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What are your opinions on the new "Land Price Reductions, New Premium Perks, and Pricing Changes "?

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Hi. i been in a Second Life resident since 2007 with basic account BUT i buying lindens from Linden Exchange page all over this years to pay my rent and goods. This means i'm a not royal? My buying lindens records  means nothing? it disrespectful to the people like me who a basic account and  inject lindens to SL economy .

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7 hours ago, Atilla Thei said:

SL has been doing gradually downhill ever since Ebbe Linden stepped as a CEO. This guy is just clueless.

If you go through all the CEOs (except Philip) you may be surprised to find out how many of them worked for EA before coming to LL. Rod Humble (The Sims 3) comes to mind and I remember reading about a couple of others as well as some of the employees. I've often wondered if there is some connection between the mismanagement of SL and those that previously worked at EA. I suspect there is.




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Those subscriber things Only allow for ONE, You have to buy a different subscriber for each group you wish to transfer to a subscriber. There's only 2 free ones that I've found so far... If there are More I haven't found them yet. Buying a subscriber … I don't have enough members to warrant it. 

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45 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Get a premium account.

Or accept that there has been a minor downgrade to a completely free service that no one is forced to use.

So you paid literal pennies to join some group however long ago. 

Stop making me want to post Veruca Salt memes.

I have a Premium account, however, that is budgeted a year in advance. $100 may not seem like a lot to you, but it is way too much when you're not getting enough benefits to warrant it. Not everyone wants the free house or buy sims. The stipend was the reason I paid, and that should be going up in order to make the increase worth it. These paid groups cost in RL at least $20 - $50 a group as a ONE time fee to join. Leaving those groups are NOT an option. Those free accounts have done more for SL then you think they did. Real Life colleges and Universities actually conduced classes here once upon a time, now that they are almost all gone, with a few hidden ones who were able to remain.. These were made up of many free accounts because of a grant. Losing groups is NOT a minor downgrade, it's a major one if you have all the spots filled up with viable Important groups...

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As a former premium member and now am basic as I could not afford the cost with my stuff going on in real life, does it mean that in order for me to join a new group that I will have to leave 8 or 9 to get into a new group?? If so that is very unfair. Or well we be grandfathered in?? and still keep what we have??  Over the years I found that premium membership was ok yes but as  basic member I find it unfair that you may take away my groups so I can function on second life. Many of my groups are paid, and and I am active in all my groups.  Please a clarification on this would be great

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5 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

... you can't afford to budget $100 a year, but are ok spending $20 - $50 to join a group.


CoffeeDujour who are you replying to?? And groups most groups don't cost 20 to 50 dollars usd to join

Edited by LovelyladyRoy
to add information
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17 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Write your own.

There are those who simply can not wrap their brains around LSL well enough to be able to write scripts. I'm one of them. Sure, I can do a bit of editing on settings but that's it. The reason I can't comprehend LSL is due to TBI. 

My point is, some of us are not capable due to health issues/disabilities.I feel that should always be taken into consideration when suggesting someone write scripts for themselves.

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21 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

There are those who simply can not wrap their brains around LSL well enough to be able to write scripts. I'm one of them. Sure, I can do a bit of editing on settings but that's it. The reason I can't comprehend LSL is due to TBI. 

My point is, some of us are not capable due to health issues/disabilities.I feel that should always be taken into consideration when suggesting someone write scripts for themselves.

I don't think I could say that any better.... Exactly right.

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3 hours ago, Fox Wijaya said:

yes seriously ... i think you, like many , make the mistake LL gets all the money when you buy your L$ ..but hey surprise... they don't
except for the buying fee they get a lot less for it, because the amount they get has to be reserved for cashing out of the creators later.
Sales and transfer fees are the only thing that provide income in this matter.

Complete and utter pish and tosh, when I pay the 40us$ each month for renting my land that goes into the lindens pockets (apart from about 5% skim for my landlord). About 4 times your subscription fee every month, if anyone is freeloading in sl its the premiums who only use a linden home and get their land rental for 1$ a month after you take the stipend into account . A lot of us basic only players give more to the labs each month than many premiums so less of this "Oh its us premiums that keep the labs afloat" you are a trifling sum in their revenues compared to the landlords paying tier, who only do so because there are basic people like me to rent the land

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5 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

Complete and utter pish and tosh, when I pay the 40us$ each month for renting my land that goes into the lindens pockets (apart from about 5% skim for my landlord). About 4 times your subscription fee every month, if anyone is freeloading in sl its the premiums who only use a linden home and get their land rental for 1$ a month after you take the stipend into account . A lot of us basic only players give more to the labs each month than many premiums so less of this "Oh its us premiums that keep the labs afloat" you are a trifling sum in their revenues compared to the landlords paying tier, who only do so because there are basic people like me to rent the land

you'r totaly wrong.

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7 hours ago, Kadah Coba said:

The separate charts were annoying me, so I made a combined condensed one.



First, Thank you for the spreadsheet. I was trying to do the calculations myself last night, but this makes it a lot easier. I had been automatically assuming that having more premium alts would result in lower tier costs (what with group ownership reduction) but it looks like I am going to have to do some more thinking. I should add that I prefer to do the once-a-year premium payment rather than paying monthly tier because my outgoing expenses are irregular and some months I have a little more unallocated income than others.

Pardon the non-related addendum, but I want to put all of my thinks in one basket, and I got verily tired of reading all the posts last night and hope that these will be my only comments on the recent developments:

- regarding premium increase, I believe it is fair, and I hope the moles and the lindens all got raises.

- regarding group memberships, I don't believe it is fair to reduce the number of groups for basic members. For myself, I limit the number of groups I belong to because so many group members seem to regard the group notices as their own private chat groups, and some businesses and organizations post way too frequently, but a lot of members and businesses rely on having groups.

- regarding reduced cost for owning large tracts of land - doesn't apply to me, and won't unless I win a lottery, but it does seem fair to give bulk discounts.

- regarding those who are being priced out of premium because of VAT, or because they are on a very fixed income, I wish there were some way they could get a reduced rate so that they could stay with us. If anyone puts up a 'go fund me' page, please let me know.

- Now back to my regularly scheduled second life. I have recently found that I can save a few lindens (and have a lot of fun) going to the secondary gacha market when I need something. I still spend my whole stipend every week....

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I have been thinking about going back to premium but I am a little confused . What other perks besides land prices do you get(some of us cant afford to own that kinda land )an more groups ? The new homes are not available any more so that's out. Are they also going to increase the allowance from 300? 

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1 minute ago, Lizbette Tearfall said:

The new homes are not available any more so that's out.

thats not out, you just have to be patient till the new batch gets delivered, with some luck you'll get one than. 
till that time you can use your tier level at mainland or half mainland and a old linden home.

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Having looked at the new premium homes today, I'm not really sure what all the excitement is about. Yes, they look better than the old prim apartments, but it really is just another copy / paste community with no community aspects. Unless you are lucky enough to get one of the rare lots at the end of a street with a small garden or rock pile nearby, there is very little in the way of landscaping to offset the rows of houses stacked together like sardines. For those that like it, more power to you and good luck. I'm one less premium member that you wont have to wait in line with.


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While i can understand a price increase, this is really short notice, especially the time frame to make your next payment ahead of time. I think at least a couple months would have been a lot better for most people. 
I think reducing groups for Basic members will hurt the Stores and and Creators rather than encourage people to upgrade to Premium. If they could not afford Premium before the price increase, they surely won't be able to afford it now. This will likely encourage people to make more Basic alts in order to get access to more groups. 

Please reconsider these changes! 




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Fox part of the reason I left was because I didn't like the "old" linden homes so it seemed a waste if I wasn't going to live there  .If the new homes wher going to be on a limited basis they should have told everyone. I had friends who went back on to premium instead of renting places just to get the new home only to find out they wher all taken . Seemed like a bate an switch deal at 1st . 


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Es ist totalunüberlegt von LL dise Änderungen zu machen. Seit Jahren hoffen wir basics das die Gruppenanzahl erhöht wird. Es ist mir mit 42 Gruppen kaum möglich mein Geschäft zu führen. Ich mußte ein Manager dazu nehmen wegen Werbung. Um bauen zu können auf Events muß ich schon mehrere Plätze belegen. Dann Kaufgruppen um Geschäft und Aussehen überhaupt machen zu können. Ich habe keine Ahnung welche 7 Gruppen ich löschen soll um 1 mal Events wie jetzt Spring oder später Ostern, Weihnachten machen zu können. 

Viele Basics wie ich haben keine Kreditkarte aus verschiedenen Gründen. Wir bringen aber LL Geld indem wir Mieten zahlen, auf Events gehen und somit mit Anderen das Geld in SL aufbringen, damit die Veranstalter die Miete für den Eventplatz zahlen können.


Andere, die nur Freizeit machen, laden mal so Geld in SL auf , oder tanzen was auch immer um sich was kaufen zu können. Das bringt LL alles Geld. Seid Jahren schreiben Zeitungen, wenn sie übehaup was schreiben, oder Download Portale im Internet, Sl seid tod oder ausgestorben. Für mich lebt SL, in den letzen Tagen kam ich nicht auf sims, weil sie überfüllt waren. Aber Residents, die nun so bechnittten werden mit den Änderungen, von denen werden sicher nun einige aufhören. Die Anfänger, denen gesagt wird du brauchst am Anfang erstmal die und die Gruppe, die werden schnell merken, das LL sie anscheinend nicht haben will. Meine 42 Gruppen hatte ich innerhalb von 2 Wochen voll. Das wird auf alle Aktiven zutreffen. Nun bald nur noch 35 Gruppen? Ihr habt einen Splin! Das <rezept um Geld rein zu holen ist es nicht die Mehrheit raus zu ekeln. Das sind alles potentielle Geldeinbringer!

Was die IM´s angeht. Schon heute sage ich allen immer, lese es in unendlich vielen Profilen. Im´s capped, bitte schickt nc´s. Jetzt also 25 runter auf nur 15? Da werden nun endlich die paar Leute, die ich kenne, die bisher keine Schwierigkeiten hatten nun auch an diesen Punkt kommen.


Bei den Risenevents sind die booth Mieten im Schnitt 1000 L und höher. Das können sowieso nur Premium Leute zahlen. Die werden auch bevorzugt behandelt, auch von Werbegruppen. Es wird erwartet, daß Kunden dämlich sind und nicht weiter als 10 Meter schauen können.

Statt diese und andere nervige Punkte für Basics zu verbessern nun also diese Schelte.

Ich gehe davon aus, die Änderungen werden auf lange Sicht für weniger Einwohner sorgen und das bedeutet LL wird weniger Geld verdienen. Was nützen billigere Ländereien für Premium, wenn denn wirklich die Sims ein ganzes Stück leerer werden?

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