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Tanith Stillwater

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Everything posted by Tanith Stillwater

  1. I'm also blocked out of my favorite gaming sim - I do wonder why. My billing address is in Georgia (granted, I did just update it, but I legit live in Georgia now).. I go back and forth between Florida and Georgia a lot; does SL rely on my physical location or my billing address? Firestorm is also giving me a message about my preference excluding unknown content and that I need to change that, but not sure how or if I want to. I will def. be giving LL less money if i can't game. It's a pleasant pasttime for me. but looking at the list of approved games, none of my favorites are on there anyway, This sucks, and I feel bad for the owner of the gaming sim I usually haunt, he's a sweetie.
  2. Breedables made my SL experience what it is. Until I got into them, I was basically spending all my time tromping around, shopping, renting houses, furnishing them and tearing them down. Fun enough, but very lonely. When I started with breedables, I was drawn into a community of fun, friendly, supportive folks (and a few cut-throat ones, just to make things interesting. :smileywink:) Plus, I made enough money that I'm still supporting myself in SL more than a year after selling all my breedables off. RL interfered, making the whole thing a little too much for me to handle. (They do require a goodly amount of attention if you're going to profit from it). And I wouldn't recommend them as a surefire way to make money; I caught some lucky breaks and was the beneficiary of extreme genorisity, which I have tried to repay. But I do recommend them as a great way to make friends.
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