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Automatically unlisted items - what's going on?

Elvina Ewing

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Today i accidentally discovered that about 150 items in my store apparently have been automatically unlisted without any notice whatsoever. I only discovered this because i was adding new items and then noticed in the viewer in my Marketplace Listings that some listings were showing not in bold (which means they are not listed) that should have otherwise been listed. I went to my Merchant Home in the browser and saw that about 150 items were automatically unlisted. I didn't get any notice, neither in my Merchant Home (like when it happens when you items get unlisted for say keyword spam), nor in my mail. They were simply silently unlisted.

I was not amused. Thinking that something must have gone wrong with some new Marketplace update, i went ahead and tried to list the unlisted items in a batch. I got an error message " At least one product could not be listed due to a violation in our Adult Content Guidelines. " Then i tried to add the items one by one, and got the same error. I gather, the adult list of words, or the list of banned words, has been updated, thus causing hundreds of items to get automatically unlisted. WITHOUT ANY NOTICE.

It must have happened less than 24 hours ago because i know for a fact that one of the items that is currently unlisted have sold yesterday. I suggest all merchants to go and check their listings for any automatically unlisted items.

As i have over 150 items to sift through to find the offending words it will probably take me forever.

Thank you Linden Labs.

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ok, you are not going to believe it but (at least one of) the offending word seems to be........ leg

i am not kidding.

I don't know why those particular items with the word "leg" in the description and feature fields got unlisted, because i have plenty of other items with the word "leg" in them that are still listed. But when i edit some of the items that got unlisted and remove the word "leg", - boom! - i can list them again...

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This happened to me some time ago -- I discovered a bunch of items unlisted.  Support said this can happen if you list items too quickly, so I leave a space of time between each listing.  Not sure if it's the dragging of items into my MP box inworld that does it, or if it's making too many items active in the store in a short period of time that causes the problem.

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My unlisted items are highlighted in red, and say "no version folder".  Fortunately, only about 10 were knocked off, I can't imagine how annoyed I'd be to have 150 items needed to be relisted, Elvina!

I had a habit of saving up 10 or 20 for listing, and would attempt to do them at the same time  -- it's a habit no more.

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

This happened to me some time ago -- I discovered a bunch of items unlisted.  Support said this can happen if you list items too quickly, so I leave a space of time between each listing.  Not sure if it's the dragging of items into my MP box inworld that does it, or if it's making too many items active in the store in a short period of time that causes the problem.

so you are saying it is the adding of the new items to the MP that is causing this? :o yes, i had 5 new boxed items that i selected all at once in my inventory, right click >> Copy items to MP folder. Is that what caused my other items unlisted?

Also, it seems that the affected items are all starting from 2014 and older. I now have to edit 150 items one by one and put every instance of the word "leg" into **, to avoid the unlisting. This is MENTAL.

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This is just an outrage. I am dreading checking my listings. This is not the first time LL has royally screwed up MP and cost merchants huge amounts of time dealing with. I thought they were beyond that.

And they should just drop their ridiculous hiding of the forbidden word list.

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  • Lindens

Hey, Elvina!  I'm so sorry to hear that you had so many items unlisted. Obviously, that's not something we want. I suspect that was probably as a result of a change I made, so I've checked into it, and I believe you should be able to relist your items now with the original wording intact. Please give it a try and if it's still not working for you, please contact our support agents for further assistance.  

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2 minutes ago, Reed Linden said:

Hey, Elvina!  I'm so sorry to hear that you had so many items unlisted. Obviously, that's not something we want. I suspect that was probably as a result of a change I made, so I've checked into it, and I believe you should be able to relist your items now with the original wording intact. Please give it a try and if it's still not working for you, please contact our support agents for further assistance.  

Thank you very much for your help. I see you have relisted all my items now, but also including those that were actually unlisted by myself! xD At least they are all showing as listed now. Can i go ahead and unlist the ones i need unlisted? Will that not cause any more trouble?

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Thank you Elvina for calling this out. My store was also affected. The vast majority of my boots were unlisted without notice or explanation. It does look like the words "leg" and possibly "calf" are causing it. Seriously LL, what is wrong with those words? Please relist them. There is nothing even remotely adult, provocative, or offensive about them. And please, tell us what you changed and why.                                                        Follow up:  I was able to relist them so that's great. But what about all the merchants who have not yet noticed or who are not even aware of the issue? If relisting has to be done manually, then their stores will be adversely affected until a notice is issued to alert the merchant community.

Edited by Arwen Serpente
Edited for follow up
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I only had a few unlisted but this REALLY shouldn't be happening. As it has been said, a ton of creators will never know or notice. Fewer sales, less percentage for LL. None of it is good  -- especially the hassle. 


I just sent a note to the creators in my friends list (very short list) but suggest that if everyone DOES that, it will help. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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I just checked and hilariously an old dress of mine was unlisted.  I tried relisting it.  Banned word in description.  Oookay, could word be cocktail?  Nope, erm, neoprene?  Nope.  Could word actually be name of dress?  Dress called Tiffany.  Name taken out of description.  Item still automatically unlisted.  Banned word in name field.  Name is problem word.  Name was not problem word in June this year when dress last sold on marketplace (is VERY old dress).  Dress deleted from marketplace, because name change not possible and very old dress after all.  Curiosity winning, do quick search for word 'Tiffany' on marketplace.  Find 4183 matching results, in many categories,  some from store called Tiffany.  Tiffany is girl's name, so not surprising, also no disrespect to store on marketplace called Tiffany - is nice name, hence why chose it for dress.  Also many dresses and outfits etc. also called Tiffany from other stores.  Am confuse.  Will have coffee.  Am glad is only old dress.  

LL, why though?  Because Tiffany is famous shop?  John Lewis also famous shop, so nothing called John or Lewis now?  

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Just think of the thousands upon thousands of hours/days merchants have spent trying to figure out what the Super Secret Forbidden Words are. 

“Don’t use bad words in listings or we will delist things, but we won’t tell you what they are.”  Year after year.

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i suspect that something else is going on, and the unlisting of the items for using some mysterious words is just a side effect of that. :ph34r:  You cannot possibly seriously want to add the word "leg" to banned words list. Just imagine the sheer amount of footwear and pants that will automatically get unlisted!!! Also, it is strange that only older items seem to be affected (at least in my case)

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This is NOT the first time LL has done this.  But it is a good indicator that they still don't know how to put employees in the proper places, and that they, themselves, still don't know how the MP works, lol. 

Anyone remember the mad hatter "thing" they had on MP some years back? Where different merchants could put their items under that category (kinda like an event of sorts, for those who don't remember). Anyone else remember the fact that the word HAT was required for these listings...but then later HAT was added to the no-no words list, which caused all kinds of chaos for people? Yeah.., hat is such a terrible word.

My name was also on the no-no list for a while. Tari was a bad word that first caused any non-adult listing to be flagged because it thought they should be adult, and then later, any item with the word Tari was simply removed.

THAT WAS MY WHOLE STORE!! LL didn't fix it, I had to, and it took me months-and loads of stuff never made it back(mostly because, wtf chuck.I got tired of it). That was back when I was still very much an active creator. It was heartbreaking to say the least. To have an LL employee basically say "oopsie, my bad", again, yeah no I ain't buying it. You're doing something you shouldn't be doing, and making money off everyone while you do it. It may be a pittance compared to what you make off land sales and premium, but you're still making it. Thankfully this issue didn't affect me, this time, but it has in the past, so I can commiserate with these merchants. 

Stop doing this LL, there is literally no reason for it. If you're not going to post your no-no words. the ones that cause an adult flag, whatever else, then stop throwing arbitrary things on the list for poops and laughs. It's not funny and at some point people are going to stop accepting that it's just a mistake. It's happened a bit too frequently for it to be an "oopsie".

 I don't mean to attack Reed here, but christ on a cracker how many years does it take to get this poop right? 

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What causes this sort of issue?  Is it putting "bad words" in textual representation from many languages of Earth in the pot and setting it to simmer?  As a result,  a real name in one language means "serial killer" in another.  Furniture names in one can be body parts in another.  Terms of endearment become curses.  Only the pronunciation is distinguishable, in some circumstances not even the pronunciation is different.  A list of "bad words" really can't be linguistically universal without including the language and the meaning, can it?

Even within a single language the context can make a world of difference in the intended and perceived meaning of the word, and even those two can deviate as the cultural heritage of a region and the individuals are applied.


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15 hours ago, Nik Emoto said:

All my items have been suddenly unlisted (except one) apparently for bad words (?)- Trying to list them again withouth success... how should i proceed to fix the issue ?

You can either contact and ask which word or try to figure it out by removing bits of the description/tags/title until you find which bit is blocking the listing. I had issues in the past with AOs. It was fine to say a complete avatar included an AO, but not AOs in plural. I also had the purple version of one product moved to adult for no obvious reason (the only wording difference was being purple instead of another colour). The word system is a mess and nobody can really predict what will get included.

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Tyvm Yue but...

I mean this is crazy.. i have stuff of all kind (dress, forniture, posters) and they ALL been removed - can u please tell me how to contact them to know whats the forbidden word in my stuff ? (to find it out myselves by guessing sound like mission impossible)

Thank you in advance

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On 10/1/2019 at 5:26 AM, Pamela Galli said:

Just think of the thousands upon thousands of hours/days merchants have spent trying to figure out what the Super Secret Forbidden Words are. 

“Don’t use bad words in listings or we will delist things, but we won’t tell you what they are.”  Year after year.

It's a catch-22.

When I had to moderate a forum some years back I had to deal with this.

Where on my respectable company's website do I post a list of every swear word, every sexist or racist word I can think of, and all the words I added to prevent people from ranting about politics?

Just imagine the field day someone would have if that list was posted on an official part of the site...

Yet not stating the terms causes the chaos above...

Maybe 'leg' got caught by a filter like "le*" ?

- Badly set up wildcard filters can lead to a mess...


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4 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

It's a catch-22.

When I had to moderate a forum some years back I had to deal with this.

Where on my respectable company's website do I post a list of every swear word, every sexist or racist word I can think of, and all the words I added to prevent people from ranting about politics?

Just imagine the field day someone would have if that list was posted on an official part of the site...

Yet not stating the terms causes the chaos above...

Maybe 'leg' got caught by a filter like "le*" ?

- Badly set up wildcard filters can lead to a mess...


That's a really good point that I hadn't thought about in the midst of my frustration with these "secret" trigger words.  What about having the "bad word" highlighted in the edit page when listing a product? That way only the merchant would see what was offending, and then fix it before even making the listing go live.  I suppose someone could enter every bad word they can think of to formulate a list, but if they are doing that, they really do have too much time on their hands.

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5 minutes ago, Arwen Serpente said:

That's a really good point that I hadn't thought about in the midst of my frustration with these "secret" trigger words.  What about having the "bad word" highlighted in the edit page when listing a product? That way only the merchant would see what was offending, and then fix it before even making the listing go live.  I suppose someone could enter every bad word they can think of to formulate a list, but if they are doing that, they really do have too much time on their hands.

That's actually a good idea.

The complexity of implementing it would depend on the flexibility of their database, but it's a good idea.

Oh and... more or less... someone does have to sit down at some point and enter every bad word they can think of.

Back when I had this task what I found was that as soon as I added (not actually this) "icecream" to the list, a post appeared in my forums with "ic ecream", and another as "ic3cream"... :P


Of course part of my problem was that the company owner was our worst offender... he was one of those 'old guys that rants a lot' and triggered a LOT of his users...

 - We had to ban/block them, and make his own posts vanish in ways that looked like technical glitches... and the never ending race to refine the list was driven by him trying out new ways to be a racist dirty old man on his own customer support forum... And us trying to find new ways to make it look like the forum software was just glitchy...



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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