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Could SL be....

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The "home sim" or central HUB of different gaming experiences?

 Connected tech spaces which, when you enter, serve a specific >gaming< purpose. Like a space exploration sim.

Eg: When you enter there is no building of objects or modifying shapes, shopping  etc.

Not like other virtual worlds - absolute high tech FX & worlds. (that have to allow ancient flexi hair xD). 

Your avi is locked down clothing/appearance wise and off you go. Same display name etc etc.

Premium, of course. Just like jumping into some huge MMORPG that saves your characters stats when you leave. 

Other gaming companies might code an SL extension to allow your SL characters in.

Think: SL-EVE online, SecondRim,  The SLims, lolol..... you get the picture.


Edited by Maryanne Solo
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Yes but thoroughly up to date/compatible. Initially there would have to be a halfway hub to allow adopting specific game engines.

Then LL creates dedicated game/sim worlds using the latest tech and we can buy those works and play them.

 San wha ^^? Thorinll? (lol joking).


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Yes of course Monti. 

It would, by nature be quite a high tech hub. Lots of copyright considerations too.

Advanced users, gargantuan gaming rigs, geeky coding forum, very complex indeed.

But I for one, am on the boat. I've joined the queue......

In this day and age, we simply cannot be denied our wish.... for a better life. -_-


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Let me get this straight. You want a successful and interesting LL creation (SL) to be converted into being merely a gateway to interesting things that are not LL's creations. A doorman, directing people to interesting things, but not an interesting thing in itself. In other words, you want LL to turn off everything that SL is. Good luck with that lol.

Another thing. Who would pay LL to use the gateway when they can just go to each interesting place on their own, without the need of a gateway?

I've seen some wacko suggestion made in this forum, but that one takes the biscuit.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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I don't quite get the purpose of this.

Not what benefit a user of this would have and not what benefit any company or creator would have. It just does not make sense. And I also don't see how this is supposed to work.

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No, sl could not

What sl is, wouldn't even mesh well with some of the other things you mentioned...not just from a functionality point of view-which let's face it is impossible at this juncture or any in the future lol, but also from a target audience point of view. 

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On 07 July 2018 at 8:31 AM, Maryanne Solo said:

The "home sim" or central HUB of different gaming experiences?


"Hi, I ate too much cheese last night and had a weird dream, which gave me this HELLA-KEWL idea!

I propose we CLOSE 99% of SL's sims, drive off 95% of it's user base (all the old people who are not LEET GAMERZ with computers cheaper and slower than mine), and then take whats left offline for 6 months while they completely rewrite it as a shabby front end for a bunch of Console-Peasant MMORPGFPS games made and run by other people!...

So what do you guys think?

Hey... What's the bucket of tar and the sack of feathers for? What are you planning to do with that rope with the noose at one end?

Put the burning torches and pitchforks down NOW!

MOMMY! The Crazy people are after ME!"


What do I think?

Let's not and say we did...

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The proposal was quite clear and precise. Leave SL as it is and extend avatar abilities to other game formats. A conversion hub for your avatar to use it elsewhere. Thats all.

I suppose most mightn't be that tech savvy. Oh well. 1995 ye be then.  xD9_9

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5 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

The proposal was quite clear and precise. Leave SL as it is and extend avatar abilities to other game formats. A conversion hub for your avatar to use it elsewhere. Thats all.

I suppose most mightn't be that tech savvy. Oh well. 1995 ye be then.  xD9_9

This is not a new idea. It was brought up in another post either here in the SL forums or in Sansar. It's a neat idea; however, we're just not there technologically yet. And should we ever get there, Sansar would be the platform to do it not SL.

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Thank you Blush I didn't know that it had been discussed before. The ONLY true purpose it would serve is to keep SL at its current dev pace and hopefully provide LL with the resources to protect SL and our beloved avis. I should go look at Sansar at check it right out then. 

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27 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

The proposal was quite clear and precise.

So how does...

On 07/07/2018 at 8:31 AM, Maryanne Solo said:

The "home sim" or central HUB of different gaming experiences?

 Connected tech spaces which, when you enter, serve a specific >gaming< purpose. Like a space exploration sim.

Eg: When you enter there is no building of objects or modifying shapes, shopping  etc.

Not like other virtual worlds - absolute high tech FX & worlds. (that have to allow ancient flexi hair xD). 

Your avi is locked down clothing/appearance wise and off you go.

equate with...

27 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Leave SL as it is and extend avatar abilities to other game formats. A conversion hub for your avatar to use it elsewhere. Thats all.

What you consider to be "quite clear and precise" when it's in your mind, didn't transpose to your written word. E.g. "Your avi is locked down clothing/appearance wise and off you go." sounds very much like 'off you go to another world', and nothing remotely similar to "A conversion hub".

In short, your proposal, as you posted it, was a very long way from being "clear and precise". As it stands now, your proposal is still a long way from being clear and precise. I don't know if you just want inter-world conversation, or if you want avatars to be able to go to other worlds from SL. If it's the latter, and I do think it is, not only has it been discussed before but it was actually done. It was only a test though, and the other world was an OpenSim grid, I think owned by IBM, and not a commercial player, such as WoW.

The idea was rightly abandoned. I don't know why, but let me be clear and precise about this. Once you take your avatar to another world, the owner of the other world can steal whatever you take with you, such as clothes and skin. So your idea of locking the avatar down is no good. It can't be locked.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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On 07/07/2018 at 3:55 AM, Maryanne Solo said:

Yes but thoroughly up to date/compatible.

Whatever merits the rest of the proposal may have, this requirement guarantees constant technological obsolescence. Nothing is ever "up to date" for more than an instant.

More substantively, compatibility by its very nature requires interoperability with "older" technology lest everything have to wait--growing ever more outdated--until all platforms can update simultaneously. That's why standards are important -- and difficult to establish.

I don't really understand any of the rest of the proposal, but it brings back long-repressed memories of some quite crazy meetings aiming to establish an open metaverse standard interchange mumble mumble for SL, OpenSim, and potentially other virtual worlds (including games) to share content and user accounts and to support portals among the worlds, etc., etc. These meetings were attended by some of the most difficult personalities I've ever met (including RL) -- the absolute opposite of useful on a standards committee -- which doomed the whole initiative before discernible progress was made on any of the many huge technical, legal, and business challenges.

So, yeah: If anybody ever takes this on, find participants who don't pride themselves on being disagreeable.

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1 hour ago, Maryanne Solo said:

The proposal was quite clear and precise. Leave SL as it is and extend avatar abilities to other game formats. A conversion hub for your avatar to use it elsewhere. Thats all.

I suppose most mightn't be that tech savvy. Oh well. 1995 ye be then.  xD9_9

A "tech savvy" person would realize precisely why it can't work from a technical point of view-and it is precisely because of what SL is versus what the other platforms/games are, how they all function, the people they draw in..etc..etc.. I don't think it's everyone else that lacks the tech savvy here, lol. 


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Hahaha very amusing given my I.T qualifications, modding history that began with Morrowind and game company dev friendships in the USA which I am not even from. xD

"Off you go" from where then precisely Phil? It doesn't take too much imagination to piece together what I meant as others were able to do. As is clear to mostly everyone, the current SL format is not compatible for such a statement to be valid, without the use of a HUB of some sort. 9_9

Thank you Qie for your insight into behind the scenes historical bunfights regarding this issue. It is Intriguing to hear of such events from someone who knows of such things.

There is one place I wont be going right here right now and thats back to Le-Fora of old and the sniping and whining that dominated discussions way back when.

Have a nice day! \0_  

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@Maryanne Solo

Your problem was, and still is, that what you claimed to be "quite clear and precise", wasn't that at all, and your further explanation didn't clear anything up. Do you want a portal for avatars to go through to reach other worlds?, or do you want a conversation facility between worlds? Your 'clarification' said, "A conversion hub for your avatar to use it elsewhere. Thats all.", and yet you still talk as though you meant avatars to actually go to the other places. To be quite clear and precise, you really do need to be clear and precise, and state exactly what you mean, leaving nothing for the readers to work out for themselves.

There are people here with plenty of 'tech savviness'. Your "game company dev friendships" mean nothing about your own tech savviness. They are merely friendships and are nothing to do with your own knowledge. I don't know what your I.T. qualifications are. They may or may not say something about your tech savviness. But having I.T. (Information Technology) qualifications doesn't mean that a person knows anything about I.T's underlying systems and programming, and it's that tech savviness that needs to be understood to achieve what you suggested - whatever it is you suggested, because you still haven't been clear about it.

ETA: Oops. I made a mistake. I originally misread "conversion" and thought it said "conversation", and I've been misreading it ever since. So cancel everything I said about 'conversation', and refer back to my first post in this thread.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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@Maryanne Solo

Now I understand you. My first post responded to what it looked like you were saying, and after that I misread 'conversion' as 'conversation'. In view of your explanation, I now understand that you meant that you'd like to see a sim/portal in SL that links to other worlds. At first glance it does seem like a reasonable idea, but, apart from mega technical difficulties due to the design and operation of avatars in the various worlds, the fact remains that anything you take with you from SL into another world can be stolen.

Avatar design and operation isn't a big problem though. All a person would need need is an account in the other world, and a portal here in SL that moves the person into the other world in their account in that world. You mentioned something about flexiprims and freezing the avatar as it is, so I guess that you were thinking of moving your SL avatar into the other world. That idea presents huge technical difficulties. So huge that, for that reason alone, it won't happen.

A portal that automatically logs a person out of SL and automatically logs them into another world can be easily done, but is incredibly unlikely to happen, for the simple reason, why would one world (SL) send its customers to a competitor's world? I wouldn't if I were in charge of a world like SL. I just can't see competing worlds agreeing to do that.

Sansar is different. It does what you want, but you're probably thinking of other worlds such as WoW, and it doesn't do that. It only moves avatars between Sansar worlds. The worlds can be huge though. Not yet, because I don't think anyone is paying for their world. People are just fiddling with it, but when people pay, they can create huge worlds - as big as they want to pay for. Maybe in the future, a few Sansar worlds will become very popular, and even compete with successful worlds like SL. I don't think that will happen, but that's just my current opinion. I hope I'm proved to be wrong.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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A universal avatar would need to be an avatar agreed on by all companies involved and its apperance would also need to change according to the game you visit. So even if you eliminate all the obvious difficulties, that avatar would never be the one you use right now and it would never stay consistant, depending on how varied the worlds are you visit.

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I don't presume to know the IT related background of others-unless they tell me, so my comment isn't based on whether or not you have any IT background at all. My comments are based solely off the words on the screen, nothing more, nothing less. From a technical viewpoint alone, it would be impossible to integrate what SL avs look like(among other things but we'll focus on appearance only right now) into those other platforms. Take The Sims for example, those characters look nothing like SL avs, the game behaves nothing like SL, and it's also not an online platform where you can mingle with others-so you'd simply be going from a platform to a game to play by yourself lol, etc..The Sims Online was a multiplayer type game-and its replacement FreeSo is, but otherwise, nope. The same may very well apply to other games/platforms/worlds. Their basic functionality has to be considered as much as SL's is. 

To create a hub by which one can travel to other games/platforms/whatevers, lol, there would need to be a hell of a lot of backwards compatibility added to all of them, and forwards compatibility on the part of SL, also all of the other technical, financial and legal aspects of making two totally different platforms(or whatever) compatible, make the idea stay dead in the water, no matter how good it might sound on paper. Good luck getting all those powers that be together to agree on something, for some of them, that's their competition, so the idea of allowing people to travel from one to another-with the hope that no one decides to stay put in the one they venture to becuase it's better(in their minds), isn't likely to go over very well. It's not because the idea in and of itself is a bad one (whether or not an individual likes it, doesn't determine it's overall "goodness"), or a knock against you, it's just a matter of being realistic and what is and is not possible or reasonable.

I know we've had this discussion on the forums before, you can probably find them through search. They were actually a pretty interesting read, if I remember correctly, with some interesting ideas tossed about too. Even though it really isn't possible, it was an interesting topic to read at least 


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