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Is the RL you like your SL avatar?


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SueThryp wrote:

Just a question for discussion sake:

Is your avatar like the real you in RL? Is it somewhat like you but different in ways you would like to be different (taller, younger, bigger boobs, etc.)?

Just curious.


I"m short. I have red hair/brown eyes. I kept my SL me the same as far as those go.

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Not at all.

My avatar is a shapeshifter. Male, female, satyr, neko, elf, moogle, femboy, stud...My avatar is whatever it feels like being at that point in time. That's why I love SL, you can change to whomever you want to be on a whim.

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in some respects my SL self is like my RL self except in SL i'm not a midget  and i have pink hair i have it bad enough being a midget in RL that i'm glad i don't have to be like it in SL. most skins in SL are youthful looking so they don't make me look older or younger than i want i found that some supposedly pale skins were way too tanned for my liking and my av felt like an alien to me in them then i did managed to find a style and pale shade that suited me best after much searching.
as for clothes shoes accessories hair etc i wear what ever looks good and takes my fancy often what i'd like to wear in RL 

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I didn't consciously try making my avatar look like the rl me.. but recently one of my friends picked apart some pictures of me comparing lol, and pointed out that I had made her features mirror mine. She doesn't look like me.. but she's basically got my eyes, and lips though hers are fuller and nicer.. and the shape of her face is pretty close. Her body is the lean lanky one I would have in rl if I had a choice lol.. I've got a short girl's build.:smileyvery-happy:

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When I first came to SL I attempted to make my av as much like me as I thought. Even the flaws . LOL Nobody appreciated that. Basically what I found was people like meeting "movie stars". Even if you tell em you're not. They'll tell you they want your representation to be. I've done vastly different avs. Ones so different from me that I couldn't relate to the  av anymore.  In the end I like being "close" to what I feel like.

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Yes, my avatar is exactly like me. When I first got on SL (it seems like decades ago, really just a few years ago) a friend helped me by finding a shape and skin and modifying then to look like me, and found hair to match my hair style and color. Now, some people say that my avi looks exactly like me. Also, the clothes I wear (I make them) are very much like what I wear in RL. Sometime they are the same as what I would like to be wearing, if I could find them in the right size and color in RL. That goes for underwear and outer wear.

Sometimes I feel tempted to make a few "improvements" to my avi's body, such as a larger cup size, but I don't. Actually, I would like to have bigger boobs in RL, but that is another story. For now, that part of me looks the same on my avi as on the real me. Same goes for other areas that no one but me sees.

I know that some people enjoy role playing on SL, so I certainly don't mean to disparage them, but I don't role play. I often have conversations with people in SL talking about RL things (usually kids and work), and I discuss my real RL life and work, just as I have on various bulletin boards.

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Yes, Marybeth, your avatar does look just like you. At least the parts I can see and the suits you wear at work. You or someone must have designed your avatar face to look like you, or you were lucky to find the right skin. Same with hair.

As for me, my avatar kinda looks like me, but I haven't gone to any great length to make it look like me.

Bob (member of the same firm as Marybeth)

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I don't wear boots in July, am too old to color my hair half pink/half purple, I don't wear fishnets and fingerless gloves, chains and collars. I don't have a rl tattoo. My avi doesn't have sex. I'm a smarta**, but try to be SL careless. RL me never jumped from 2000m high platform to see how it looks like. In RL I am a grammar freak, in SL my skills are at some street-language level :P 

In RL I never had a furry/dragon/vampire friend, which is sad but people say thats life lol

SL me is different in all those things that I don't want to try in RL.

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My SL av and RL is similar in a lot of ways.  Her features are very similar to mine in RL.  For me...I find that my av is a representation and also a reflection of who I am in RL... Down from my taste in certain things to her appearance.  The only difference I would say is...I am able to explore and meet more people from diverse cultures than I do in RL which is also a Big Plus in my opinion :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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My avatar is as much like the RL me as I could make her wihtout going to too much trouble. My hair is similar to my real hair, and so are my clothes. I have made a few "enhancements" to my avi. I have reduced weight a little in SL, I am still trying in RL. But there is no big difference. Also, in SL my avi's breast is the size I would like it to be in RL - just a little bigger. I also have a little less gravety on them. But there is no major difference.

I also act the same and do the same things in SL as in RL. If I am talking to someone in SL I am speaking for the real me.

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Well I believe that it does look like me at least a bit, the clothing I wear aren't always the ones I have in RL, but it is something I would wear, I mostly buy clothing I really love.
About the face, I dont know how much it looks like me, but I do use a baby face and young skin since in RL I have a baby face too, and my hair is reddish brown, tho I will dye it black soon so.. I'll need to buy new hairstyles >.>

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My avatar is like the RL me. I didn't go to any great length so it is somewhat like me - as close as I could come without any serious work. My hair color and type are also similar to the real thing.  I dress about the same in SL as RL.

For me, SL is an extension of RL. I know that some people use SL for roleplaying, I have no problem with that and know that is one of the purposes of SL. However, for me SL is an extension of RL.. When I have conversations in SL, they are based on RL. Ask me, in SL, about my work and I will tell you about my RL work. As me how I am in SL and I will lie and say "fine" just as I would in RL.

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My avi is kinda like me on the cuteness side, but I change her apperance sporadically.

But one thing I really want to see is more diversity as far as age goes. It seems like all I've bumped into are toddlers to 30 somethings. Where are the awesome avatars that look like they're 50+!? I want to meet (sometime) a woman who is aged gracefully (E.g. Glenn Close) or a man who looks like Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart - yum!

I understand that people come to SL to escape that and to feel young again - at the same time a lot people act their age, so it would be cool to see it in SL.

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Yeah but are you a Kodiak bear in RL too? I mean it could happen...


For me - My little Erin is the same in - we are about the same height (respecive to averages of heights in SL and RL, I know SL avatars average is probably 20 feet tall or whatever)

Both of us have hot legs, muscular and shapely. She has nicer hips and breast.

Other than that she is all around cuter than me. If I modeled little Erin after me, she would be boring

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