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This forum over SLU

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Darkness Anubis wrote:


Arkady your sig line has given me a heck of an idea for the name of a mesh clothing business.

"do not fold spindle or mutilate"

given some of the wierd wild distortions you can get when making rigged mesh that is SOOOOOOOOOO appropos!

 /end derail

Feel free, I nicked it off some official form in the first place...

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Actually "Do not fold, spindle or mutilate" was something printed on water and electric bills here in the states when they were mailed out on what was effectively a computer punch card years ago. You would return it with your payment in your own envelope and they would run the punch card through thier reader and credit your account.

I had completely forgotten about it though until your sig :)

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Echo Hermit wrote:

And please forgive me, Dilbert, I posted a bit negatively over on another thread in response to your post, and this thread is restoring my mojo.  Second Life still is an awesome place, in spite of me feeling left behind, and disgruntled with all the changes (some for the better, some for the worse) this year. 

It wasn't so bad and your points were very valid and well put. You share the same feelings as me and many others.

I just really got tired of the negative Linden bashing. It was counter productive and served/serves no purpose other than to hurt the community.. And please do not think I am directing this at you. not AT all. What really amazed me was when The lab decided to change up the birthday bash and bring the party to "you" .((Which I thought was an awesome idea and a great opportunity for many)), but the amazing part was the same users who would bash LL for not doing enough for them . Started bashing them for them trying to do something for them and bring the opportunity to them. It was an awesome idea to bring the community closer hopefully and work together.. It just kills me how  some will bash before they try it.. Never happy with anything. The blogs became the same way. I find it easier to adapt and re-invent my strategy and self to achieve my goals rather than blame the world and the lab for it.

I think if the incredibly negative posters were so concerned about the user base and community having problems. they would spend more time trying to help it rather than bash it and make it worse... But the bashers are not so concerned. It's more about them and not the community. But like I stated in the other post. User dedication is down as a result of the disconnection. it is Hard to get everyone to reconnect on a different level after they are used to one way


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Darkness Anubis wrote:

Actually "Do not fold, spindle or mutilate" was something printed on water and electric bills here in the states when they were mailed out on what was effectively a computer punch card years ago. You would return it with your payment in your own envelope and they would run the punch card through thier reader and credit your account.

I had completely forgotten about it though until your sig

This reminds me of an incident with my cat.  I think I have a picture somewhere, will have to search.

I had sorted all my bills out while doing my personal finances, getting everything paid.

I walked away for a few minutes. While I was in the other room I heard the sounds that all cat owners dread.

Moving quickly toward the sound I see my cat sitting there smiling. 

Yep, he had up-chucked all over the bills.

Loved my cat.  He had expressed my sentiments perfectly.


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You are aware that lots of people at SLU have had accounts here since before you were a pixel on a computer monitor, right? And that many of them are long-time and much respected content creators, developers, business owners and instructors in SL, right? And that much of what you see in SL today stems directly from their contributions, you are aware of that, right? And for anyone to say someone defended any type of child abuse on SLU is ridiculous, truly ridiculous.

You went over there to start a flame war and it worked and they handed you your butt and now you're upset. Understandable.

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JeanneAnne wrote:


i tried SLU .. there was a thread about child abuse .. ppl were defending the catholic church re: abusive priests .. i suggested that they must be child abusers themselves .. to be defending pedophile priests .. so the cliquishness set in & i got dogpiled .. so i didnt really care to participate in a forum where the regs defended pedophilia .. so i asked the boss Nazi dude to delete my account .. he said he couldnt do that cuz id posted & ppl had responded to my posts .. but he said he could ban me .. so i said please do & he did ...sooooo .. been there done that



Cris rarely bans people and it's only when they're completely out of control and refuse to modify their behaviour.  From what I know that's either they're threatening people or if they're outrageously trolling people.  Just because you told him to ban you doesn't mean he has, in fact I'm sure he hasn't.

also, you really do need to provide a link to the thread you refer to - it's a pretty serious unsubstantiated allegation you're making there.


What I'm not understanding here is why those of you who are getting prissy were in the off topic boards anyway - particularly the one's that come with a warning that they're going to be rough.  It really does smack of you going over there because you want to be offended and looking around until you found something that did.  or (and most likely) you're just doing the hive mind thing and parroting what others have said.

As for lolcats and the rest of it..  shall we talk about Mosley Sperber's adult content protest sign in this thread? It certainly fits the juvenile category and unlike the lolcats you see over at slu, wasn't even relevant as far as derails go.

If you don't like slu, that's fine but this trashing of the reputation of it seems pretty petty and the allegations that the forum supports paedophilia is just spiteful.


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Hitherto, I'd not appreciated that forum trolling and adfarming are two symptoms of the same disease. So that's a contribution.

Inasmuch as we're role-playing pseudo-science here, here's an interesting datapoint: two threads about Yoz's recent departure, here, and at SLU. Now, with which of these two groups would I rather have a beer?

... especially if I were the Lab's CEO.

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

As for lolcats and the rest of it..  shall we talk about
Mosley Sperber
's adult content protest sign in this thread? It certainly fits the juvenile category and unlike the lolcats you see over at slu
, wasn't even relevant as far as derails go.



That's the whole point of derails, they're meant not to be relevant.

Anyway, it hadn't actually been my intention to derail at that point; twas just the way this general discussion thread had gone, and the relevance of it was because we were talking about this official forum v SLU, the difference in moderation and suchlike.

Edited, after re-reading thread.  Mosley's t1ts were very relevant there; the two or three remarks afterwards were just a bit of - yes, ok, juvenile - fun.

No one, however, did remark on your "tuppence" from your earlier post - now that would have been very juvenile. (I refrain from using the winkey smiley tongue out emoticon here too - I am not a teenage boy after all).


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Boss Nazi lol, that is about right. I don't think I am banned but who cares

Some really experienced and nice folks there, but you know you are on a winner when the whiners write comments like "well I don't even log in to Sl any more but ...rah rah rah"  o.0

I did pop in to catch up on the Rodvik post and it was the same old "look at me! look at me!" tripe. Apart from the awesome creators & helpers it's just made up of disgruntled ex Zindra folk, people who got rorted and erm.. priests

It's much more fun watching & ignoring the SLU wanna be's closer to home.

Whuups that was meant to be a general reply sorry.

LoL  @ least you know who the Boss Nazi is over @ SLU .. here theyre these anonymous "moderators" who strike apparently @ random w/ lightning from the sky .. i really do think that theyre temps LL hires sometimes @ minimum wage ..



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Couldbe Yue wrote:

Cris rarely bans people and it's only when they're completely out of control and refuse to modify their behaviour.

As a forum moderator, Cristiano is as biased as it gets. There are a few SLU members who get away with literally everything, from trolling to stalking to defamation. I was banned after I had rejected a "privileged" member's Blender support request. After Cristiano had locked my account, that member went on to post defamatory accusations against me to "justify" the ban. One of the claims was that I had mocked the victims of the Touhoku earthquake/tsunami in the related SLU forum thread. Purely fictional and 100% contrary to the facts which are in plain view for anyone who bothers to look.

I don't know how SLU gained its reputation, but I guess it's mostly due to SLU members like you boasting about it. However, it's entirely unjustified. The forum has a tradition of silencing dissent against the "party line" laid out by the members at the top of the social hierarchy, and even as an informational resource it is overrated. On topics such as SL content creation, people will find more in-depth and up-to-date information here in the official forum.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

And please forgive me, Dilbert, I posted a bit negatively over on another thread in response to your post, and this thread is restoring my mojo.  Second Life still is an awesome place, in spite of me feeling left behind, and disgruntled with all the changes (some for the better, some for the worse) this year. 

It wasn't so bad and your points were very valid and well put. You share the same feelings as me and many others.

I just really got tired of the negative Linden bashing. It was counter productive and served/serves no purpose other than to hurt the community.. And please do not think I am directing this at you. not AT all. What really amazed me was when The lab decided to change up the birthday bash and bring the party to "you" .((Which I thought was an awesome idea and a great opportunity for many)), but the amazing part was the same users who would bash LL for not doing enough for them . Started bashing them for them trying to do something for them and bring the opportunity to them. It was an awesome idea to bring the community closer hopefully and work together.. It just kills me how  some will bash before they try it.. Never happy with anything. The blogs became the same way. I find it easier to adapt and re-invent my strategy and self to achieve my goals rather than blame the world and the lab for it.

I think if the incredibly negative posters were so concerned about the user base and community having problems. they would spend more time trying to help it rather than bash it and make it worse... But the bashers are not so concerned. It's more about them and not the community. But like I stated in the other post. User dedication is down as a result of the disconnection. it is Hard to get everyone to reconnect on a different level after they are used to one way


i think this is nonsense .. those who cherish & respect the resident community bash LL because it is LL that gets in the way of the establishment of community in SL .. its LL that set up the toy economy that stratifies the community w/ classism & have vs have notism .. it isnt "positive" to kiss oppressors hiney .. whats positive is to stand up to them .. to my mind the only thing thats "incredibly negative" is the LL apologetics we see from those w/ vested interests in their toy economy



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Couldbe Yue wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:


i tried SLU .. there was a thread about child abuse .. ppl were defending the catholic church re: abusive priests .. i suggested that they must be child abusers themselves .. to be defending pedophile priests .. so the cliquishness set in & i got dogpiled .. so i didnt really care to participate in a forum where the regs defended pedophilia .. so i asked the boss Nazi dude to delete my account .. he said he couldnt do that cuz id posted & ppl had responded to my posts .. but he said he could ban me .. so i said please do & he did ...sooooo .. been there done that



Cris rarely bans people and it's only when they're completely out of control and refuse to modify their behaviour.  From what I know that's either they're threatening people or if they're outrageously trolling people.  Just because you told him to ban you doesn't mean he has, in fact I'm sure he hasn't.

also, you really do need to provide a link to the thread you refer to - it's a pretty serious unsubstantiated allegation you're making there.


What I'm not understanding here is why those of you who are getting prissy were in the off topic boards anyway - particularly the one's that come with a warning that they're going to be rough.  It really does smack of you going over there because you want to be offended and looking around until you found something that did.  or (and most likely) you're just doing the hive mind thing and parroting what others have said.

As for lolcats and the rest of it..  shall we talk about
Mosley Sperber
's adult content protest sign in this thread? It certainly fits the juvenile category and unlike the lolcats you see over at slu, wasn't even relevant as far as derails go.

If you don't like slu, that's fine but this trashing of the reputation of it seems pretty petty and the allegations that the forum supports paedophilia is just spiteful.


well Couldbe .. i asked him to ban me & he said he would .. i never tried to post again or even went back there so im not sure if he did or not .. but i assume he did cuz he said he would

im not going to go back in there to dig up a several months old thread .. find it yourself if youre that interested ..

& yeah .. when ppl defend the church that has covered up child abuse & protected pedophile priests & allowed them to harm children for decades on end .. i have to question those ppls motives .. why would they defend such awful stuff if they didnt have something to hide themselves? for all i know SLU harbors a bunchuv pedophiles .. & i dont say this to be spiteful .. im just describing my experience in SLU



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i've never really had a hard time over there at all.

i remember when i started going over there was when all the redzone stuff was going on..

they played a huge part in helping to end that redzone quickware fiasco going on that was hurting so many residents..

threads were getting shut down here left and right and you could go there to keep up on all kinds of things going on with that..

plus the JLU crap..

and these recent content theft over major skin creators..it's pretty involved in the community and they get to be a little more free and can expose more there..

i guess i may be in the wrong section or something for what others are seeing..

the sections i've been in haven't been that bad really..

i mean you will get some bad threads and some hot posts and posters at times..but not any different than here ..

this forum and that forum are both great resources..and people have bad experiences in both..

there are a lot that don't brag too well of these at times also..

i guess it just depends on what you are looking forin a forum if someone will like it or not..


i just don't have a problem with either of them myself..





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i appreciate you telling me about the JLU scandal & how i could read all about it @ SLU since the mere mention of it was taboo here .. it took me an entire morning just to read the SUMMARY of those threads! i was amazed by what i read .. reading all that did a great deal to make me dislike LL .. i think that if the JLU scandal was more widely known about it would really make newbies think twice about even being involved w/ SL

so long as i stuck w/ the JLU threads in SLU it was informative & ok .. it wasnt until i branched out in2 other topics that the clique took notice & attacked .. i woulduv held my ground if id had anything invested in SLU .. but i didnt .. & neither do i have here .. a forum needs to be sufficiently interesting to be worth caring about .. SLU was interesting up to the point where id read all i cared to about 'security orbs' ripping ppls ips from media streams .. & ppl being harrassed in RL .. after that i just didnt care much about SLU .. when i got banned in here it didnt bother me much either .. in fact it took me 2 months to even find out i was unbanned .. forum participation is just a passtime for me when im bored


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Qie Niangao wrote:

Hitherto, I'd not appreciated that forum trolling and adfarming are two symptoms of the same disease. So that's a contribution.

Inasmuch as we're role-playing pseudo-science here, here's an interesting datapoint: two threads about Yoz's recent departure,
, and
. Now, with which of these two groups would I rather have a beer?

if I were the Lab's CEO.

Luckily, company CEOs know that the standard for running a business is not who makes better beer drinking buddies.

Oh, and for the record, I don't drink beer.  It tastes terrible, and I never succumbed to the inane peer pressure suggestions to keep drinking it, so I learn to like.   ; )


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JeanneAnne wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

Boss Nazi lol, that is about right. I don't think I am banned but who cares

Some really experienced and nice folks there, but you know you are on a winner when the whiners write comments like "well I don't even log in to Sl any more but ...rah rah rah"  o.0

I did pop in to catch up on the Rodvik post and it was the same old "look at me! look at me!" tripe. Apart from the awesome creators & helpers it's just made up of disgruntled ex Zindra folk, people who got rorted and erm.. priests

It's much more fun watching & ignoring the SLU wanna be's closer to home.

Whuups that was meant to be a general reply sorry.

LoL  @ least you know who the Boss Nazi is over @ SLU .. here theyre these anonymous "moderators" who strike apparently @ random w/ lightning from the sky .. i really do think that theyre temps LL hires sometimes @ minimum wage ..



Sure, but I can say what I want without ever fearing the lightning bolt from above in my posts. Or at least I know which one or two will most likely get zapped cause you are responding in same to fruitcakes.

Also here there's the hilarious finger pointing and moaning when a mod zaps offensive posts, but people insist it is *someoneaconfsd.gif (they hate), ric-ing their posts which is just sooo funny. (not referring to you of course).

I DO Ric a couple of times a week infact and I am not shy about telling people this. It's a 2003 4003 Fireglo Rickenbacker to be precise, highly recommended.:matte-motes-bashful-cute: 

03 4003.jpg

All in all it's quite ok here and no need for the hyper emo of some of the SL rejects found all over the web.

I certainly do acknowledge the majority of SLU members and genuine participants are quite legendary. But you will always get the "look at me" agony groupies hanging off any successful community of people.  


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