilege indeed).
Was treated respectfully by priests and nuns, (except for the bent over the desk strap and cane to the buttocks - weird weird stuff).
There were none more devoted than I.
I never sought any religion and after a series of devastating tragedies and personal hardship, I formed my own conclusion.
The time I spent as a believer gave me my foundation beliefs of how to treat others and my own personal conduct,
for that I am truly grateful indeed.

Bless you Rose. xo


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On 3/28/2020 at 6:56 PM, roseelvira said:

 Ok , peeking out from behind my chair,,,, Sl is a computer simulation.   I can only share what i believe  . I Believe in GOD , I Believe there is life after this. I know  a   few people who have crossed over and come back and no it was not lack of oxygen or  brain shutting down.  This is what  i believe .

 Mother Teresa – Do Good Anyway! – Online Fellowship

When asked on forms what my religious beliefs are, I always tick the box that I have none.  But I would never ever dismiss the beliefs of others, and I always admired Mother Teresa, and believe that patience is a virtue, kindness and love are essential tools we all need to use more than the weapons of jealousy, hate and destruction.  

I believe in karma (informally). 

When I was a child of around 7 or 8 years old, my friend Susan and I were allowed to go alone to the church at the end of the street to attend Sunday School. We were both given sixpence to put into the collection bag that always was passed around during each service, but Susan suggested we go to the shop and buy some bubble gum. I was never allowed bubble/chewing gum, and although we only spent thruppence each on this delicious pink confectionary, and missed half of the children's service, we put the rest of the money into the collection bag.  Then on the way home, suddenly there was a cloudburst, and within seconds we were both drenched, and we ran down the road to try and escape the rain, which felt so hard on our little bodies that we were both crying with pain by the time we got home.

That was karma paying us back for spending half the collection money on bubbly gum !


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2 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

...Religions are all man made nonsense, specifically designed to vilify and denegrate others.

I can't let that pass without comment.  It's true that religions, especially "organized" religions, have been used for that purpose.  It may also be true that some, or all, of them are "man made nonsense".  Nevertheless, it is as wrong to characterize religions in this way as it is to say that "water is bad, because people drown in it."  Religions, and more exactly, man's search for God, have also been responsible for a tremendous amount of art, science, philanthropy, creation of moral codes, law, hope, solace, comfort, joy, courage, and a host of other benefits.

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No, the universe won't last forever, but I think it has a few trillion more years to go. Humans, not so much. If we don't use up all our resources before we can colonize Mars as a species (united we stand, divided we fall) humans might have a chance to figure out how to survive outside our solar system so we can travel to the stars and maybe be around for more than a few more million years.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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14 hours ago, roseelvira said:

we all  have different views on things ,,,,  and we all have our own personal reasons for what we believe and what we do not.

  May I ask  a hhuge favor ,,,

  when we do not agree or have a different persective   would it be posible for each of us to  honor  each other with respect , and an open mind to see what they see and understand  ,,,,  

Well said Rose. 

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The biggest thing for me when i returned  to the church was a deeper understanding of ,, what is   and of  GOD ,,, Love , understanding  etc vs when at times throughout  history men  and women both took it to control and use to manulipate  others       NOTE  and Jesus warned many times in the new testament of such behavior. 

When   i was in 1st grade in catholic school ,,, I remember at lunch recess just going into the church alone .  i wanted to visit with GOD alone .... no one else   ,,,,,,i wanted to talk to GOD  alone    

sister  ( the nun  )said""" it is good  to spend time with GOD """"  so i figured i would spend my play time with him (GOD) and just visit.    i had a lot of questions.... even as a little kid i had a lot of questions .....

,,,,and i will never forget the  emotion of aww and wonder ///  walking into that big church alone !!!     ,,, prior i was alway with  family or every pew filled at  mass  ,,, but this was  the first  time  ever in my young life  alone going into this   huge church     ,,,, it was so  beautiful and quiet ....   like i could feel the divine   , GODS  presence   ,,,, it was , so peacful !!! 

i said a little prayer and was  a bit  tired  so i used my   sweater as a pillow and layed down in the pew  ...   it  felt safe and  i  just wanted to stay there , Well i fell asleep ,.  the next thing i knew  Sister (the Nun) was gently waking me up   .I was  afraid i was going to be in trouble,  i  started to cry and telling her why i layed down and she said  ,  child ,,, you are fine ,,, and no one is upset with you ,,,  Dry your tears and know  Our Father in Heaven loves when you visit and are comfortable enough to take  a little nap ,, I said""" like at grandmas  house ,?"  " I always fall asleep on her sofa!!!""" ,,, Sister smiled and said yes ... and she hugged me and said  are you ready to go back to class,,,  she was not angry that they were looking for me  , never made an issue that i was missing for a bit 

but i never forgot that emotion of aww and no words come close to explain it ,,,,, 

And  for me ,,,, i wanted to know more ,,, to really know ,,,, 

And throughout   lifes  bad times and  pain ,  i remembered  that time,,,,,   when i was a child,,,, and my  little Nap  and i hold on ,,,,, 

I remember a nun once said to me  during some  very painful situations  one after another  ,,,,""""" remember ,,,, the heavens walk this with you and you are not alone  even though every fiberof your being  and your mind is telling you differently ,,,,, """""

"""No one  promised anyone of us  an easy life,,,, but if you hold on to GOD and he will  get you through it ,,,, and every second of life happy or with pain is ,in the end worth it ,,,,, """


 I  have had a lot of bad that throughout my life  has happened ,,, many heartbreaking times , losses ,,,,too painful to go into .

 BUT   last year as my hubby  had   his  last chemo treatment ,, the next morning , we were in the uber heading to the train station ,,, very very very early ,,, a bit after 5 am   and the car suddenly smelled of insense like they use   at high mass ,,,, i looked  around as  to.... were we passing a church ???  No , none is sight ,,,,  it was too early in the morning . It was not from the drivers car////  i  asked for the window to be opened and it was still there and hubby could smell it   as did the driver who mentioned it as well and asked us  "" Do you smell  that ?"    

,,,,,, and for no reason   a few seconds later a meeme came up on my husbands  phone and it was this

I asked God,"Why are you taking me through troubled waters?" He ...


 there was no phone number that it was sent from ..   it came as a text message  and no he was/// is not linked to fb or any social medias w is phone  ,,,, so,,,, ikr ....   we both cried tears of Thankfulness

and even going through this recent cancer operation this past end of January  and the    ARDS  that happened a few days after his surgery  My husband said he knew GOD was going to keep him alive ,,,, so 

(((( For  thoses who believe no explanation is necessary,   for those who do not no explanation will suffice   )))


Just a little glimpse of why i believe even more and thank you for allowing me to post one of many reason and  experiences  as to why i believe in GOD and heaven and afterlife 

and  note  this is just sharing 

 hugs and love and be kind to yourselves and each other




Edited by roseelvira
this posting ting not working still
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I don't have a problem with people having faith in whatever they want to have faith in.  For various reasons, I do have an issue with most organized religion. And I have an issue with people that try to force their beliefs on me and insist to me that their belief is the only possible truth, despite the fact that nothing can be proven. 

Live and let live is my approach.  I won't tell you what to believe and I'd appreciate it if you don't tell me what to believe.

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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I won't tell you what to believe and I'd appreciate it if you don't tell me what to believe.

And don't call me arrogant, dismissive, insulting, etc., for stating what I believe, and then state your beliefs and expect me to treat them any differently. 

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as i stated in my previous posts ,,, to respect each others   perspectives , what another  believes in and part  of that is   reading listening  to  each other ,,,  we all help each other and share our  experiences that do form our  own beliefs ,,,, 

 NOTE my post above was just  sharing   a few important events ,,, and with that  people who say  what makes er believe in that ,,,   well for me  i only posted a few of life events   ,,, just to share nothing more .  as i read  others reasons i felt it was ok to post mine .  

 Sadly on both sides  people are treated badly and ridicluled ,,,,,

  Regardless what one believes we are all in the same sandbox called earth  so we can build  with love kindness and understanding or   destroy with hate and belittlement ,,,, we are responsible for what we personally choose  , 

    NO  matter what one  choses to believe ,,, the one thing we all share is love...and  unconditional love ,,,,

  How every day i try to live my life 

The Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is dispair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy; 

O Divine Master,

Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.  

For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



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Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R’amen.


"And yay, when upon the damn heathens come fiery meatballs and little bits of sausage, and His noodly appendages touch all, to embrace some and indeed, destroy all else. Thats when ill make your damn colored lights you ungrateful little boy!!!"


Hail meatsauce, full of beef. The Spaghetti Monster is with you. Blessed are you among sauces, and blessed is the spice from your shaker. Heated meatsauce, monster of taste, pray for us non-pirates now and at the hour of our hunger. R'Amen A vegetarian sect of FSMism in India is reportedly using a particular soybean extract in place of meatballs. "Soy Mio - it is still a spicy meatball! Tandori R'Amen!" Glory To The Pasta Glory be to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and to the Midgit, and to the Pirates. As it was in the beginning, is now (With a mountain), and ever shall be(and trees), world without end (and with Pirates). R'Amen.


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lolol  as   a matter of fact my son      told me all about  the spagetti monster and he is a minister  now   ,,,, he has his colander and  his  certificate ,,,,  and  he  still  believes in GOD ,,,

 love the spagetti monster thing ,,,,,    great fun ,,,,, and not offended ,,,    thank you for the big smile ,, and laugh ,,,,,  hugs and love 

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