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"Tribute" Bands

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IMO they aren't tribute bands unless they sing live and even if they arent quite upto standard they deserve all the L$'s they get for trying :-)

I think to just let their "look-a-like" AV stand there and play a guitar and expect tips for it is an insult really.

Where is the talent in that?



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Crap Mariner wrote:

Time for the first 800 pound gorilla in the room: Are unlicensed "tribute" bands performing for tips (and venue owners hosting them) live music, a musical performance, a building/animating/costuming challenge, or a copyright violation?

Good question... depends on what a "venue" definition is to the RIAA/ASCAP/BMI. In the RW, venues pay fees to play music .. they are licensed to broadcast and pay fees to do so. DJs in RL that do weddings, parties, etc most likely do not pay these fees and maybe the venue that the event is at pays. I know when we brought Journey into SL we asked all the in-world "tributes" to stop doing Journey and they all did comply. There is an theory that since folks are "attending" at their home computers, it is no different than getting together at home with friends and listening to music together. If RIAA and the Music Industry chose to, I am sure they could stop SL Tribute Bands. In RL there are many Tribute Bands but they perform at venues who pay the fees. Slippery Slope, Crap:smileywink: And since most bands make their money from touring and selling merchandise, they could also file a "cease and desist" and t-shirts/pins/passes that did not have permission from the acts would be taken down. This is my take on the subject.

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Caitlyn Gothly wrote:

IMO they aren't tribute bands unless they sing live and even if they arent quite upto standard they deserve all the L$'s they get for trying :-)

I think to just let their "look-a-like" AV stand there and play a guitar and expect tips for it is an insult really.

Where is the talent in that?



It's Role Play, Caitlyn:smileywink: Strange thing is lots of Residents think that folks like U2 are actually In SL.:smileysurprised:


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Question:  Are people raising questions about the legality of live performance musicians in SL who used to promote live music with a tunes kiosk but who didn't get sufficient participation and praise and support now feeling a sense of sour grapes and wishing to stick it to people they previously tried to help for reasons of vanity?

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Crap Mariner wrote:

Time for the first 800 pound gorilla in the room: Are unlicensed "tribute" bands performing for tips (and venue owners hosting them) live music, a musical performance, a building/animating/costuming challenge, or a copyright violation?


If they perform live, as in perform that bands music on their own instruments and using their own vocals, it is live music. - There was one band I saw that seemed to be performing the music themselves, there was a different accent and sound to the music, though they dressed up as that band.  Oh, and they, the vocalists, interacted with the crowd.  All the rest that I've seen seem to have been playing records or prerecorded music.

 a musical performance, a building/animating/costuming challenge - yes

 or a copyright violation - some kind of violation if they are unlicensed. 

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Caitlyn Gothly wrote:

Yes I know its role play, but i don't agree they should get recognition as a "tribute band."

There's plenty of live artists in second life with talent who are just there to entertain and its not all about the Lindens.

LOL @ U2 in SL


Well, did you ever see U2 in SL ask for Tips?

Actually i think they do a fine job with the show each concert,

regarding lights, mood, animations & AVs, did you ever visit?


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boo :)


If there not performing the music, ie playing the instrumetns, singing, mixing it then streaming it, then there not live, there just streaming someone elses music, so there DJ's.


If they are actually playing the music, and they play all one bands music then that would be a tribute band.

For me its simple, if you dotn play it, its DJing. 

So far i have only seen on true live tribute band in SL, the iron maidens (Forget there name, 4 women doing iron maiden tracks, this was long long time back)



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In my humble opinion tipping avatars that are simply standing on a stage while the real artists sing on a previously recorded live show is as lame as tipping an avatar for clicking on a stripper's dance pole and "dancing" while emoting idiotic sexual phrases! 

As far as the original question, if a goup claims to be a tribute band and performs an artist's material LIVE, I believe it should be handled as in real life.


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Caitlyn Gothly wrote:

I dont like U2 so i cant say i have seen them lol. They are a bit too soft for my tastes. 

I have seen plenty of other tribute bands though, so i know the score.




Well, a bit unfair you use something you never saw, as negative example,or? :smileyhappy:

I dont know other "Tribute-bands" but "U2 in SL" is not only a few avatars on a stage and a U2-stream. Its a fully composed stage show, including light, particles, music, and as such, the work of the humans behind the Band Av`s.


And i have to say, it was worth every visit so far (They only perform every few months or so), if you like the music. You dont, so you "LoL @ U2 in SL"... Sorry, but maybe inform yourself before you post.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well..as far as licensing goes, its no worse than DJ's...our band, i would imagine no one realizes the work involved, first you have to find some decent live performances, run them thru electronic programs to clean them  up, cut songs, cut out chatter, cover over cuts with crowd sounds, and pay for a stream to get the finished product into SL.

Then you have to create the avatars to resemble, or look like the actual band members. The stage design can be minimal, but we like to try and add interest there too, with some design that brings in the ambiance of the performance.  We pay alot for quality instruments to add realism, and study the band in concert to get movement and interaction down.

We have worked for probably over 160 hours this week getting a show ready between 3 members, so we call it in game entertainment, we don't make enough tips to cover our expenses usually, but we all enjoy it immensely, the love of the bands and the music, its what we do.

Perhaps next time if your enjoying a show, think about the work involved to bring it to you, its called tribute for a reason, we try and bring honor to the band we are portraying and bring it to life for you in Second Life.

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, then think about this: If you take the time recording/mixing/mastering your own tracks (even though they are originally performed by other bands/artists) instead of just streaming the others' work, how would you deem it? Is it still theft, unless you peform your own original music? And how does that work when concerning with existing copyright laws?

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Crap Mariner wrote:

Time for the first 800 pound gorilla in the room:

Are unlicensed "tribute" bands performing for tips (and venue owners hosting them:

A)     live music

B)    a musical performance

C)   a building/animating/costuming challenge

D)   or a copyright violation?

Answer D:    All of the above. 


But...seriously...who freaking cares?  

There are so many violations in SL ( just like in RL), that it would become a full-time job for someone just to monitor, report and spread general misery, if so-inclined.   And...who would be so-inclined?



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Well, it's certainly  your right to not tip if you don't feel like you're being entertained.  It doesn't sound like the club scene is for you, for the most part.  However, there's nothing wrong with the people who feel like they should show some appreciation for the creativity that can go into those dancer's emotes(and in appreciation for the avi they put together)- the friendliness and welcoming attitude of a hostess who keeps a party going- and the well-thought-out set of a DJ who sets the mood for it all.  It's (sometimes)cool when they mix their own music, but even making a set that flows well from regular tracks- rarely overhyped mainstream music in the places I hang out and play, btw- is something that not anyone can just download SAM and do right off the bat.  Many people in SL depend on tips from happy clubgoers for their Ls, and it would be a decidedly much less friendly place to be if this were not so.  Just because you think something is stupid doesn't make it so.

As far as tribute bands go- I've seen a few tribute shows that were basically avis animated to play a show to tracks by the artist- and that in itself is probably not all that awesome.  However, in addition to the animations and appearance of the band, the shows I saw went to extreme efforts to create the "feel" of a concert- the best one I ever saw was a Tool tribute show put on by Kehl Razor(of Razorblade Jacket/Depraved Nation) with all these amazing visual effects and props- he and the rest of the crew who put it together(mostly staff from the club he used to have, Sadistik) deserved every L they got tipped that night.  It was an awesome experience.

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  • 2 months later...

There are many deejays who pay "tribute" to bands. I don't see the problem with making it fun and aesthetically appealing to the audience. A tribute band does more than just play live songs. They do more work than deejays, hosts OR strippers, and you don't seem to mind tipping them! Tribute bands make promos, and buy costumes, stages, props, practice many hours, and whatever else is needed to give people a good experience. They don't market videos or albums, although they might give away a free shirt for fans (key word "free"). So if they're not marketing, where's the copywright infringement? If tribute bands aren't your thing, then stick with your deejay. But Second Life has been very open and accepting of many things, and I don't see creating something fun for people as an "insult". I think it's insulting that you don't look into all that goes on in performing a tribute band nor think about the people who actually enjoy it, before you criticize and pass [bad] judgement. I'm sure Caitlyn isn't the only shallow person in SL, but come on.. The tribute bands are strictly for enjoyment. All they sell is a fun time while listening and watching your favorite band.

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  • 4 months later...

Regardless of the legality issue all i want to know is how do you request a "tribute" band to play at a venue? I have been at concerts in sl but havent a clue how to employ one. I have a Rock Club and would very much like to get one of these bands to play there. Would appreciate any help in this regard.

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Gonzo Alderson wrote:

Regardless of the legality issue all i want to know is how do you request a "tribute" band to play at a venue? I have been at concerts in sl but havent a clue how to employ one. I have a Rock Club and would very much like to get one of these bands to play there. Would appreciate any help in this regard.

at the gigs i've been to in SL a lot of bands and artists have people acting as their agents you could IM at their shows you can usually tell by the group tag they are wearing failing that the band or artists profile will tell you how to book them

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  • 1 month later...


A good exemple of a hardworking and devoted SL tribute band was SLeepwalker a Megadeth Tribute band (now retired) which «performed» many in-world shows and events. They had great stages and props for each event but most importantly it was all about making the second life experience better and more fun for the devoted music fans... there are a couple of vids on Youtube showing this.



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