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What is Your Wish List for SL?

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Here is my wish list:

1. Stop having the edit menu open up right over the object, blocking its view so that you can't edit it until you push it out of the way. I once stumbled on the Linden who actually coded this and when I told him it was a nuisance he just laughed at me. Of course it's a nuisance. I wonder why creators, who have the Lindens' ear, don't complain about this, but maybe it's because they don't go back and edit their own objects -- we do? It's a mystery. 

2. Get rid of the "the owner of this object won't allow" message when in fact it's only about mesh not rezzing on mesh. Be truthful about what's happening and say that "Some mesh cannot mesh on other mesh, rez on a prim or ground".

3. Get rid of spam cars. Only the Lindens' own scripted objects should be on the public roads. If they have a need for load-testing -- which I don't see that they do -- they can do it off-hours, occasionally, or whatever. They should create rez points with tour vehicles of their own that are well-scripted, are not "off theme" i.e. boats going on roads, trains going on water. They can do this.

4. Sell abandoned land on demand to anyone in the same sim as the abandoned land on a first-come, first served basis. 

5. Stop the bug that keeps putting pairs of system pants on your avatar, that then show up in Lost and Found (?!) and have to be deleted multiple times to get rid of the white system pants on your avatar.

6. Allow resident ads for pay at orientation centers and infohubs through a Linden-scripted and managed device that takes only "G" and "M" rated ads.

7. Enable group founders to remove owners. If a group founder disappears and does not log in for X amount of time -- 365 days? -- enable any remaining group owner to petition the Lindens to become the founder of the group.

8. Have both Community and Governance Lindens hold office hours regularly as they used to, the way the scripting and viewer Lindens do.

9. If a land owner does not log in for X amount of time -- a year? -- even if tier is paid, have Lindens link up his build in the "yellow box" and put it in a box underground, or push the build underground, and put on autoreturn so the rest of us don't have to look at junk.

10. Block proxy sites that are used by griefers. Enable a system for any user who wants to use that proxy to petition the Lindens to open up that site, and white list it for only those who have no history of griefing.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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The needs to happen:

  • Environmental Enhancement Project with full vertical control; because I would love to be able to have a night sky at 4000 meters while the base of my regions remains on a daycycle - and to know that everyone sees that by default (yes, they can override, but I want the scene there for LL viewer people as well as TPVs)
  • Environment under script control, so that I can time a rainstorm, for example the region changing to Annan Adored Dusty for the thunderstorm, then clearing up to my daycycle later (and yes, my bot can do this, but a script would be good too)
  • Improved region ban controls, I'd like to be able to ban certain groups by name from my region and that silently lock everyone in that group out. Not a banned message but a generic "you do not have access" message
  • The region LI calculations to be fixed, so hacked LODs to lower LI are not rewarded

The dreams:

  • Better documention on Mesh - a few people with a lot of knowledge need to be paid to gather and document it properly - give them a year of free homestead or large linden stipend as reward.
  • All Lindens from Ebbe down being mandated to be in world one hour a week, and adopt a unique, General, mostly abandoned sim, as a base. They need to understand their product and customers more.
  • Some of the really great builds, like the amazing Yamato ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/YAMATO Memorial/27/221/23 ) , being subsidised by the Lab so they can stay in world.

The "I fear it's impossible":

  • PBR graphics :D
  • 1024x1024M option on estate sims :D 
  • Mirrors :D 
  • Masked Alpha to be default, not blended :D 
  • 1024x1024 textures on vendors to have a 5000LI cost :D 
  • World Peace :D 
  • Less drama in world :D 
  • Governance being more transparent, they need to show the evidence before permabanning :D 
  • Better tolerance of other people's avatar choices  - live and let live :D 


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22 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

It has one!


then to see them.





Ahah! I shall endeavor to retrain myself to understand “favorites” to mean something similar to “wish list”, and merrily go forth to use that feature! 

Thank you!

(Oddly, when I’ve been saving links, depending on the browser the feature is called “favorites”.)


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10$ - 15000 prim sims

First person mode. Thst is nt mouselook, be ause in mouselook you still need to switch into 3rd person mode before you can do many things.

Stable 60fps or higher server side and dektop on good graphics card. i have GF980 and compared to sansar. SL is many times not smooth in higher prim area's. really 30fps is already visible. Best would be to have 144fps

xbox one controller support. That can make movement more smooth to, compsred with mouse.

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2 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

The needs to happen:

  • Environmental Enhancement Project with full vertical control; because I would love to be able to have a night sky at 4000 meters while the base of my regions remains on a daycycle - and to know that everyone sees that by default (yes, they can override, but I want the scene there for LL viewer people as well as TPVs)
  • Environment under script control, so that I can time a rainstorm, for example the region changing to Annan Adored Dusty for the thunderstorm, then clearing up to my daycycle later (and yes, my bot can do this, but a script would be good too)

I agree that EEP is by far the most important new feature in the works, and I'm very eager for the part where scripts can provide Windlight dynamically on a per-avatar basis. This can fully subsume vertically ranged settings and in addition enable all kinds of exciting ways to interact with the world. For example, different visitors can simultaneously experience distinct Windlight conditions at the same location, perhaps depending on their different progress through a narrative, etc.

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3 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

All Lindens from Ebbe down being mandated to be in world one hour a week, and adopt a unique, General, mostly abandoned sim, as a base. They need to understand their product and customers more.

How, exactly, would this make the "do not have a secondlife or clue" Lindens more understanding of the "product and customer base"?

All that would happen is the pointless useless "don't give a damn" lindens would just park their 2003 era phli-look-a-like avis on an abandoned and unvisited Madlands sim, afk, for an hour, once a week during their lunch break...

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I would like to be able to save Merchant's stores to favorites in the same way you can with an item

Hide my status at log in by choice if I need to log in and do something peacefully 

ban people (maybe just strangers)  from random Hi  IMs and then nothing more

All the windlighty technical terms things Callum mentioned.  

Mandatory noob test to make sure people know how to colour match their danglies before they rush to get a freenis


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I'd really like a way to quickly chuck all my inventory somewhere else so I can start over with a fresh folder structure and pull things over to integrate them in a bit at a time. Things got well out of hand before my surgery and I don't have anything remotely like the stamina or concentration needed to get it back in order.

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  • Good level of detail out to the horizon. At minimum, display areas beyond the view distance with the flat world map, rather than water. (Extra credit: map it onto a displacement map from terrain data, so you can see distant hills.) Automatic textured impostor generation for low-LOD models. Done right, viewer load goes down and the world looks better. Some competing virtual worlds, and most modern video games, already have this.
  • Offer to splice good-looking themed sims together into mini-continents, with LL-owned buffer sims between them. Avatars could travel between them, but there'd be a buffer area so they didn't clash and the edges fit. Themes might be "19th century/steampunk", "Urban decay", "Roadside America", etc. SL needs a level between the chaos of the Madlands, as Klytara puts it, and the single-ownership themed sims.  The splicing sims would be mostly empty land, hills, and roads, matched at the edges to the sims they border, so they wouldn't need much server capacity. Some "experience" sims would fit into this model. LL could sell land in the buffer sims with a covenant acceptable to the neighboring sims, to keep the theme. The middle of the sim would be forest, hills, desert, or water as a separator.
  • Encourage civic boosterism. Some of the bigger cities should have an elected city government with some authority over zoning and building. New Babbage has something like this, and it works quite well. In general, reward good building and attractive design.
  • Double prims in urban areas that don't have them already. There are too many large, hollow, useless buildings.
  • Automatic prim to mesh conversion. Build with prims, but when a linked group is saved, it's converted to mesh for display purposes if possible, with lower land impact. Open it for editing, and you see it as prims again. This allows in-world mesh work.
  • If Amazon comes out with a "Snow Crash" series, as they say they will, LL should be prepared with a major marketing push. SL is the Metaverse of Snow Crash.
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27 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

A simulated horizon would be nice, so stuff doesn’t pop into view the same as today - basically, simulate a round instead of flat grid.

The usual solution to that is light fog after some large distance. You can do that now, as a windlight setting. Graphics cards do fog as a built-in function.

Edited by animats
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15 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Here is my wish list:

1. Stop having the edit menu open up right over the object, blocking its view so that you can't edit it until you push it out of the way. I once stumbled on the Linden who actually coded this and when I told him it was a nuisance he just laughed at me. Of course it's a nuisance. I wonder why creators, who have the Lindens' ear, don't complain about this, but maybe it's because they don't go back and edit their own objects -- we do? It's a mystery. 


Perhaps the coder laughed at you because the edit menu pops up in the last position it was, so if you have it pop up in front of an item you're editing it's because you put it there your ownself?

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No, that's not true, because if I batted it away and put it to the side, it would have stayed there? Duh. The problem is that it keeps popping up on each new log-in. It's the default. Obviously I don't want it covering the object so I don't put it there. But it comes back.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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