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Where is Bento on Singularity???

Svana Verne

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My computer is old BUT on Singularity everything loads *slowly* my problem is those darn bento heads. They never load and it's hilarious to see two eye sockets and big set of teeth with the word punch on the heads. I hears Singularity supposedly has a add on or viewer or something you can download to help with that a Bento viewer or add on? I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site and in the search "Bento" comes up nothing in search. I HATE mesh I HATE Bento and liked things as they were in 2005. YES I know I need a new computer donations taken hahaha

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Svana Verne wrote:

... I hears Singularity supposedly has a add on or viewer or something you can download to help with that a Bento viewer or add on? I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site and in the search "Bento" comes up nothing in search. ...

Just a few days ago, Singularity made an alpha viewer available for bento.    You can find it in the "Source Code" section on the Downloads page.   Look for Build #6915, dated 2017-01-13 07:35:52.  (should be right at the top of the alpha list)

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You hate mesh you hate new viewers you hate ... you hate... you hate everything that isn't 2006...


That is the real problem, 2006 is gone, deal with it, viewer 1 is gone, deal with it, welcome to the second decade of the 21st c entury, things are better.


I've seen plewnty of 2006 clothes and sahoes and hair, my retinas still bleed on occasions.


Uninstall Singularity, get a viewer designed LESS than 10 years ago.


You could try Catznip, or Black Dragon, or even Firestorm.

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WOW Klytyna!!!!

I ask a simple question and for help and you have to be sarcastic?

Not ALL of us can afford a brand new computer and stuck with a antique. 

Quote"I've seen plewnty of 2006 clothes and sahoes and hair, my retinas still bleed on occasions."

plenty....shoes..... so see? none of us are perfect. 

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Svana Verne wrote:

WOW Klytyna!!!!

I ask a simple question and for help and you have to be sarcastic?

Not ALL of us can afford a brand new computer and stuck with a antique. 

I've seen plewnty of 2006 clothes and sahoes and hair, my retinas still bleed on occasions."

plenty....shoes..... so see? none of us are perfect. 

That wasn't sarcasm, it's a statement of what is pretty much a fact.

I comment that you are using what is essentiaslly an outdated badly supported viewer, and you assume i "can afford a brands new computer" but in fact, I can't, my pc is old and obsolete but  I still have less trouble running SL than a lot of the complainers, BECAUSE I pay attention and don't just throw my hands in the air and scream "waaaah it's not the good old days anymore".


I've been told by a fossil perma-noob that his computer was "too old and weak' to display mesh so he wouldnt switch to a mesh viewer", only to find when he stated the machines specs, that it was faster than mine and had twice the memory, which I told him.


You asked a question... Where is the bento button... There is no bento button, not in any viewer, least of all one that's basically a clone of viewer 1.


I keep seeing "old machine, old avi, use singularity its small and has pies!", but that doesn't mean it's the right answer


Here's another quote from you, "I HATE mesh I HATE Bento and liked things as they were in 2005". What can I say, loading slowly affects us all sometimes, there is a thing called 'render weight', I recently saw somebody with a renderweight of over half a million... guess how old their boots were, yup pre mesh, build of hundreds of prims and sculpties. Why are they wearing stone age boots when the mesh ones are better?


"I HATE mesh and liked things as they were in 2005"


Old prim shoes and hair that look damn ugly and have bling and recolor scripts IN EVERY SINGLE PRIM, leading to their hidious looking wearers walking aroiund with 600 + scripts using 50mb plus of script memory, that quite literally lags the whole damn sim.


Welcome to the future, it's time to throw away that VIP signature 2005 skin, with the highlights that look like they were applied with a 4 inch housepainters brush over  a flast color fill in flesh tone beige, and lips that make  you look like you were smacked in the mouth with a baseball bat dipped in whitewash. Time to ditch those 300 prim 'shoes' that look like they were made of Lego by a 4 yr old.


You'll look better and lag less.


And my  retinas can stop bleeding...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Are there Macs that can even run software from 2005?

Generally Mac has the reverse problem - they update the OS, everybody gets it, then we find out "oh we discontinued support for all your old applications, and just for the extra kick in the teeth, we stole your phoen's headphone jack and gave it to Samsung, now we're going to steal ALL the ports on your Mac and hand them to Dell. Here's a new SINGLE proprietary jack that only we support, or new decives after next year MIGHT support, that all of your stuff has to take turns plugging into."

I love my Macs... but sometimes they don't love me.

Singularity is the viewer for people that want time to freeze. Mac users have chosen the platform that wants history to not exist. These are kind of opposite philosophies.

There might not be enough Mac Singularity users to justify hiring a developer to port the code, as it might be impossible to find one willing to do it for free.

And I suspect any Mac that is still allowed to download a modern browser (example, my 2003 Mac cannot, it's universally blocked now from getting anything)... can also run a modern viewer.

If you chose Mac, it was not a budget based choice unless you're a large company or government (Mac IT departments can be run with a vastly smaller staff, and Macs require very little support and cost to maintain - so for a large organization the higher cost is rapidly made up by not having an IT team in the hundreds, but instead 3 guys in a basement playing WoW all day while the help line sits unused).

So the same 'I can't afford to upgrade' logic is not as present for Mac people. A PC that can run SL as good as a new Mac can, generally will cost about 1/3-1/5th as much... (You can run SL just fine ona  $300-500 PC).

- So in general I suspect Mac users have mostly moved to newer viewer codebases.


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  • 1 month later...

While I can agree with the much needed update with the mesh verses prims/sculpties even I 9 year veteran of SL has some prim items between both my main avatars and I obviously liked the items I kept because they don't all look hideous but for the most part the majority of it does. While we may not always like another resident's opinions I don't think that being sarcastic or bluntly rude in response if the way to go about things. I know several people that aren't on board with Mesh and Mesh body parts (bodies, hands, feet, heads, lips, etc). Each resident is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs and what they consider personal preference fact. While I am a mesh body, hands, feet, and head wearing fool there is that little flicker in the back of your mind that teases at "The Old Days" I mean hell I use to laugh like a maniac when you'd TP and your shoes would be in your butt, your hair on your butt and the fact you had to remove some scripts to even be able to TP because the script weights were too heavy to support lol. We had a friend who had to nearly remove everything he was wearing just to TP, while he was complaining we were all cracking up. SL isn't meant to be taken so seriously so enjoy it, sure friendships extend from beyond the computer or laptop screens and that is a beautiful thing but your still pixels at the end of the day and in no way was Second Life meant to be a replacement for your real life. Eventually we will all have no choice but to upgrade to all mesh but for the ones who choose to live retro SL lives, that is OK I mean if your going to uphold SL as if it was RL even in RL people do retro and in some fashions it is popular. People in SL have changed attitude wise since 2008 when I started SL, back in 2008 we had the Mafia and people acted like friendships meant something to them and well some were less sarcastic in responses regardless if it is meant to be a general response or just being kind of assy and sarcastic. And technically Svana Verne did ask a legit question and I quote "I hears Singularity supposedly has a add on or viewer or something you can download to help with that a Bento viewer or add on? I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site and in the search "Bento" comes up nothing in search." End quote. Even I was unaware of the new singularity Bento Viewer which I am happy about because I use MANY viewers from Official Viewer to Firestorm and a few others. I tend to DL popular ones and try them out because features in the viwers are sometimes different and you can find cool settings per viewer and some even work awesome for photos/blogging which I do both so I do bounce from viewer to viewer to see which one does good pics to cool graphics and several other cool things that make my time spend in SL silly and fun, which is my main goal. SL is for me an escape from RL drama and crazy. It just gives us freedom to be who ever we choose to be as well as look however we choose to look and to just be our individual over all self in whatever form we choose and the paths we walk in SL. No one is perfect in Second Life or Real Life, we are all perfectly imperfect no matter what reality real or game so we should try to get along without offending others with sarcasm regarding questions (even if we fail to agree with the questions) and just agree to disagree and move along happily. This world in the real version is filled with far to much hate and anger on a daily basis so we don't need to extend it into Second Life, this life should be free from any of them dramas and ignorances.  So Yes, I am now on the Bento Singularity version of the viewer and it seems pretty much as good as Firestorm with the exception of being able to load merchant outbox from the viewer, which Firestorm somewhat has hiccups with that so I tend to use the Official SL viewer for all Marketplace business stuff as Ive seen Firestorm make mistakes so I play safe with my stores.

Yes, Svana Verne I am too currently running the Singularity Bento version it seems fine however I have found it to be a touch laggy but I am also on a 2 year old machine that needs cleaned up badly which I will get around too when I have the free time Ive got bigger fish to fry than to deal with cleanup right this minute but when my machine is cleaned up it can run just about any viewer on ultra and everything to the max. Viewer exploration is kind of fun, the skins the settings and just all the cool things you can look up and learn to do within your viewer to enhance your SL world in photos.




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My eyes are bleeding from that giant wall of text lol. No offense Violet. -smiles-

I meet people frequently throughout the course of a week that can't see my Bento head because they haven't bothered to update their viewer software or are using some ancient viewer. If your machine can run a newer viewer do it. You will save yourself a lot of frustration and you will probably find those viewers will do a better job running sl. :D



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Actually, Black Dragon is not the viewer to use as a regular viewer. It has a ton of settings done specifically for taking pictures and making machinima, what it was designed for, and is very resource heavy. Better to use the SL standard viewer, Alchemy, UKanDo, Kokua or Catznip. They are all based on the SL Standard viewer. I prefer how things are set up on the Firestorm viewer as well as some of the toys on it that aren't available on the standard viewer.

But to the original question, mesh is here to stay, even if you don't use it. You can always lower your rendered complexity and see most people as jelly dolls if you prefer on the up to date viewers. 

As for complexity, the highest I've seen has been 1.5 MILLION. She had on old flexi hair, bling jewelry, and and old flexi ball gown. Since she was in Catwa and picking up the gifts, I suspect she was one that had been away for a while and was updating her avi. https://gyazo.com/037e31091789b1109aa0db6a1e765c64

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2 hours ago, Chase01 said:

I don't miss BLING, BLING jewelry AT ALL! lmao. 1.5 million complexity is just pure insanity. I am sure everyone in the store at the time was brought to their knees as a result of lag.

An aquaintance of mine was sim security some years back at one of those live concert tribute groups, where a sl band dress up as a real band and mime to a live stream of their concert, under licence.


It was apparently a fairly major act that night, that Marvin Monsoon guy who married Rita van Cheese, the Fetish model, and drew a big crowd, and thus big lag.


One of the last patrons to arrive, was wearing over 800 scripts, and topped out at some 50+ mb of script memory, more than the entire band with their special effects etc. She was acked to descript to a more resonable level. This walking lag bomb then had the nerve to complain that the sim was 'very laggy' right before my aquaintance administered the High Velocity Ban-Jection Thighboot Suppository, and they probably went around afterwards (walking slightly bow-legged) complaining of a "totally unjustified and unexplained ban"



These people just don't care.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That escalated quickly.

Anyhow: I don't really recommend using the SIngularity Viewer anymore - simply because any known version after June 2016 has been an Alpha build, so there may be nasty bugs.

If you really need a stable slick viewer with the look & feel of a V1.x, I recommend the Cool VL Viewer. Though not on the official TPV list, it's TPV-policy compliant. And it's always up-to-date (it's updated once a week at best)

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18 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

Males ones, well no just absolutely no. You either look like Norman Bates on crack or He-Man on steroids. So being a guy I'd put my male non-mesh av up against any male mesh av in a Pepsi challenge any day of the week.

That's what your avatar looks like in your Feed pics.


6 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

but alot of guys well most I know drop Slink for Niramyth, but then you get the He-Man on steroids effect.

Like your system avatar, then.

Your criticism doesn't hold up, but you say it as though your avatar isn't like that. But it is.

Just out of interest, I used a system avatar since 2006, but a couple of weeks ago I switched to a mesh one - a much better body than yours as far as muscles are concerned, btw. Yours are far to big. The reason I switched was simple. I tried a mesh demo body and compared it with my system body. The mesh one won hands down, simply because, when I folded my arms, the system one slid the shoulders across the chest, whereas the mesh one didn't do that. It's much more realistic. I tried a few demo bodies before I chose one, and all were the same in that respect - and all were less muscular that your avatar. So it's safe to say that your avatar's body wouldn't win any Pepsi challenge against a mesh body. My advice to you is not to enter such a challenge ;) Another bit of advice is to take a close look at yourself before getting into arguments in which you state that you are better ;)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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13 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

Have you seen the Slink male avatars? I tried the demo and it was horrid. I got a guy in my old MC sweet guy, very nice man, but poor fella has issues trying to find a cut that will even fit him right. Don't think he ever found one either, but alot of guys well most I know drop Slink for Niramyth, but then you get the He-Man on steroids effect. Now TMP is ok, but no real tone definition and way entirely over priced and not very compatible with alot out there. Tried all of these myself personally which is why I am fairly confident my system av would win a Pepsi challenge with any of them any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I do know what your talking about though. Those are generally the people I want to tend to ask if they'd like some help fixing their avatars up. lol Guys it's alittle easier to hook up because all ya have to say is look your not going to get any dates on that avatar pal. Let me hook you up. lmao ;)


Actually, I have seen most of the mesh bodies for men as I keep my RL hubby's avatar up to date in case one day he decides to come back to SL haha! Until then, his account is my alt. I went with the SLink mesh body as it was kind of perfect for what both myself and my husband wanted for his av. He wanted a less defined avi and we were able to create a a decently sized avatar. 

If you haven't yet, you should check out the Signature body for a mesh body update. Its a bit more defined than the slink body but without the He-Man feel.

Post a picture of your av. If its as good as you say i'd like to see it. Its very rare for me to be impressed with a system avi now that bento is out. I just can't stand the rough edges on the body and face, and weird hands and feet.

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5 minutes ago, Covah Optera said:

Actually, I have seen most of the mesh bodies for men as I keep my RL hubby's avatar up to date in case one day he decides to come back to SL haha! Until then, his account is my alt. I went with the SLink mesh body as it was kind of perfect for what both myself and my husband wanted for his av. He wanted a less defined avi and we were able to create a a decently sized avatar. 

If you haven't yet, you should check out the Signature body for a mesh body update. Its a bit more defined than the slink body but without the He-Man feel.

Post a picture of your av. If its as good as you say i'd like to see it. Its very rare for me to be impressed with a system avi now that bento is out. I just can't stand the rough edges on the body and face, and weird hands and feet.

That's kool. I'll have to check Signature out then. I haven't heard of that one. Thanks for the tip. As for my picture well they been looking at my SL profile, but here I'll just pop the link for my SL Facebook. Feel free to be as harsh as you wanna be. Everyone else is. lmao ;)


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I think everyone is getting a little too personal here and should maybe get back on track. 


But to reply to you :3

12 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

Thanks for the advice, but I think I am all right. Considering there is nothing 2009 about my avatar other then the fact it is a system shape I'll stick with what I got. Appreciate it though. :)


There's no nice way of saying this, but you absolutely could have fooled me. O.o 

It just looks very dated. But if you like your av that's all that really matters. But in my eyes your av doesn't stand a chance against my husbands av.

Edited by Annika Velde
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6 minutes ago, Annika Velde said:

I think everyone is getting a little too personal here and should maybe get back on track. 


But to reply to you :3

There's no nice way of saying this, but you absolutely could have fooled me. O.o 

It just looks very dated. But if you like your av that's all that really matters. But in my eyes your av doesn't stand a chance against my husbands av.

No offense taken. To be honest I wouldn't expect any man to look better then your husbands avatar in your eyes. Nor would I ever disrespect him or you for that matter by even putting that on the table.

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