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What's Your Ethnicity?


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After months and months of being ABSENT here in slforum and in world tako ABSENT is back lol!

I just want to start a thread about how do we look in rl or to be specific our own ethnicity. Sl is a wonderful place because it breaks the racial barrier between each people but at the same time preserves the art and style such as fashion, taste, and even the culture of each individual who comes from different parts of the world.

I'm so happy i found my "own skin" ;)  so i'll start this by saying:


Hi! I'm Tako and I'm asian ;)






Hope you post your favorite profile pic that will represent your race;)


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Lovely skin, tako. :)

I like my avatar being an in world representation of how I look RL - at least the "elements" of it ie. fair skin, red hair, blue eyes.

Czari Blog Photo - 072212.jpg

I'm partial to vintage looks, however.  The 40's is one of my favorites.


Sometimes I'm a fair-skin, blue-eyed Rani:

Cz at Madhu

Ooopppsss, went with green eyes there.

I have been known to appear as a Japanese Geisha:

Japanese Face Closeup 12-23-09.JPG

Errr, with green eyes.

I love that I can explore different looks and different ethnicities within SL. :)

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Hi! My name is Dido Elizabeth Belle. I've been in SL for a year now, but I just signed up for the forums today. In RL, I am a mixture of African, Irish, Jewish, and Native American. People always think I look Ethiopian. The only thing my avatar and I have in common is our skin tone, cheek bones, jaw line, full lips and hair length...when my avi is wearing it long. As I'm not overweight, I am not nearly as thin as my avi. My avi is like the size of Jennifer Aniston and I am the size of Christine Hendricks from Mad Men in RL.


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in RL i am chiricahua

in SL i am what ever comes to mind that day hehehehe

most times  my avatar looks like this image below..

which is taller and probably heavier in weight..

some things are pretty similar although my hair is most times colored lighter..and skin tone just depends on the time of year..

this tone would probably be more of early summer tone for me..

i don't really try too hard to bring too much of myself into sl..although sometimes it happens maybe without trying..i guess that's just natural to how tings work..

anyways that's the really real short version lol

Ceka Unplugged2.png


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in RL/SL i'm caucasian or whatever it's called maybe it's easier to say white british. the shape is the only real me thing the height is way taller i've had the same skin years it's peachier than mine i don't consciously try to look like me and i wouldn't say i look like me but RL/SL me do have similar tastes


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The thing I like about SL is that I get to know theperson on the inside... Saying that I do know that people create whole new personas in SL. But for me I really try to represent who I am with a few tweaks.  Longer hair clothes I would like to but can't wear in RL.  Not wear because of what I do for a living.  I hope that when I meet a nice lady that it is a lady in RL!  I want to build new friendships that have trust and knowing that they are really representing themselvnot would help that grow... Just my take.

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Tigertat wrote:

The thing I like about SL is that I get to know theperson on the inside... Saying that I do know that people create whole new personas in SL. But for me I really try to represent who I am with a few tweaks.  Longer hair clothes I would like to but can't wear in RL.  Not wear because of what I do for a living.  I hope that when I meet a nice lady that it is a lady in RL!  I want to build new friendships that have trust and knowing that they are really representing themselvnot would help that grow... Just my take.

Why do you care what they are in RL? Are you using SL as a dating site? There are better sites for that than SL.


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

in RL i am chiricahua

Didn't know anything about the Chiricahua peeps until I googled for more info.

No doubt google is THE authority on Native American peoples matters. :matte-motes-impatient:

Your avi & persona is one of the coolest this forums ever seen.

Sooo.. chief Cochise, is who Audio Slaves song was named after or about? (haven't read the words to Cochise so apologies/sorry if horribly wrong). 

Didn't know Goyaałé was known by another name either. Wow :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:.

Thanks for the education & info Ceka :D




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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

in RL i am chiricahua

Didn't know anything about the Chiricahua peeps until I googled for more info.

No doubt google is
authority on Native American peoples matters. :matte-motes-impatient:

Your avi & persona is one of the coolest this forums ever seen.

Sooo.. chief Cochise, is who Audio Slaves song was named after or about? (haven't read the words to Cochise so apologies/sorry if horribly wrong). 

Didn't know
was known by another name either. Wow :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:.

Thanks for the education & info Ceka




if you want to read about someone  really amazing look up Lozen..

they also have some videos about her on youtube..which i was really glad to find one day =)..they are  in like 5 parts i believe..about 10 minutes long each..


also i'm not sure about that song or not..i'l have to listen to it.. =)


and thank you for the nice words *hugs* i think you're pretty cool yourself hehehe




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