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What's a Good, Functional Height for a Female Avatar?

Scylla Rhiadra

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18 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Thanks Dillon! Is that 1.85 metres, as measured with a prim? Or as indicated in the viewer?

It's also a question of which viewer. The measurement the official viewer gives is way off while Firestorm tends to be a bit more accurate. I'm not sure about the other viewers.

My regular avatars are all 160-170 cm (5'1-5'7) prim height which is fairly realistic for women. I also have some avatars around 190 cm (6'3) that I use when I absolutely have to but only very rarely.

If you want your avatar to be prportionally right compared to the surroundings, you need to go for around 230 cm (7'6) but it still won't work fo course sicne the various parts of the surroundings won't be in proportion to each other.

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9 hours ago, Liana Wildmist said:

1.74 here as measured in the viewer

Most males I meet seem to be around a head taller which is fine by me, and most females seem around my size or a little taller

This difference in height is the standard SL. Men prefer to be among the tallest in the crowd. Maybe they shrink a bit, since so much good quality furniture is made towards a bit more realistic size. But I will say that the females has been at least a head shorter during SLs time, and still is.

It is not all, of course, but I think it's the majority.

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Hadn't really given much thought to what's proportionate or not as far as height goes, so had to check. My avi (without boots or shoes on) is 1.91m or 6'28ft according to Firestorm.

Naturally that jumps to 2.02m with boots/shoes on but since I'm almost never at clubs or getting up to any 'monkey business' except photography, I don't tend to worry about it. 

Won't ever be interested in the pursuit of pixel men, whatever their height, so perhaps that's why I'm not all that bothered about it :)

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2 hours ago, AnyaJurelle said:

Hadn't really given much thought to what's proportionate or not as far as height goes, so had to check. My avi (without boots or shoes on) is 1.91m or 6'28ft according to Firestorm.

Naturally that jumps to 2.02m with boots/shoes on but since I'm almost never at clubs or getting up to any 'monkey business' except photography, I don't tend to worry about it. 

Won't ever be interested in the pursuit of pixel men, whatever their height, so perhaps that's why I'm not all that bothered about it :)

Not being at all bothered about it is probably the right attitude!

I can count on one hand the number of times in the past 2 months that I've used a couples pose with a male avatar (Dancing! Just dancing! Get your minds out of the gutter people!), so that aspect of it isn't much of a worry: really, it's the photography thing, and looking like a miniature next to furnishings or something, that's more my concern. But even that hasn't been too much of a concern.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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in the LL standard viewer Shape Editor ruler shows the height of the avatar bounding box. Which measures from the bottom of our feet up to our eyes. (historical reasons for this and never changed since). So we are by prim ruler measure taller than the LL standard viewer indicates. Some TPVs have changed the Shape Editor ruler to show closer to our prim height

in the standard LL viewer I find that in our bare feet, the LL ruler set to between 168cm to 175m works relatively well, in relation to the average norm of all human avatars overall. As when we add our shoebase/heels and hair then we are visually at about 185cm (about 6ft).give or take some cms. Which works out pretty good overall, given that most guys (averaged) tend to be between 6.0 - 6.8 feet tall in SL by the SL Shape editor

Edited by ellestones
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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've heard they occasionally have other uses?

Anyone know?

In RL,  where stuff breaks down, it is handy to have one that can fix things, but in SL things don't break,  so.......

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not being at all bothered about it is probably the right attitude!

I can count on one hand the number of times in the past 2 months that I've used a couples pose with a male avatar (Dancing! Just dancing! Get your minds out of the gutter people!), so that aspect of it isn't much of a worry: really, it's the photography thing, and looking like a miniature next to furnishings or something, that's more my concern. But even that hasn't been too much of a concern.

Oh yes I see your point. I mostly photograph sims, not so much myself, but I get your concern.

Only thing I can suggest is bring up your edit appearance thing, have a fiddle with the sliders while you're using whatever pose/furniture for posing, and then minimize it rather than 'save' or 'save as' - that way you can just close out of it when you're done without the hassle of having to re-do your sliders back to normal again.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've heard they occasionally have other uses?

Anyone know?

Well...was going to be tongue-in-cheek and say 'they're not real bright but they can lift heavy things...' only it might be misconstrued and start a whole silly war of words, so I shan't say it *giggle*

Edit to add: Of course the best come-back to my comment is, 'without men, we'd all be living in well decorated caves'.

Edited by AnyaJurelle
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I'm 1.88m (6' 1'') according to the Firestorm edit shape window, and 1.86m (6') according to an actual prim measurement. I've very few (if any) women that were significantly shorter yet still looked vaguely proportional, yet plenty of giantesses over a head and a half taller than me (partly because those giantesses will permanently walk on tip toes, even bare footed). With almost no exceptions, every guy I've met and checked the height of has been noticeably taller than me too, but rarely to an absurd extent (unless dancing, couples dances seem to be built for those giantesses).

Not that there's anything wrong with being a giantess; just if you decide to make yourself taller than most men, then you should own it and not pretend that you're 'petite'.

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I'd say go with whatever height is comfortable for you.

That being said, one thing (for anyone) to consider is that the larger the Avatar, the greater the pixilation of your skin. It's something I noticed a long time ago with system skins and why I personally tend towards more (SL) petite sizes.

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13 hours ago, AnyaJurelle said:

Only thing I can suggest is bring up your edit appearance thing, have a fiddle with the sliders while you're using whatever pose/furniture for posing, and then minimize it rather than 'save' or 'save as' - that way you can just close out of it when you're done without the hassle of having to re-do your sliders back to normal again.

This is a really great idea! It had never occurred to me before that I don't need to save a tweaked shape! Thanks!

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13 hours ago, AnyaJurelle said:

Well...was going to be tongue-in-cheek and say 'they're not real bright but they can lift heavy things...' only it might be misconstrued and start a whole silly war of words, so I shan't say it *giggle*

Edit to add: Of course the best come-back to my comment is, 'without men, we'd all be living in well decorated caves'.

Yes, but (to return to the theme of the thread) with lower, more accessible shelving.

I was thinking a bit about this yesterday in a more serious vein. There are, of course, lots of men in my life (or lives, RL and SL) who are "useful," and, what is more, a delight to know. But there's only one whom I value as a man (my RL partner). In terms of the rest, I value them just as, and for essentially the same reasons, that I value the women I know and care about.

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, but (to return to the theme of the thread) with lower, more accessible shelving.

I was thinking a bit about this yesterday in a more serious vein. There are, of course, lots of men in my life (or lives, RL and SL) who are "useful," and, what is more, a delight to know. But there's only one whom I value as a man (my RL partner). In terms of the rest, I value them just as, and for essentially the same reasons, that I value the women I know and care about.

Same here - only I was talking about the pixel variety, not the rl variety ;) 

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3 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

I'm 1.88m (6' 1'') according to the Firestorm edit shape window, and 1.86m (6') according to an actual prim measurement. I've very few (if any) women that were significantly shorter yet still looked vaguely proportional, yet plenty of giantesses over a head and a half taller than me (partly because those giantesses will permanently walk on tip toes, even bare footed). With almost no exceptions, every guy I've met and checked the height of has been noticeably taller than me too, but rarely to an absurd extent (unless dancing, couples dances seem to be built for those giantesses).

Not that there's anything wrong with being a giantess; just if you decide to make yourself taller than most men, then you should own it and not pretend that you're 'petite'.

I haven't really paid a great deal of attention to those around me, in terms of their height: the main exception to that has been dancing, where of course it becomes a more obvious issue. And I have one male friend who I've noticed absolutely towers over me (and always has: when we used to go dancing, he'd shorter himself a little).

Looking back at the pics of Laika, Tali, Brenda, and myself on that winter sim, I think I'm at least somewhat taller than everyone except Laika. But I also think that was before I adjusted my shape to make it shorter and proportional. I'm going to pay more attention to relative heights, just out of interest.

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3 hours ago, Roxy Couturier said:

That being said, one thing (for anyone) to consider is that the larger the Avatar, the greater the pixilation of your skin. It's something I noticed a long time ago with system skins and why I personally tend towards more (SL) petite sizes.

Ah, this hadn't occurred to me. Presumably it's less of an issue with mesh applier skins . . . aren't they generally at a significantly higher resolution than old system skins?

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6 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

/me jumps and lifts her arm to be noticed "I am and always was 1.61 meters (5´3)"
Never got kicked, so far. But being asked about my "avatar age" is not that uncommon.

Wow, that is, in SL terms, very short!

Never been booted myself for my height, nor ever asked about my avatar age -- although I've never been much shorter than about 1.9 m or so before. One thing that just occurs to me in this context is that my mesh head and skin might make me look somewhat younger than I used to look. Dunno. We'll see!

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ah, this hadn't occurred to me. Presumably it's less of an issue with mesh applier skins . . . aren't they generally at a significantly higher resolution than old system skins?

I think it depends on the skin maker, but I believe they can have a higher resolution as a mesh body is an object to be textured. System skins are capped? at 512 x 512. I might be wrong though.

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1 minute ago, Roxy Couturier said:

I think it depends on the skin maker, but I believe they can have a higher resolution as a mesh body is an object to be textured. System skins are capped? at 512 x 512. I might be wrong though.

Were capped at that until a matter of weeks ago. That was upped to 1024 x 1024 in preparation for Bakes on Mesh.

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