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The borders have been removed from the remaining sandy newbrooke and houseboats to the northeast. There has been some action there recently, as SSPFalstaff changed border colour from red and then back to red, suggesting it needed something done and someone was working on it. Right now, the SSP names are still in place.

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Have tested the newly accessible coastal route in northeast Ranch; my BatBoat and I travelled from Three Sheets in Logs and cruised up to Goodge Reef in Ranch and Typhoon in the Mediterranean homes. Then back to Three Sheets in Logs.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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1 hour ago, diamond Marchant said:

If by Sansara you mean the East River, may be a while.

Why no, since you mention it!  I mean to Axel Harbor.  Then you can take the elevator up to the passenger train within the Gateway Airport complex.  I recommend the West Altonville stop - from there it's a short stroll over to the Linden road in Black region.  Turn right onto it, and soon, on your left, you will see a white and green platform owned by Tegg Bode labeled "Vehicle Rezzing Platform" .  It has a stairway down to water level in the inland sea there, from which I believe you can boat to the Old World, Snowlands and (if you have navigation talents), Heterocera.


ETA: Btw, the Gateway airport complex is one BIG rez zone.  If you wanted to, you could just rez your boat in West Altonville, get on it, and edit it across the Linden road to the water.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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I think Diamond means contiguous realistic sailing water.  The inland sea just north of Gateway Airport is the high water area of Sansara (water level at approx 80m), and it's not possible to sail from those areas all the way out to Bay City or on to Heterocera.  Though to be clear, when I say sail, i mean sail realistically.  At the edges of the high water areas, it is possible to manually edit your boat back down to the regular water level - but where's the fun it that ;) 

The only default water level area with access to Bay City and Heterocera that's even remotely close to Belli is the end of the East River as Diamond says,  which is currently about 15 regions north west of the end of the Ranch theme.

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The map also shows borders removed from the houseboat channel between chalets and newbrooke and part of the fantasy coast. Could be a busy week if they release all the border removed ones.

I also ran around the barrel race in the ranches, but it didn't recognise my unicorn as a horse, which hurt his feelings. (Also it's probably not finished yet, but watch those previously empty regions.)

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I love seeing these new connections going in, thank you everyone for your thoughts and updates!
It may amuse you to know that for a few minutes there I was convinced I had seen a new sea connection to Sansara on the SL web map, but it turned out to be a very convincing row of faulty pixels on my notebook screen.

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Seventeen new LH regions have appeared on the World Map today;

Three at the northern tip of Ranch, with another six to the west of the Goodge Reef Bridge (linking to Junco).

And eight at the northeast of Mediterranean.


Ranch (9):

Goodnight Moon, Philomena, Buckthorn Crossing.

Specific Rim, SSPWhipsaw Ridge, SSPDarian, Albert Ross, Gull Guides, Coracle Sea.


Mediterranean (8):

Pozzo San Frodo, Chataigne, Shiraz, Bevilacqua.

Violetta, Ardilla, Valle Garnacha, Campi di Fiorelli.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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1 hour ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Eleven new LH regions have appeared on the World Map today, three at the northern tip of Ranch and eight at the northeast of Mediterranean.



Goodnight Moon, Philomena, Buckthorn Crossing.



Pozzo San Frodo, Chataigne, Shiraz, Bevilacqua.

Violetta, Ardilla, Valle Garnacha, Campi di Fiorelli.

Thank you SO much for these updates!  I am thinking there has to be a reason that the north edge of Mediterraneans is edging east:  to eventually connect to the east, just to round up the Mediterranean sub-continent, something else??

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Theres also another 4 new regions west of Goodge Reef, connecting the train line up with the loop at Briar Hill.

New regions are SSPDarian,  Albert Ross,  Gull Guides, and Coracle Sea.


Edit: make that 6, I didn't realise that SSPWhipsaw Ridge and Specific Rim (both north of SSPDarian) are also new.

Edited by Eowyn Southmoor
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1 hour ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

@Leora Greenwood

Sakura is to the east of Mediterranean. There's a gap of only five regions between them now.


THANK YOU for those stunning maps!  FYI, I am saving all of them in a desktop folder that displays them, changing the map every minute or so.  They really make an impression on my new 32" monitor!

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Three alternative ways of entering the Fantasseria sim regions without obvious direct map teleporting, landmarks, flying or sailing there:

1. On the southern coast of the Chalet Homes is a sim called Parting Glass (formerly named SSPE2244), which has a lighthouse. Jump into the water and swim down to the cluster of crystals and rock formations on the bottom. You will find a glowing swirling portal amongst them.  Enter the portal and you will be taken directly one way to Mirror Pond, a sim containing a large circular crater lake at the southern end of Fantasseria that is filled with crystals and rocks...

2. At the very north-east of the mainland Jeogeot continent is Hanshin sim, which has a tiny deserted island.  Hanshin's island has a lighthouse and a Forgotton Garden. Forget the garden (!) and walk around to the shoreline near to the lighthouse. You will find an Eyrie Stone there. Use it and you'll arrive in south-east Fantasseria in the Cuppa sim.  In Cuppa, you'll find another identical Eyrie Stone which will take you back to Hanshin. After using the Eyrie Stones, you can see both Hanshin and Cuppa sims together for a brief moment before one fades away...

3. At Gibbons (formerly named SSPE2233 on the east coast of Chalets) is some deep water in the south-east corner of the sim thats filled with sunken wreckage. Behind a sunken fishing boat is another portal that sends you one way to Jacksprite in the very centre of Fantasseria.

(There's another Eyrie Stone at Toad Pool which takes you to the main Eyrie Community Centre on Fantasseria's northern coast. It's one-way and there's no obvious way of reversing travel back to Toad Pool.)

Any others?

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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55 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Two alternative ways of entering the Fantasseria sim regions without obvious direct map teleporting, landmarks, flying or sailing there:

1. On the southern coast of the Chalet Homes is a sim called Parting Glass, which has a lighthouse. Jump into the water and swim down to the cluster of crystals and rock formations on the bottom. You will find a glowing swirling portal amongst them.  Enter the portal and you will be taken directly in Fantasseria, arriving at Mirror Pond, a sim containing a large circular crater lake at the southern end of Fantasseria that is filled with crystals and rocks. Are these decorative? Or do they hold secrets that can only be seen after sunset?!

2. At the very north-east of the mainland Jeogeot continent is Hanshin sim, which has a tiny deserted island.  Hanshin's island has a lighthouse and a Forgotton Garden. Forget the garden (!) and walk around to the shoreline near to the lighthouse. You will find an Eyrie Stone there. Use it and you'll arrive in south-east Fantasseria in the Cuppa sim.  In Cuppa, you'll find another identical Eyrie Stone which will take you back to Hanshin. After using the Eyrie Stones, you can see both Hanshin and Cuppa sims together for a brief moment before one fades away... 

(There's another Eyrie Stone at Toad Pool which takes you to the main Eyrie Community Centre on Fantasseria's northern coast.)

Any others?

Thanks. I didn't know there was an Eryie stone at Hanshin. I think there is also an undersea portal at Picard's Wharf?

Btw, if LL ever decides to open another water route connecting to Fantasaria, they could add 2 water regions near Hanshin to connect to existing coastal lanes. I know it was someone's vision to keep Fantassaria isolated, but sailors would enjoy having more options for sailing around it. I think there would need to be a whirlpool or something to make the route challenging though.

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Just went to Picards Wharf, down into the underwater caves and didn't see or find any portals there, sadly. But did find a Dyna Mole info card in a wooden chest there though.

I've also found a wishing well in Fantasseria today, something which I've not seen elsewhere before.  It appears to be scripted object but does nothing when clicked or walked into.  I will stay with it until sunset and hope that triggers something...

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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I also waited in Fantasseria for night time to do something to the wishing well I found in Pitapat.  Night make the symbols around the well's stonework glow and the water inside the well too. But clicking the well again had no effect.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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Well, well. Thanks Dyna. Found two wells in Eyrie, both outside of the castle close to the pathways. One is in the southeast corner and the other on the west side. Now to wait another four hours for night time again. Zzz...

Found another Dyna Mole Card in the caves under the Eyrie castle too. I particularly like her quote:

"The best time to plant a tree is 25 years ago."


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