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I do not think i could eat this ,could you ?


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If it tastes good I'll eat it.. Well,most of the time anyways..

I'm not gonna go eating some Donkey wee wee because someone say's it tastes like chicken..

Would you eat Rocky Mountain oysters? I hear they taste just like chicken.

*runs away very fast

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7 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Would you eat Rocky Mountain oysters? I hear they taste just like chicken.

*runs away very fast

No,but we do save them for people that seem to like them, every time we take some bulls in to stock up the freezers..

I've never had them and never will..

Trust me when I say,people have tried to trick me into eating them and my,don't do it senses started tingling..hehehehe

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To the OP: Oh yeah. I'd eat that. No problem. And I have severe ishy-ness around spiders. The real ones.

Other people have posted Halloween food pictures, none of which are too gross to eat (imho). Some might be too beautiful/well crafted to eat... nah.

But you want spooky food? This apparently has been a thing since 2017. I missed out (?) and only recent saw it. Would YOU eat THIS? Now *that* is scary! :)



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42 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

To the OP: Oh yeah. I'd eat that. No problem. And I have severe ishy-ness around spiders. The real ones.

Other people have posted Halloween food pictures, none of which are too gross to eat (imho). Some might be too beautiful/well crafted to eat... nah.

But you want spooky food? This apparently has been a thing since 2017. I missed out (?) and only recent saw it. Would YOU eat THIS? Now *that* is scary! :)



As long as it doesn't have pineapple on it. As much as I love pineapple it does not belong on pizza. Neither does candy corn. lol

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3 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

To the OP: Oh yeah. I'd eat that. No problem. And I have severe ishy-ness around spiders. The real ones.

Other people have posted Halloween food pictures, none of which are too gross to eat (imho). Some might be too beautiful/well crafted to eat... nah.

But you want spooky food? This apparently has been a thing since 2017. I missed out (?) and only recent saw it. Would YOU eat THIS? Now *that* is scary! :)



My God, I can feel my arteries slamming shut. It doesn't help that I'm the kind of person who gains three pounds just looking at pictures like this. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/27/2019 at 7:32 AM, Velk Kerang said:

I can handle spiders. Now if it had looked like a snake well that's the horse of another color. The waiter/waitress would have ended up wearing the plate. lol I'm just saying. I don't do snakes. It's safe to say I have a healthy Indiana Jones style fear of snakes. In fact we'll just call it the rope from here on out. lol :D

I feel your pain.  Xnay on the Snakenay.... or whatever is the correct pig latin for that!  I have eaten just about everything else...  as long as it's not excreta, pus, puss or rotten, I'm game at least once...

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On 10/25/2019 at 10:49 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

I'd devour it, Rose.

I've told this story many times before... when I was young, my father would sometimes find a spider (dead or alive) in the kitchen and drop it into the pot of chili he was cooking. I was raised in this environment and thought that was completely normal. It wasn't until my friends learned of our tradition that I discovered nobody else seems to do this.

Oh, this is grand. I just Googled "FDA bugs in food" which takes me to this...


Better yet, there's an error in the article that's just perfect...

The Food and Drug Administration maintains a handbook for the sole purpose of listing the minimum amount of mouse poop, insect fragments, human hairs, and corrosive rot allowed in your food.


had a friend whose grandparent was cooking soup... with pork tails (very good btw) but he had the misfortune to eat... the back half of a lizard that had apparently fallen off the ceiling into the soup... and didn't know why it tasted so awful... until he found the front half... needless to say, a barf-ful time was had... and he never looked at soup the same way again...  I think maybe it wasn't fully cooked? or maybe half-lizard just doesn't taste so good... so grateful it wasn't me. 

Yes, there are minimums... because the entire world is contaminated... There's no such thing as sterile... except inside the autoclave until you open it and air touches things...  As they say in medicine, the poison is in the DOSE.  Anything is poison in a high enough dose (yes, even water and oxygen)... and most of us eat all sorts of things inadvertently. There's a really good reason we have HYDROCHLORIC  ACID in our stomachs!  Our bodies are actually well adapted to kill off things that will harm us... within reason.

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On 10/28/2019 at 5:45 PM, Seicher Rae said:

To the OP: Oh yeah. I'd eat that. No problem. And I have severe ishy-ness around spiders. The real ones.

Other people have posted Halloween food pictures, none of which are too gross to eat (imho). Some might be too beautiful/well crafted to eat... nah.

But you want spooky food? This apparently has been a thing since 2017. I missed out (?) and only recent saw it. Would YOU eat THIS? Now *that* is scary! :)



It's looks like somebody already ate it. And puke it back. 


18 minutes ago, DeepBlueJoy said:

had a friend whose grandparent was cooking soup... with pork tails (very good btw) but he had the misfortune to eat... the back half of a lizard that had apparently fallen off the ceiling into the soup... and didn't know why it tasted so awful... until he found the front half... needless to say, a barf-ful time was had... and he never looked at soup the same way again...  I think maybe it wasn't fully cooked? or maybe half-lizard just doesn't taste so good... so grateful it wasn't me. 

They live in a cave? How the f. get a li zard on the ceiling. We have flies maybe on the ceiling not lizards. Also the back half has the bum hole maybe that's why. 

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When I was little my mother used to make me Chef Boyardee Beefaroni and Ravioli. I used to looooove it until....

I was eating a bowl of ravioli and one of them was extra chewy. I spit it out and it was a lump of fat. 

I stay away from canned food ever since then. Every once in a while, I still think “wth was a lump of fat in a can of ravioli?”

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On 10/26/2019 at 8:41 AM, Matty Luminos said:

If you don't like food that looks gross/scary, do not google for Thorax Cake. It's an old thing, goes back a long way so most of you have probably seen it before. 

I don't think I would be allowed to post pics of it here. 

I think I spent too much time working in health care... gross out just isn't what it used to be.

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On 11/27/2019 at 3:26 PM, Zzevir said:

It's looks like somebody already ate it. And puke it back. 


They live in a cave? How the f. get a li zard on the ceiling. We have flies maybe on the ceiling not lizards. Also the back half has the bum hole maybe that's why. 

In the Caribbean, particularly 30 plus years ago, people's homes were open -- windows were open, and doors were open.  No AC, hot.  There were house lizards in most people's houses... about 3-4 inches long, not much thicker than a finger, completely harmless... and with skin and flesh the color of chicken...  So... lizard inside the house wasn't that remarkable.  It was uncommon for them to molest or even come near food.  I don't remember ever seeing one in my kitchen. That story which happened to my friend is the only instance I've ever heard of that happening.  They didn't seem to be that fond of the heat of kitchens... they tended to live in cool, dark crevices or behind wardrobes etc... and they ate things like flies and mosquitoes, so they were actually good for your environment... they mostly ate the things that actually could do us harm.  Mostly you saw them at a distance.  Not sad to live in a place where they aren't, however.  I prefer my ecosystem to be outside, except for me and cats. (and whatever random microbes we carry around)


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On 11/27/2019 at 3:36 PM, janetosilio said:

When I was little my mother used to make me Chef Boyardee Beefaroni and Ravioli. I used to looooove it until....

I was eating a bowl of ravioli and one of them was extra chewy. I spit it out and it was a lump of fat. 

I stay away from canned food ever since then. Every once in a while, I still think “wth was a lump of fat in a can of ravioli?”

Not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was cooked with pork fat and/or beef fat.  Beefaroni, after all is made up of ground up bits of beef and filler, and I seriously doubt it's prime steak.  Even steak has some fat.  Ground up beef would probably include ground up fatty meat and it wouldn't melt away any more than the fat on your steak melts away when you cook steak. 

I've come across small chunks of fat (probably something like a bit of pork belly) in canned 'pork and beans'. Cooked well, it added to the flavor because fat holds flavor better than either protein or carbs.  Most of those canned things come fully cooked, so i doubt it was an issue, though i imagine it would be a bit gross if you were expecting vegetarian. 

Of course, this isn't 'quality food' - lots and lots of 'filler ingredients' 'textured vegetable protein' etc... 

Truth is? If we thought hard about the food we ate, most of us would be revolted.  Food is grown/raised, harvested and 'processed' under some pretty awful conditions for the animals and those who work with them.  There's a lot of reasons that we have 'e coli outbreaks' in our salads on a semi regular basis... "don't buy the lettuce, it's contaminated' often means either the workers or the water sources for growing the vegetables has become infected. The people who plant and harvest our vegetables often don't get paid enough to take proper bathroom breaks...  fastidiousness and cleanliness are only practical if you've got access to hot and cold running water and flush toilets... and breaks... 

So a little fat...  meh.


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