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DD is nicer.....but ??


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Sorry to open the thread with the ultimatum, but I honestly think DD is more convenient for the fact that we can take a peek at the contents and their permissions, no unpleasant surprises in what we buy. In my own point of view, it's much faster.. folders delivered right in your inventory ready to use right there. 

But some people still demand boxes. So I explain the bright side of the DD system, but....?? they still complain they'd prefer boxes even after they made purchases on the MP. So I give them boxes.....!! Yeah but I still don't understand why some people would still wanna deal with packages. Is this a matter of organizing their inventory? Do I have to leave an additional option for box people?? I'm confused. What do you guys think?? 



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sunshine Juneberry wrote:

I Think some people like boxes cause they keep them as a back up. If they mess up something or lose something, they can rerezz te box and get a new folder

That only works if the item is copyable.. If it isn't then it doesn't really matter if its boxed or not..

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I like the box when it comes with picture of what insides.  It's a lot easier to see the picture and recall what they look like.  DD, as far as I experience, never comes with picture. After a week or two, i forgot the name and associated products.


Box also easier for me to organize my inventory.  I usually keep the box and remove the extracted folder.  One box in the inventory compare to whole list of things inside it.  When you search your inventory with a name, with folders, you will have long list of item found and it make the search complicate.


Now when i want to keep things I don't use much, i have to creat a box and pack all the component...then..back to the no-picture problem.  Wooden box with names can't say much about the insides.



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You know I must be  an odd bod but in the year or so since  DD came around I have never once looked the contents pane and I do quite a bit shopping. It doesn't even register in my head that I can inspect the contents. I don't really care how my stuff arrives so long as I get it. Personally I prefer boxes  and always will. I feel folders delivered direct are lazy and boring but then I'm old school I like to rezz and get surprises and enjoy seeing that comforting  items 'coming in too fast 'message that reassures me that all is well in our wonky world.

And to echo what Pamela said in another thread I tend to buy things prop them up against my studio wall and leave there until I have the time to check them out. The big friendly pictures and quirky boxes  help remind me that they are there. Bland Folders that just sit in my boated inventory don't stand out and get easily forgotten.


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sunshine Juneberry wrote:

Yeah i love when item comes with the sales vendor photo. I forget what everything is and have to wear it to see....pictures are definately a plus!!

i add a photo to everything... I love it when there is one so i decided to add them to my products.

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Toss a boxed backup copy in the folder, then everyone can be happy.


I keep boxes for backup, and have at times needed one when either accidentally deleting or messing up something of which I'd forgotten to make a backup myself first.

That said, I dislike store owners who just put packaged boxes in their DD outbox, smells of laziness (can somewhat understand it for those moving content from magic boxes into DD).

I have land to unpack things, so don't need to go to overcrowded and often griefer struck public sandboxes, but that's not the case for many people (and oh, I've had to teach a lot of them how to unpack boxes).

And please, if you do use boxes, use simple ones and set the default action properly. I'm sick and tired of 100+ prim delivery boxes that you can't even rez to open because your parcel doesn't have that many prims free, or boxes that have the default action set to pay or buy rather than open.

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HisaDrug wrote:

Sorry to open the thread with the ultimatum, but I honestly think DD is more convenient for the fact that we can take a peek at the contents and
their permissions
, no unpleasant surprises in what we buy. In my own point of view, it's much faster.. folders delivered right in your inventory ready to use right there. 

But some people still demand boxes. So I explain the bright side of the DD system, but....?? they still complain they'd prefer boxes even after they made purchases on the MP. So I give them boxes.....!! Yeah but I still don't understand why some people would still wanna deal with packages. Is this a matter of organizing their inventory? Do I have to leave an additional option for box people?? I'm confused. What do you guys think?? 

Is that strictly true? For example, the permissions on the item may be modify and copy, but due to a no modify script in the prim contents the whole item will appear as no modify in Marketplace folder contents  - even though it is still perfectly possible to modify the prim, even remove the the no mod script...

I do try to make it clear in my descriptions when this is the case therefore...




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HisaDrug wrote:

But some people still demand boxes. So I explain the bright side of the DD system, but....?? they still complain they'd prefer boxes even after they made purchases on the MP. So I give them boxes.....!! 


I find that really surprising. I have never had anyone ask for a box. Least of all demand one. I deliver all my items in folders - inworld and MP. I am yet to be asked for a box. If people want a box so badly I think they would just make their own.

here's another thread on the subject

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Well, I don't know about the whole spectrum of scripting but I'm talking about the permissions that you check before you publish them on the MP and their visibility in Contents. The very idea of displaying what's inside. 

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I'm quite surprised about that as well. 

I've had a few suggestions about boxing items ages ago, but back then Xstreet was the dominent source of the MP. After the migration more people came to me for boxing my items for them. I asked them why, and they felt kinda edgy not seeing boxes in the inventory just in case they lose them. 

But you see, when I had some items boxed, some people IM-ed me to use DD to send folders instead. So.. 

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To be honest, I'm not quite certain why other people care what someone prefers. It honestly has me scratching my head. What with all these threads about it. Ok, I get you don't like it. I get that there are plenty of people who prefer folders over boxes. I also get that there are plenty who think otherwise. What I don't understand, is why it matters to either party, what the other one prefers. I'm not real sure why anyone should have to, or why anyone would ask them to, explain their reasons.

Most of my stuff is foldered, that I sell I mean. Not all of it is though. There are all kinds of reasons why. I'm not sure anyone else really cares what they are, lol.

Live and let live I always say. We'll never understand everything others choose to do. Sometimes it's not worth even trying to, lol.

As a customer, I prefer whatever is easiest or best for the merchant. As a merchant, I understand both sides of the coin quite easily. I don't find either method superior to the other, to be honest. Just because I like something a certain way, doesn't mean others will. It also doesn't make it the best option. It just makes it the best option for me, and my customers. Opening a box isn't a crap ton of extra steps, for me. If it is for others, they should avoid having to do it, if they dislike it so.

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HisaDrug wrote:

Well, I don't know about the whole spectrum of scripting but I'm talking about the permissions that you check before you publish them on the MP and their visibility in Contents. The very idea of displaying what's inside. 

If the item you're checking has a no mod script in it, it will appear no mod when you check it, even if you can mod the prim that the script resides in.

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HisaDrug wrote:

Why would you put a no-mod script in the item when you can just uncheck modify? Colour change script or resizers don't affect the permission that complex unless it's about something else. 

It appears that you don't understand permissions and the collapsed permisison view?  Nobody puts a script inside an item to make the item "no modify", that can't be done but the inventory and DD view of permissions is the most restrictive, collapsed view of permissions and does not let anyone see WHAT is making a prim object appear to be no modify.

If there's a resizer, has the creator chosen to use that but make the overall object no modify too or is the object modify and also contains a resizer script that happens to be no mod?  You cannot tell.  That's just one example.

I have seen items marked on MP listing as "modify" yet the creators view of modify is that you can change the size via script and they have set the prim parts to have no mod permission which is actutely annoying.

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HisaDrug wrote:

Why would you put a no-mod script in the item when you can just uncheck modify? Colour change script or resizers don't affect the permission that complex unless it's about something else. 

A lot of content I sell comes with an auto rezzer, as does a lot of other content sold in SL. Take the most popular auto rezzer, Rez Faux created by Lex Neva. Any item packaged with Rez Faux will show as no modify untill the item is rezzed and saved (a process that removes the no mod positioning scripts). So a modifiable item packaged with rez faux will show as "no modify" on the MP as well as in the end users inv, even though the item is in fact fully modifiable.

I am not a scripter, nor do I want to be. so I buy all my complex scripts from others. Seeing as how allot of scripters don't sell full perms, they cannot allow users to modify the scripts directly, because a person would just copy and paste the contents into a new script of their creation. So a lot of scripts will be sold no modify to people like me and these can then be custom edited normally through a menu system. Any content sold that contains these scripts will appear as no modify on the MP and in the inv, however everything but the script will be modifiable once the item is rezzed inworld.

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HisaDrug wrote:

Why would you put a no-mod script in the item when you can just uncheck modify? Colour change script or resizers don't affect the permission that complex unless it's about something else. 

Maybe I am dense, but I don't understand what it is you're asking here. Could you possibly clarify what you meant, please?

I'll answer based off what i think you might be asking, though. Many scripts are no mod. Typically, it's because the one who scripted it doesn't want anyone to tamper with or copy, the script itself. Could be any number of reasons why they would need to do that, Adding a no mod script to an item will make the entire item show up on MP as being no mod on the contents tab, regardles of what boxes you check when you list them. When that in fact, probably isn't true for a lot of things. I know for a fact I have stuff that is modify, to some degree, yet the script(s) inside are not. Now when I list these items, I can, and I do, say that the item is modify. It would be and is true, as the item can be modified. The script inside may not be though. Quite often the scripts I use aren't modify.

The same applies inworld as it does on MP though. When you click buy on something inworld and get the little box that shows contents, you'll only see the very basic permissions. You won't be able to see the permissions of a script, for example, inside a folder or box Things like scripts, resizers, rezzers and such. A box can be modify in that you can change it's size, texture, color and such, but cannot change the script or other contents inside.

I'm not sure if that makes any sense, or whether or not it had anything at all to do with what you're asking.


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I was asking about DD lol and somehow ended up talking about script permissions which I'm fully aware of. I just misunderstood the previous reply. I was mentioning how DD allows us to see the contents, not the boxes/packages and their own permissions. I was talking about the actual products inside the boxes or folders. 

My question was very simple. I just wanted to know why people still prefer boxes rather than folders. But thank you for your honest opinions.   

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For items that are copy/mod I prefer boxes.  This is how I store my back ups and it reduces inventory clutter immensely.  I am thinking primarily outfits / clothing items.  I've got some outfits that with all the options can have 20 associated items.  It adds up fast.  I also have living room and bedroom suites that are composed of many objects.  Again, it adds up fast.

The only really big objection to boxes is people needing to find a place to rez them and this is easily solved with freely available 'wear and touch to unpack' scripts.

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HisaDrug wrote:

I was asking about DD lol and somehow ended up talking about script permissions which I'm fully aware of. I just misunderstood the previous reply. I was mentioning how DD allows us to see the contents, not the boxes/packages and their own permissions. I was talking about the actual products inside the boxes or folders. 

My question was very simple. I just wanted to know why people still prefer boxes rather than folders. But thank you for your honest opinions.   

Simple, because if you see an item on MP in the contents it might say "Dress" with permissions "no modify" but you CANNOT tell from that if it's the dress object that is set to no modify or whether it's because it contains a script that is no mod. 

In other words, the MP view of content and their permissions has very limited value.

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