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The need to designate mesh?

Deja Letov

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I've started working with mesh more and more and one thing I've noticed is that some (not all) merchants are designating that it is mesh in their product listing and on the actual ad poster for the product. I get the need to include the word mesh in the description or keywords because they may want it to come up when someone searches for mesh, but is there really a need to designate it on the ad poster? Or even moreso, in your store...are you guys actually putting a big flashing "mesh" sign over every item you carry to let your customers know it's mesh? I'd personally like to just treat it like anything else I build and not flag it as something, but thought I'd ask if there was a huge reason for it.

*I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

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I use the same ad posters in the marketplace as I do for my inworld vendors and I wanted to be sure that people knew it was mesh before they purchased it so I included it on the posters.

Also, when you do a search for "mesh" on the marketplace you get a lot of sculpties mixed in (sigh) so it's easier to pick out the actually mesh items if it's listed on the poster.

I don't use "mesh" in the product name. 

I do use mesh in keywords when it's appropriate.

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Deja Letov wrote:

I've started working with mesh more and more and one thing I've noticed is that some (not all) merchants are designating that it is mesh in their product listing and on the actual ad poster for the product. I get the need to include the word mesh in the description or keywords because they may want it to come up when someone searches for mesh, but is there really a need to designate it on the ad poster? Or even moreso, in your store...are you guys actually putting a big flashing "mesh" sign over every item you carry to let your customers know it's mesh? I'd personally like to just treat it like anything else I build and not flag it as something, but thought I'd ask if there was a huge reason for it.

*I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

Some people may prefer not to buy mesh even tho it looks fine to them, so their friends can all see it. Some care about how others see things, some don't. Mostly tho, it is plus that it is mesh, so I usually include the word in the name. I don't have a special "mesh section" tho.

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Deja Letov wrote:

*I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

That segment makes the most noise, but there are also shoppers who want to avoid sculpts once suitable mesh alternatives are available. Since old content never seems to completely go away, this kind of identification will probably always be a selling point.

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Some people don't like mesh for a variety of reasons, others want to buy only mesh if it is available for the item they are looking for.  I think it is important to be sure a product is clearly marked that it is mesh.  It will enhance the listing and attract those that are seeking mesh and not waste the time of those that want to avoid it.

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I think the most important reason to select Mesh or Partial Mesh in the product listing is because you can only select those if you have Payment Info on File and have passed the Mesh Tutorial. This assures that sellers of Mesh are truly selling Mesh and not a rip-off or scam. Mesh right now has a higher perceived value, so the criminal element has discovered they can put any old crap in a box, SAY it's Mesh and charge an exorbitant amount of money for it .. then abscond with their ill-gotten gains.

Using the Mesh or Partial Mesh selectors says "I'm an honest Mesh Seller, I'm not selling stolen creations downloaded from some other site, and Linden Lab has my personal info on file." It's just one way of helping folks determine that you are legitimate, honest and selling your own creations.

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As pretty much everyone else has said, as a customer, I definitely want to see the word "mesh" somewhere on the ad image and/or in the description.  Yes, in world it would seem obvious that if one can't see rezzed items they could assume it is mesh (if their viewer does not recognize mesh), but for some people it could also be a sculptie that hasn't yet rezzed in.  Depending on how busy an area is and the lag, it can take awhile for all sculpties to rez in, at least for me.

In the MP I for SURE want to know if an item is mesh or not.  Most of the ad images I have seen will put the word "mesh" somewhere in a corner of the ad...large enough to be seen but not distracting to the ad in general - like many of us put the permissions someplace on our ad copy, usually in a corner.  Same thing. 

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The lame thing is yes some people still can't see mesh! This is directly due to LL's terrible half-***ed implementation. Shared immersive experience of a virtual world?

That went out the window the day they launched mesh in this screwed up way! :catmad:

As with everything LL does nowadays, I expected the introduction of mesh to be a little suck, but never thought LL would implement mesh so poorly this way & even the CEO announce happily months later that mesh has 16% adoption or some such pathetic amount, as if that is a good thing! It is worse than a joke & remains so til this day. Until everyone is guarenteed to see mesh with no issues (which might be happening never since LL is now focused entirely on their non-SL products & nearly abandoned SL) it is needed to label mesh for your customers.

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And even if people *can* see mesh, for whatever reason they may not always choose to purchase it. 

I agree, the mesh implementation along with the half-baked DD implementation (ie. not trouble-shooting little things like...ohhhh...no copy items not able to use DD yet) has been lame.  I read an article that interviewed Rod about the "new games" he is introducing. (Not sure if it is against TOS to link it in these forums.)  It is very obvious in that article that SL has been pushed to the back burner.  The comments to the article were about as depressing; mainly gamer types all enthused about the games Rod will be releasing along with comments like, "You mean that old game (SL) is still around???  It's so boring." (Paraphrased from memory)

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Perrie Juran wrote:

The label on the package has to say what is in the container.

No if's, and's or but's.

If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed.

Real men don't eat guacamole.

You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads :) 

Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all!


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I sell sculpties and I sell meshes as creators tools. My mesh products have the word 'mesh' on the boxes, not flashing all over the boxes, but in a corner.

I think it is important information. When people are aware of what they buy it can prefend for disappointment. Besides: information you can give on the product boxes will save you time in customer service.

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I can think of a couple reasons for it.

Not having the actual demo, or item rezzed in-world somewhere. Not everyone can see that it's mesh unless they buy the demo. I've been to quite a few stores that sell mesh and have either their mesh area very well marked or have the word mesh on the actual ad picture. These places don't all have the items rezzed. A lot, most of them have the demos though. But it still helps to guide people, imo. But I'm one of those people that liks signs telling me what is what and where it is.

Mesh is newer than sculpty, but you'll still often find some ads with the words sculpt, sculpted, sculpty and stuff on them. Like if a pair of pants for instance comes with sculpt cuffs, a lot of times the ad/vendor pic says so. When sculpts first came about, you saw the same thing. You'd see ad pics and ads specifying the item was sculpt and not regular prims. So seems reasonable mesh would do the same.

I've seen some mesh and sculpty that look an awful lot alike in picture form. Heck even some non prim clothes looks the same in some pics I've seen. If the ad, or the ad/vendor pic, doesn't specify which one it is and I can't see it in person, I'm not as likely to buy. I'd prefer knowing beforehand what it's made of. This sorta goes hand in hand with the not having an item rezzed somewhere thing I think.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Using the Mesh or Partial Mesh selectors says "I'm an honest Mesh Seller, I'm not selling stolen creations downloaded from some other site, and Linden Lab has my personal info on file." It's just one way of helping folks determine that you are legitimate, honest and selling your own creations.

Fair point on the payment info on file point but it doesn't guarantee the seller is selling their own creations.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:


Using the Mesh or Partial Mesh selectors says "I'm an honest Mesh Seller, I'm not selling stolen creations downloaded from some other site, and Linden Lab has my personal info on file." It's just one way of helping folks determine that you are legitimate, honest and selling your own creations.

Fair point on the payment info on file point but it doesn't guarantee the seller is selling their own creations.

Aye, true. Of course if someone is selling stolen meshes .. LL has a very direct path to take action (assuming a DMCA is filed). Of course that's the "out" .. isn't it?

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Deja Letov wrote:

I've started working with mesh more and more and one thing I've noticed is that some (not all) merchants are designating that it is mesh in their product listing and on the actual ad poster for the product. I get the need to include the word mesh in the description or keywords because they may want it to come up when someone searches for mesh, but is there really a need to designate it on the ad poster? Or even moreso, in your store...are you guys actually putting a big flashing "mesh" sign over every item you carry to let your customers know it's mesh? I'd personally like to just treat it like anything else I build and not flag it as something, but thought I'd ask if there was a huge reason for it.

*I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

I use V3, so I can see mesh just fine, and I'm pretty sure that the friends I have in SL all use V3-based or mesh-capable viewers by now. But I still very much want to know if something is Mesh or not, because of the half-assed way that LL implemented mesh.

Rigged mesh clothes still have some severe limitations.

For any user, it can be difficult to wear multiple mesh clothing items that aren't made to work as a set. With pre-mesh clothes, any jacket layer item will fit over any shirt layer item, and any shirt layer item will fit over any undershirt layer item. This is not true with rigged mesh. There's no way to know if a nice mesh jacket will work when worn over a nice mesh shirt or skirt. Odds are, if it isn't a set from the same maker, it won't, and there's no way to adjust it to make it work. On the other hand, if that jacket used sculpted prim parts instead of mesh, it's quite possible to adjust it to fit well.

Personally, rigged mesh clothes absolutely do not fit the shape of my avatar, no matter which 'standard size' I attempt to use. I simply can not wear the vast majority of rigged mesh clothes without drasticly changing my body to the point where I look like someone else entirely, and I find that unacceptable. So until LL makes it possible to make rigged mesh clothes that respond to all the avatar sliders, I am just throwing money away if I accidentaly purchase mesh clothes. That doesn't make me very happy as a customer, and if the maker didn't clearly mark the item as Mesh, they will most likely lose my future business if I end up buying mesh clothes from them without knowing that was what I was buying.

As for non-clothing mesh things, if there is any possibility I might scale the item larger or smaller, or link it to anything else, I absolutely must know in advance that it is mesh. The insane LI calculation system can cause LI to go to horribly high levels if I try, for example, to link a nicely formed mesh roof or column to the prim parts of the rest of a house. Again, if I don't know it's mesh in advance, it could cause definite problems for me as a consumer.

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Deja Letov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

The label on the package has to say what is in the container.

No if's, and's or but's.

If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed.

Real men don't eat guacamole.

You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads

Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all!


Sculpts and prims are a whole different animal.  For one thing, every viewer can see them but beyond that, mesh - especially mesh used in clothing if I am understanding this correctly - can be a bit iffy re: fitting correctly on various avatar sizes.

I understand where you're coming from re: displayed furniture that can be purchased off the floor but, again, on the MP it is a definite *must* since there are all kinds of reasons people would prefer mesh (thereby indicating it as such is a selling point) or do not want mesh (beyond viewer issues; I am running into people who just don't understand the Li deal atm and don't want to fool with it; thereby avoiding angry customers if not designated).  Even with furniture purchased off the floor, I generally see an ad in the vicinity of a furniture grouping that gives general info on the pieces/set.

ETA: Ceera did a much better job of saying what I was trying to.  /note to self: Read *all* responses prior to commenting. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:


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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

I sell sculpties and I sell meshes as creators tools. My mesh products have the word 'mesh' on the boxes, not flashing all over the boxes, but in a corner.

I think it is important information. When people are aware of what they buy it can prefend for disappointment. Besides: information you can give on the product boxes will save you time in customer service.

From a creator perspective I of course expect this. but if I were to go shopping for say...a bed. i guess from that standpoint...I personally as a shopper wouldn't give a hoot what it was made of. but I did go ahead an add it in small text on the poster just to be safe :)


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

The label on the package has to say what is in the container.

No if's, and's or but's.

If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed.

Real men don't eat guacamole.

You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads

Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all!


Sculpts and prims are a whole different animal.  For one thing, every viewer can see them but beyond that, mesh - especially mesh used in clothing if I am understanding this correctly - can be a bit iffy re: fitting correctly on various avatar sizes.

I understand where you're coming from re: displayed furniture that can be purchased off the floor but, again, on the MP it is a definite *must* since there are all kinds of reasons people would prefer mesh (thereby indicating it as such is a selling point) or do not want mesh (beyond viewer issues; I am running into people who just don't understand the Li deal atm and don't want to fool with it; thereby avoiding angry customers if not designated).  Even with furniture purchased off the floor, I generally see an ad in the vicinity of a furniture grouping that gives general info on the pieces/set.

ETA: Ceera did a much better job of saying what I was trying to.  /note to self: Read *all* responses prior to commenting. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:


Yup and Ill admit I know nothing about mesh rigged clothing. I have yet to buy any mesh clothing to be honest. I guess as a builder, I prefer to keep my look to a simple jeans and t-shirt. And I do totally see the designation on a marketplace listing, but that's why there is a checkmark for designating it as no mesh, partial mesh, 100% mesh. I guess that was more my question than anything is does it really need to be screamed out from the rooftops that it's mesh in the description, the title, the poster, etc when it's already marked in the listing as partial or 100% mesh?


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I have a LOT of mesh demos and 99% of them do not fit my avatar. I have taken to heart the note, try the demo first. One of my biggest problems is not being able to adjust mesh at all. Some things look fairly good but when my shoulder straps are an inch off my shoulders, well that just looks bad. Bottom line, as a consumer I look for that word, mesh, on the add board. If I have no clue, I move on.

And then, I have read that there may be a mesh deformer (or what ever they call it to allow you to adjust mesh) coming and that it will not work with any of the mesh on the market today. Really bad news and a really good reason to keep away from mesh for now.

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Deja Letov wrote:

I've started working with mesh more and more and one thing I've noticed is that some (not all) merchants are designating that it is mesh in their product listing and on the actual ad poster for the product. I get the need to include the word mesh in the description or keywords because they may want it to come up when someone searches for mesh, but is there really a need to designate it on the ad poster? Or even moreso, in your store...are you guys actually putting a big flashing "mesh" sign over every item you carry to let your customers know it's mesh? I'd personally like to just treat it like anything else I build and not flag it as something, but thought I'd ask if there was a huge reason for it.

*I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

I have released a few 100% mesh products in the MP and as an experiment these mesh products are predominently mentioned on my product logo poster and in the keywords and descriptions and in the features and in the title that they are MESH.  And I flag it at 100% MESH on the field that asks if the listing is partial or full mesh.

From what I see on the EXTREMELY limited reporting that LL offers us on user traffic stats, I do not see that bragging about the product being MESH is drawing attention to the product nor increasing the sale of the product.

In fact, I would believe its a double-edged sword as some customers would AVOID buying mesh products since to-date there is still about 30% of SL residents that do not use mesh enabled viewers and some customers want to buy a product that 100% of their visitors can see.

Example:  I put my new 100% mesh dragonflies up.  I would think my target market for my dragonflies will be sim landscapers and owners of sims with forests and landscapes.  Some of these customers dont want to decorate their sim with a Dragonfly that cannot be seen by 30% of visitors.

As such, I personally do not see that bragging about MESH is good or bad. 

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I would be surprised if it's only 30% that don't use mesh enabled viewers. I have run into so many people who can't see mesh. Many of my own customers have asked me what's wrong with my store, cause some of my stuff looks like weird giant blocks or other strange shapes. Czari actually sent me a screenshot awhile back of what she saw at my place once, I think it was a mailbox...it was pretty jacked looking. lol

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


As such, I personally do not see that bragging about MESH is good or bad. 

It depends on the buyer I would think.  Some people are so enamored of mesh just because it's the "new thing."  I'm not commenting on the pros or cons of mesh...just that some people will jump on the "cool thing" bandwagon, so for them, they want to know if something is mesh.  OTOH, those that cannot or choose to not use mesh, knowing up front if an item is will save angry customers (speaking of the MP primarily).

So bragging isn't the issue as much as accuracy in advertising. ;)

As you mentioned, even some people that can see mesh will not purchase it if all their residents/customers/etc. can't yet see it.  I have heard this extended to clothing as well.  I met a woman who is a hostess at a well-known jazz venue who can see mesh but apparently uses a non-mesh viewer at times, or maybe checked out what mesh looks like on non-mesh viewers.  At any rate, she said without a mesh viewer she has seen people in various degrees of clothing to none, holes through avatars, etc. and refuses to use mesh until, as she says, "everyone can."  (Before someone jumps in and says everyone *can* - just need a new PC...we've covered that ground...lol.  I'm commenting on the advertising of mesh.

I was with a group of people yesterday, many of them wearing mesh, and the subject of the state of the MP, mesh, SL quirks in general came up.  When I mentioned how mesh looks to me, the people wearing mesh began worrying what they looked like.  I snapped pics and sent them to the people.  It never fails that they say some variation of, "ACCCKKKK!!!!!  I look awful!!!!"  Kind of like the mesh mailbox Deja mentioned. *Grins*


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