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Rod Humble leaving Linden Lab

Jo Yardley

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Jo Yardley wrote:

We're without CEO;

Holy fishcakes Batman.

That is a shocker.

While he initially gave us some hope, especialy after Klingon, overall I have not been impressed.

The only improvement I've seen has been an apparent focus on addressing a few issues with lag and SIM crossings.

But too many resources were wasted on things like PathFinding, there was no improvement in communication between the Lab and its customers and worst of all was the closing of the JIRA's to public access.

Overall I rate the net improvement to SL as minimal.

I do wish him well but my net impression is I was not impressed.


ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL."


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Perrie Juran wrote:


ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL."




and im not sad to see him leave. 

I have nothing personal aggainst him and i wish him the best in his new projects but as CEO for LL he hasnt been what i could call a great CEO. 

Not only he has poor skills for communication with the users but he took a lot of bad or silly decisions and the last one has been the cherry on the pie, the new and current TOS. 

During the time he has been CEO he did only one thing, taking the money from SL for injecting money to his other projects with LL. And really i dont think that is fair. 

So really, here, im pleased to see him take finally a good decision, leave. I hope we ll get a competent CEO now.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL."




and im not sad to see him leave. 

I have nothing personal aggainst him and i wish him the best in his new projects but as CEO for LL he hasnt been what i could call a great CEO. 

Not only he has poor skills for communication with the users but he took a lot of bad or silly decisions and the last one has been the cherry on the pie, the new and current TOS. 

During the time he has been CEO he did only one thing, taking the money from SL for injecting money to his other projects with LL. And really i dont think that is fair. 

So really, here, im pleased to see him take finally a good decision, leave.
I hope we ll get a competent CEO now.

Bold mine...like they say..."hope in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which one fills up faster" I have yet to see one CEO who has done what truly needs to be done for SL. I have given up ANY hope that someone will come along and know what the crap they are doing and actually start communicating with the residents.

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Interesting to say the least.  I too find it odd that there wasn't some sort of official announcement and that he himself announced it on facebook that way.

I looked him up on facebook to see what he had to say and strangely could not find a page for him as Rod or Rodvik Humble.  Wonder what's up with that?

I can't say I was impressed by him.  Communication between LL and its customers took a dive.  The other games that LL developed weren't exactly hits and with the debacle over the change to the TOS and the gamifying (if that's a word lol) of SL....

Hopefully the new CEO will realize what SL is really about and how much we all care for our virtual world and work with residents rather than ignoring them.


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From my personal perspective it did seem like Rod did a lot, mostly because the CEO's before him did so little.

He communicated via the Drax files episode and seemed excited and interested in SL, during his time chat lag has improved a bit, avatars now rez faster, we got mesh, super sized prims, more groups, oculus Rift support (almost ready), etc.

In total it may not have been much, but just in my experience over the last 5 years of SL he was the first CEO that stood out and seemed to do something, anything.

At least something that was usefull for me in my tiny corner of SL.

He probably wasn't responsible for everything I just mentioned, but I just feel that during his time with LL, SL did improve.

And in the years before he joined, nothing much changed at all.

But maybe that is just me.

I am old, have leaky brain, memory malfunctioning.

Why did I come into this room again?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

His page is there:

Yes i see it now, but it wasn't when I looked for it.  I looked und rod and rovik and for all people with those names, double checked the spelling and tried it all again several times and found nothing.  Wonder if it was getting so many hits it was shut down temporarily while he changed his privacy settings.

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I agree with you Jo.  I viewed him postively.   

As always Second Life is always a bit wonky, a bit wrong (this is why so many Second Life creators have become a very unique bunch of experts of developing products working around the multiple "strange" implementation areas related to it).  Sometimes Linden Lab can be frustrating (but I am weird I like beating the challenge and working around those frustrations).  But I think well of him, and wish him all the best in his new endeavours.   

I don't know how much involvement he had in the implementation of the TOS - but I hope whom ever comes in next - takes a more holsitic viewpoint in balancing legal need along with corporate risk  with retaining user/creators strategy etc.

There is so much potential within Second Life and it's future development - I hope the new CEO taps into that and works with it.

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Jo Yardley wrote:

From my personal perspective it did seem like Rod did a lot, mostly because the CEO's before him did so little.

He communicated via the Drax files episode and seemed excited and interested in SL, during his time chat lag has improved a bit, avatars now rez faster, we got mesh, super sized prims, more groups, oculus Rift support (almost ready), etc.

In total it may not have been much, but just in my experience over the last 5 years of SL he was the first CEO that stood out and seemed to do something, anything.

At least something that was usefull for me in my tiny corner of SL.

He probably wasn't responsible for everything I just mentioned, but I just feel that during his time with LL, SL did improve.

And in the years before he joined, nothing much changed at all.

But maybe that is just me.

I am old, have leaky brain, memory malfunctioning.

Why did I come into this room again?

I know I spoke strongly.

I did not mean to imply there were not improvements.  But most were at least in my mind things that should have been occuring in the natural flow of business.

Reinstituting the discounts for Non Profits was a big plus even if it was a little late in the game.

And we don't know what budgetary constraints he operated under nor what decisions were not in his hands.

And compared to Klingon he was a breathe of fresh air.

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Of course, it also depends very much on your own perspective, things I found important were improved but perhaps things other people found important were not.

Either way, no matter who the next CEO is, there is a LOT they should do and they rarely fix the things we're actually waiting for :)

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I think he did a good enough job considering the circumstances and the state of SL when he took over. When he was hired I would not have believed he would take the company as far as 2014. For a while there he seemed to breathe a bit of life and drive back into LL even if it was partially focused on products other than SL. Unfortunately LL and SL in particular needed someone to do more than just a "good enough" job. SL needed a visionary that would revitalise, if not revolutionise the whole product in order to regain the mass appeal we experienced during the boom years. Rod completely failed to deliver there. I wish him the best of luck.

I will have been in SL 10 years this coming May. I have seen SL blossom and then explode into life only to be mismanaged into a long and apparently drawn-out death throe. I am really excited that once again we stand upon the precipice of change. Once again there is the slim chance that some "visionary" will come in and completely transform SL into a product that has an exciting future. On the other hand I am also very worried that we will just get some suit wearing, puppet-caretaker CEO that is only there to oversee the ongoing milking of their once great and glorious cash cow.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I can't say I was impressed by him.  Communication between LL and its customers took a dive.  The other games that LL developed weren't exactly hits and with the debacle over the change to the TOS
and the gamifying (if that's a word lol) of SL....

Hopefully the new CEO will realize what SL is really about and how much we all care for our virtual world and work with residents rather than ignoring them.


I agree, Amethyst, and the bolded part is what I was most disappointed about re: Rod.  From this interview that I have linked to several times on these forums, I was concerned with him "laughing" when offered the CEO position of LL and asking, "Is that still around?"  Then the next comment of, "Also, it was a company that was ready made to do a whole bunch of other products, which I wanted to do.”  That HE wanted to do.  He came from a game company and I believe he saw SL as a game; thus the institution of pathfinding, etc.

Edit: punctuation

ETA:  I vote for Torley Linden as the next CEO!


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Some positive things happened under his mantle: big prims;more groups; some improvement in chat lag,; much improved border crossings.  Some negative things happened:  closed JIRA; Greatly degraded communication with the user community, no let me rephrase that, almost a complete lost of communication with the end user community;The sacking of Oskar Linden for ejecting a griefer from the region were a meeting was going on; CHUI;  I could go on but I won't.

   I hope that the next CEO realizes that while the user community is cantankerous and cranky we have a lot of good ideas, and we really do understand the problems the exist in the platform.    The most important thing, IMHO, is that there MUST be two way communication between the Lindens and the end users.

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Jo Yardley wrote:

We're without CEO;

Hi Jo! 

Rod helped me.  It was through his action, and community responsiveness, that I am now able to post here on this forum.  Also, early on, he friended me inworld, and I enjoyed seeing him login.  I just looked, and he's still on my friend's list.

I'm sorry to see him go, but wish him much success in his endeavors.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:


ETA:  I vote for Torley Linden as the next CEO!


I would like to second that vote. Torley has done more for Second Life than any CEO so far. :matte-motes-big-grin:

And while we're at it, there are several Lindens I would like to have back from that awful mass layoff back when.

ETA: And surnames! "Resident" as a last name is just dumb. :matte-motes-silly:

I've been here 7 years now. And I truly wish that LL board members would take a walk in SL and really understand the product from the customers' perspective. Then - hire someone who can fill that requirement. This is a social platform - we need a social CEO who can speak with residents. This is a creative platform - we need a CEO who understands the boundless creativity that lives in SL and directs the improvement of tools that will make it better. I think Rod came closer than previous CEOs, but for God's sake, this is Silicon Valley - is there NO ONE who can complete Philip's vision AND run a company without looking at its premier product as a funding source for failed projects?

All that being said, I really liked Rod and wish him all of the best. It is possible that the board is responsible for him leaving so soon. But that is just speculation.

*Getting off the soapbox now. Thanks for listening.*  :matte-motes-wink:

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Jo Yardley wrote:

From my personal perspective it did seem like Rod did a lot, mostly because the CEO's before him did so little.

He communicated via the Drax files episode and seemed excited and interested in SL, during his time chat lag has improved a bit, avatars now rez faster, we got mesh, super sized prims, more groups, oculus Rift support (almost ready), etc.

In total it may not have been much, but just in my experience over the last 5 years of SL he was the first CEO that stood out and seemed to do something, anything.

At least something that was usefull for me in my tiny corner of SL.

He probably wasn't responsible for everything I just mentioned, but I just feel that during his time with LL, SL did improve.

And in the years before he joined, nothing much changed at all.

But maybe that is just me.

I am old, have leaky brain, memory malfunctioning.

Why did I come into this room again?

Damning with faint praise? Anyone looks good in comparison with the prior CEO?

Concurrency fell consistently during Rod's entire tenure. Is there a better metric?

I don't have anything other than my own anedcotal observations about SL performance over the last six years, but my hunch is that most of the improvement I've experienced here has come from my expenditures on faster computers. My current computer has benchmark ratings 6x(CPU)/49x(GPU) higher than the computer I first used in SL. My web hosting company has increased my bandwidth, transfer limit and total storage capacity by 10x or more in the last six years, without changing the price. Meanwhile, avatar capacity on a sim is unchanged (or declining?). I've made this argument before. By any metric I can conjur, SL has fallen off the technological rails.

None of the new LL toys (Creatorverse, etc.) has obtained any traction.

Do we blame Rod Humble for this, the people that hired him, Philip Rosedale?

I wish Rod the best and I'm curious to see if anything changes.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

We're without CEO;

Hi Jo! 

Rod helped me.  It was through his action, and community responsiveness, that I am now able to post here on this forum.  Also, early on, he friended me inworld, and I enjoyed seeing him login.  I just looked, and he's still on my friend's list.

I'm sorry to see him go, but wish him much success in his endeavors.


Wow, I did not know that it was Rod that intervened there. I do know he got bombarded by Feed posts about it (at least until he closed his Feed) but I'd no idea he was the one who cleared things up.

Figures you'd only deal with the people at the top ;-).


ETA quote; I look forward to the day when I'll stop forgetting to do that.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote

SL has fallen off the technological rails.

There are those who would prefer overlooking the fact that 95% of SL's current technology is 10+ years old. That's equivalent to a hundred years or more in the computer/technology world. (And no, it wasn't truly ahead of its time so forget that argument.) Therefore, your anecdotal references are entirely valid. Money which might have gone to badly needed infrastructure improvements served only as milk from the cow for failed projects.

As for his leaving: "The king is dead! Long live the king!" (Anyone up for driving a train wreck?)

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