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Full sims - queue?


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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Will people think we are away/AFK merely because we aren’t moving?

This is the prevailing thought of those complaining and asking for people to be kicked out of an event for inactivity. If you aren't moving you are AFK which is ridiculous. Honestly, after you land you can't begin to see everything. In a very busy event it takes time for things to rez. Yes, you have time to run to the restroom while things are rezzing. Seriously people develop some patience. It's not like you have to get in the first day or even the first week. Most events are open at least two weeks if not closer to a month. Stop judging people as being AFK when you have no idea whether they are present or not. And heaven's sake stop asking for crap projects that aren't even important .. let the Lindens work on the important stuff. *rant off*

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47 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

This is the prevailing thought of those complaining and asking for people to be kicked out of an event for inactivity. If you aren't moving you are AFK which is ridiculous. Honestly, after you land you can't begin to see everything. In a very busy event it takes time for things to rez. Yes, you have time to run to the restroom while things are rezzing. Seriously people develop some patience. It's not like you have to get in the first day or even the first week. Most events are open at least two weeks if not closer to a month. Stop judging people as being AFK when you have no idea whether they are present or not. And heaven's sake stop asking for crap projects that aren't even important .. let the Lindens work on the important stuff. *rant off*

Yeah, pretty much this.  Not only do I typically stay in one place camming, but I am often so focused on my camming, that I do not typically even notice IMs until much later.  Many times I've returned home after a shopping trip and discovered that I've got an IM or two that I totally did not notice when they came in.

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5 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I don't know who is AFK or not but I do know who hasn't bothered to take ONE step off the landing point 🙄

Ugh - those people drive me crazy.  Why will they not just take a few simple steps in any direction?  This is why I always TP in flying and will fly a bit away from the landing zone before landing - if I land at all.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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3 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

Do I really need to?

Yes, you do, you want somebody to write some "hella kewl new feature" to deal with people YOU class as AFK, then you have to define AFK, that's how it works.

3 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

Viewer creators willing, the current Away feature could be replaced by an auto log off after a reasonable time of inactivity

"I'm an arrogant self entitled drama-llama, and *I* think you have gone to the toilet, so *I* demand you be logged out of SL, right NOW!"

How about... NO.

3 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

Do I need to define what a reasonable time is too?

Yes you do, remember we already had a "guy" say 15 mins for an event sim is enough, and "girls" say it can take THEM an hour to check out the event...

You want to kick people after a "reasonable time" you need to define it so the rest of us can say...

How about... NO.

3 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

[EDIT] Or instead of an auto log off it could be an auto TP home.

Now you are really getting into "Sanctioned Griefer" territory...

I got "auto TP'd home" once on this account, when it was about 2 months old, I'd gone to a shoe shop, with a grand in my pocket to buy some shoes, and...

"Fossil Morons of SL Inc LagTech Griefer Orb has detected your account is under 90 days old, Auto TP Home for you..."

But... I didn't have a "Home", a footloose SL-Nomad, and I had NEVER set a home location, so, it TP'd me to an invalid point, about 25 km off the SW corner of an unnamed region, about 5 m above the Ocean of Limbo, from which there is no walking, flying, or teleporting, forced to relog by the griefer orb.


How about... NO.

2 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

Just to finish this, I had never had a problem getting anywhere thanks to the premium perk. I went to "Shop and Hop" a couple times and did what I had to do and what lag permitted.

Then what are you whining about?

Bloody self important, self entitled "Madlands Entitlement Club" members, always asking for new ways to piss down other peoples backs and tell them it's raining...

How about... HELL NO.

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26 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I don't know who is AFK or not but I do know who hasn't bothered to take ONE step off the landing point 🙄

This doesn't even bother me. I'm too focused on vendors rezzing and moving myself off the LP to care if I'm leaving behind a tall stack of avatars.  Honestly, I only move off the LP because I know it bothers others. I could land and not move at all and still get my shopping done. That's all that's important to me other than being a responsible member of the community so I move my butt. 

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59 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Yes, you do, you want somebody to write some "hella kewl new feature" to deal with people YOU class as AFK, then you have to define AFK, that's how it works.

"I'm an arrogant self entitled drama-llama, and *I* think you have gone to the toilet, so *I* demand you be logged out of SL, right NOW!"

How about... NO.

Yes you do, remember we already had a "guy" say 15 mins for an event sim is enough, and "girls" say it can take THEM an hour to check out the event...

You want to kick people after a "reasonable time" you need to define it so the rest of us can say...

How about... NO.

Now you are really getting into "Sanctioned Griefer" territory...

I got "auto TP'd home" once on this account, when it was about 2 months old, I'd gone to a shoe shop, with a grand in my pocket to buy some shoes, and...

"Fossil Morons of SL Inc LagTech Griefer Orb has detected your account is under 90 days old, Auto TP Home for you..."

But... I didn't have a "Home", a footloose SL-Nomad, and I had NEVER set a home location, so, it TP'd me to an invalid point, about 25 km off the SW corner of an unnamed region, about 5 m above the Ocean of Limbo, from which there is no walking, flying, or teleporting, forced to relog by the griefer orb.


How about... NO.

Then what are you whining about?

Bloody self important, self entitled "Madlands Entitlement Club" members, always asking for new ways to piss down other peoples backs and tell them it's raining...

How about... HELL NO.

I can tell you have a slight problem understanding what you read, but how about putting some effort to it? Or you ignored on purpose that I wrote "inactivity"? So you think that someone who is inactive (check your dictionary) for a long time at an event while others are kept out is OK?

Now I gotta ask this, despite your reading problem: why so worried?

[EDIT] Everyone has a home point if they wish. And if the worst happens, when sent home they will end up at an infohub.

Edited by MBeatrix
typo correction & more
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8 minutes ago, MBeatrix said:

I can tell you have a slight problem understanding what you read

Yay! An other fraudulent gratuitous personal insult from somebody who's wrong!

9 minutes ago, MBeatrix said:

Or you ignored that I wrote "inactivity" on purpose?

Again... you need to define "inactive" specifically, for somebody to code for it. Hasn't moved their mouse? hasn't touched a key? If they are runnngtheir client in a window, and using the mouse to click on a different app, does that count or not? These things have to be strictly defined before anyone can code the changes you demand.

11 minutes ago, MBeatrix said:

So you think that someone who is inactive (check your dictionary) for a long time at an event while others are kept out is OK?

Again, define "long time", and if you were so damned concerned with the unfairness of keeping others out, you wouldn't be so happy about your "Madlands Entitlement Club" get-in-before-the-peasants ability, right?

14 minutes ago, MBeatrix said:

Now I gotta ask this, despite your reading problem: why so worried?

Again you accuse me of having a reading problem, but evidence suggests you are projecting...

Pay attention...


  • Your demands that other people be kicked from events that you attend based on script counts, script time, script memory, avatar render complexity index, "inactivity", etc., are ill-informed tech-illiterate self-entitled crap.
  • You boast that you don't have problems getting in to events thanks to your "Entitlement Club" membership excess access override, that allows *YOU* into events while keeping *OTHERS* out, so why the hell are you worried?
  • You want coding time, which is already in short supply, devoted to solving a non-urgent problem that you claim doesn't affect you at all, based of vague definitions of "inactivity" and "reasonable time" which ultimately boil down to *YOU* deciding what every other person on the grid can do, based on how long *you* spend on the toilet NOT disposing of the crap you dumped here.

Like I said... "Entitlement Club Whiners", always trying to piss down other peoples backs and tell them it's raining.

The only thing about this that worries me, is that you think somehow, programmers can psychically determine exactly what you mean without you actually saying it, and create your new *piss down others backs* feature, so you can be even MORE entitled.

We're done here, you were wrong, you will continue to be wrong, you will continue to feel entitled to be wrong, and to boast of your wrongness.


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Whether a queue, determining activity state or setting a "max" time limit to be on an event sim, I don't think any of those are necessary.  I was at the Shop and Hop event for quite a while yesterday (longer than 1.5 hours mentioned further up) and most of the added sims for cam shopping or the ones labeled as 'overflow' area where one could cam shop from were mostly empty.  So even if there were people who couldn't enter one of the main shopping sims, they still would have been able to enter one of the attached sims and cam shopped from there.   Same with the first evening that the shopping event was open - the cam shopping/overflow areas were mostly empty. 

When something comes up and I think I will be AFK for too long of a time, or I don't know how long I might be AFK, I will TP myself home before leaving the keyboard.  I think that we should at least try to think that people attending events will be responsible about their activity status while they are there.    


Edited by moirakathleen
fixed spelling error
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16 hours ago, MBeatrix said:

Or you.

So you decide to go for a shower and then breakfast, while a dozen people is trying to get to the place where you aren't doing anything. Is that fair? Unless you are actually a fair person and have set the Away feature properly. Or even better — you logged out.

Greeeat idea! Lets stretch your goal a bit more. Imagine:
-I want to dance at franks jazz club, but the region is full. Your solution: Someone with a standard head has to be banned/kicked/logged out, because i am full mesh, and i just look better. I spent more money, so its fair to be there.
-I want to dance at Big Daddies 80s Club, but cant get in, full again. Ahh, there in the corner is a girl, still using her 13 year old dances (caramel). How ugly. Lets kick her! I just bought fancy bento dance animations. 

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3 hours ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Lets stretch your goal a bit more.

The direction this thread is going is more confrontational than necessary -- or convincing. Neither of the things listed are remotely implied by @MBeatrix's suggestion. May as well "stretch" it to sterilizing RL people who voted for the wrong candidate. Or maybe better not stretch it at all.

I posted earlier that the concern with AFK "shoppers" might become serious if weaponized by bots. Hasn't happened, probably won't happen, but it's not impossible. Those of us who don't think the problem needs solving can't get too resolved in that belief because we could be proven wrong overnight -- and the more we pretend it can't happen, the more vulnerable we make ourselves to it happening.

Until it happens, I don't think we need to ask the Lindens to go off solving problems that don't exist. On the other hand, there are already problems with busy sims being extremely laggy, and a related long term problem that the current SL server implementation can't support some uses because a single sim can hold relatively few avatars simultaneously. To a modest extent, the entry queue idea done right would offload and meter some of that processing to increase a sim's useful avatar capacity. If it has the side-effect of making it nicer for some waiting visitors, all the better. Such a queue wouldn't be the first thing I'd want server Lindens to work on -- I sure wouldn't divert resources from moving to the cloud, for example -- but it's not the worst idea either.

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

The direction this thread is going is more confrontational than necessary

I wouldnt necessarily say you are right. Its better to melt a entitled snowflake before it developes into a giant avalanche.

Edited by Resi Pfeffer
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   What about a timer to let the server know you're still there? Like, if you don't do anything for <insert amount of time> you get the same kind of popup that you get when a region is about to restart, including the shaking and the pinging. If you don't respond within 5 minutes, with the pinging and shaking repeating every minute just like the region restart warning, it will scoot you off the sim. Just spit-balling ideas, but since LL fairly blankly just said no on the Jira I figure it's pointless. 

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17 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   What about a timer to let the server know you're still there? Like, if you don't do anything for <insert amount of time> you get the same kind of popup that you get when a region is about to restart, including the shaking and the pinging. If you don't respond within 5 minutes, with the pinging and shaking repeating every minute just like the region restart warning, it will scoot you off the sim. Just spit-balling ideas, but since LL fairly blankly just said no on the Jira I figure it's pointless. 

At least some sort of popup on the screen is a better idea that many others for determining if you've simply parked your avi somewhere.  Even with my focus on camming and missing IMs, I do notice popups like that.

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28 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   What about a timer to let the server know you're still there? Like, if you don't do anything for <insert amount of time> you get the same kind of popup that you get when a region is about to restart, including the shaking and the pinging. If you don't respond within 5 minutes, with the pinging and shaking repeating every minute just like the region restart warning, it will scoot you off the sim. Just spit-balling ideas, but since LL fairly blankly just said no on the Jira I figure it's pointless. 

Yeah, but as Qie pointed, it's not exactly something very needed right now. What is important at the moment is reducing the servers load.

Scripts are what make SL tick, and I really have no concrete (doable) idea on how to lower the scripts load at sims. Almost everything is scripted these days, to the point that quite some of the top apparel creators not only sell their stuff scripted (needed to change colours/textures) as also do not provide a scripts remover. From my shopping list, I have only a couple good creators who do that... One sells clothes copy/mod, so we can manually remove the scripts, and the other provides an option on the HUD to delete them.

The same applies to a queuing system. I dunno if it is possible to make it work together with the existing code without an huge amount of work and some in-depth changes to it all.

Edited by MBeatrix
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18 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   What about a timer to let the server know you're still there? Like, if you don't do anything for <insert amount of time> you get the same kind of popup that you get when a region is about to restart, including the shaking and the pinging. If you don't respond within 5 minutes, with the pinging and shaking repeating every minute just like the region restart warning, it will scoot you off the sim. Just spit-balling ideas, but since LL fairly blankly just said no on the Jira I figure it's pointless. 

Other than the shaking, this is a pretty straightforward script for an event operator to implement on their own, at least for script-visible "anythings" an idle avatar may fail to do.

It may not be popular with event-goers, though. At first glance, it seems easy enough for a cam-shopper to respond to a pop-up, but presumably they'd get those pop-ups when non-cam-shoppers wouldn't.

I just remember how annoyed I used to get when Netflix would ask "Are you still there?" -- somehow always at the least opportune moment.

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