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Should nudity, sex and adult sims only be for premium members?


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1 hour ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Does it count as being naked if your dress is horizontal and two feet to the left?

NO, In fact it barely counts as being naked here unless you are horizontal with your two feet apart.

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11 hours ago, mikka Luik said:

Lets see now I have:

8000/wk for 5000 LI = 1.6 L$/Prim (equiv) Homestead - bargain!

299/wk for 351 LI = 0.852 L$/Prim (equiv) Mainland - even more bargain!

And love them both, enough to pick up another mainland parcelette. Because roads =^^=

Am I following the money right here? Or is there some of that 'new mathematics' I heard about,
which thankfully I am old enough to have missed.

Roads = LL Protected Griefer Prim Access Strips... Roads are a reason NOT to live on the Mainland.

As for land prices, yeah you can buy abandoned (or about to be abandoned) digital dirt for low prices, from the failed property speculator who got stuck with it by a better salesperson.

However, you also see utterly pointless prices, I recal one large parcel, that cost a damn sight more than 1L$ a prim because, it had a Griefer-Prim-Access-Strip running right through the middle, was at the base of a 'mountain' you couldn't get rid of, lookedout over the Ocean of Limbo, and best of all, it was "only two sims by road from" the abandoned ruins of the Phil Linden Memorial Sports Center.

Each of the questionable selling points, basically added 50% to the price of the land.

Follow the Money.

Premium Madlander trying to rent overpriced micro-parcels to noobs, calls for abolition of 'self unpacking shopping bags' because not needling land to unpack reduces the chances of noobs renting from him.

Premium Madlander calls for mandatory premium membership because, non premium people cannpt buy overpriced land from him.

What part of that 'math' did you miss? 

Oh, and homesteads are hardly what I'd call a bargain, 8000L$ a week sounds like you are RENTING, from a private landlord, out in the 'islands', not the Mad-Mainlands. If you'd been a little smarter, you could have got a 1/4 of a FULL region, 5000 prims, for under 5000 a week. Even for a homestead, 8000 is a little high, you need to learn to shop around.

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12 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

You can buy mainland for as low as $ 0.5 L per sq m.

But that 0.5 ls a prim 'purchase price' certainly doesn't include a weeks rent/tier. You are JUST paying for the right to stick your name on the parcel and be billed by LL, from somebody who probably marked it down that low in the hope that somebody would buy it before the next billing period, so they wouldn't have to just abandoned it to avoid another months tier. 

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2 hours ago, Klytyna said:

But that 0.5 ls a prim 'purchase price' certainly doesn't include a weeks rent/tier. You are JUST paying for the right to stick your name on the parcel and be billed by LL, from somebody who probably marked it down that low in the hope that somebody would buy it before the next billing period, so they wouldn't have to just abandoned it to avoid another months tier. 

How significant is it that mainland purchase price doesn't include the first week's rent/tier?   If you amortize that over a year, and set against if the fact that LL's mainland tier is almost certainly going to be significantly lower than the rent you'll pay on a private region (unless the private region owner has obtained a very large bulk discount from LL and is passing it on), and I would have thought you come out well ahead paying LL direct for a mainland parcel.

In general I'd rather own (and live on) private regions but I certainly wouldn't expect that choice to be less expensive than the mainland.

I don't see it particularly matters anyway.    If someone wants to buy mainland or a private region it's their money and it makes no odds to me how they spend it.

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5 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

How significant is it that mainland purchase price doesn't include the first week's rent/tier?   If you amortize that over a year, and set against if the fact that LL's mainland tier is almost certainly going to be significantly lower than the rent you'll pay on a private region (unless the private region owner has obtained a very large bulk discount from LL and is passing it on), and I would have thought you come out well ahead paying LL direct for a mainland parcel.

In general I'd rather own (and live on) private regions but I certainly wouldn't expect that choice to be less expensive than the mainland.

I don't see it particularly matters anyway.    If someone wants to buy mainland or a private region it's their money and it makes no odds to me how they spend it.

You're right, it's a personal choice, some folks want to live on the Madlands, next to griefer prim access strips, some prefer the private islands, either rented or purchased outright.

Point is... We get a post demanding we all go premium, from somebody who's posts elsewhere show that they are mainly interested in forcing people to qualify to buy their unwanted land at inflated prices.

He wants to tell other people how to spend THEIR money.

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11 hours ago, Klytyna said:

But that 0.5 ls a prim 'purchase price' certainly doesn't include a weeks rent/tier. You are JUST paying for the right to stick your name on the parcel and be billed by LL, from somebody who probably marked it down that low in the hope that somebody would buy it before the next billing period, so they wouldn't have to just abandoned it to avoid another months tier. 

You rent from LL or you rent from an estate owner, prices are generally comparable. If you stay at your 512 bonus level, there is no tier above your premium membership which i already explained will cost you 1 dollar US a month after you received your weekly stipend. I challenge you to find me a 512 anywhere that rents for 250 L a month.

Going to a higher tier level,  LL tier rates are very comparable with renting on an estate plus you are dealng with LL as a landlord, not an estate owner.  

Also, you have no rules on mainland  apart from Maturity guidelines.

My ideal mainland parcel  is one on an entirely abandoned mainland sim... no neighbors, no complaints, no lag.

THAT by itself is worth my monthly premium membership charge.

Let go of your negativity and hate Klityna, you'll be a much happier person if you can.


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
changed idea to ideal, changed costs to cost
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12 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Also, you have no rules on mainland  apart from Maturity guidelines.


Let go of your negativity and hate Klityna, you'll be a much happier person if you can.



Ah! I wondered when the classic "Madlander Max the Prim Warrior" battle cry would crop up in the Premium Propaganda.

Many of us AVOID the Madlands as much as possible because of that whole "No Rulz" thing, with every self entitled madlander asshat spamming lag tech griefer orbs to stop 'peasants' looking at their parcels, or rezzing hunk prims on their neighbors land because the neighbor hasn't set 'auto return' on the basis that it's ok to fill your neighbours land with junk to remind them to protect YOU from griefers.

Too many Madlanders are still fighting the Parcel Wars, playing 'piss on thy neighbour' to force sales or abandonment, so they can have their rinky-dink 512 prim hovel in the middle of an abandoned sim.

Sorry, but as long as the Madlands are a hateful place to visit never mind live, I'll continue to hate being there.


Edited by Klytyna
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9 minutes ago, Klytyna said:


Ah! I wondered when the classic "Madlander Max the Prim Warrior" battle cry would crop up in the Premium Propaganda.

Many of us AVOID the Madlands as much as possible because of that whole "No Rulz" thing, with every self entitled madlander asshat spamming lag tech griefer orbs to stop 'peasants' looking at their parcels, or rezzing hunk prims on their neighbors land because the neighbor hasn't set 'auto return' on the basis that it's ok to fill your neighbours land with junk to remind them to protect YOU from griefers.

Too many Madlanders are still fighting the Parcel Wars, playing 'piss on thy neighbour' to force sales or abandonment, so they can have their rinky-dink 512 prim hovel in the middle of an abandoned sim.

Sorry, but as long as the Madlands are a hateful place to visit never mind live, I'll continue to hate being there.


I'm not sure where you have seen all this happening, but my mainland experience has been generally positive. 

I love being able to walk out my front door, hop onto a LL car that travels the roads and visit a whole continent.

Hate is found where ever you chose find it. I suggest you look inside your own heart.

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
added words for clarity of meaning
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I've sold most of my mainland now but I still have a small parcel on Athetis, just by the railway track (on one side) and a public bridleway on another.  Perfectly pleasant place and the neighbours are much the same as neighbours on private regions.

You need to be a lot more careful buying mainland than renting on private regions, obviously, but it certainly doesn't have to be the sort of mess Klytyna describes above.   

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Private sims are nice for just that reason..They are more private and have more control over the kind of griefing that goes on in mainland...Like someone moving next door trying to push you out with them blocking your view with some tower that reaches the sky..

The nice thing about mainland that I liked is,you can do things like, just jumping on a horse and riding to the Atoll and then hitting those trails..You can go for really long walks..

I loved living on mainland when I did and kept the place I had there for a few years..But I also love having more control in private sims..being part of smaller communities has it's benefits as well..

Each one has it's pro's and con's..It just depends on how they weigh out to each person..I'd have both again if I thought I had the time to enjoy them both,but that's not in my cards these days so I do the pro's and con thing for now..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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37 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:

So we're saying that I can still blame SL for my lack of clothing and not any ongoing exhibitionism on my part?

I sure hope so..:D

What the heck? My skirt just flew off!!O.o

Never mind..I only thought I was wearing one..:$

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15 hours ago, Klytyna said:


Ah! I wondered when the classic "Madlander Max the Prim Warrior" battle cry would crop up in the Premium Propaganda.

Many of us AVOID the Madlands as much as possible because of that whole "No Rulz" thing, with every self entitled madlander asshat spamming lag tech griefer orbs to stop 'peasants' looking at their parcels, or rezzing hunk prims on their neighbors land because the neighbor hasn't set 'auto return' on the basis that it's ok to fill your neighbours land with junk to remind them to protect YOU from griefers.

Too many Madlanders are still fighting the Parcel Wars, playing 'piss on thy neighbour' to force sales or abandonment, so they can have their rinky-dink 512 prim hovel in the middle of an abandoned sim.

Sorry, but as long as the Madlands are a hateful place to visit never mind live, I'll continue to hate being there.


You're quite welcome to avoid Mainland, if you wish. You're also quite welcome to enjoy SL without becoming a premium member; I'd guess the majority of my friends do the same. Many of them draw a fair amount of income from SL, too, as DJ's or entertainers or creators. And as has been suggested, they pump a fair amount of that back into SL and thus to LL.

You're also quite welcome to think of Mainland as "a hateful place". Just as I am welcome to think you are totally wrong. I've been here since late in 2008. I don't recall when I selected my first plot and placed my first prefab house but it would have been early 2009 at the latest. I've never lived anywhere but on Mainland. It has been an education, a way to meet some people I'll never forget and think fondly of always (as well as a tiny few whose names I've forgotten and will endeavor not to think of again) and all in all, an experience. I now live on a plot that straddles a Linden Road and am still reluctant to sell the part across the road, even though I've removed all the structures and things I had there and no longer use it (I should get rid of it.  No sense paying extra tier: with a little strategic pruning if I got rid of that empty part I'd drop from 4096 to 2048; its dumb not to).

In the more than eight years I've been a resident of the mainland, I have witnessed exactly ONE incident such as you describe in your third paragraph, talking about "piss on your neighbors", etc. One. And since, btw, I LIVE ON MAINLAND, I do believe that makes me the more credible witness here. The incident in question was definitely not something you describe anyway; it was a store with a horribly garish vertical sign. I was asked by both of my neighbors at the time to please take it down (the sign was right up against my property line) and had to explain I had nada to do with it. All three of us IM'd the store's owner repeatedly; it was clearly a derelict since we almost never saw anyone visiting. Finally we all just planted trees and went on with our SLives.

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14 hours ago, Dillon Levenque said:

You're also quite welcome to think of Mainland as "a hateful place". Just as I am welcome to think you are totally wrong.

I've been here since late in 2008. , I have witnessed exactly ONE incident such as you describe in your third paragraph, talking about "piss on your neighbors", etc.

A friend I used to have, now gone from SL, similar age to your self, had an 8k plot, protected waterfront. Some madlander-Max snapped up the abandoned land on 3 sides of hers, and put in slot machine palaces, with huge neon sign boards and dozens of one-arm bandit machines with annoying sounds, rezzed by different alts so muting one account didnt stop you hearing all the other damn machines. Purpose was to make the place unbearable so she'd leave and they could then 'claim the abandoned land' because they owned the dirt on 3 sides of it.

There are as many ways of playing 'piss on they neighbor' as there are Madlander-Max's doing it. Another aquaintance, who'se been here longer than you, tells the tale of how a griefer-orb set to an excessive scan range knocked his plane out of the sky, and when she shlepped 4 sims down the ll road to rez a new one, the parcel owner FOLLOWED him down the road for 4 sims screaming that he had griefed her land by 'flying over it'.

Then there are those wonderful Madlands Slumlords who rent out parcels, ask a months rent upfront, then sell the parcel out from under the tenant before their next tier date, leaving the tenant arguing wiht the NEW Madlander Slumlord about having to pay rent twice to two different people.

Lets not forget the weird parcel cutting tricks, and the bot farms, those 40 afk alts in a 512 next to your parcel designed to make your land unusable.

Then there are the old old parcel warriors, fighting forgotten wars by making disposable untraceable alts to grief 20 sims at a time by rezzing self replicating physical prims that pile up in drifts and spread from sim to sim along the damn 'object entry' enabled LL roads.

The LL weekend night shift emergency crew had to take down and rollback all those sims because they couldn't even get into them to return the damn prim litter.

It's not how long you've been in SL or if you LIVE on the mainland that determines what you see, it's how much attention you pay.

Take as an example a certain furniture store owner who stated that there were hardly any vampire rp people in SL because... He spent 11 years standing in his store with his thumb up his ass, and virtually no vampires came to buy his non-gothic furniture, proof positive they obviously didn't exist.


Edited by Klytyna
crappy post editor still broken
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5 hours ago, Klytyna said:

It's not how long you've been in SL or if you LIVE on the mainland that determines what you see, it's how much attention you pay.

I'll not take issue with all your tales of woe back there even though I personally take them with a grain of salt. I do take issue with the statement I have left quoted, which seems to imply that I haven't 'paid attention' to my Mainland experience, that of my neighbors (in all the different places I've lived) or for that matter the SL forums.

Take your implication and......(remember to fold it three ways first).

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