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Heads Up - You might want to check your sims after the downtime.

Chic Aeon

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Logging in after the grid got back up I saw a friend who has been away for awhile. Turns out he only logged in because a ton of stuff was returned from the sim he designed just now. I checked my sim and all was fine but I had 4322 items out and his was full. 

His perception was that somehow the item count got doubled (no way to know if that was true) but a bunch of stuff all came back into his Lost and Found. 

So if you have an island or island rental you might want to take a peak and see if things are OK.

I am sure there is a plan to fix this but you might need to put in a ticket.

My mainland stuff all seems fine too, but ya never know.


I did go over to see what was going on there (I lived there for awhile) and two long rows of buildings were gone and a fair amount of seemingly empty rentals (with no for rent signs and this is a RP sim with very few empty rentals). So kinda messy. 


Edited by Chic Aeon
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Logged in after "maintenance" to find out that my entire shop parcel had been returned to me because the parcel was full.  Except, it wasn't.  I wasn't even using half of the prim/LI count that was allotted.  Something broke.  Idk what.  The estate managers tried to help but... they can't fix LL's screwups.  GG again SL.  Investing in that infrastructure is already showing the benefits!

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1 hour ago, Bubblesnatch said:

I wasn't even using half of the prim/LI count that was allotted.

Quite possibly you were, but without knowing it. The first time I remember this happening was back in 2012, not long after convex hulling was introduced to the build menu options. By using convex hull on many types of built object it was possible to lower the land impact of items, sometimes by up to half. Naturally, lots of people used this on their parcels, to be able to fit more items in. But after one specific rolling restart (here's my Flickr post about it) I watched in horror as email after email landed in my inbox telling me that my parcels were all being returned because they "were full". My partner had the same thing happen to him. Whatever the restart had done, it had broken whatever registered the land impact reduction caused by convex hulling, and so our reduced land impact was now full land impact. 400LI homes that we'd reduced down to 200LI using convex hull settings were once again 400, etc. And that, naturally, took us way over our parcel limits.

On some parcels we had what you see in that Flickr post: most of the stuff was missing but some random bits inexplicably remained. On one full parcel all that was left was a single chair. On others absolutely everything had gone.

I don't know whether the same kind of thing has happened here, or whether mesh items would be affected similarly, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.

1 hour ago, Bubblesnatch said:

The estate managers tried to help but... they can't fix LL's screwups.

Yeah. They need to contact LL and ask for a simstate rollback. That's what eventually put all of our parcels back to normal in 2012. I hovered outside the region, watching rather anxiously as it came back online and - to my relief - everything was back to how it was before the snafu.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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I have an Shopping Mall & Mainstore on Business District Lima (of Zoha) and discovered my inventory is loaded with messages telling me 'parcel full'.
Yesterday I checked and it was +800 free for usage. Also the building rights are set to group only. 

The worst part is, that my renters also got everything back. *cries*. I report a file to Zoha and LL, hoping they are able to solve this as soon as possible. 
Let's hope LL resets the rolling restarts, as 'no copy' item are returned to Lost and Found in HUDGE packages. 

2017-09 Sim #1 before.png

2017-09 Sim #2 after.png

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I think Linden Lab needs to pay for our non copy items even, if they do a 2012 rollback my stuff will still be gone at this point I am not sure, if I should contact the creators that I bought the stuff from, and ask for a redelivered, or have Linden Lab pay for my stuff, and most of the stuff that was returned is non copy items meaning once they are returned it's gone forever.

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I had stuff returned to me from a homei rent ... but it isn't just that, the whole sim is funky, you land and fall through the floor... it feels like being pushed but nothing is there.. you sit on something and end up on another part of the sim.  I TPd to my gallery on another sim and  it is phantom.. (even though it isn't phantom!!)  so you walk and fall through.. and parts of it you cannot access as if there is something blocking but there isn't (I checked transparency view) I also checked in case someone had rezzed something but nope.. all only stuff that should be there...  :(

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15 minutes ago, Patrick032986 said:

most of the stuff that was returned is non copy items meaning once they are returned it's gone forever.

not necessarily, it could be in your lost and found folder in a linked item with other stuff.  You will have to rezz the linked box (probably later when everything has calmed down)  and take each linked item back individually

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I remember the 2012 RC LeTigre wipe when LI accounting was broken on a server rollout, the no copy items that had gotten returned to me were still in lost in found after the manual roll back(so I ended up with duplicates of them, nothing was lost). It was just a bit of bad math in the code from what I recall, some of LL's own builds got partially returned too. At this point I wouldn't worry about it too much really, maybe find something else to do for awhile.. LL is pretty good about taking care of this stuff when it happens.


eta: I wouldn't attempt to rez new things out, that's closer to a recipe for losing stuff.

Edited by Evola Courtois
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a friend has just said there has been a major issue relating to the physics of mesh objects on some sims which has meant LI increased on items in return sending some stuff back as if over allowance.. and also like in my case, making the mesh items in place act funky.  Hopefully they will do some roll backs soon.


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Just to echo IslaGrace, noticed that some mesh items with mixed phys type (prim + convex hull) exhibited increased LI (ie a 3 piece item went from 3 to 8). Editting was hit and miss in fixing, neded rerez of fresh item. 

If you haven't had anything returned (thankfully I had spare) then worth checking anyway. Same goes for mixed mesh/prim stuff which would fit with general problem. Oddly, only one of two mainland parcels seem to have been nobbled...


Edit - both main channel parcels, not RC, sorry, lack of coffee

Edited by mikka Luik
low levels of caffeine
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12 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Is this an estate thing? Our mainland sim is fine.

My mainland parcels I checked seemed ok but I have friends on mainland who got hit with it too, multiple continents. 


Are these RC sims being hit? My initial hunch was mesh anim code related with LI accounting adjustments for that, they would have to be introduced somewhere.. I have a parcel on RC BlueSteele which looked ok though. (I'm fairly certain whatever it is will get fixed or rolled back today in any case)

Edited by Evola Courtois
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For the record. Mainland Villareal is also affected. Villareal is running RC Magnum Version: . Can't rez, all parcels in the region have plenty of prim room. Many many items have been returned.

Region stats hover at just above 18000 prims. I suspect the server hasn't been told about the new prim limits. LI count of Mesh objects appear to be normal.

Edit: The error I get when I try to rez a prim is: "Unable to create object. The region is full"

Edited by Vick Forcella
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I've had this issue too on a mainland sim -- suddenly my parcel was full and a bunch of stuff was returned to me, and even the collision on a mesh got VERY screwed up to the point that I had to replace it just to get it to work again.

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It not only affected prim counts, it affected the physics of objects. Stairs became blocks, doorways solid walls.... Prim counts were whacked. As I have a lot of spare prims, I didn't have the autoreturn issue that other people had, but a regular restart fixed things for me. If you had things returned, you will NEED to get a rollback of the sim, if not, you probably need to do a restart at the minimum.

Edited by Sharie Criss
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