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So, generally, I have about four books on the go at any one time. One or two of those are work-related, one is a read for pure pleasure, and one is . . . my "bathroom" book. The latter I read in the bathtub or when I am *cough* otherwise engaged in the washroom: it sits on a small side table in the bathroom, and it's usually something I can absorb in short spurts, like poetry or, most frequently, probably, a history book. At the moment, in fact, it's a very readable history of the Wiemar Republic I've read before, but am just sampling from again for pleasure.

And yeah, this pic is probably a bit TMI -- but I did call this series "Intimacies," after all.



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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, generally, I have about four books on the go at any one time. One or two of those are work-related, one is a read for pure pleasure, and one is . . . my "bathroom" book. The latter I read in the bathtub or when I am *cough* otherwise engaged in the washroom: it sits on a small side table in the bathroom, and it's usually something I can absorb in short spurts, like poetry or, most frequently, probably, a history book. At the moment, in fact, it's a very readable history of the Wiemar Republic I've read before, but am just sampling from again for pleasure.

And yeah, this pic is probably a bit TMI -- but I did call this series "Intimacies," after all.



I am so glad to be back home so I can comment on this (these, actually...so many people posted so much great stuff while I was away!) But this -

I love knowing this is part of a series, because it has the feel of one. I mean...not to go hyperbolic or anything, but it feels like something out of a photographer's exhibit, or a plate in a coffee table book. It has the spirit of artistic photography, while being a simulacrum of it at the same time. It's fantastic.

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On 1/1/2022 at 4:12 AM, Bagnu said:

This pic is raw. I just cropped it slightly. I had to get new hair for this AV, because the alpha textures were causing conflicts. The skin was poking through the dress where the alphas were causing issues. I'm curious what everyone thinks of this new hair. Please comment!!!

Toy new hair cropped.png

love this hair, seems so "natural"

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   Omg! You have... never... seen it Marigold? I though everyone and their toaster had seen it by now. Ok, that's it...

<Wave's hand in front of Marigold in a very Jedi like fashion and says...>

   "This is the movie you are looking for. Now go, and watch this movie today..."


   And a very warm welcome to the forums & SL @OrigamiBR.


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56 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Can you believe I have never yet watched The Lion King? 

Lion King is the movie I have seen more times than any other, No other movie even comes close. When my oldest son was very little, I worked nights and watched him during the day when my wife was at work. It was his favorite movie, so we watched it over and over and over. 

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14 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I couldn't decide on a new look for my mermaid (not a surprise, thanks to all of the wonderful holiday gifts), so instead of simply updating it, I went ahead and made two brand new ones. One more human-like and one a bit more alien (below).

Currently rocking this one. I'll post version 2 tomorrow.






She looks like a creature who would lure sailors into the water and eat them.

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7 minutes ago, Ayeleeon said:

She looks like a creature who would lure sailors into the water and eat them.

Lol, that's the style I usually go for, to be honest.

My mermaids are always of the "kind of a jerk" variety. The other one will look slightly more pleasant, but I'd advise against taking your boat out around her, too.

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13 hours ago, BranScanlon said:

Such a great action shot Bagnu! The slight blur really gives it the sense of being in motion. So neat!

Thanks!!! It's blurry because I had to crop the shot a lot. I was focused on spending time with Katie, so i didn't take many pics. I wasn't concentrating on zoom or framing . I looked at the pics later, and thought a couple would be fun to work up!!!  Lol, please call me Sandor.

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On 1/1/2022 at 3:43 PM, Laika Ravikumar said:

For me am not posting any pics and please don’t message me I can live without your comments.

Im not going to get photoshop to me it’s a step beyond my opinion . Some people can’t afford it, I could I could I choose not to.

I would rather live with Flickr than the  things Orwar said. 










I'll add my voice (such as it is) in saying it would be a real shame to lose your voice on this thread. Your pictures are all quite wonderful, and I'm not the only person who has been happy you have been sharing them with us.

I do hope everything's okay

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I've been all over the place in my fancy schmancy nice new frock today, but nowhere appropriate for taking photos, so I'm back on my sky platform. 

In real or in Second, I'm more comfy in jeans. 




new frock 3.jpg

Edited by Marigold Devin
... and I really miss flexi, can't help it.
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