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Should there be a "SL's Manliest Man" contest?


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We have contests for Mr. and Miss SL, but the entry and  criteria seems sort of vague and nebulous.  A couple of friends and I were chatting about "what if there was a SL Manliest Man contest?"  What would that look like?  What would the criteria be?  Would there be actual judges or would it be dependent on community votes or a combination of both?  What would the award look like?  What type of awards ceremony would there be?

My thought would be that the award itself would be like a big hammer that has "SL's Manliest Man" inscribed on it.  Instead of just pictures, We would need to have some contests for them to participate in.  Chopping wood is pretty manly, but I'm not sure if that's a thing in SL. lol

Anyway, what are your thoughts?  If something like this were to happen, what would you like to see in it?  What content, challenges, criteria, etc?  How we would choose SL's Manliest Man?  rawr!!! 


((This is all for funsies, ya'll.  So, just chill))

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It's terrible that the first thing I thought of were 1. Suddenly you'd have the biggest choncc niramyth avatars coming out of the woodwork 2. There would probably be peenor competitions. We all know manliness includes being able to use your Wang as a lightsaber. 😂

On a more serious note. What makes a man manly differs due to opinions. One person may say someone who fits the muscled blue collar work is the ideal picture of manliness. Another would lean towards boxers or mma fighters. Another would say no, manliness includes the ability to be successful in a business. Suits, crisp haircuts, etc.

Depending on their peers and how they were raised. People could learn towards being able to show emotion as a sign of manliness. Are they empathetic, considerate, and so on.

Are they assertive? Self aware? Helpful?

I'm hoping you can catch my drift.


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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am soooooo not touching this . . .

( . . . said the actress to the bishop).

You know you want to, Scylla...

1 minute ago, Gadget Portal said:

Only that this is a bad idea.

Of course it is!!  But it's fun!!!  lol

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14 minutes ago, miaminightmare said:

There would probably be peenor competitions. We all know manliness includes being able to use your Wang as a lightsaber. 😂

OMG!! that would be amazing (and hilarious) to see!!  That HAS to be in there!!  Also, does someone make lightsaber attachements for them? " May the Schwartz be with You!!!"  🤣🤣🤣

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4 minutes ago, Catrie said:

OMG!! that would be amazing (and hilarious) to see!!  That HAS to be in there!!  Also, does someone make lightsaber attachements for them? " May the Schwartz be with You!!!"  🤣🤣🤣

If etsy users can make a living off selling lil costumes for such a part I'm sure somewhere in the depths of SL there is such a thing.

... I dont think I want to search though. 😂

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Just now, miaminightmare said:

If etsy users can make a living off selling lil costumes for such a part I'm sure somewhere in the depths of SL there is such a thing.

... I dont think I want to search though. 😂

neither do I, but I expect to see them at a shopping event, any day now, if they didn't exist before. lol 😂

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30 minutes ago, miaminightmare said:

Suddenly you'd have the biggest choncc niramyth avatars coming out of the woodwork 2. There would probably be peenor competitions.

For the smallest peens? Because my assumption is that any man that wears the nimrod body or whatever it’s called has a very tiny peen.

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12 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I always liked to look at that magazine that had the "sexiest man alive" thing.

Maybe go through some of those photos of the sexiest man alive and see if you see any criteria there.

I like an open shirt or no shirt as a possibility.  

good idea for a photo shoot for them to do. 

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11 minutes ago, Catrie said:

good idea for a photo shoot for them to do. 

Yay, pecs!  I'm all for pecs.  

I tried looking up the criteria for the "Sexiest Man Alive" and how does People magazine decide.  I found a bunch of long articles...too long to read.  I just wanted the a, b, c of it.  It could be out there somewhere...I just haven't found it.   



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So, this is a topic that is obviously rife for good-natured humour (and possibly some that is not so good-natured), but . . . there has been the perception of late around here that men have been taking a bashing on some of these threads.

Without suggesting that others can't employ humour, I don't want to contribute to that perception, so . . .

Here are my 100% serious suggestions for what we should be "testing for" when looking for the manliest man. I'll begin with what I see as the "Master Criterion," the thing that is most important, and enables everything else:

Primary Criterion

  • A manly man should, most of all be multidimensional. By that, I mean that he shouldn't only conform to one idea of what constitutes "manliness," but should recognize that there are many ways that this might be defined. As is ideally the case for any woman, a man should know that he has the freedom to choose what kind of person he wishes to be, whether those choices conform to socially-generated gender stereotypes or not. Accordingly, a truly "manly man" is one who knows he can be brooding, macho, or even a bit "brutish" on occasion, but who is not limited to any of those roles, and can also choose to be sweet, sensitive, giving, open, etc. From this, all else follows . . .

Secondary Criteria

  • Physique and Body Appearance can be anything -- stereotypically ripped, triangle-shaped, arms the size of tree-trunks, etc., but it can also be slender, well--proportioned, chubby-cute, or whatever. So, points should be awarded not on the basis of how well the man conforms to one expectation about looks, but rather how well he performs whatever look he has chosen to represent "him." Our slate of nominees might include a really diverse range of body types and appearance, and these should be judged not against a single template, but rather against a kind of ideal for each particular physique type. My own preference is for well-built but slenderish, tall but not gigantic, and with just enough body fat to make him comfortable to rest my head (or other parts of me) on. But that's just my preference.
  • Aesthetic Style and Taste -- as above, the criterion should be not based upon a single aesthetic, but rather the tasteful and thoughtful application of whatever look -- urban, rural, "street" or sophisticated and elite, etc. -- the man has chosen. We should be judging the man not on how many fashion blogs he follows, and how much he spends on his mesh clothing, but rather on his unique combination of carefully-chosen elements to showcase his personal style and good taste. This has nothing to do with "mesh" vs. "system" or prim and sculptie, and everything to do with what the man can do with what he's got. Me, I probably prefer "urban" rather than "street" or "elite" -- except when I don't.
  • Personality -- There are lots of things one might look for here: sociability, humour, a certain "rough" or "tough" sensibility, etc., but what I think is again key is a certain degree of flexibility and multidimensional potential. There are times when humour is what I most value, and others when "brooding" is actually pretty welcome. I'm much less interested in someone who is so "flat" and one-dimensional that he is always one thing or another. I want someone who is responsive to context, and to my needs as well as his own.
  • Attitude -- Regardless of what persona a man chooses to don for any given context, a man (and for that matter, anyone) should demonstrate an underlying kindness and sensitivity to others. So, it's fine to be "brutish" or a Dom (or, god forbid, even a Gorean Master) at times, so long as there is a clear respect for others and generosity that lies behind these performances. If you are brutish because it seems appropriate to the occasion as determined by you and your partner, that's great. If "brutish" is all that you can manage, and you apply it without reference to the others around you, then you're a cardboard cutout of a man, and you deserve to score low because you're a narcissist or solipsist or something like that. It should go without saying that closely related to this is someone who is tolerant and accepting of diversity: nothing is a bigger turn-off than someone who is, at the root of their sense of self, racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. Ableist and classist are icky too.

To Sum Up: What most impresses me is a man who understands that he needn't be constrained by what popular culture, GQ, other men, or even the women he associates with think he "should be." I want to see "manliness" redefined to extend to the kind of freedom of expression that I'd like to see available for women. Smash the patriarchy, men! Be the kind of man who revels in his freedom to be different! THAT's what I'd want to see in the man I give a prize -- or anything else -- to.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, this is a topic that is obviously rife for good-natured humour (and possibly some that is not so good-natured), but . . . there has been the perception of late around here that men have been taking a bashing on some of these threads.

Without suggesting that others can't employ humour, I don't want to contribute to that perception, so . . .

Here are my 100% serious suggestions for what we should be "testing for" when looking for the manliest man. I'll begin with what I see as the "Master Criterion," the thing that is most important, and enables everything else:

Primary Criterion

  • A manly man should, most of all be multidimensional. By that, I mean that he shouldn't only conform to one idea of what constitutes "manliness," but should recognize that there are many ways that this might be defined. As is ideally the case for any woman, a man should know that he has the freedom to choose what kind of person he wishes to be, whether those choices conform to socially-generated gender stereotypes or not. Accordingly, a truly "manly man" is one who knows he can be brooding, macho, or even a bit "brutish" on occasion, but who is not limited to any of those roles, and can also choose to be sweet, sensitive, giving, open, etc. From this, all else follows . . .

Secondary Criteria

  • Physique and Body Appearance can be anything -- stereotypically ripped, triangle-shaped, arms the size of tree-trunks, etc., but it can also be slender, well--proportioned, chubby-cute, or whatever. So, points should be awarded not on the basis of how well the man conforms to one expectation about looks, but rather how well he performs whatever look he has chosen to represent "him." Our slate of nominees might include a really diverse range of body types and appearance, and these should be judged not against a single template, but rather against a kind of ideal for each particular physique type. My own preference is for well-built but slenderish, tall but not gigantic, and with just enough body fat to make him comfortable to rest my head (or other parts of me) on. But that's just my preference.
  • Aesthetic Style and Taste -- as above, the criterion should be not based upon a single aesthetic, but rather the tasteful and thoughtful application of whatever look -- urban, rural, "street" or sophisticated and elite, etc. -- the man has chosen. We should be judging the man not on how many fashion blogs he follows, and how much he spends on his mesh clothing, but rather on his unique combination of carefully-chosen elements to showcase his personal style and good taste. This has nothing to do with "mesh" vs. "system" or prim and sculptie, and everything to do with what the man can do with what he's got. Me, I probably prefer "urban" rather than "street" or "elite" -- except when I don't.
  • Personality -- There are lots of things one might look for here: sociability, humour, a certain "rough" or "tough" sensibility, etc., but what I think is again key is a certain degree of flexibility and multidimensional potential. There are times when humour is what I most value, and others when "brooding" is actually pretty welcome. I'm much less interested in someone who is so "flat" and one-dimensional that he is always one thing or another. I want someone who is responsive to context, and to my needs as well as his own.
  • Attitude -- Regardless of what persona a man chooses to don for any given context, a man (and for that matter, anyone) should demonstrate an underlying kindness and sensitivity to others. So, it's fine to be "brutish" or a Dom (or, god forbid, even a Gorean Master) at times, so long as there is a clear respect for others and generosity that lies behind these performances. If you are brutish because it seems appropriate to the occasion as determined by your and your partner, that's great. If "brutish" is all that you can manage, and you apply it without reference to the others around you, then you're a cardboard cutout of a man, and you deserve to score low because you're a narcissist or solipsist or something like that. It should go without saying that closely related to this is someone who is tolerant and accepting of diversity: nothing is a bigger turn-off than someone who is, at the root of their sense of self, racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. Ableist and classicist are icky too.

To Sum Up: What most impresses me is a man who understands that he needn't be constrained by what popular culture, GQ, other men, or even the women he associates with think he "should be." I want to see "manliness" redefined to extend to the kind of freedom of expression that I'd like to see available for women. Smash the patriarchy, men! Be the kind of man who revels in his freedom to be different! THAT's what I'd want to see in the man I give a prize -- or anything else -- to.

Did you just write that?  What are you doing here?  lol   I mean, you should be writing professionally.  I can't believe you just wrote that.  I am stunned.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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