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My short SL Life...


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Hi all,

   I would just like to say that in my short SL life I have learned that the people are very rude. It seems there are many in SL that enjoy hiding behind their "Oh look I can eject and ban" buttons. Why are these people in charge of money making sims? It seems to me that every single place is lucky to have 30 people or less and you want to eject new members because they hurt your feelings? Is everyone in SL this immature?


   Another thing I have noticed is the very poor building skills. Why is everything so out of scale? Does everyone play SL on tiny little 15 inch monitors? I play on a 47 inch screen and I tell you, I'm not trying to bash those of you that work hard to create but your building skills really suck being so far out of scale.


   I had planned on spending some free time in the SL world although, I do not feel welcomed at all as a newcomer. If this is the way you treat newcomers then I can truly see why every place I visit is empty.


   If anyone can shed some light on this matter please feel free to post.


   I do hope I'm not ejected and banned from this forum for hurting your feelings.



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I understand now...


So SL is a cult. Since I am not a cult member I would not belong.


People dressing up their avatars to acheive look a like barbie dolls must be a rewarding experience.

You must be so very, very proud to be failures in the real world.

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Not every sim and sim owner is like what you described, but then again it's their sim so they can do whatever they want. About build quality - SL has been running for more than 13 years, so there are literally millions of items with varying degrees of quality throughout SL. Trust me, there are great looking things and sims all around, but great looking things are expensive, and great looking sims are hard to build, so most of the time you'll see aethestically out of place things and sims, but that doesn't mean there aren't great looking things and sims out there.

If there are a couple of sims which community and cultures don't fit you, just find other sims that do, SL doesn't have a single core community or cult, it's rather made out of many of them.

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I'll give you a 2/10 for it, but take off 1 for the sockpuppet.


Hokizibin wrote:

Why are these people in charge of money making sims? 

Normally because they do as i do, pay US$295 a month to the lab and work 8 hour days. In return for maybe US$5 of tips on a good day. Very few regions in SL make money, mostly they are labors of love.

Hokizibin wrote:

Another thing I have noticed is the very poor building skills. Why is everything so out of scale? Does everyone play SL on tiny little 15 inch monitors? I play on a 47 inch screen and I tell you, I'm not trying to bash those of you that work hard to create but your building skills really suck being so far out of scale.


Scale is a weird one, it's nothing to do with screen size (hint - use Ctrl-0 or Ctrl-8 until it looks right on your screen) but more with avatar sizes. Some people are 9' tall some people are 6' tall some people are 4' tall - and all build in scales to suit their avatars.

Of course, from all the creating you have done you would also know people's skills are variable. Some people try their best, but can't do much, a bit like some hackers can only ever be skiddies and some griefers can only use other people's tools - never actually making their own.

 Do you have an LM of somewhere in world with things you have built by the way? I would love to see! And that's the truth.


All-in-all though I sincerley hope you find what you seek inside SL, and as you learn I hope you try to consider that sims are not cheap, they cost a lot of money for what is really just art, good or bad.

I guess, the way I feel about it is how I write it in my profile.

That purple, full bright house with the ugly freebee plants? No matter how bad that pile of ugly looks, it's someone's dream and it makes them happy. Appreciate their happiness rather than the puke inducing monstrosity.

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You haven't been in SL long enough to make these kinds of judgements about people/places/builds. I would suggest you start with the Destination Guide and work your way around the over 24,000 regions before you pass judgement on us. If you'd like to discuss this in world, contact me. I'm a helper at a Gateway and I'm used to new members questions. I promise not to be rude to you.


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If you are being banned it's because you are breaking the rules, acting obnoxiously and bothering other guests or are extremely rude yourself.  Public venues rarely ban people for no reason as they people to hang out there.  Owner's of these venues are within their rights under the TOS to ban you and set the rules because THEY pay for it, not you.  Public venues rarely make any profit or break even.  Most of them are money pits for the owner, they just run them because they enjoy doing it.  Just because the public is welcomed doesn't make it public land.  LL owned land is the ONLY public land and the only place you are entitled to go on, and even there LL will ban you if you break their rules.  All other land (the majority) is owned by residents and you are only allowed there with the Owner's tolerance.

SL may appear empty to you for two reasons.  Your time zone and hours of the day you spend in SL may not be when the most people are online.  Second, there are far more sims than there are people logged on at any one time and not everyone congregates in the same places.  A lot of people that are on line don't congregate at all, preferring to stay at home, visit with friends or are busy building things.

SL's content is created by residents.  LL builds very little of it.  Most of those residents are amateurs and never had any experience building in 3D.  But that's one of th great things about SL.  Anyone can create things for themselves or for other residents. Many people find out they have a creative streak they didn't know they had.

Realistically, with your attitued, SL is not for you.  I say that because it's true, not because you hurt my feelings.  It makes no difference to the majority of us if you stay or go.  You should go where everything is created by professional content creators and juvenile behavior is accepted as the norm.

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I've been in SL for many years and I've only been ejected from places a couple of times and I can only think of one place I was banned from and that was because the owner wrongly suspected me of being a land dealer!

Only very rarely have I encountered rude people, most are friendly.

As for bad building - yes, one sees a lot of that, I admit. There are a lot of people in SL who have no sense of scale or proportion, you only need to look at a group of avatars in a club to see that!  Part of the attraction of SL is that people can build what they like and there are many fantastic builds in SL, and many others that have gone.  The other side of the coin is that there's a lot of ugly mess in SL too!  

Another reason people build big in SL is because of the default camera position, which is high up and distant.  You can change this in perferences or in debug settings but I don't suppose a lot of people realise this.  Our building, Egotherapy Club, has quite high doorways because we don't want it to be inaccessible to tall avatars although we ourselves are of normal height - except for out 9ft robot, that is!

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Money making sims?  Haha!   Really?   Try actually owning one!   People pay a LOT of real money for their sims and get precious little back with the majority of visitors never donating a linden when they use them!  Creators have to pay out a lot of money for their building materials, uploads etc and if they can scrape even then they are very lucky!

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Just to set some things straight...

Sadly there is no "Oh look I can eject and ban button", let alone more then one. But as a new resident, how could you know...

Money making sims are just as rare as new residents that figure out the pro's and con's about SL in such a short time as you did.

A script writer can thrash anyone and everyone (stated by you on your profile). Yes, that sounds like you are a very friendly person and I would never dream of banning you from my land. I would never get the feeling you might want to trash my land with your mighty scripts.

Feel free to spend some of your free time on teaching a class on how to "not suck on building". Feel free to do that on land you paid for yourself with RL money. Never mind the ppl that cannot behave, banning then for a reason that you see fit, that would not be nice. 

Try to, just for fun, pretend I come live in your RL neighbourhood. I walk up to you and tell you I planned to spend some time there. I trash you taste in housing, way too small/large/ugly (pick whatever comes to mind). I tell you non of you neighbours are friendly and you all chase me out of your back and front yards that you ofc pay rent for. I rage on about never anyone being at home as you al have to work to pay that rent.


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Hokizibin wrote:

I would just like to say that in my short SL life I have learned that the people are very rude.

I'm afraid that's a general problem with internet forums of all kinds, nothing special about Second Life there.


Hokizibin wrote:

Why is everything so out of scale?

Much of that is because of the awkward camrea position. The default birdseye viewpoint were established in the very early days for reasons that made perfectly sense back then and it has never been corrected. One of the negative side effects of that is that buidings have to be made in a very large scale so there's room for the camera inside.

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Thank You to those that have replied with good mature answers. You have given me a new perspective.


It still leaves me with one unanswered question...


If you are not making money then perhaps SL isn't for you as well??


Thank you everyone for your replies.

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>It seems there are many in SL that enjoy hiding behind their "Oh look I can eject and ban" buttons.

You seem to find it dishonorable and cowardly to eject someone from a place you own/manage. Why is that? Wouldn't you ask someone to leave, if they have violated your rules or been rude to you in your own home or business?

>Why are these people in charge of money making sims?

There seems to be a misunderstanding about sims here. First of all, most of them don't make any money. They are often either the expensive hobby of their owner or manage to cover their own costs, at best. Everyone (who has a paid account) can rent land from Linden Lab. If a place is succesful, its because of the hard work of its owner and wasn't just given to them.

>It seems to me that every single place is lucky to have 30 people or less and you want to eject new members because they hurt your feelings?

There are many different places in SL and yes, not all of them are super busy all the time. Some are more popular than others or only visited in certain timezones. A place that regularly has 30 people can be counted as succesful. And honestly, 30 is a comfortable size. A sim, stretched to its max. cap of avatars, is usually an unpleasant experiance anyway...but back to topic.

You mention "hurting someones feelings"... so that is what you did? You have been rude to  people, but feel like your value to those people overweights your actions? I doubt they value you this much.

>Is everyone in SL this immature?

Where is the link between immaturity and not wanting to be insulted by a stranger?


The people in Second Life aren't unwelcoming to newbies, but most people see zero reason to deal with anybody (newbie or not) if they act rude. Your status as a potential new long time member isn't going to change that. This tiny chance, that you might turn out to be worth the patiance or drama isn't convinching to people, who have had a bad first impression. They probably also thought, that you were just an alt, only there to cause some trouble.

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