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Complaint about the maternity network and a dr so called m d who did not help me.

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I sucessfull got my nany thants to the good dr at storknesst see as the half wits that are snooty and greed and are fake have bo idear how stupid they are Im laughtubg at the ones who are bad mothing me have a mental illness.  you dont bad moth people on forums you just say I know to me its hard but thats to common sense,

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paulinetaylor2015 wrote:

have bo idear how stupid they are Im laughtubg at the ones who are bad mothing me have a mental illness.  you dont bad moth people on forums you just say I know to me its hard but thats to common sense,

Back in January I made a resolution to myself to not be a smartass on the forums any more.


It is hard.  So very hard.  With temptation sitting there like Benidict Cumberbatch nude with Cognac and coffee ice cream.  Beckonging me.



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Your posts make my head and my ears hurt.

As someone that is legally blind and makes use of a TTS now and then to read long-er posts...I'll have to ask you to kindly either refrain from posting rants while drunk and high as a kite, or learn how to type in English, please. There are loads of free resources that can help you.

My TTS is now screaming at me to fix it, because you broke it, which means I can't get anything important done. How dare you throw my TTS into your rp with you, without consent. I plan to sue

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paulinetaylor2015 wrote:

 im just ifnoring thise idiots they mouth moves faster than tha brains that we smart people call a bubble brain they open there mouth faster and do not know what they are talking about there just daft people who bring sl down no wonder sl careers arent the same as it used to they just make uo stories and excuses to belive. I meanthey dont know how to role play propery they do not know how to help and they dont even know what sl is its common sense the rules of sK stat at the begginging when you just rezz on day 1, 1: there are humans behind the avatars, 2: respect there not doing that I know its just pixels I knoe its not real but when you dont have the money and you rp a pregnant girl in sl they would rathere let a baby dies and in rl they wouldnt they would be better of saying to themself hey there im god lol Im a know all. I am pregnant but hey its only pixels Ill not help anyone and let the baby die its just rp it isnt real ill have everyone in the known world see me rp this and watch my baby die and thank its cool and condradicte and bad mouth and think I know the diffrence and make me sound big when its the othere way around oh Iv got sl rules 1: respect, 2: humans behind the avatars, 3: everyone in the known rl world is on sl but hey ill throw the rules away ill give sl up for 8,9,10 month then come back and open my trap and k=not know the words hoe stupid is that, you and me 
Canoro Philipp on this forumn are the only 2 normal people who knows what rping mean who thinks about what there saying or doing, I mean there comon sense that there is a diffrence between rl and sl, sl isnt real its just pixels anyone with comon sense dosent go onto sl and rpas an abortion or miscariage and having everyone in the world seeing that anyone with comon sense would notice there are humans behind the avatars and there are people from around the world and the rules of sl are plain but there so fing stupid to read plain words in any language, no wonder the world is a discrase to be treated like that by people. how cant read into things are obviouse they never whent to school learned they were draged up they never had parents they neveer were tought right from wrong they live off there parents and never even bothere learning and for us Canoro Philipp and me to trust people when the do that is redulus 2016 and they still act like mokeys, is that honestly the evelolution of manking is that what we will allways be like them blah me and Canoro Philipp are the only best 2 logical thinkers on this forumn and I better you after this forumn mor stupid words will come out, they cant stop and think or even stop and think what would they do if they were in my shoes, people apart from me and u Canoro Philipp the rest need to save themselfs those loosers not us thet cant admit there loosers that is how paranoid and scared there are they are so sad Canoro Philipp arent they Canoro Philipp the rest make me laught after all there the griefer who end up getus us band or ejected because of ther under handeness and slow thinking.




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and you and pam have a history of being uptight, greedy and are known for their lack of empathy, living in their own perspectives thinking theirs is the only vaild point, and they lack the capacity to understand other people.

I have a history of understanding people when no one else does, I have a history of defending the weak against the bullies who get in their cliques and enjoy the suffering of others, I have a history of stepping in when no one would dare to face them all, I have a history of fighting for what is right, even against peer pressure.

if my history bothers you and pam, too bad, because I will continue standing for the weak, the abused, the ones that are attacked by the masses only for their own delight, this is my personality, and they will have a helping hand from me, and a shoulder to lean on.

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Except these "victims" are the ones heaping the abuse on everyone else. Which explains why "everyone is against them". People don't rise up against them en massefor no reason; they are not randomly selected; they are not just a little off base. They are offensive.

From the first post, Pauline was name calling and abusing those who would not donate their time to her role play, and said they would be responsible for her "miscarriage". How do you think it makes someone who has experienced the grief of a real miscarriage feel, hearing someone discuss role playing miscarriage as if it was a form of entertainment? Those are the ones who deserve sympathy and respect, not some drunk regurgitating in the forum. 

Both of you should be ashamed. Instead both of you are actually proud of yourselves!

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pam, we don't really have much interactions, we have stay apart most of the time, maybe because of different topics that interest us, notice the time when i enter the conversation, i step in with the only purpose of helping her, of trying to find out a solution for her concern, that girl was being pushed down and mocked, maybe because of the way she express herself, i understood her perspective, as such, i help her the way she needed.

pam, im sorry for taking you on the ride, but it bother me that i was being diminished, i was being looked down upon based on my history.

its fine if we have different paths, but we dont have to look down on each other.

i'll tell you what, i admire your business insight, and your knowledge on how being a merchant works, and your creative talent, i have been respecting you, i just wasn't going to take being a stepping stone.

maybe you said that out of an impulse, that's understandable, and i'm sorry if what i said came out of an impulse too, i was defending myself.

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i understand that the miscarriage mention is very hurtful for people that have been through that tragedy, she didn't mention it in a positive light, nobody should mention it in a positive light, it is always a tragedy, the mention of it was part of her second life.

i find too some forms of roleplay that i wouldn't participate in, that i don't agree with, that i find negative. still, they exist in SL, and it's not on me to stop them, its up to Linden Lab if it finds they break the TOS.

i wish you that you will not find many types of play in SL that would bother you greatly.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

and you and pam have a history of being uptight, greedy and are known for their lack of empathy, living in their own perspectives thinking theirs is the only vaild point, and they lack the capacity to understand other people.

I have a history of understanding people when no one else does, I have a history of defending the weak against the bullies who get in their cliques and enjoy the suffering of others, I have a history of stepping in when no one would dare to face them all, I have a history of fighting for what is right, even against peer pressure.

if my history bothers you and pam, too bad, because
I will continue standing for the weak, the abused, the ones that are attacked by the masses only for their own delight, this is my personality, and they will have a helping hand from me, and a shoulder to lean on.

How much do you charge?

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Except you weren't actually standing up for anyone, or any thing, for that matter.

You were merely contributing to her entie mockery of..well, roleplay in general. All you did was give her, him, it, whatever, a false belief that anyone in their right mind would think someone like her, he, it, whatever, is remotely sane. That's not exactly very helpful.

That person wasn't being bulied, the person was BEING a bully. There was, and is, no "perspective" to understand here, and that is part of the problem, I believe(though I could be completely mistaken). Personally, I'm not a bully, I'm rarely ever even remotely rude, and I believe that when I am...it is well deserved. This person, deserves it, for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which would be acting like a twit and getting someone like yourself to actually....I don't even want to say fall, but that's clearly what you've done here...for some weird story of "this is how real rpers do it, this is serious business people"...

I'm havign a difficult time how anyone can connect with this kind of disconnection, on any level, lol.  Yes I was poking fun, so were most folks, and I don't think there's a darn thing wrong with it. But perpetuating the delusions of others, isn't really remotely helpful, if this person, indeed believes even an iota of what she, he, it, watever, posted. Infact, I dare say it's the exact opposite. Sorta like someone who is actually crazy and believes she/he can fly,  going to a shrink who tells her/him "oh, it's perfectly normal to believe you can actually fly with a cape off a 50 floor building, here, let me help you"...


Don' give those fools the damn cape, or show them where to jump from. You're not protecting anyone, you're not fullfilling a need to help the weak(and yes I beleive everyone has that need and desire, to be honest). You're not doing a service, well, not a good service, and you're not doing any of the things you've listed, lol. Now I've been on these forums forever, even long before I started posting, I read way more than I post. So, I do know that all of those things you talk about, you have done, whether I always agree with your stance on things or not. But in this case...nope, none of that fits.

This one's a whackadoodle, of the worst kind, and all you're doing is giving her, him, it, whatever...a free VIP pass to whackadoodle island...

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Oh pull the other one, Can, it's got bells on!  He quite clearly said he would HAVE to rp having a miscarriage if he couldn't find someone to play at doctors with him.  He doubled down claiming people wanted to 'see his baby suffer and die'.  This 'baby' is an attached script.  This is either a determined troll, albeit one of very low intelligence, or someone in dire need of an intervention before they are lost to reality entirely.  Claims of 'doing rp right' are just a ridiculous grasp, although an unsurprising one from someone who claims that they were thwarted by meaniehead parents in their easily attainable dreams of practising medicine, modelling and acting!  Far from being capable of attaining any of these goals I'd be surprised if he can walk and chew gum at the same time.

From the very beginning he has vomited out his drunken, misspelled, grammar free, offensive, entitled ramblings.  He's a sick puppy, and your defence of him is making you look like a numpty.

Clearly you have a need to be seen as a defender of the weak.  I hope your subsequent projects are somewhat deserving.  This one is not.  

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i understand that the miscarriage mention is very hurtful for people that have been through that tragedy, she didn't mention it in a positive light, nobody should mention it in a positive light, it is always a tragedy, the mention of it was part of her second life.

i find too some forms of roleplay that i wouldn't participate in, that i don't agree with, that i find negative. still, they exist in SL, and it's not on me to stop them, its up to Linden Lab if it finds they break the TOS.

i wish you that you will not find many types of play in SL that would bother you greatly.

I don't care what people do in SL as long as it does not involve hysterical drunken hounding of people so badly it necessitates kicking them out of a group, as in this case. But I don't want to hear about it in the forum General Discussion group. I don't want to hear sad stories about how everyone was mean to them, either -- it is simply pointless and childish (and Pauline has said she is 35!). Everything you don't like doesn't need to be breathlessly reported in the forums! I don't write a letter to my local newspaper editor every time someone is rude to me or gives me incorrect change.

If you want someone to champion and defend, and are not particular what their mission is, here is another candidate for you: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-About-to-Delete-large-parts-of-SL/td-p/3057768

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i understand that the miscarriage mention is very hurtful for people that have been through that tragedy, she didn't mention it in a positive light, nobody should mention it in a positive light, it is always a tragedy, the mention of it was part of her second life.

i find too some forms of roleplay that i wouldn't participate in, that i don't agree with, that i find negative. still, they exist in SL, and it's not on me to stop them, its up to Linden Lab if it finds they break the TOS.

i wish you that you will not find many types of play in SL that would bother you greatly.

It's very simple, he/she is posting in the GD section about a RP issue inworld. Firstly, it should be in the RP section. Secondly she is acting as if it is really happening to her and the Avs in Sl are actual doctors that have to follow the hyppocratic oath. Thirdly she is RolePlaying in the freaking forums!! Seriously, dude. She is a grade A wacko.

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You weren't defending anyone.  You enabled the OP's sense of entitlement and sick fantasy. 

I don't care if she didn't mention miscarriage in a positive light.  The fact that she was using it at ALL for emotional blackmail (which she was) and entertainment, which is what RP is, was not just hurtful but beyond the pale.

The OP thinks being charged for something in SL is greedy and she feels entitled to get everything for free.  Then you turn around 'in her defense' and accuse two well respected merchants who work full time creating things for SL for their RL income, charge reasonable prices for their work, and spend hours providing excellent customer service, as being 'greedy'.  Well by that logic, if you or the OP get paid in RL for any work you both are greedy too.  

Just because it's not up to you to 'stop' sick roleplay and negative attitudes doesn't mean that you have to 'defend' them just because they exist.  That's the same as defending people who are bigots, sexists and child abusers because those exist too and it's 'not up to you to stop them'.

You can continue to think you are some type of superhero flying in with your cape on to defend the downtrodden.  But in this instance at least, you are as delusional as the OP.

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I'm gonna do my best to peeve everyone here. I haven't followed the thread closely, but I have no problem with Canoro's handling of this. I don't think it was helpful, but it certainly didn't irk me. Meanwhile I've watched people pour quite a bit of serious and well reasoned effort into this thread while sometimes simultaneously being snarky.

I've spent the last year living with my late neighbor's son, who has some personality issues that make him difficult for me to live with. I suspect he'd say the same about me. What I've seen is that he really doesn't perceive things at all the way I do. He's otherwise bright, but fairly incapable of long term planning (a diagnosed deficit). I'm slowly grasping how this deficit stresses him in ways he can't comprehend, causing him to do things that seem just whackadoodle, wacko, sick, or crazy to li'l Miss Analytical.

I've (almost?) always refrained from calling people stupid or crazy because they usually aren't and I sometimes lose arguments to them. It's not helpful to make such assignations casually, although I certainly understand (and can't always resist) the emotional desire to do it. If any of us really believes that the OP has some mental health issues or deficits, why then dismiss them for it? While I was carrying the broken bits of the smashed kitchen stool my Father made when I was a kid out to the trash, I was sorely tempted to call my boarder a crazy SOB. But I've seen his health history. He's not crazy. He's having a much tougher time in the real world than I, and he's not (yet?) got the tools (self awareness amongst them) to help him deal with that.

I certainly don't know how to handle situations like this, so I usually walk away from them when I can. Canoro's coming from a different place, and tackling it from a different angle. That may not work, but he tried. That's more than I did, which I thought was more than enough.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

You weren't defending anyone.  You
the OP's sense of entitlement and sick fantasy. 

I don't care if she didn't mention miscarriage in a positive light.  The fact that she was using it at ALL for emotional blackmail (which she was) and entertainment, which is what RP is, was not just hurtful but beyond the pale.

The OP thinks being charged for something in SL is greedy and she feels entitled to get everything for free.  Then you turn around 'in her defense' and accuse two well respected merchants who work full time creating things for SL for their RL income, charge reasonable prices for their work, and spend hours providing excellent customer service, as being 'greedy'.  Well by that logic, if you or the OP get paid in RL for any work you both are greedy too.  

Just because it's not up to you to 'stop' sick roleplay and negative attitudes doesn't mean that you have to 'defend' them just because they exist.  That's the same as defending people who are bigots, sexists and child abusers because those exist too and it's 'not up to you to stop them'.

You can continue to think you are some type of superhero flying in with your cape on to defend the downtrodden.  But in this instance at least, you are as delusional as the OP.

I haven't read everything, but I think Canoro did apologize for going over the top. I get the frustration over the walls of rant coming from the OP and the snark the results. When someone polarizing drops into a room, you get polarization. And that's the point at which I usually (not always as you know) leave the room. I have defended people I found offensive, in the belief that their defensiveness was causing it, hoping to open a crack in the dialog. I can't say that's been a successful strategy but I have tried it.

ETA: I get really frustrated when people on my side of a discussion take on the tactics of the people on the other side. That happens all the time and I then have to make allowances for the rising heat... or get out of the kitchen.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Oh I see no evidence of mental illness or disability. I thought early on might be trolling, but now seems pretty clear to me what the explanation is for these long rambling incoherent indecipherable rants.

Anger explains a lot of things. My boarder has a cupboard full of it, which colors much of my interaction with him. Although I'm getting better at navigating that maze, I can't wait for him to head off to college. One of the sources of his anger is my relentlessly analytical nature, and my ability to plan ahead (a deficit he can't understand). He thinks I'm just shooting down everything he says. In fact I'm telling him what the consequences of his actions will be, as he can't see them coming. And when they do come, he gets even more angry. I can't imagine what it's like to have his deficit, and that's a problem.

I've no idea what's driving the OP, but if I sensed I was feeding the offensive behavior, I'd walk away. Reasoning won't work.

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