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  1. daRoxX Xeno wrote: Bei mir werden einfach irgendwelche User automatisch ignoriert und sind dann als gruene Wolke zusehen. Wie kann das sein, ich bin mir sicher niemanden bisher auf ignore gestellt zuhaben? lol...und ich dachte, Du schreibst ueber mich----*ignoriert automatisch* ... Ich hoffe, Du konntest dein Problem loesen.
  2. thank you for the receipe. My reply isn't so sophisticated..but I like the pronouncing "Rrrrrum". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACNKKPw_iXM
  3. Conifer Dada wrote: Are we talking real fruitcake or virtual fruitcake? Do you deny the right of existence of a virtual fruitcake? And the real Fruitcake exists out there, waiting. soaked in enlightment, some call it bourbon, some whiskey, some single malt.
  4. huuuuh, conspiracy...globally? very dangerous.
  5. The fruitcake is not only thrown into this world, but eternal? it existed all the time? and there is only one fruitcake? gifted away everytime to someone else? next time here in this forum ..." the Solipsism of the fruitcake"
  6. Conifer Dada wrote: To eat, or not to eat, that is the question. That's why it's so existential for a fruitcake.
  7. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Ardvinna wrote: Camus is the most underestimated philosopher of the 20th century. Though he could do some pretty fine philosophizing himself, Richard Feynman might have argued that it's not possible to underestimate philosophers. ;-). I referred more to the overestimated Sartre in Europe, who was a self referrential grand bourgeois. (Even philosophers have to have ethics.)
  8. Camus is the most underestimated philosopher of the 20th century. But he wasn't the philosopher of the selfsufficient "Classe Supérieur". Kierkegaard is also worth and a pleasure to read.
  9. The fruitcake is not reliable, thanks for archiving it. "The Fruitcake is thrown into the world. " Jean Paul *Petit Four* Sartre
  10. Inspired by the discussion which evolved in this thread https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/The-Friday-Thread/m-p/2999785#M219729, but yet distracted by cakes, and fruitcakes in special. I tried to elaborate the existentialism of a fruitcake.  The fruitcake is the only entity, whose existence precedes its essence. The essential features of its substance; what it should be, what defines it as a fruitcake; actually don't exist. The position of the fruitcake is absolute freedom. The fruitcake is condemned to be free. There is no nature of the fruitcake, which defines the fruitcake, but the fruitcake is, into what it turns itself. The fruitcake is fully responsible for its individuality. With its actions it draws its own (fruitcaky) face, but it becomes also important for the whole community of fruitcakes. Personally I rather prefer Albert Camus, it makes more sense to me. :) "The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth." "The realization that life is absurd cannot be an end, but only a beginning."
  11. Radium Soup wrote: Ardvinna wrote: Radium Soup wrote: Ardvinna wrote: SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You got me. ...And I thought that noone would ever guess this secret about my posts. I thought the secret was that you delete them after a certain age like a paranoid fruitcake? I had to look for paranoid fruitcake in the urban dictionary. And now I'm thinking about changing my name into "paranoid fruitcake". Because: fruitcake 1. A derogatory term for a homosexual man. 2. Someone who is completely insane. 3. A cake made with bits of fruit and drenched in scotch. Since I'm not a man, there are two possibilities, what I could be: completely insane or a cake drenched in scotch. or the third: a completely insane cake drenched in scotch. Given these three choices and having observed your past form, if I were a betting person I'd put my money on option #2. (I prefer the short odds). I am very comfy as an insane cake among all these normal people here.
  12. Radium Soup wrote: Ardvinna wrote: SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You got me. ...And I thought that noone would ever guess this secret about my posts. I thought the secret was that you delete them after a certain age like a paranoid fruitcake? I had to look for paranoid fruitcake in the urban dictionary. And now I'm thinking about changing my name into "paranoid fruitcake". Because: fruitcake 1. A derogatory term for a homosexual man. 2. Someone who is completely insane. 3. A cake made with bits of fruit and drenched in scotch. Since I'm not a man, there are two possibilities, what I could be: completely insane or a cake drenched in scotch. or the third: a completely insane cake drenched in scotch.
  13. SirLeighBastard wrote: A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were. Go on, prove me right! You got me. ...And I thought that noone would ever guess this secret about my posts. (uhm, maybe all the others know this, too, but they don't tell....now I have to think this over. ) you, and all the others: Have a beautiful weekend. Edit: all the typonese. hahahaha ..I am showing off with my stupidity.
  14. Vielen Dank fuer Deine Ausfuehrungen. Ich bin so frei und veroeffentliche hier den Link zum Ethik-Kodex der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Soziologie: http://www.soziologie.de/de/die-dgs/ethik/ethik-kodex.html Ebenfalls liste ich hier fuer Interessierte die Eckdaten zur "Informierten Zustimmung" auf. Informierte Zustimmung (informed consent) 1. Hinweis auf Freiwilligkeit 2. Hinweis auf jederzeitige Moeglichkeit des Interviewabbruchs 3. Information ueber Ziel und Inhalt der Befragung (Abwaegung: Einfluesse auf Untersuchungsergebnisse) 4. Zusicherung von Anonymitaet und Vertraulichkeit 5. Nennung von Kontaktadresse fuer Fragen und Beschwerden 6. Darstellung von moeglichen Risiken Auch wenn es "ueblich" sein sollte, sich immer wieder auf den "Einfluss auf die Untersuchungsergebnisse" zu berufen (Was ja lediglich eine Abwägung und nicht Methode sein sollte), ist und wird es nicht "best practice" und hat somit eigentlich sehr wenig mit dem Anspruch an Wissenschaftlichkeit oder gar Kompetenz zu tun. Als Student kann man das nicht beeinflussen, aber wenn man sich immer wieder dahinter verstecken muss, dann stimmt etwas nicht mit der Methodik. Es wird immer das Geschmaeckle haben, dass Ihr die Probanden als Versuchskaninchen nutzt. Mich wundert immer noch der sehr allgemein gehaltene Arbeitstitel. Aber gut, vielleicht habt Ihr ja viel Zeit.
  15. Hallo Pearl, es scheint, dass es mit dem Laden in der Vergangenheit bereits Probleme gab. Sieh mal bitte hier: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/I-was-a-customer-in-a-store-DMC-I-bought-an-item-for-2800L-There/qaq-p/1863183 Vielleicht wendet Du dich hier an das englischsprachige Forum und fragst nach, ob noch andere in juengster Zeit diese Erfahrung mit DMC gemacht haben. Vielleicht reagiert LL, wenn mehrere Leute Tickets schreiben. Es tut mir Leid, dass Dir so etwas widerfahren ist. EDIT: Habe grade Deine letzten Beitrag gelesen. Wie gesagt, frag' bitte im englischpsrachigen Forum nach und zeige LL auch mal den Link, den ich hier eingefuegt haben. Grundsaetzlich "mischt" sich aber LL bei inworld-Kaeufen nicht ein. (Gut finde ich es auch nicht, aber es ist halt so.)
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