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Ineffable Mote

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  1. In what language does thunes mean thorn? or does it? I'm curious about what the name thunes means, as I find etymology fascinating. I take it it means money in french, seems fitting but uninteresting really
  2. As far as I know Linden Lab doesn't officially have a CEO either and hasn't since previous one's illness/passing. Quite possibly this is all a pretty good business arrangement for both. Interesting changes either way, and LL has long been in need of some. (but I realize chicken littles will do their thing, why wouldn't they)
  3. Taking the paragraph as a whole, it seems like a redeeming quality from here. This sounds like a good shake-up is here too, presuming it's something so far unannounced [bold emphasis not mine, for sake of clarity]
  4. 20% = 1 in 5, and as far as assertions go that's beyond spurious, as are related claims being made. Even were it including edge-casers, grid wide that'd still probably be less than 5 in 100.
  5. I'm not sure if he's being sarcastic or not, but I'll just add here that locking people up should be less about punishment and/or vengeance, more about separating people turned dangerously unhealthy threats from society. Part of me wants to point out in this thread that LL needs to change their corporate culture in some ways, but so much has been normalized in RL cultures that I don't think it'd do SL much(if any) good at this point. It's all kind of Lose-Lose, sans kind of. And SL being such an old platform, saner long term strategies to deal with adult content(employees/alts and userbase alike) seem a bit pointless as well.
  6. It's less that it's loaded, and more that it's been maldefined, and that much is intentional, consciously or otherwise. That Kipling was coming from a place of better faith shined through in his works and observations, but it sure doesn't here, it's something else (SL as whole, I'd say. I could point out that as bodies of water, ponds tend to fare better than seas in this virtual world)
  7. SL seems to be having connection issues (though all's back to normal now)
  8. They can use it to write great literature, and have it twisted around into being something else. I say that being aware of Kipling's upbringings(parents/guardians behavior both..not to open this can of worms here, but I'll leave an informational link below just to point the can out). Resilience used as a coping mechanism seems no less apt for him, along with his poem If specifically (to keep this on topic, + many use SL for this too as has already been pointed out), and not sure how much of it Kipling himself ever faced up to in his own life (he was a perceptive guy, but I haven't read enough of his works). https://www.guardian.co.tt/article-6.2.429327.7cf88f5c13 (I'll add that psychologists aren't entirely useless)
  9. It's just a series of canned lines pulled from a notecard by a running script. Despoiled wisdom, basically, passing itself off for something it ain't. Like so much else here. Not that AI is somehow any better or different.
  10. Placebo effects are a thing, but delusions all much more so. Resiliencies included.
  11. Not to disagree with you or OP, but just on the other hand...looking for democracy and such in a corporate marketing campaign seems a bit of false expectations, at least once one takes a few steps back to look. It's kind of built into the nature of Belli, however else it's presented. I think LL used to do this stuff a lot better, and a bit more openly and inclusively, with more substance and less vanity, but I'll dare say those days are long gone (for a number of reasons, and it's not just LL but overall trends)
  12. I think use of the term a***p*** has always been an obfuscation or muddling, to avoid calling content and related networkings being spoken of more precisely and exactly what it is. Somewhere along the way the motivation for it went from understandably not wanting to be associated with or drawing attention to it, to something else entirely, be it avoidance or sanitization. [editing to add here: on the other hand using more precision and less vaguery in the TOS/CS still only leads to proliferation of more edgecasings and loopholes to be exploited, it's all lose-lose when dealing with these exploitative types of people] And it was SL5B that LL barred child avis from that birthday celebration entirely, didn't they? Wasn't the best move to make and can't see LL trying anything like that again, but it's interesting to see how much official attitudes and concerns have changed since then over past 15 years.
  13. Self importance makes a lot of peoples worlds go 'round. It ain't just for frat bros. Everybody has their investments, too, of course.
  14. With Firestorm Area Search by adjusting default Filters, one can view the HUDs they're wearing listed as attachments, just not other avis. So that data has to be picked up from somewhere. I'd guess it's not that difficult to modify and recompile a viewer. I'm not a coder or "expert" on this, though, more going by observation here.
  15. I'll just add that reported isn't the same as recorded either, a lot gets downplayed or dismissed out of hand, biases and propensities being what they are. I'll further add that times have changed. Not sure how this is relevant to the topic at hand, but someone can quietly figure it out.
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