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I have to say that I was stunned when I saw this thread.  I have nothing short of the highest respect for 16.  Her wit and inteligence will be greatly missed.

Whatever her reasons are for leaving you are right, only she really knows.

If ever there was a person who has left  this Forum that I would want to see come back, it's 16.

So 16, wherever you are, what ever you are doing, I wish you the very best! 

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Perrie, I wasn't intending to single you out but the conversation did appear to take a turn to some speculation (which I know is very normal when someone well liked decides to do something and not offers an explanation).  I posted under your post simply because of the comments (yours and a poster immediately before you).  I know you well enough to know that you would never second guess anyone's decision.  It was just a good place to say what I wanted to say.

Just in case you took my post the wrong way,  :)

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I don't think there's anything wrong at all with wondering when someone you've come to feel like you know suddenly decides to leave (I probably feel like I know you all more than you feel you know me, since I don't post nearly as often as I just come to read) but a quick glance answered it in my mind at least. I don't feel it's disrespectful at all. As a matter of fact, if that is indeed the reason she left she has my highest respect. 

I'll say again, 16, you'll be missed! Your posts always seemed to be written with a smile and I couldn't help but smile back as I read them. :heart:

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I didn't say it was disrespectful to wonder why.  What I said (and this is entirely for myself) is that 16 did not offer a reason for her leaving.  She didn't offer the reason(s) because she chose not to.........I accept that and I would never violate her privacy by asking.  If she wants to tell anyone she will tell them.  If she doesn't want to tell anyone she won't...........and I (I'm speaking for myself only) would never ask.  I respect 16, I like 16, I enjoyed most of her posts (though I did not agree all the time and I'm sure we had discussions because of that). 

And for the third time (at least) I will miss her.

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kia ora (:

is me 14. am 16 little sister kinda sorta (:

just like to say that 16 have to go bc she get a new job RL and she need concentrate on that. bc is really important for her to do good on that job. and she is really really happy to have it (:

she say she have to go. like delete her account. bc if she dont then she be really tempted to just keep come on the forums all the time and chat chat and maybe will take up to much time and she really not want to mess up the big chance she got now in RL. so i am agree with her about that. bc unlike her i not chat hardly ever. ever like never. except for this one time now

ps. i get all her stuffz \o/ so nuuuunn for anyone else q; (: well that what was trans anyways. i actual want her simboard but was notrans. so i made her go and loot the lindens realms. bc i am lazy q; she did it to lol. like loot it. the realms. in the week before she left SL. 1045L. tnks(: brandnew simboard for me 14 and some left over \o/

anyways 16 just like me to say thanks for all the good wishes from everybody. she is totally embarrassed and quite a bit ashamed now. that she not explain why she had to go and just scooom off RL. after all that everyone has done for her on her time on here this forums. so she is really sorry about that and hopes that you will not think badly of her for forget her manners

and also 16 just like to say that she will take everything what she learned from everybody here. which was heaps. and try hard to apply that to set a good example for others in her RL

k then be good and be happy and nice stuff like that (:

ehehmmm! waiata


in english it goes

you are weeping

little girl darling girl

you are weary

little girl darling girl 

be sad no longer

is love for you

in the heart of the gods

little girl darling girl


hei a koutou katoa toku aroha. no reira tena koutou. kia ora koutou katoa. ma te wa (:

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hi 14,

whatever you are really 16's sister or 16 herself (you write exactly how she does :smileywink:), this is really nice from you to give to us some updates.

im really glad to know that the reason she left are positive ones for her life and tell her i wish her the best for her new job + lot of other good things in her life. Tell her she will be missed but we are happy for her and we hope she will open up herself in her new job. 

ah, and tell her we hug her too.


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Somehow, I'm not buying it..

You don't quit SL because you got a new job. The comparison of temptation is like throwing out your TV and books so you aren't tempted to read or watch them when not at work. Just because you have a new job doesn't remove the need for a hobby or something to do when you aren't working.

Personally, i think she got upset by the perceived criticism in the last thread she posted in and quit in anger. Which, if true, is very sad indeed.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Somehow, I'm not buying it..

You don't quit SL because you got a new job. The comparison of temptation is like throwing out your TV and books so you aren't tempted to read or watch them when not at work. Just because you have a new job doesn't remove the need for a hobby or something to do when you aren't working.

Personally, i think she got upset by the perceived criticism in the last thread she posted in and quit in anger. Which, if true, is very sad indeed.

Ah...the Zombie cynic (shouldn't you be out chasing a pink tank in a different post???:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:)

Although her reasoning may be flawed, I can understand what she's talking about. From my experiences watching Daytime Talk Shows, some people go through a process called Purging..wherein they throw out all their stuff associated with their "fetish" (not to say SL is a fetish, but you understand where I"m going) so that they're not tempted to start up again. 16 probably thought that deleting her SL account would stop her from going inworld..which works, for a while. I suppose that she's going to probably open up a new account using the name 15 or maybe 16 1/2 at some point and come back when she gets her head together.

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something like that

am closing this account as well soon as I finish write this. I thought about keeping it. was my intention. but can see that am already writing another big long tl;dr

I actual have got a new job and I not want to mess it up. am compulsive disorder person me in lots of ways. I try tell everyone I am like a crazy person. which is true (:

about obsession. I actual write 2700 something posts here in GDF in only about 1 year. most of them tl;dr about all kinds of stuff. half of which I just made up off my head (: can only do that when got lots of time doing nothing else. like when only got a part time job. or none

is time for me to go and spend my time playing that RL game now. I actual quit SL 2 times before. this the 3rd time now.  it not bc of SL that I do. it bc when RL calls then have to go. like is all or nothing with me

I will come back another time to SL yes defo. but I have to go and so I go now


am going to leave one last vid. bc no matter how old you get then can always learn something new (:


nga mihi ano


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I left SL several years ago, setting my avi adrift on a burning raft and closing my account. I enjoyed the catharsis of incinerating that life. Alas, I was back five weeks later because I'd not arranged a suitable replacement activity. The next time will be different, I'm already working on replacements.

I understand the difficulty of doing this. I'm also sure it can be done and that once done, the regret will be manageable. I'm happy for the new people who will get to know you. We here will smile over the memories of the time you spent with us.

I hope your resolve is as sound as your reasoning, and refer you back to my goodbye picture, asking only that you...



...keep your eyes on the road ahead.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'm happy for the new people who will get to know you. We here will smile over the memories of the time you spent with us.

I hope your resolve is as sound as your reasoning, and refer you back to my goodbye picture, asking only that you...



...keep your eyes on the road ahead.



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14 wrote:

something like that

am closing this account as well soon as I finish write this. I thought about keeping it. was my intention. but can see that am already writing another big long tl;dr

I actual have got a new job and I not want to mess it up. am compulsive disorder person me in lots of ways. I try tell everyone I am like a crazy person. which is true (:

about obsession. I actual write 2700 something posts here in GDF in only about 1 year. most of them tl;dr about all kinds of stuff. half of which I just made up off my head (: can only do that when got lots of time doing nothing else. like when only got a part time job. or none

is time for me to go and spend my time playing that RL game now. I actual quit SL 2 times before. this the 3rd time now.  it not bc of SL that I do. it bc when RL calls then have to go. like is all or nothing with me

I will come back another time to SL yes defo. but I have to go and so I go now


am going to leave one last vid. bc no matter how old you get then can always learn something new (:



nga mihi ano





So, you are 16 and you were lying about being her sister... It would have been much simpler and less deceitful to just come out in the OP and state you had a new job in RL and were leaving for a while, instead of all of this trickery and wallowing in the well wishes and "we hope you are OKs."

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

So, you are 16 and you were lying about being her sister... It would have been much simpler and less deceitful to just come out in the OP and state you had a new job in RL and were leaving for a while, instead of all of this trickery and wallowing in the well wishes and "we hope you are OKs."

*puts on Leiderhosen and begins to sing*

You are 16, going on 17...

(come on..someone had to say it!) :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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Tex Monday wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

So, you are 16 and you were lying about being her sister... It would have been much simpler and less deceitful to just come out in the OP and state you had a new job in RL and were leaving for a while, instead of all of this trickery and wallowing in the well wishes and "we hope you are OKs."

*puts on Leiderhosen and begins to sing*

You are 16, going on 17...

(come on..someone had to say it!) :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

She was just 17,

You know what I mean,

And the way she posted,

Was way beyond compare...................




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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

So, you are 16 and you were lying about being her sister... It would have been much simpler and less deceitful to just come out in the OP and state you had a new job in RL and were leaving for a while, instead of all of this trickery and wallowing in the well wishes and "we hope you are OKs."

Lying, deceit, trickery and wallowing? That's an impressive display of hyperbole, Drake. Leave some for the youngsters.

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OMG again your "helpful" reply. People do quite SL when they get a job, happens a lot, some people are even disabled and if they are able to go back to work SL is no longer such a social importance to them. There are many different life stories to users on here and I am not sure how you became the know it all on others backgrounds and lifestyles. I doubt you were tricked as the Post was not directed at you and who cares if she posted as her sister, if you knew her by her posts she did it for a reason that was not harmful to anyone. Seriously try reading and refrin from the reply button :)

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Sad to hear that you left 16.  You will be greatly missed.  :smileysad:

But as always RL comes first.  I'm sure you did wise decision to quit SL for the time being.
I wish you all the best in your RL adventures. :matte-motes-smile: :heart:

Hope to see you again here - some day.


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I'm very sorry that 16 has gone. She is/was one of my 2 favourite posters. Like everyone else, I'll miss her too. On the good side, she said she'd be back and I imagine that won't be too far in the future - when she's got her head fully around her new job and feels she can have some leisure time here. In the meantime, I wish you all the very best, 16, and I look forward to your return.


To the person who criticised her posting as her younger sister:- 16 deleted the 16 account which meant that she couldn't post again with that name, so what did she do? She used another account for the purpose, and, for a bit of fun, said that she was 16's younger sister, knowing full well that everyone would know exactly who it was. Criticising it is sheer nonsense.

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Coming out of my lurker's closet for a moment (goodness it's crowded in here!) to bid farewell and wish you all the best in your RL, 16. Your delight in all things that go fast always made me LOL. Forever now, whenever I see or hear "brrrrrmmmm!!!!" I will think back to you and your posts, and smile again. :smileyhappy:

Sincerely hope to see you back again someday!

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