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Survey Threads

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Perrie Juran wrote:

farmers dating.JPG


Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

When I'm accosted by a surveyist in public, I generally demure. That's because I go out in public for a other reasons, usually to get replacement parts for my tractor. If the local John Deere dealership ever invites me to take a survey, I'm in.


I found one for you. It's a bit inactive at the moment, but you could add it to your faves list and check it every now and then. Give you something else to think about as you teeter on the edge of despair ;-).

Even better for her....I saw this advertised on TV last night.



Woo hoo! There are 151 women in my area.

I hope I'm not one of them.

ETA: There are 4067 men, so Plan B looks promising.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

Same reason that when someone posts a spam link in a group chat, 20 messages follow discussing the spammer.

Half this, and half the disrespect of being presumed to be a lab rat.

SL gets the "oh you are the weird people I heard were on the internet" treatment everytime by the mere fact that these surveys pop up.

Why are they not posting these surveys to WebMD looking to see what kind of freaks are reading that? Why not survey every freak that uses google? Or Bing? Or all those freaks that use Yelp?

Because those are the normal people... They "know" they're normal, so there's nothing to look for in surveying them.


But the freaks here... even freakier than those MMO people - that's a research goldmins to explain why freaks freak, and WTF with the freaks being freaky in their freakout of a freakverse...

I think people who use SL, just get tired of being thrown into the "those people with computers and fursuits and weirdness" category...


"Teh Interwebz" isn't new anymore... people need to get over the fact that some people use it...

This is just a 10-year old online F2P video game... move along and put your lab around a different set of rats.


Why so bitter? I am sure if you look on forums related to the sites you mentioned above you would find the same type of attitude that you seem to put all thses surveys into. I am not sure where you read all this negatvity about SL, but in all the years I have only seen the RL relationships that were focused on gone wrong to be negative through the media. I don't know people who refer to SL residents or internet users as "freaks."

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

farmers dating.JPG


Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

When I'm accosted by a surveyist in public, I generally demure. That's because I go out in public for a other reasons, usually to get replacement parts for my tractor. If the local John Deere dealership ever invites me to take a survey, I'm in.

I found one for you. It's a bit inactive at the moment, but you could add it to your faves list and check it every now and then. Give you something else to think about as you teeter on the edge of despair ;-).

Even better for her....I saw this advertised on TV last night.

Woo hoo! There are 151 women in my area.

I hope I'm not one of them.

ETA: There are 4067 men, so Plan B looks promising.

Are we hijacking this thread?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I don't think it's hard to let it be, Coby. All it needs is an attitude that I'm not going to reply in that thread because I'd have to be negative about it. It is not necessary to reply at all.


I'm just quoting this part here, because I think it's a bit important to the topic.

Couldn't this same theory be applied to *any* topic one feels the need to be negative in? Yet, we feel the need to inject negativity in threads all the time. Not just threads, but other areas as well, however I'm trying to kinda stick on topic here.

 If we don't "walk away" from other threads, or we, as individuals, are guilty of injecting negativity in other threads, how can we then justify judging whethe ror not others should also be afforded that same ability? Interesting topic, I suppose, but I do not, personally, see a whole lot of difference between being negative towards someone taking a survey,  and being negative in any other type of thread.

I suppose the answer to your question is the same answer one would have to a more general "why be negative" question. It is always easier to simply ignore, walk away, etc... So, why do people, generally speaking, choose not to? I don't think anyone can answer for everyone else, only themselves.

Regardless, I rarely post to any of the survey threads, although I have taken quite a few of them.  I, to be honest, can't help but laugh at the people taking the surveys.  My main reason for laughing is because if I dared do what most of them do, my work, my survey and anything associated with it would be laughed right out of the classroom.  My professors, instructors and facilitators would NOT put up with this kind of behavior. Not only that, btu the work itself is laughable and would not be accepted in most classrooms/schools that I know of, outside of high school when making mistakes like this is somewhat more accepted. I actually have fellow students in some of my courses who tried to do work just like this and not a single one of them has ever gotten a passing grade for doing so.  It's just not acceptable work by the standards I have come to know and love, in the college environment.  I used to think the surveys were a bunch of bunk before, although I still helped out with them now and again(usually with a private contact to the survey creator with my comments about the legitimacy of the work itself and how I thought it woud be improved).  Now that I have seen, firsthand, what is typically expected of a student, I can say with confidence that many of these people are trying to take an easy road to an easy grade, but they are not very likely to get it in the end.  As a matter of fact we have actually had weeks discussing this type of work specifically and WHY it is widely accepted as "lazy" work that will not impress anyone, and comes with the side effect of a non-passing grade.

As a matter of fact I'm actually currently working on a thesis myself, and, oddly enough, I COULD apply a "survey" of sorts to my work, place it in an appropriate area, and still the information gathered would be but a teeny tiny morsel(and in the end, likely not even worth the effort).  One could apply a survey to all kinds of topics, whether or not it's appropriate is an entirely different story. In the academic environment, odds are, it's an extremely bad idea. That;'s not simply coming from myself, but many I have spoken to, as well as instructors and professors in vgarious academic environments.

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Ardvinna wrote:

I saw the survey request, and I saw some reactions on it, but I didn't follow it till the end. In the German Forum we had also a request, not well done, too.

In my opinion the surveys and the statistics aren't the right approach to examine/to investigate the human mind. It should remain an auxiliar and Statistics also. Statistics are good for counting bacteria, but not to explore the human mind! (my personal view)

Surveys are fraught with problems. I didn't see this particular survey, but it sounds like the questions may have been poorly designed by being leading (although I am not clear they were - it would be perfectly legitimate to focus a study on a negative aspect of something without being biassed), but even more fundamentally surveys on forums have sample problems.

Their only use or valid purpose as I see it is to generate responses and ideas that can be used for qualitative analysis. In this case if as Phil suggests they met a lot of negativity the form that negativity took is the more interesting outcome, and this thread a part of that. It won't tell them much about SL as a whole, but maybe they are more interested in the dynamics of forums? Some of the most interesting social research is conducted through deception.

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I never saw the thread you refer to in your OP, as it was removed.  But after reading this thread I can guess pretty much what happened. 

I think Tari and a number of people that have discussed this in this thread have the rights of it regarding how people acted and what the survey itself was like.

We've all seen things go awry and threads disappear, but in the end, this is a forum not a survey website and people posting here should be prepared for other people on the forum to post their comments and opinions. It is their right to do so as long as they stay within the guidelines. Students get no free pass on this. It is also the right of the moderators to remove threads that get out of hand.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote

You're mean.

I am now going place the back of my hand to my forehead, signaling my inconsolable anguish, then hurl myself from the green and yellow cliffs of despair.

I hope you're pleased.

/me deploys a safety net across the abyss below the cliffs of despair, just in time.

I meant no harm. I thought you might see it as a canvas, given that it's someone else's image.

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I think the problem is that the forum doesn't have a sign that specifically says, "No surveys to be posted here," like they do in the SLUniverse forums. That would solve all our problems. We wouldn't have to be negative OR ignore surveys.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I don't think it's hard to let it be, Coby. All it needs is an attitude that I'm not going to reply in that thread because I'd have to be negative about it. It is not necessary to reply at all.


I'm just quoting this part here, because I think it's a bit important to the topic.

Couldn't this same theory be applied to *any* topic one feels the need to be negative in?

Yes, but we are SL users, and not strangers. People argue with each other all the time but most people don't get stuck into a stranger all that quickly, unless the stranger has done some really bad, which students posting their surveys don't do.

I understand there are griefers at Welcome places who sometimes pick on new arrivals to SL, but normal people don't. A student posting a survey as his/her first post is a new arrival and ought to be treated the same as new arrivals in SL are treated by normal people. Is it really too much to hope that we '(mostly) normal people' treat new arrivals, who just happen to post a survey, in a polite and friendy way?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Are we hijacking this thread?

You are, and, as there were very few actual answers to my question, you have my blessing

Perhaps a lot of people had answers but didn't like the post, so just ignored it.

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A student posting a survey as his/her first post is a new arrival and ought to be treated the same as new arrivals in SL are treated by normal people. Is it really too much to hope that we '(mostly) normal people' treat new arrivals, who just happen to post a survey, in a polite and friendy way?

  I would like to think that we could, Phil. But I think the truth of the matter is that we know these people are never going to come back to the forums after they get their results..so what's the point? it's very easy as anonymous users to be nasty to someone who you'll never see again...even if it's not right (and for which I am guilty of)

 I also think that being inworld or posting other things on the forum would alleviate this problem. If I, as a fairly long time resident and forum dweller, came in and posted a survey on something I don't think I would get the same kind of responses as a brand new person who is coming in for the first time and for the sole purpose of getting survery information for their thesis

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I agree with you about, if actual SL users posted a survey, and about how easy it is to be anonymously nasty to people. It's a shame.

Tex Monday wrote:

  I would like to think that we could, Phil. But I think the truth of the matter is that we know these people are never going to come back to the forums after they get their results..so what's the point?

The point is two-fold. One is simply being pleasant and polite with strangers, as we are in RL, and the other is simply not being nasty to, and not jumping down the throats of, strangers, as in RL Both are nice things, and it's nice to be nice.

People not being very likely to start using SL isn't a good reason, or an excuse, for being unpleasant with them. It may even be that, if they received pleasant and friendly treatment here, they might think that SL is a friendly and pleasant place, and start using it. It seems almost certain that the treatment that survey posters get in this forum just about guarantees that they won't become SL users.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I agree with you about, if actual SL users posted a survey, and about how easy it is to be anonymously nasty to people. It's a shame.

Tex Monday wrote:

  I would like to think that we could, Phil. But I think the truth of the matter is that we know these people are never going to come back to the forums after they get their results..so what's the point?

The point is two-fold. One is simply being pleasant and polite with strangers, as we are in RL, and the other is simply not being nasty to, and not jumping down the throats of, strangers, as in RL Both are nice things.

People not being very likely to start using SL isn't a good reason, or an excuse, for being unpleasant with them. It may even be that, if they received pleasant and friendly treatment here, they might think that SL is a friendly and pleasant place, and start using it. It seems almost certain that the treatment that survey posters get in this forum just about guarantees that they won't become SL users.

Maybe we're seeing the out-group downside of the oxytocin we all release when cuddling with each other in the forums. I've now heard/read several stories about how the "cuddle drug" is double edged. When it's released, we treat in-group members better and out-group members worse.

And I've another pet theory. Perhaps picking one of those scary pre-fab avatar icons for your forum badge can have detrimental side effects. Who wants to be nice to one of those monster/robot faces? I do recall being amused when someone comes here saying they're shy and looking for friends while their avatar icon is...



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I don't know how true both yours and Phil's points are. We don't jump down the throats of new forum members who post looking for friends, piggies, sugar daddies or things like that. It seems to be directed entirely at students using us as "lab rats" for their Bachelors/Masters thesis papers. It's the idea that, maybe, they're not contributing to the forums or SL in general that upsets us...I don't know..just grasping at straws here...

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Tex Monday wrote:

I don't know how true both yours and Phil's points are. We don't jump down the throats of new forum members who post looking for friends, piggies, sugar daddies or things like that. It seems to be directed entirely at students using us as "lab rats" for their Bachelors/Masters thesis papers. It's the idea that, maybe, they're not contributing to the forums or SL in general that upsets us...I don't know..just grasping at straws here...

The "not contributing" angle meshes with my "out-group" theory. The rest of us are SLers, they aren't. As you and others have pointed out, we may believe they're unlikely ever to become one of us. We act on our beliefs, ya know. And sometimes we make our dreams come true!

Could it also be that bashing surveyists has become a bit of tradition, so we're more comfortable doing it? Or a bit of monkey see, monkey do? That's how I learned to peel bananas from the bottom!

But I'm also still in agreement with those who are annoyed by bad science and lazy students. I don't spend much time trying to imagine how we become the targets of these surveys, but I don't think it's because professors the world over are aware of us and send their students into the wolf infested woods with survey baskets in hand. I think we're generally picked by the students who (and we should be happy to hear this) are aware of SL. So, while I'd love to heap scorn on professors (or any authority figure, really), I can't sufficiently absolve the students.

I certainly can't discount the possibility it's us and not them.

Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.)



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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.)



Great Scott! You ARE old lol


Streuth. I six word post, including the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.)



Great Scott! You ARE old lol


Streuth. I six word post, inlcluding the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing.

As my profile says, I was born in 1970 and raised in the '40s. My family never had a TV. I first encountered Eartha in engineering school, were the local rerun station played 24/7 in the student lounge. There are some things you never forget. Eartha's growl is one of them. (Her rendition of "Santa Baby" is another.)

And yes, your typing is atrocious.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.)



Great Scott! You ARE old lol


Streuth. I six word post, inlcluding the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing.

 And, unfortunately, she's not even my favorite Catwoman.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr. (I learned that from watching Eartha Kitt.)



Great Scott! You ARE old lol


Streuth. I six word post, inlcluding the 'lol', and there was still a typo in it that needed to be edited. I'm absolutely useless at typing.

 And, unfortunately, she's not even my favorite Catwoman.


Nor mine: Julie is the one for me, too.

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Born in the 70s and raised in the 40s? You were born old and progressively grew younger?

Either way, it's me that's old. I remember Eartha Kitt when she was a young woman at the time. Considered by some to be the sexiest woman on the planet and yet, according to her, and to her regret, she was always sleeping alone. Everyone else was getting men but not her.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Born in the 70s and raised in the 40s? You were born old and progressively grew younger?

Either way, it's me that's old. I remember Eartha Kitt when she was a young woman at the time. Considered by some to be the sexiest woman on the planet and yet, according to her, and to her regret, she was always sleeping alone. Everyone else was getting men but not her.

Mom and Dad were fairly old for first time parents in 1970. They got rid of their television when I was born, thinking TV was bad for children. They home schooled me for the same reason.

Feel free to blame them for the way I turned out. I do.

Thank you for explaining why I sleep alone. It hadn't occured to me that I might be the sexiest woman alive, but I think you're onto something.

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