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Ineffable Mote

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  1. they can add access to inventory and other features and limit those to specific subscription levels later. new users are pointless without generating new revenue. also, realistically a large amount of new users is going to be disruptive and full of griefs, not much different than rl really, so that has to be mitigated, too.
  2. it's a double header Slow Crash and Prawnmower Man next week it's Virtuality Exhibition (since I'm revisiting J.G. Ballard)
  3. Can't have an open meat market without spices and sauces. 3rd date seems a bit too old timey for SL, though can add some variety by dividing them into newb/freemium/discounted/plus/premium/premium plus and what the heck lifetime selections.
  4. If money wasn't an issue I'd rather have my own grid, so I choose neither.
  5. An interactive showcase that's safe enough for mobile app stores, would seem far more probable.
  6. The word 'literally' gets overused, but I don't think anyone has(or has ever had) a problem finding or experiencing adult content and such on the platform, so what exactly is the purpose of streamlining there? From the wording above, it's watered down to adult centric and spice-like, and it specifically says "introduce them to mature content". So, the actual path is somewhere between lame and a dead-end, at best, right out of the gate. Also, it's presumably less about the actual content than identity politics, and their related communities. Maybe interest in Belliseria is petering out after 5 years, and they're looking to regenerate interest, taking the cookie cutters in other directions to further maximize certain markets.
  7. The ability to filter by commercial/non-commercial posts would probably be a good thing. I'm sure there's plenty of sl shoppers who don't wish to see all of the selfies and landscapes either.
  8. Flickr used to be a much better photography site before LL/SL insisted on using it for their own commercial marketing purposes, so hopefully they see some benefit from all of this now that users have somewhere else to drift to.
  9. It feels like an alpha version on launch day. But LL would probably do well to buy it out for a generous if relatively small sum and officially tie it in to profiles, replacing the older profile feeds as LL's implementation of those always seemed kind of sloppy and halfwitted at best. Maybe throw in the guy's blog site too at a glance, to better balance things out. Writing logs and picture logs both, for virtual ventures, and could properly make up for getting rid of the old interests tab which a few people seemed to complain about.
  10. I'm sure it'll have appeal to SL Flickr "exiles" who won't pay to post adult virtual cartoon content, not to mention the endless spamvertisements.
  11. Just for the record: With the part you bolded, I was referring to SL creators and business types as much as I was LL, if not more so.
  12. Fast food advertising is kind of the epitome of deception, so yeah, deceptive. Not necessarily the use of AI specifically that's the issue, the creators of said advertising can own their intent (not that they will, typically).
  13. in response to the "That would require multiple users in a Group to be able to contribute / maintain Items in a Marketplace store, maintain listings, etc." (I can't be bothered to multi-quote and what not sorry) but this arguably should have been done a decade ago following the purchase of xstreet. Though it still leads to usual drama issues that SL has and would necessarily need ample protections built in. This platform isn't an especially professional one to work in, and to think otherwise is just delusional, and creators/business people here maybe need to realize and learn to work with that too. (adding to this: at some point there are limitations which are reached, expectations need adjusting, and people still have to follow rules/regulations anywhere)
  14. Brigadeering or brigading was probably the more accurate term for it, rather than keyboard warrior. But most people are smart enough to figure out what they meant by it, even if they don't like it being pointed out.
  15. The wiki should be done away with, as it's obviously outdated and abandoned, good for historical reference and not much else. Linden Lab may as well have been a different company 15 years ago, besides that. Mirror the LSL info elsewhere, as needed. If LL were going to make any effort to edit and keep the wiki up to date, they'd have had a paid employee doing this somewhere along the way over the past decade. They haven't, in any relevant way. Kind of shows the importance of it.
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