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How seriously do you take SL?

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For me it is kinda educational and creative, serves as a platform to test my abilities and try things I don't want to do in rl. Its fun because I explore different aspects and involve in activities that interest me, its serious but only to a certain limit because I can move on to the next new and interesting thing whenever I want to, without changing half of my life. 

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Chris Frentis wrote:

Is SL just fun and games for you or something else?

Good question.

Sometimes I'm a roller derby bunny angel, and sometimes a half demon fawn thing, and sometimes a girl in jeans, and sometimes a teacher, and sometimes I can fly without wings, and move an entire house with my finger as if by magic, and teleport across the world in the blink of an eye.....I can even dig a huge hole in the ground without a shovel......but sometimes i meet some really interesting people, with real feelings, hopes and dreams.

To answer your question:  It's sometimes a game, and sometimes not... Distinguishing between the two is the real trick.

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Chris Frentis wrote:

Is SL just fun and games for you or something else?

I always said "while SL is fun I'll keep on doing it", so primarily I am in Second Life for just fun.

@ Solaria, the roller derby certainly sounds like fun.  I used to participate in Giant Snail Racing, which is an absolute hoot, but it clashed with my real life, and some aspects of it induced a migraine head :matte-motes-frown: but by far that has been, to date, the most fun I ever had in SL.

I seemed sometimes to get involved with SLerious issues sometimes, but there have been fun elements of those too.

How seriously do I take SL though? Seriously, I still return to the computer each day and expect the cleaner at Linden Lab to have unplugged the main server to use for her vacuum cleaner and 'poof' it would all be GONE! The wonderful people I've met along the way, I can contact via other means than within SL though, so I would not be devastated if SL no longer existed. I would miss wearing pyjamas all day long though (can't get away with that in real life).


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I would say that it depends on how you utilize SL. You can do anything from running a business-socializing and anything in between. This platform transcends all boundaries of the physical world, as mentioned before, and I believe that is where the real magic lies. In the end, I suppose it would depend on how emotionaly, financially, or mentally invested you are. 

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Why so serious? I used to take SL a little bit seriously but then seeing the full reality of it... not any more!

It is a joke and will always be a joke :catlol::catlol::catlol::catlol::catlol:

^^^I do not mean this in an insulting way it is just that it makes me laugh when I think of it.

The executives and employees of Linden Lab clearly do not take SL seriously at all, it is a joke to them too.

SL is a very absurd thing to be existing? If you try to take it seriously that would only drive you crazy! :catlol::catlol::catlol::catlol::catlol:


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Chris Frentis wrote:

Is SL just fun and games for you or something else?

All of the above...and then some.

Sl is loads of fun, it always has been and, untilt he day they close, always will be. I can't even begin to comprehend, much less explain, the amount of fun sl provides.

There are also some, still fun but possibly more serious as well, bits to sl.

Primarily I am in sl to create, right now. At least that's what the majority of my time in sl is spent doing. I still have fun, because I absolutely LOVE creating, so the two aren't mutually exclusive. I take my creating seriously too, ok at times I do. I take my customers seriously, at least :) Some of my creations have very specific purposes, and the driving force behind them, is pretty serious. I work on a lot of things for various charities and events, that are all very near and dear to me in rl. So I take my involvement with them quite seriously-even if it is also, loads of fun.

I take people, generally speaking, seriously. Well, I take their thoughts, opinions, feelings and things like that seriously. I take people at face value-whatever face value it is they give me(real or otherwise). So I don't just see folks in sl as "avatars" and nothing more. I'm one of those folks that doesn't do the whole "sl is sl, rl is rl, never the two shall mix" deal. Just my style of course, it's not right or wrong for the masses, but perfect for me.

I know all the great and wonderful things sl can provide, but I also know all the not so great and wonderful things too. In either case, humans are behind both so, really, it's not "sl", it's people. Sl doesn't do anything without the people, well, residents. I'm not fully convinced everyone that works at LL is a people :P

Sl can be a wonderful place to have fun, explore, find new friends, perhaps find the other half of your own heart, learn life lessons, find the othe rhalf of your heart wasn't really a match, realize your ideals don't mesh so well with others', explore all the things you've always wanted to try in rl but have some sort of obstacle preventing you from doing so.....umm, there was a lot more I was going to say there, but I forgot already.

TLDR; I love sl and I don't think it has to be either or. It can be all-encompassing and for a lot of people, it truly is. For me, I think that's the most wonderful thing about sl. It's not all or nothing...it's everything, all rolled into one pretty awesome ball-flaws and all.

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I don't take SL seriously at all.

Those who do deserve everything they get.

Especially those who insist that it's not a game and that there are real people behind the avatars.

Because those people will suffer, and it's their own fault.

I don't feel at all sorry for them.

© The Judge

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Second Life is entertainment and creative expression for me, and it's a lot of fun.  So in that respect I don't take it all that seriously.  But if I'm making stuff or leaning about new things, I take that quite seriously because that helps me have more fun.  And when I've had enough, I log out and do something else not related to SL.

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My feelings have changed over time.

For the first couple of years, I saw it as a fantastic social avenue and was very, "What do you MEAN it's a game??!" I would stay logged in for hours at a time.

Now, five years in, I no longer log in daily, nor do I spend even an hour's time in world when I do. There are other games (see the transition there?) that I would much rather be playing, ones that do not rely on the social skills of others to be enjoyable.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Enjoyment isn't necessarily fun
For instance, I enjoy making money but I wouldn't describe it as fun.

I have made some money in SL but making light  something funny and laughing with someone else (who doesnt take themselves seriously)  doing the same is a highlight.

 It can be soo funny and one of the reasons I play it.

 Another reason is because there is many lonely people in Sl escaping something in thier lives and you can listen and try to cheer them up. That can be more satisfying than anything.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Welcome back, Judge.  How was your vacation?

...Dres *takes SL as seriously as he takes himself*

Thank you Dres, it was almost as boring, wet and cold as the forums were during the same period.

Although I note that Rod left and Jumpy returned - coincidence?

© The Judge

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Like every other game that I play, including the game of life...  DOMINATE OR DIE!!

Been a war gamer for 25+ years and professionally online for 7.

I gave y'all a 10+ years headstart...  I love a challenge, now, watch how fast I catch up ;)

No two persons will have the same answer in this thread, everyone plays for a different purpose...  some play without ANY purpose at all and pretty much any reason is valid, even the trouble makers; they make the game a bit more interesting and challenging.

Keyword: Game - To entertain, give a challenge and bring people together.  The ultimate goal is always going to...  TO WIN!!  Every one person's definition of winning the game will be different.

That's why I LOVE this game, you can and "LITERALLY" think outside the box, seems like it's a shunned or ignored quality in REAL LIFE!!

So you dam right I take it seriously because it takes me seriously!  I love games that allow for mind expansion like SL since TV constricts the crap out of it!!  =D

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I take Secondlife very seriously.

I don't take it's residents very seriously though. (Well not most of the time.) 


But for me, it's an extra source of income.

A place to chat with like-minded people.

Somewhere I can be anything I want and can explore with 0 repercussions.

Since I am most likely going to be here when im 60 and hopefully retired, I'm just being proactive and laying the groundwork now. 


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I use SL for fun.


I don't plan on having a career involving SL but I will pick up odd jobs for some lindens and fun.


I don't plan on meeting friends IRL nor will I expose personal information about myself but we do enjoy each others company and still have a good time.


I don't believe that you can keep SL out of your RL but you can control how much they can mix/mesh together.


You decide how serious SL is by how much you put into it and what you expect to get from it in return.

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