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18 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Then it's rude.

You can call it what you like, but it was cold logic that caused me to post. I could have equally said, "I see a need for me to...". It amount s to the same thing but, as I said, you can call what it what you like.


@Tari Landar and @Derek Torvalar I've said what I had to say. The evidence still points me in the same direction, so there's no point in discussing it with me. I'm certainly not going to discuss it any more. You don't have to take my word for it, or treat what I said as gospel. It's what I think about the thread, and that's all there is for me to say. Of course, you can discuss it amongst yourselves. I'm out of it though.

No Phil, it isn't the same thing. The fact that you chose the word 'feel 'as opposed to 'see' is important. Not to mention referring to it as a 'need' as well. 

Very telling indeed.

Edited by Derek Torvalar
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I dunno. There's plenty of potential for more positive, productive contributions "on many sides; many sides." Honestly, in the age of the Tangerine Tweeter, it's miracle enough that any of us can even keep a civil tongue. (On the other hand, this is General Discussion, so we aren't expected to be "helpful" here! :P )

Innula's Shared Media suggestion is interesting. It could reduce the costs dramatically, back to those cozy 512 gambling dens that folks used to favor, and potentially lift all the legal overhead from both the landowners and the Lab -- potentially. Somebody with enough patience to close-read the skilled gaming rules might learn what the Lab's lawyers think about that.

It's kinda hard to see how a restriction on Shared Media would be enforced. In theory the initial "home" URL might be visible and thus subject to regulation, but I mean if I set out a wide-open Shared Media surface even on General maturity land, I could neither detect nor prevent visitors from surfing to gambling sites, pedophilia, Hillary's emails or Donald's pee tapes.

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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

Then it's rude.




"people like you who say things are too hard for OTHER people to do are cancerous."

"Unless you have personally tried this idea and want to tell me where it went wrong, your OPINIONS are worthless.  Otherwise answer questions with facts and keep your damn opinions to yourself... or move on.  And don't tell me you're trying to "save me time and heartache".  That's even more cancerous."

"you are energetic cancer."

"You're negative.  And a narcissist.  That's a bad combination sister. Ciao."

"i have found 2 people with enough knowledge to be useful and a dozen who are just cancer."



Edited by Skell Dagger
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1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

There are actually quite a few gaming regions today(more than I'd expected to see, to be honest), but whether or not they are *successful*, is an entirely different matter. They, just like many other ventures in sl, may simply be open because the person that owns them enjoys doing so.

I haven't, and won't, read the entire thread, but this is an important point to note. It's pretty rare to find someone running a RL business at a loss as a hobby. We need to eat. But SL is different and it's important to understand that the "success" we see all around us (magificent structures, exquisite landscaping on the waterfront, etc.) is generally pretend. For the seven of my nine years in SL that I rented, it was from people who were losing money as landlords. But they lost less than if they'd not recovered some of their costs through renting, while enjoying the company of their tenants and appreciation for their stewardship (and largess ;-).

The economics of SL are not the economics of RL, even if they rhyme.

For some years, I advised RL startup businesses and angel investors. I eventually walked away from that because I didn't like saying "no" to people, nor did I like thinking they were clueless.  Years later, I get no satisfaction from seeing that I'd been right. I admire entrepreneurs for their tenacity and willingness to take risk, and I want them to succeed where I see failure. The only thing I can say with conviction is that I would never attempt what the OP is proposing. The biggest factor affecting the probability for success in any endeavor is usually the endeavorer.

Good luck, Chinami. You've been warned.


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21 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

Tari, I don't know about medical cancer, but you are energetic cancer.

You clearly don't know anything at all about Tari. She is sweet, supportive (when it's realistic), and one hell of a person. I think that what you don't understand is that a lot of us have been here for a verrry long time and have watched all manners of attempts at making a RL profit in SL. Hell, a lot of us have tried it, (not me). I would say to you, go ahead, give it a try. Maybe you  are the one out of the thousands who have tried that has the secret to SL success, I hope you are. When you come to the forums and ask for advice, you open yourself up to opposing views, but just because someone thinks differently doesn't mean they are attacking. Remember, you can't always judge a persons tone, or inflections from reading a typed message. It's easy to misjudge the emotion in the forum. I've been on both sides of that coin. Good luck in whatever you decide to pursue in your SL. 

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The questions were legitimate, but also rather presumptuous.  Having business sense is good, as is knowing the landscape and climate to conduct that business. A new set of eyes always brings a fresh perspective (and that is welcome), but if you're unfamiliar with SL, the concepts suggested here might seem alien. The OP came to a public forum asking for feedback and that is what they received. Instead of discrediting people, he/she should take note of what they said, and use that as a basis for further research.

It seems to me however, that regardless of what's said in opposition, that the OP seems to know better then everyone else. By all means, don't take anyone's word and do as you will. So far I've seen someone who thinks they know it all, and yet doesn't even know what they don't know yet. If I was in their shoes, I'd at least listen, take notes, and be appreciative of the feedback that could save you a fortune.

Edited by Chase01
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7 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

A little offtopic, but @Klytyna is there a popular name for people who came after 2009? (Just curious)

Now carry on with that casino and landlord discussion everyone else!




The 4 Era's of SL Settloement:

First Wave Lastnamers - Treked across the tundfra, at the end of the ice age back on 2003, following Phil the Dreamer, to found a hill fort on the Original Sim, where they would gather in their goat skin wrappings to listen to him giving the weekly peptalk, and indicating the direction of the Mammoth herds with his chieftains prim club.

Second Wave Lastnamers - The "I R gunna be rich for no work" generation, the mass influx during the gold rush years, who then became a mass outflux when the price of Madlands parcels dropped below 8L$ /Sqm... 

Third Wave Lastnamers, - People who came here DESPITE being greeted b y the 2nd Wave Outflux with "Turn back, all is lost", who seem to have turned up to have fun rather than be 'tycoons'.

And then Lastnames... Stopped and we enter the current era...

The Rise of the Resident. - Constantly abused and mistrusted, because they don't have "proper names", or are seen as "disposable alts" , often treated like social outcasts and even criminals by the Lastnamers, for example people claiming a "12 yr veteran business account MUST be more trustworthy than a 12 day old customer making a complaint, right?"... 

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5 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

As you wish. It's certainly telling, alright, but not about me ;)

If you want a 'telling statement' try the one the OP made in another thread, where they described themselves as a "serial entrepreneur". Let me translate that expression into plain English even YOU can understand...

Serial Entrepreneur - [definition]

"I had this innovative idea for selling Hand Carved Cuckoo Clocks made from Whale Cheese, but the idiot at the bank wouldn't give me a loan to hire an engineer to design a Whale Milking Harness, the short sighted fool... 

Then I came up with a brilliant idea to manufacture  Robot Cats powered by STEAM, generated by burning pellets of dried Llama dung, and had found somebody in Peru willing to sell me 20,000 tons of Llama dung, pre dried, but my attempts to obtain Crowd-Funding for the dung and the subsequent development of a steam powered robot cat to burn it, failed to take off for some reason...

My current project involves investing a WHOLE $50 in this thing called SecondLife, where I am sure an innovative serial entrepreneur like my self can easily devise a way to earn $400 a day within a matter of a couple of weeks using my unfailing business sense..."


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