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what should every avie have?Opinion


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I think it depends, if you're using other people's creations (freebie or otherwise) you should aim for:


- Clothes.

- Shape.

- Skin.

- AO.


Once you have the look you are happy with anything else is just for fun.


If making it yourself, an AO can wait :)


Oh and everyone should have a Hobo Combat System.

The only way to defend yourself against roaming Daleks effectively.



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I believe every av should have someone available to mentor and guide them


Everything else is personal preference and frankly I'm not keen on others telling me how my av should look, or what she needs...so I won't tell them either :D

I don't honestly believe there is *anything* every av needs, as far as things like your list there has. There are tons of things that can make sl more pleasant for some folks. I just don't think they're all necessary

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AOs are the most important. Everything else is secondary. Just Kidding:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


Something I love and I think is under used, other than for annoyance purposes, is chat based gesture systems. I'm not talking about the normal gestures, using the gestures system. I'm talking about a gestures system that triggers animations based on the words you would type in normal conversations, to make your avatar more lively and reflex what you are saying better.

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What in the world is a teeth tattoo?! Hopefully not that fake teeth painted on your lips to get you the "cute" look of catching flies because your mouth is open all day.

I also never run into any situation that made me need a "hugger".  :catsurprised:



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ince the basic hair clothes skin and I assume shape too is a given i think AO is the most important on your list. 

--swimmer - nice to have for fun

--hugger - only If you have someone special to hug or you are a 'hugger'

--face emoter - most don't use this routinely except if they are part of a gesture, but its good to have for pictures. This one has the expressions plus eye and hand controls and is free.

--teeth tattoos - 7.5 years and I don't have this or a desire for one.  Most i've seen give the face a 'duh' look IMO



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@Tari: I have to agree with the 'mentor' side of things, which is why when I first joined I was always a fan of Celleta's 'Railway hobo hub' every hobo was always friendly and helpful, and once you got into the swing of things you often found yourself helping other newbies get into the swing of things.



My point being: You are right.

We shouldn't tell people what to wear, but we should show them how to wear what they want.


I also believe most others posting on these forums have that as their intention :)

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Few thousand lindens in their account to be able to fill the ecpectations and buy all those things that ach of their friends finds neccesary. Of course list is different for each person lol


Seriously, I don't remember seeing a good adjusted hugger, even if the person is hugging her bff it is always weird and begs for trashing. Personally, I find them creepy because I had few friends that thought it is neccesarry to offer me a hug every damn time we met!

Teeths tats are also kinda weird looking, specially when combined with puty lips, reminds me of rabbits haha


I would say each avie should have few funny things like drunk AO or stupid looking little kids bikes, helmets, guns and so on, that they can share with their friends and goof around. 

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Skin, shape, eyes and brows: Without these, you don't even have an avatar. You can't (except in occasional inventory glitches) not be wearing these. They barely make it into the discussion, because they are so universal. And strictly speaking, only a shape is visually necessary since we have full mesh avatars. 

Mesh/prim hair: Setting aside full mesh avs, this is often the next thing seen as essential. On the other hand I've seen a lot of perfectly good male avs, and some strikingly beautiful female ones, who have no attched hair. Not system hair, but rocking the bald look. Some people just make it work, so hair can't be essential either.

Clothes (including tattoos): Furries and animals don't need them. Nudists and exhibitonists can't wait to get rid of them. Robots can live without them. Clothes just aren't necessary for a lot of residents.

I have to go with an AO. You *can* exist in SL without one, but the jerky walk is so unrealistc and the default poses so predictable that I find it jarring to watch. It could be as simple as a walk and a single standing animation, but I find AOs breathe life into an av in a way that no other 'tangible' component can. 


Tari Landar wrote:

I believe every av should have someone available to mentor and guide them


Everything else is personal preference and frankly I'm not keen on others telling me how my av should look, or what she needs...so I won't tell them either

I don't honestly believe there is *anything* every av needs, as far as things like your list there has. There are tons of things that can make sl more pleasant for some folks. I just don't think they're all necessary

I know I'm spilltting hairs now, but the question as stated asked what every *avatar* needs, not what every resident needs. A avatar is your representation in the world: it doesn't need, and cannot have, a mentor. The same point to Isabelle.


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Kelli May wrote:

Skin, shape, eyes and brows: Without these, you don't even have an avatar. You can't (except in occasional inventory glitches) not be wearing these. They barely make it into the discussion, because they are so universal. And strictly speaking, only a shape is visually necessary since we have full mesh avatars. 

Mesh/prim hair: Setting aside full mesh avs, this is often the next thing seen as essential. On the other hand I've seen a lot of perfectly good male avs, and some strikingly beautiful female ones, who have no attched hair. Not system hair, but rocking the bald look. Some people just make it work, so hair can't be essential either.

Clothes (including tattoos): Furries and animals don't need them. Nudists and exhibitonists can't wait to get rid of them. Robots can live without them. Clothes just aren't necessary for a lot of residents.

I have to go with an AO. You *can* exist in SL without one, but the jerky walk is so unrealistc and the default poses so predictable that I find it jarring to watch. It could be as simple as a walk and a single standing animation, but I find AOs breathe life into an av in a way that no other 'tangible' component can. 


Tari Landar wrote:

I believe every av should have someone available to mentor and guide them


Everything else is personal preference and frankly I'm not keen on others telling me how my av should look, or what she needs...so I won't tell them either

I don't honestly believe there is *anything* every av needs, as far as things like your list there has. There are tons of things that can make sl more pleasant for some folks. I just don't think they're all necessary

I know I'm spilltting hairs now, but the question as stated asked what every *avatar* needs, not what every resident needs. A avatar is your representation in the world: it doesn't need, and cannot have, a mentor. The same point to Isabelle.


Eh, It's my opinion that every avatar should have some kind of mentor when they first come in. It could prove to be more beneficial than anything else.  I didn't say they needed, or had to have one. The OP did ask us what we thought avatars should have. The OP did not ask what every avatar *has* to have, or needs.

But in saying an avatar cannot have a mentor, you'd have to apply it to everything. How can an avatar "have" objects, but not a mentor? And yes I know, it's still splitting hairs, lol. Interesting discussion nonetheless.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Kelli May wrote:

Skin, shape, eyes and brows: Without these, you don't even have an avatar. You can't (except in occasional inventory glitches) not be wearing these. They barely make it into the discussion, because they are so universal. And strictly speaking, only a shape is visually necessary since we have full mesh avatars. 

Mesh/prim hair: Setting aside full mesh avs, this is often the next thing seen as essential. On the other hand I've seen a lot of perfectly good male avs, and some strikingly beautiful female ones, who have no attched hair. Not system hair, but rocking the bald look. Some people just make it work, so hair can't be essential either.

Clothes (including tattoos): Furries and animals don't need them. Nudists and exhibitonists can't wait to get rid of them. Robots can live without them. Clothes just aren't necessary for a lot of residents.

I have to go with an AO. You *can* exist in SL without one, but the jerky walk is so unrealistc and the default poses so predictable that I find it jarring to watch. It could be as simple as a walk and a single standing animation, but I find AOs breathe life into an av in a way that no other 'tangible' component can. 


Tari Landar wrote:

I believe every av should have someone available to mentor and guide them


Everything else is personal preference and frankly I'm not keen on others telling me how my av should look, or what she needs...so I won't tell them either

I don't honestly believe there is *anything* every av needs, as far as things like your list there has. There are tons of things that can make sl more pleasant for some folks. I just don't think they're all necessary

I know I'm spilltting hairs now, but the question as stated asked what every *avatar* needs, not what every resident needs.
An avatar is your representation in the world: it doesn't need, and cannot have, a mentor.
The same point to Isabelle.


Eh, It's my opinion that every avatar should have some kind of mentor when they first come in. It could prove to be more beneficial than anything else.  I didn't say they needed, or had to have one. The OP did ask us what we thought avatars should have. The OP did not ask what every avatar *has* to have, or needs.

But in saying an avatar cannot have a mentor, you'd have to apply it to everything. How can an avatar "have" objects, but not a mentor? And yes I know, it's still splitting hairs, lol. Interesting discussion nonetheless.

Please re-read the part of my post that I put in bold. I wasn't suggesting that it's necessary or not for an avatar to have a mentor, I was pointing out that it's not even possible. An avatar cannot learn, be taught or advised. An avatar is a representation, not a person. You might as well suggest that a photograph needs (or doesn't need) a mentor. To steal a quotation, "it is not only not right, it is not even wrong!"

As for an avatar not being able to "have" objects (or skins, shapes etc.)... the avatar doesn't own them, but it does have them. To stay with the photograph analogy, a photo doesn't own texture, shade or content, but you wouldn't say it doesn't 'have' them.

It's your right to suggest that residents (or players, controllers, or whatever term suits you best) need a mentor. It would certainly be a huge advantage to anyone joining SL, due to the complexity of the world and quirks of the interface. 

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Only thing on your list I recognize is an AO.

And even that is now optional - some TPVs include it. What you need are animations.

You should have: walk, run, fly, hover, stand. If your settings have left default typing animation on, I recommend an animation for this also.

You should have a skin. Coloring yourself up with the sliders just won't cut it... Even a prim cube AV tends to use a texture map.

A unique shape (at least the face should be customized so that as far as you know only you have that face).

A hair prop - mesh, flexi, prim, a hat, something. Or go bald and remove system hair.

- That's basically it. Everything else including clothes is optional depending on the community(ies) you're involved with.


ps: I do know what a hugger is - because I hate the things and have actually lowered my contact with people who trigger them on me...

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Medhue Simoni wrote:


I'm talking about a gestures system that triggers animations based on the words you would type in normal conversations, to make your avatar more lively and reflex what you are saying better.

Yes, that would be nice to have. In general SL avatars are too statue like - expressionless and motionless. They really do lack liveliness, and especially nice subtle facial expressions. That frozen face bugs me very much in avatars.

I have seen some people putting static poses in their AOs - to make the matter even worse.  :smileysad:

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Only thing on your list I recognize is an AO.

And even that is now optional - some TPVs include it.

Yes, some TPVs include it, but that doesn't make it any less of an AO... it's just an AO that's built into the viewer.

...Dres (If Kelli can split hairs then so can I, dammit... lol.)

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Lindatool undeformer HUD

- Why? So you can help when someone are griefed with deformers. It is free and full perms so you can hand it out. I know relogging solves the problem, but it is not alway convenient. Edit: You can also use it to undeform your shape if you have been wearing an avatar with a deformed skeleton. This is often deforming you even after you change back to the normal shape.

Resizer script

- Why? If an object of linked prims can't be sized down because one prim or more is already the smallest size.



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First, I know that third party viewers have some of this stuff built in. I am not sure how much, if any, that is in the default viewer. Keeping stuff you use often in a folder can often be a quicker way to find stuff than searching in debug settings.

Script counter for your own use

- Why? Because it is good to learn about how heavy scripted you are. 


- Why, when I just said that script usage is important? I have been a MystiTool user since 2007. I stopped wearing it when I discovered how heavy scripted it was. The new version is much lighter, and it is has a perfect sky platform rezzer, it is invaluable in a sandbox so you get up from the griefers. It also has many other functions like rezzing a posestand and a non-physical shield that keeps off the simplest griefing tools. You should still detach it in crowded places. The freebie version is placed out in the inworld store, and has many, many functions in addition to the few things abowe. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blumfield/27/148/297

Pose stand

- Why? Because you need it when fitting and editing stuff you wear. 


Fun stuff. All avatars should have a boat, a bike, a car, a hot air balloon... some stuff to use when you explore SL. Teleporting is good for getting around quick, but a vehicle is nice for exploring. It is also a good way to break the ice if you enter in a vehicle. Many will want to know where you got it and some vehicles let you to take passengers on a ride.

All the stuff is possible to find free on the Marketplace or inworld. I recommend Herk's lab for the resizer. It is free, and much more easy to use than the old version I had when I started using a resizer. And Beebo Brinks script weight scale. Posestands is it lots of on the Marketplace. Free vehicles too.

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Since you land in Second Life with a skin, shape, eyes, clothes, etc., those really are a given.  They may be ugly as all get out, but you have them.

Personally, I think every avatar should have an operator (the RL person at the keyboard) who has at least a vague idea of what they want to do, learn or get out of Second Life.  There is a lot more information about Second Life on the Web than there was just a few years ago. Whether it is socializing, shopping, combat, sex, building or roleplaying, a person needs to have an idea in the back of their mind. All the material things will come with time and will change many times with each avatar as they evolve.

A Short Story of My Start:

I started in SL in 2008 with no clue in my head.  I was curious about Second Life so I made an avatar to check it out... And I was completely lost.  After going through the basic Tutorial that was offered, I knew I wanted to get rid of the "duck walk" ASAP and I wanted to know how to stop my hands/head from moving (typing) when I chatted but I had no idea of how to accomplish them. There really wasn't a lot of information available beyond the "How to move/chat/fly" tutorials. Or if there was, I never saw it.

Luckily I landed at a location that had a very nice, very helpful person there, a Mentor.  This person spent a couple of hours answering my (and other peoples') noob questions.  They gave me a Folder with a Basic AO, a few pieces of freebie clothes/hair that were a big step above the Library stuff, some landmarks to various locations as an example of what you could accomplish within Second Life (these were just really cool builds as examples of what users had built) and a couple of landmarks to some newbie friendly stores and clubs.

Without this person, I probably would have logged out and never logged back in.  With them, I made a couple of life long friends and learned that anything was possible.  Where only your own imagination, or lack of, is your limit.

I don't know how things are now when you first enter Second LIfe, but being greeted by someone who cares enough to point you in the right direction or offer suggestions, is invaluable.

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My opinion for a regular human avie:

1. AO (costumized/individualized with smooth transitions)

2. hair

3. clothes (including formal wear incase you want to go to a ballroom)

4. shoes (high quality ones with color changing HUDs are ideal)

5. mesh realistic feet (nice to have if you like going to beaches)

6. a modifiable shape

7. a high quality skin

8. different makeup/cosmetic tattoos

9. accessories like jewelry (always fun to have)

10. nails (different colors)

11. eyelashes

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