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Breedables, whats the point?

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Breedables don't get me started lol. I have a friend who does the kittycat breeding. They just got rid of some low trait kitties in faver of high trait ones. The higher trait kitties seem to sell the most and cost the most money. Breeding also requires money. You have the cost of food to feed the kitties, and then once they reach a certain age they are no longer able to breed. Some people that are heavily into breeding them have 20 to 40 cats on their land. Thats insane. anyway my rant on breeding.

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carolinestravels wrote:


today I published on my blog my first contact with what is called "breedables" and I raised the question: Why are people doing this , what is the point?

Please read and comment here:

Thanks for your input!


What's the point of anything in sl? People do it because they enjoy it, lol. The reasons are as varied as the people participating. I don't need to go to your blog to answer that, lol.

There are tons of threads about breedables here on the forums. That would be a good place to start.

I have participated in nearly every single breedable that has hit the grid, including ones that never fully came out of their alpha and beta stages, plenty that are really no longer with us, some still in development, and most that are out there on the grid today. I do it, because it's fun, and because I can. Much the same as those who sail, drive cars, ride horses, go dancing, explore, build, script, go to amusement parks....need I go on? lol I do it because I enjoy it.  Yes sometimes I have sold the offspring from my breedables, sometimes not. It's not a get rich quick scheme that actually works, despite what some say, however you CAN make money doing it. If that's what a person wants to do, and can do, kudos to them. Breedables are no different than any other passtime in sl, or hobby. You may not enjoy it, and that's perfectly ok, but others do, that's also perfectly ok.

Right now the only ones I have out are my Ozimals Bunnies, they are one of the earliest breedables on the grid(though not the first) and they have been around longer than any other still out there, except Scion(which is all but extinct to most people). Two of the bunnies I have out no longer breed, I got them on the day Ozimals officially opened, they jsut turned 4 on January 9th. They were given a timepiece to make them permanent(aka they no longer eat), which is awesome. Now I keep them around at all times no matter what. I love them, and yes, whether or not it seems odd, I have a connection with them, and it is for sentimental reasons. I can be a sap like that ;) The others I have out are still breeding bunnies, aka, still making nests. I sell their offspring, sometimes, when I get around to it. I'm pretty lax on selling my offspring to be honest. I never did get into breeding any of them for the money, it was justa  fun hobby for me.

It can be a costly hobby, but so can many others. It's still fun. And it's a bit difficult to explain exactly why to someone who doesn't really want to know the answer in the first place, lol. Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.

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carolinestravels wrote:


today I published on my blog my first contact with what is called "breedables" and I raised the question: Why are people doing this , what is the point?

Please read and comment here:

Thanks for your input!


Is this like my toaster being bread enabled or do you mean items that are recommended sandwich fillings?  Then again to segue neatly back into the topic I suppose the latter could be referred to as in breads; wow these long Winter nights are flying by for me.

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just bc you are reporting on them I add some history for you


Bible of Sion

1) In the beginning Sion looked down from the heavens on all that he had created and was unfulfilled

2) So he create the chikken he his own image. (well not exactly in his own as he look quite diff, was just the breeding part. it also btw answer the question of which came first but nvm)

3) Sion gaze upon the chikken he had made and was pleased

4) But the chikken was unhappy bc was lonely. So Sion rip apart his chikken and made a egg and then stuff it back in the chikken. And then made a companion chikken for the chikken

5) The he breathe life back into them both. And he say unto them, go forth and multiply! And they did and did and did and did... and did

6) Then the other animals got jealous and rage at their own Gods and demand to be like a chikken

7) So the Gods of all the other animals went oh! noes the animals are revolting. So they made eggs as well. Like horse eggs and cat eggs and dog eggs and all kinds of eggs, and stuff them in all their animals. Shell-less eggs even

8) And all the animals went woohoo! and get into the multiplying as well. and they did and they did and did and ... did more

9) and the God Sion look down on all the other lesser Gods and all their animals stuffed with eggs and went: HEHE !!! Is one chikken to rule them all


is a blog here about the mighty Sion chikken. The ancestor of all SL animals what multiply: http://chickenfever.wordpress.com/about/


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Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is, people seam to get out of this. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


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carolinestravels wrote:


today I published on my blog my first contact with what is called "breedables" and I raised the question: Why are people doing this , what is the point?

That applies to ANYTHING one could do in SL. Some things are not one's thing, and so are just best left for the people for whom it is a thing. Unless there's something derogatory, harmful to others, or criminal about whatever folks are up to, then whatever.


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carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is,
to get out of this
. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


You mean that people take up sewing to get out of breeding things. If sewing helps them kick the habit, good luck to them :)

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Its not the first time your blogposts have a rude touch. I also thought is a bit passive aggressiv to just ask "whats the point". But thats the same stuff as with your try to get to know more about escorts. You were also unable to really get some good results, because you can't hide the opinion you already have from the years you probably have already spend in SL on your main account. That least thats what I guess where thats coming from.

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carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is, people seam to get out of this. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


Then you may want to rethink how you approach things. Not only does your post come across as if you don't really want to know the answer, but your blog does as well. It reads extremely condescending, and I doubt many are going to think you're actually serious, judging by the way it's written. I realize there may be language barrier issues, and I am extremely quite forgiving in that area, but it honestly doesn't read remotely as a language barrier at all.

Also, I would not look to just one breedable as the end all be all place to get answers, as your blog post does. There are tons of different ones out there. A few truly successful, quite a few extremely unsuccessful, and many more that fall between. Although most think Sion was the original creator of a breedable, they are also mistaken. Sion was merely the first to go grid wide. There were fish before Sion chickens-and a bear before the fish. They didn't make the grade so to speak and the limitations within sl, at the time, didn't allow them to prosper well enough to go mainstream, as it were. In other words, the flaws that existed before Sion chickens, and well after Sion chickens, were enough to keep the original fish and bear off the grid. Also enough to keep them well hidden to the point that few still remember them, or ever knew about them to begin with, lol.

Many have come, and many have gone, still many have yet to fully come to fruition. If you're sincerely asking why people are interested, you're going to come up with numerous answers and not likely the same one from any two people. Our reasons for enjoying anything in life can be many. I can tell you why I like something, specifically, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good reason for others to also like it. It's an individual sort of thing.

Some people enjoy breeding the various types out there for the sheer challenge, because let's face it, they can be challenging if you want them to be. Some do it because they can make a pretty sweet profit. Although most can't pull off a decent profit, despite thinking they can. The definition of profit here of course being that you gain more than you spend, and above breaking even on cost. Some who sell simply want to break even-which was my goal with quite a few of them-and I did just fine at that. For almost two years one specific breedable actually covered not only nearly all of my sl expensese but many of my rl expenses as well. However, I don't recommend that for the faint of heart, it's not easy to pull off, and if you haven't a lot to invest, it can be extremely time consuming and even more difficult and frustrating. I'm not one to invest, so, I spent the time and knowedge getting to that particular point. When I no longer needed that extra income, I stopped. Many think that was a dumb decision "but why, if you were making money"..Well, because it involved time better spent elsewhere, that's why. Money isn't the be all end all for everyone ;).Some folks simply enjoy the concepts, the designs, the functionality, the interaction, etc... Seriously, there are more reasons to enjoy than I can possibly describe here.

If you truly are interested, go inworld and ask people who are into breedables. Don't just rely on "one friend" who breeds "one type" or buys from "one company". Although you can of course ask them and take their opinions into account as well. You're going to need a heck of a lot more than that to go on. This goes ten-fold if you're going to be creating a blog post about them, and actually discussing them. You'll need more info. I suggest reading other blogs by folks who report on numerous breedable companies. They can be very informative. Then take a look at the various companies, well-known and otherwise, their websites and forums, inworld groups, etc...see what you come up with. Then, go word of mouth, talk to people who truly enjoy them, and find out why. Research is, after all, a big part of good reporting. Those who blog on the subject tend to actually get out and do the legwork, or at least talk to folks doing the legwork.

The reasons I personally enjoy the breedables I partake in are all of the above I described, and more. I have described on these forums, many times,. that I have an open sim my children often use (not connected to any grids, before someone gets on me for letting a minor near a sim, lol). One of the things they've built there, is a rather primative breedable. It's actually quite interesting to see. While it doesn't function fully just yet, because my kids are, well, kind of young for that complex of a project, they're doing pretty good. The reason they wanted to try, aside from the fact that the basic scripts are open source and they love playing around with lsl, is because they've seen many of mine inworld before, or heard me and hubby talking about them. It's a pretty fun project for them and I for one, am royally impressed with their work(though I may be biased). That's just one more reason why breedables fascinate me. but, really, the reasons are endless. They simply fascinate me, and I fully enjoy them. When I no longer enjoy them, I stop participating. It is as simple, and complex, as that.

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carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is, people seam to get out of this. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


I don't wish to get all polemical or anything . . . but I find it difficult to digest that someone who "ended up playing Gor for years" is in a position to question anyone's interest or taste in just about anything.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is, people seam to get out of this. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


I don't wish to get all polemical or anything . . . but I find it difficult to digest that someone who "ended up playing Gor for years" is in a position to question anyone's interest or taste in just about anything.

Total pwnage for 23 Internet Points.


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I think most do it because it's fun. Some of the critters are fairly cute. Some people do it to make money. My girlfriend has made some decent real money from sales to people who just had to have the rare one. Make no mistake, the ones who always make money on these are the ones who made them and whom you have to keep buying food from to keep your pets 'alive'. That's why so many of the breedables have birth rates that would make a tribble blush.

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I don't wish to get all polemical or anything . . . but I find it difficult to digest that someone who "ended up playing Gor for years" is in a position to question anyone's interest or taste in just about anything.

Well then digest this:

What you said is polemical, rude and ignorant as it suggests that playing Gor auto-deprives someone from the right to have an opinion about anything without you knowing what Gor role play actually is. If you would know, you would not have made this statement.

I answered this one many times bevor, but especially for you I reapet it again: Gor is role play, is pretending, is acting. No more , no less. Just like star wars, star treck, Roman Empire, Dark Urban, Wild West and all other genres you might find in SL. When will people finally understand the difference between roleplay and "lifestyle"?

Having played a certain setting or genre, does not make me a monster, nor does it put in me a position " not to able to have an opinion about anything.

In addition I did not question anyones taste or interest, I simply enquirede, what is it that people get out of it?







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Phil Deakins wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is,
to get out of this
. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


You mean that people take up sewing to get out of breeding things. If sewing helps them kick the habit, good luck to them

As soon as your German is as good as my English, you will have room for comment on my spelling! :-)


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In that case, very well done! Your posts are such that it didn't occur to me that you are not a native english speaker. I'd assumed that you are a native english speaker who isn't very good at spelling. Again - very well done!

The fact that your native language is german is an answer to someone else's criticism. Somebody pointed out that the question "what is the point?" is usually asked when the asker has decided that there is no point. Not being a native english speaker, you wouldn't have realised that.

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carolinestravels wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is,
to get out of this
. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


You mean that people take up sewing to get out of breeding things. If sewing helps them kick the habit, good luck to them

As soon as your German is as good as my English, you will have room for comment on my spelling! :-)


Too bad he was commenting to Tari...


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carolinestravels wrote:


I don't wish to get all polemical or anything . . . but I find it difficult to digest that someone who "ended up playing Gor for years" is in a position to question anyone's interest or taste in just about anything.

Well then digest this:

What you said is polemical, rude and ignorant as it suggests that playing Gor auto-deprives someone from the right to have an opinion about anything without you knowing what Gor role play actually is. If you would know, you would not have made this statement.

I answered this one many times bevor, but especially for you I reapet it again: Gor is role play, is pretending, is acting. No more , no less. Just like star wars, star treck, Roman Empire, Dark Urban, Wild West and all other genres you might find in SL. When will people finally understand the difference between roleplay and "lifestyle"?

Having played a certain setting or genre, does not make me a monster, nor does it put in me a position " not to able to have an opinion about anything.

In addition I did not question anyones taste or interest, I simply enquirede, what is it that people get out of it?


Hi Caroline, 

Speaking as someone role-playing a woman who thinks that "playing at" the rape, sexual violence, and extreme misogyny featured in a series of puke-awful novels written in opposition to the women's rights movement of the 60s while living in a "real world" in which such horrors are the everyday reality for hundreds of millions of women globally is, at the very least, the epitome of bad taste, insensitivity, and questionable ethics, I have to say that I take extreme offense to your statement.

I'm just role-playing outrage! How dare you take umbrage at anything I say? Don't you know the difference between role play and real life? I am not responsible for anything I do or say while in character!!!!

So, if you don't mind, would you now please role play someone who has actually given some serious thought to the ethical implications of what she has chosen to represent, and offer me an apology?

Thank you! :-)



(WHHHHEEEEEE! Role play is FUN! Look, ma! No hands! No personal responsibility!!!)

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Breedables made my SL experience what it is. Until I got into them, I was basically spending all my time tromping around, shopping, renting houses, furnishing them and tearing them down. Fun enough, but very lonely.

When I started with breedables, I was drawn into a community of fun, friendly, supportive folks (and a few cut-throat ones, just to make things interesting. :smileywink:) Plus, I made enough money that I'm still supporting myself in SL more than a year after selling all my breedables off.

RL interfered, making the whole thing a little too much for me to handle. (They do require a goodly amount of attention if you're going to profit from it). And I wouldn't recommend them as a surefire way to make money; I caught some lucky breaks and was the beneficiary of extreme genorisity, which I have tried to repay. But I do recommend them as a great way to make friends.

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So, if you don't mind, would you now please role play someone who has actually given some serious thought to the ethical implications of what she has chosen to represent, and offer me an apology?

Thank you! :-)



Please stay on topic. I am not in the mood for yet another Gor bashing thread. If you are in that mood, open another thread please.




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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude.


nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is,
to get out of this
. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!


You mean that people take up sewing to get out of breeding things. If sewing helps them kick the habit, good luck to them

As soon as your German is as good as my English, you will have room for comment on my spelling! :-)


Too bad he was commenting to Tari...


Oops, mea culpa. 


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