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So is this Q&A or General Discussion

Sy Beck

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Well I'm guessing I'm throwing this question out because if I finish with "discuss", as I have in the past, some people get their panties in a twist.  However, I'm pretty sure that a lot of us back in the day who campaigned to have this slot as a "General Discussion" slot so that people would have an area to espouse their views about anything that was either current or upon their mind,might have an area to do so, might now be sorely disappointed at where our efforts ended.  This was supposed to be a place where free minds could argue, debate and heaven forfend disagree with each other.  A place of comedic interaction, if necessary and a place of condemnation, if required.

I used to enjoy this area as a place where a friction of ideas might happen, where I was exposed to differing and well argued opinions, from all ends of the spectrum and upon many subjects; Pep & Scylla? What ensued was on occasions fractious, hurtful, funny and enlightening, but all of this spectrum was, to an enquiring mind, rewarding and fruitful.

Now though I see that this forum page, which we battled for even to exist, has now turned into a proxy Q&A where LL can dump their responsibilities upon the generally good willing and socially avaricious.

Therefore, is it not time for a change and for the present occupants to discard what they were given and formally ask LL that this forum of open speech and ideas be officially termed "The Q&A Forum" so that noobs can see a place to go to and seek out people who would rather do that than anything that might upset them?  Because, I think that all of us can agree by perusing these forum threads that this is no longer a general discussion forum and therefore it should be renamed to what it portrays, a Q&A that generates hyperlinks to other forums or articles.  At the very least it should be renamed to  "s h i t  that bugs me in SL!"


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As of late it seems the the GD Forum has indeed turned into the General Q&A Forum. Although we get an original discussion going from time to time. More often than not we get bumps from older discussion threads many of which just make you shake you head as to their power of Resurrection.

I too miss the original debate & comedy that used to cover the walls of this hallowed forum.

Mmmm, maybe the STABaSL moniker might work - Stuff That Annoys [the] Brain about Second Life. Or not.

Better yet, let's find a way to get discussions thriving again.



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perhaps one of the idiot or stupid answers ... if the repliers point to the Q&A and nothing else it would get less soon... next to that ( not criticizing the mod team) mods could move the topics, as they do with the people who think its ok to put their rentals in every other place too..

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Sy Beck wrote:

Well I'm guessing I'm throwing this question out because if I finish with "discuss", as I have in the past, some people get their panties in a twist.  However, I'm pretty sure that a lot of us back in the day who campaigned to have this slot as a "General Discussion" slot so that people would have an area to espouse their views about anything that was either current or upon their mind,might have an area to do so, might now be sorely disappointed at where our efforts ended.  This was supposed to be a place where free minds could argue, debate and heaven forfend disagree with each other.  A place of comedic interaction, if necessary and a place of condemnation, if required.

I used to enjoy this area as a place where a friction of ideas might happen, where I was exposed to differing and well argued opinions, from all ends of the spectrum and upon many subjects; Pep & Scylla? What ensued was on occasions fractious, hurtful, funny and enlightening, but all of this spectrum was, to an enquiring mind, rewarding and fruitful.

Now though I see that this forum page, which we battled for even to exist, has now turned into a proxy Q&A where LL can dump their responsibilities upon the generally good willing and socially avaricious.

Therefore, is it not time for a change and for the present occupants to discard what they were given and formally ask LL that this forum of open speech and ideas be officially termed "The Q&A Forum" so that noobs can see a place to go to and seek out people who would rather do that than anything that might upset them?  Because, I think that all of us can agree by perusing these forum threads that this is no longer a general discussion forum and therefore it should be renamed to what it portrays, a Q&A that generates hyperlinks to other forums or articles.  At the very least it should be renamed to  "s h i t  that bugs me in SL!"


Haven't we really had this discussion before?  Several times.  Maybe not the same exact identical points but at least very similar.

You're right.  Many questions get asked here that would be more appropriately asked in other sections of the Forum.  Occasionally I suggest to the Mods that they be moved.  But I'm not heavy handed about it.  Personally I don't get bothered too much by questions here because I really dislike the format of the Q&A section of the Forum.  In fact I dislike it very much.

If it's discussion you want here than bring us viable topics to discuss. People moan about this Forum but I see very little action to improve it.  (Yeah, I know, some people will argue it's beyond redemption.)

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Perrie Juran wrote:


If it's discussion you want here than bring us viable topics to discuss. People moan about this Forum but I see very little action to improve it.  (Yeah, I know, some people will argue it's beyond redemption.)

Yep, all it takes is people, and something to say. 

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Does it get boring around here? Yes.

Does it have to be that way? No.

I personally like threads where we get a bit silly, because I'm like, you know, frivolous. But I'll step into a serious conversation if it interests me. The problem isn't LL, it's not even the mods. It's the Forumites. A discussion is only as good as the people who engage in it (and we have had plenty of worthwhile discussions here, as Pamela suggested).

You have something to say, say it. If it gets interest, it will get replies.


ps: I accidentally posted this as a reply to Pamela; I had to delete that one. I meant to reply the thread and to the OP.

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I like this forum as well as any. There are quite a few people I like quite a lot. Yes, it is bizarrely moderated, and it has more than its share of twits, but the up side of that is that it really never gets downright ugly. Plus as far as basic SL information, news, alerts, etc., this is the first place I look. Even Lindens show up here and there.

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I, for one, am not offended by the word 'discuss'.  It's just a word and if it injured my sensibilities, I'd ignore it.

I agree that this forum has been watered down so much so that it's wearing to seek out the few mildly interesting or raucously so posts with which to engage or even read in amusement.  Provocative posts are wonderful.  Polarizing ones, even more so.

GD was supposed to be a 'dumping' place for discussion on both SL and RL topics but awhile back it seems someone removed the reference to 'real'. Bah.

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I came from the lively SL Exchange (later XStreet) forum, the closing of which I greatly mourned. Sort of -- like most lightly moderated forums, it could get really ugly.

I understand why many can't take the dysfunctional software and bizarre moderation here. I have learned how to put my toe right up to the (ever moving) line but not over, so it works for me.  



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For once, I'm commenting before reading the whole thread.

Sy Beck wrote:

Well I'm guessing I'm throwing this question out because if I finish with "discuss", as I have in the past, some people get their panties in a twist.  However, I'm pretty sure that a lot of us back in the day who campaigned to have this slot as a "General Discussion" slot so that people would have an area to espouse their views about anything that was either current or upon their mind,might have an area to do so, might now be sorely disappointed at where our efforts ended.  This was supposed to be a place where free minds could argue, debate and, heaven forbid, disagree with each other.  A place of comedic interaction, if necessary and a place of condemnation, if required.

I was one of those who campaigned vigorously for this GD forum when its existence was called into question, because, the way I saw it, this GD forum was the very heart of the "community" that we'd built here.  There was a time when, in prior versions of this forum, the lack of moderation allowed for deeply personal attacks and wholly inappropriate behavior.  I don't wish for those times to return (because, heaven forbid a forum where Sus can run the ef over people willy-nilly like she used to).  But ffs, allow some constructive, intelligent discussion.

As far as I'm concerned, Sus was wonderful... even when she was going after me.  The arguments we used to have here in the forum were nothing more than that... Sus understood that arguing with someone didn't mean that you hated them and certainly didn't mean that you or they were a "troll".  Now, everyone is a troll or a bully or what have you, simply because they dare to state their obstinate point of view.

This forum is not equivalent to SL itself, but I don't think for a second that the sort of "ef them, we'll do what the hell we want, regardless of what they think" mentality doesn't apply to SL at large.  No, LL is not interested in those of us who have a reasonable opinion or who can manage to argue our opinions against those who don't agree.  We are all stupid and deserve to be subjugated... fall in line or you're out.  Oh, how I admire those who left never having submitted themselves to LL's stupidity (like I have).

...Dres (Pep is still my hero.)

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Venus Petrov wrote:

GD was supposed to be a 'dumping' place for discussion on both SL and RL topics but awhile back it seems someone removed the reference to 'real'. Bah.

No, I think they removed the reference to "discussion".


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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Dresden wrote:

There was a time when, in prior versions of this forum, the lack of moderation allowed for deeply personal attacks and wholly inappropriate behavior. 

/me blinks innocently.


I loved Sus!  She had fire, that's for sure.

I still love Sus, even though she hasn't burned me in quite a while.


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