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Resident forcing AFK avatars into Sex

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Vandris wrote:

he has been raping random female avatars for years apparantly

Get real; you can't rape anybody in SL. You are now about to have Scylla and her feminist alts descend upon you to explain. If you're lucky the grammar nazis will disemvowel you first.

Vandris wrote:

. I don't think being raped is in the TOS

Read the TOS again!

To confirm that it isn't.

Since you only think it isn't there.

Or maybe you haven't read it in the first place.

Which would account for your being unsure.

Vandris wrote:

  I guess I don't understand this game much.

Ah, that would explain it.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

i won't say it's a open invitation, but going afk on a sexbed is a bit ...  ehm ...
.. there is no privacy on sl, everybody who sees it can join. Simply log off if you can't keep an eye on your avi.

Reported for insensitivity to those SL participants who are actually unable to speak.

I suggest you choose your words more carefully. There are plenty of synonyms for stupid which are not gratuitously offensive, like idiotic, moronic, unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, imbecilic, obtuse, doltish, thick, dim, half-witted, daft, dozy, cretinous, all of which you might wish to use to describe the OP's "friend" without insulting the vocally impaired.





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If she's going to go AFK but stay logged in, she should either get out of bed or get a bed that has access controls she can set for Owner only or Group only, not everyone.

LL will do nothing about your AR since you don't have any standing in this incident unless you personally witnessed it happening.  Your friend must AR this.

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Years ago I used to make the animations for that kind of thing. One night I came down from my sky platform to put out a new animation and promptly got yelled at by a couple who were having a grand old time on one of the display beds. They apparently didn't like an audience. Why they were doing it in a public shop I have no idea.

SL is strange sometimes. After nearly 11 years on the grid I keep thinking I have seen it all and then someone pulls a new one.

I don't know what software the bed your friend has uses but many of them let you restrict the adult animation while keeping the other ones active. That way you only turn on the adult animations when YOU want them. Might be worth checking in to.

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Darkness Anubis wrote:

Years ago I used to make the animations for that kind of thing. One night I came down from my sky platform to put out a new animation and promptly got yelled at by a couple who were having a grand old time on one of the display beds. They apparently didn't like an audience. Why they were doing it in a public shop I have no idea.

They had probably turned the lights off . . .

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Vandris wrote: [...] I know my friend isn't happy or feel the same comfort she had with the game before. 

My foremost suggestion, then, would be that you do absolutely nothing to bring her back to her previous comfort level with SL. The measures you have already taken (sprucing up security, reporting the guy) seem correct... since you don’t specifically mention it, I don’t know if she’s taken her house location out of her picks, but if she hasn’t yet, she should; it may also be worth exploring why the original security system didn’t work as it was supposed to... have you taken this up with the landlords? If their current system is inadequate they should be the most interested in changing it, among other reasons so that individual tenants don’t take it upon themselves to install additional systems at their skyboxes that would further increase the already high lag of these rental types; and if they refuse or twiddle their thumbs, perhaps your friend should move to other, more accomodating rental company. Additionally, they may want to ban this particular user region-wide, at all the sims they manage, for further security; LL may not properly act against this (or any other) particular individual because they have different policies that at times may understandably seem too lax and/or cautious, but owners of a specific rental company may well act more definitely on your reports, if only on their end.


But other than that, yes, if she’s more wary now and less inclined to think of SL as an utopian world where you needn’t take any precautions against anyone or anything, good. Because it isn’t.

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Your report is a waste of Linden Labs time, as this is not a violation if the ToS. You may just made someone in their office laugh and question the sanity of their customers.

You can not be raped in a virtual world. Its by definition impossible and in no way compareable to the experiance a real victim of rape suffers from. Besides not sitting on sex furniture while being afk and getting a better security setting, your friend should learn to draw a line between her virtual avatar and her real person again.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

 You may just [have] made someone in their office laugh and question the sanity of their customers.

I understand there is a clause in the LL employment contract that makes this compulsory, at least twice a day.

[Except for Moderators; theirs has a clause that demands that they do not demonstrate anything that might be misconstrued as a sense of humour.]

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- You think that is sick? You didn't see much of SL.

- If the security system didn't trigger it was offline / not configured / is crap.

- If I go afk while staying online (which is very rare) I never do that on furniture with couple poses.

- Don't confuse RL and SL. LL or anyone else will not be interested on that incident.

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Vandris wrote:

So when I first found out about this she showed me the logs from nearby chat of the guy using the bed and what he was doing to her.
I submitted a report to linden labs
but when have they ever been helpful.


I don't think it makes LL more willing to help, that you submitted the report, on behalf of your friend. 

Be glad this is only SL and not real life...At least your friend didn't get pregnant  :matte-motes-wink:


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Really? This is what people are complaining about now?

And did you really use the word "rape" for a platform that lets you close it out at any time? Seriously?

There's stupid, and then there's this whole thread.

On a side note, that gives me an idea for a great grid exploration game.

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If they are sitting on a poseball, the security may not have been able to eject them. As for the bed, every bed I've seen in SL has the option to set it for owner only, group, only, etc for both the menus and the poseballs. All she has to do is set them for owner only. I know I keep my bed set on owner only unless it's in use by me. The guy getting his jollies with a random afk avi...shrugs....he should just visit some of the free sex sims; there are plenty of them.

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Ways to avoid this are ban lines, security orbs, no rlv or atleast rlv set to where others can not control your av except who you want to control it. Don't go afk on pose balls when your not at home. Not a very smart thing to do. I get what your saying, but honestly you can't rape an avatar unless the avatar is set in a position to be raped. Unwanted IM's well the mute feature works really really well in my book. I know I have tested it out afew times. Call it a learning experiance tell your friend to get over it. The concept of sick people on the internet is not a new concept. It's been around even before SL. People say it's just an avatar is another way of saying be thankful that someone just did not show up at your REAL house and beat down your door with freaking baseball bat and rape you for real. Since that obviously did not happen consider yourself blessed. And if your friend is really that traumatised and all broken up about what happened then they should definately not be playing Second Life. They should be playing the Sims games because just like the real world you will comes across alot of bad elements in it.

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I gather from the comments what was in your original OP.  I remember standing near a bed with adult animations in my home several years ago.  An avie across the river IMed me and we started chatting about scenic sims to visit.  I cammed so that I could see the avie and was in IM with them for about 10 minutes. When I cammed back, I saw my avatar was in an adult animation (this happened even though I was not on the bed).  I don't know how this occurred but I found it amusing.

Your friend sounds like they need to beef up their security, stay off of/away from adult furniture when they are afk (or, better, just log out) and get a sense of humor.

P.S. Thanks, Griff, for the context.  I lol'ed.


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Vandris wrote:

[...] A lot of you people are not only sick but you're out of touch with reality. Maybe perhaps you've been playing this game far too long to think what goes on in it is normal or acceptable behavior of people.

it's not cool or okay to go around sexually harassing someone in a virtual world or in a realone.

I would agree with you, if there were any hud/script or similar involved, that would make it somehow possible, to take any sexual action on your friend's avatar without her informed consent, while she tries to operate it. But she left, was afk. So why she didn't activate the away-function in the viewer? it's so easy. 

[...]Yes, it is real
there's a real person behind
it and that real person doesn't wish to be involved in your perversions. 


No, there was no real person behind, because she was afk. 

[...]so don't tell me some nonsese about how someone raping your avatar is nothing to be upset about.

see above

[...]Especially when it's someone who
stalked her randomly
broke into her home
to do so when she was just sitting in a bed in her home (I.E. a
normal bed
that came wit her skybox not some
perverted bed
she brought).

You can block and derender them, and put them on a blacklist, ban them, or asking the landlord to do so.

What is a perverted bed? ...I know some would say, that I really have no clue, but I never seen a "perverted bed".

[...]It's not innocent it's sick and whose to say this person isn't using this world before trying it out in the real world. Or do you think people that drug and rape women just pop out of no where. Sick actions come from the mind of a sick individual and since the guy I'm refering too has a history of doing this stuff I'm going to say
he's a rather sick individual.

Yes, and a poor mind. But it doesn't make him/her a potential rapist in rl. Being stupid and primitive is not prosecutable, nor an general indication for criminal energy.

Because LL's doesn't ever address people like this and lets people do these kinds of things in their games normal people that just come to enjoy SL and have regular fun as in not engaging in the perverted side of this game end up staying away from it or leaving SL altogether. It took me 8 years to even try SL because I heard so much negativity about it and this is exactly why this game has been dying ever since it started getting that reputation.


Is is now a game or not?

For me it isn't a game at all, even if I'm playful here, but I take the people for serious as human beings, and I try to respect them all.

I think,  you  didn't see the really beautiful things here yet. Neither the art sims. So I think you're judging by your own perception of sl. ...additionally, here are really beautiful-minded and nice people, some of them may not be so "normal" and "adapted/aligned", but please stop to equalise them with just one stupid person.

[...] IE. "Well if I'm not physcially in a relationship with someone it's not cheating on my wife/husband it's just a virtual world". Well I have news for you... the world may be virtual but your thoughts are real and so impact they bring on others when you act them out.

Agreed. But this is a moral judgment/question on an other level.

And married people having virtual sex with ramdom partners or similar is even not the same like an idiot who enjoys "pose ball hopping" with abandoned avatars. And adultery (in a virtual world) is even in no sense the same like a rape.


That's all I have to say.


But now off topic:

I am now wondering, what my avatar does, when I am not operating her, I mean when I'm not in sl.

Does Ardvinna live her own life? Does anyone know? Can anyone bring forward any evidences?  

 Edit: at least I tried to correct some mistakes, but I'm not a native speaker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ZoeTick wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

i won't say it's a open invitation, but going afk on a sexbed is a bit ...  ehm ...
.. there is no privacy on sl, everybody who sees it can join. Simply log off if you can't keep an eye on your avi.

Reported for insensitivity to those SL participants who are actually unable to speak.

I suggest you choose your words more carefully. There are plenty of synonyms for stupid which are not gratuitously offensive, like idiotic, moronic, unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, imbecilic, obtuse, doltish, thick, dim, half-witted, daft, dozy, cretinous, all of which you might wish to use to describe the OP's "friend" without insulting the vocally impaired.





Wow. That's a whole lot of stuff there. While we're on the subject of foreknowledge or preconsideration of the background of other forum members, perhaps a look at the definition of the word "dumb" right underneath the version you've chosen to highlight is in order. Particular attention shoud be paid to the region in which this definition is a longstanding commonality.

Considering the number of words used in other regions which have completely different meanings and intensities in America that are almost never accounted for, I would hope that this tendency to demand such nitpicking lest ye be tattled on is an exception rather than a rule. I can think of a word used in Britain to describe a "jerk" which is typically, again in Britain, used by a man talking to another man which if used in America in the presence of a woman will have her and many around hopping mad. I doubt I have to spell it out, but when the average English guy gets checked on that faux pas the reaction that I've gotten many times was for that very same word to be directed AT ME in the very American definition of itself.

And, as alluded to earlier, I am in those instances indeed hopping mad.


adjective: dumb; comparative adjective: dumber; superlative adjective: dumbest
  1. 1.
    (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.
    "he was born deaf, dumb, and blind"
    synonyms: mute, speechless, tongue-tied, silent, at a loss for words; More
    "she stood dumb while he shouted"
  2. 2.
    North American informal
    "a dumb question"
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Kascha Matova wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

i won't say it's a open invitation, but going afk on a sexbed is a bit ...  ehm ...
.. there is no privacy on sl, everybody who sees it can join. Simply log off if you can't keep an eye on your avi.

Reported for insensitivity to those SL participants who are actually unable to speak.

I suggest you choose your words more carefully. There are plenty of synonyms for stupid which are not gratuitously offensive, like idiotic, moronic, unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, imbecilic, obtuse, doltish, thick, dim, half-witted, daft, dozy, cretinous, all of which you might wish to use to describe the OP's "friend" without insulting the vocally impaired.





Wow. That's a whole lot of stuff there. While we're on the subject of foreknowledge or preconsideration of the background of other forum members, perhaps a look at the definition of the word "dumb" right underneath the version you've chosen to highlight is in order. Particular attention shoud be paid to the region in which this definition is a longstanding commonality.

Considering the number of words used in other regions which have completely different meanings and intensities in America that are almost never accounted for, I would hope that this tendency to demand such nitpicking lest ye be tattled on is an exception rather than a rule. I can think of a word used in Britain to describe a "jerk" which is typically, again in Britain, used by a man talking to another man which if used in America in the presence of a woman will have her and many around hopping mad. I doubt I have to spell it out, but when the average English guy gets checked on that faux pas the reaction that I've gotten many times was for that very same word to be directed AT ME in the very American definition of itself.

And, as alluded to earlier, I am in those instances indeed hopping mad.

; comparative adjective:
; superlative adjective:
  1. 1
    (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.
    "he was born deaf, dumb, and blind"
    at a loss for words
    "she stood dumb while he shouted"
  2. 2
    North American
    "a dumb question"

And what makes you think that the 50% of forum participants who are not North American would not be insulted by the use of an inappropriate and minority-abusive pejorative?

You might also want to ask the wonderful Treasure and her friends here in SL what the North American element of VirtualAbility think of such language.


((Or do you think that the rest of the world doesn't matter?))

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Kascha Matova wrote:

I can think of a word used in Britain to describe a "jerk" which is typically, again in Britain, used by a man talking to another man which if used in America in the presence of a woman will have her and many around hopping mad.

I can think of lots of innocuous words which get the notoriously hypersensitive majority of rose-tint-bespectacled women (American or otherwise) hopping mad on a semi-continuous basis.


((And I take great joy in persisting in using them.))

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  • 2 years later...

I Just noticed this, and like to add, that Like Facebook who dont take seriously anything to do with online abuse. The LL TOS may not apply, But many countries including the UK I live in would prosecute a forced rape even on a pixel avatar. Since Political correctness has crept into the Internet, thousands of Police forces around the globe are watching you online instead of being on the beat. Also it is illegal here to watch or take part in *****  pixel sex or even doggy parts for sale or Psuedo Images of it especially if its a screenshot downloaded to your H/D, thats used for evidence if your computer is seized .....Also we have to keep away from market place adverts advertising schools outfits,  BDSM photos  in black and white, that say school on them,,young avatars, although you may want to be a kid, the law is very grey on what constituents an offence within the new laws. Anime & Manga is targeted regularly By cops now, even in America when once you could happily be an Anime fan like I was, and have nothing to fear, but that all changed after the BBC cover up of young teens abuse scandals. Buying adult Anime dolls models from japan with plastic panties half way down in provocative poses  is illegal to from Ebay uk, because they are built to look like school girls with big Breasts. UK  laws that depict an underage person whether pixel  or a model & Being in possession of one of these is an offense. So although some USA laws and LL TOS Rules seem to be benign, legally in a lot of countries pixel rape and what I have outlined above is a criminal  offence. This is one reason I avoid any AFK brothel sims, because the real law takes a dim view of these. It wont be long before we have another Sky news scandal breaking, like we did years ago, when Linden labs was accused of keeping secret kiddie playgrounds for perverts to play with, That didn't go away for months and led to a clamp down by LL or they would face some governments, (which the UK was one), to block Second life from British servers and residents.

Until LL take the nasty stuff out of SL, many people are unaware what they doing or creating is borderline or an offense in the country they / you live in.

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