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Why Do SO Many Ppl Act Like Vultures in These Forums?

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Seven Overdrive wrote:

But... but... I thought you were a chipmunk.  :smileysurprised:

/me scratches his head in confusion.

Have you ever heard the term 'over thinking?'

You ain't the only one... dats nuts.





Meh.. was attempting to be funny.  Guess I shouldn't quit my day job huh.  

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Seven Overdrive wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Seven Overdrive wrote:

But... but... I thought you were a chipmunk.  :smileysurprised:

/me scratches his head in confusion.

Have you ever heard the term 'over thinking?'

You ain't the only one... dats nuts.



Meh.. was attempting to be funny.  Guess I shouldn't quit my day job huh.  

I laughed too.  I was just asking Qwal the same question. 

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Seven Overdrive wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Seven Overdrive wrote:

But... but... I thought you were a chipmunk.  **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-surprised.gif" border="0" alt=":smileysurprised:" title="Smiley Surprised" />

/me scratches his head in confusion.

Have you ever heard the term 'over thinking?'

You ain't the only one... dats nuts.


Meh.. was attempting to be funny.  Guess I shouldn't quit my day job huh. 

I laughed too.  I was just asking Qwal the same question.


Y'all need to stop being such vultures.

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I think sometimes its just that the poster may have not expressed their opinion well when speaking their mind.  Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about what they are going to write they just post their replies in a forum quickly kinda like a RL conversation.  Without the body language and tone of voice to go with it, it' can be misinterpreted by the reader.

That is not to say there aren't real vultures present in any forum but most people aren't. I like a good debate and tend not to take it personally and with a big grain of salt.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

... vulcherism ...


i had to look that word up. when i binged there was only one find:

"Thus is the pillar upon which this vacuously europhilic coffee and pseudo-high art culture vulcherism really spins."

in the comments on this article:



it has coffee in it (:


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It happens in forums.

One of the causes is impatience. It sometimes happens when someone starts a thread but isn't particularly clear in the post. A few people tend to come down on it, as though it had been written to them personally and their time had been wasted by reading it. There's no excuse for that, of course.

Another reason is when a few people find fault with something that's written. Then others join in and go with the 'popular' view, regardless of facts and truth. The idea being that a few people have expressed it so it must be true. A 'feeding frenzy' can occur, even to the point of the 'vultures' insisting that black is really white, metaphorically speaking. I've been on the wrong end of that type myself. They weren't just 'vultures' - they were complete idiots. A few of them apologised afterwards.

But your question is why does it happen. I've no idea. Perhaps it's a feeling of being emboldened, due to the anonimity, causing them to write stuff that they wouldn't say face-to-face. Also, some people are just ignorant, of course.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

It's relatively few people that do this I think, and I think they do it because
they need to take a jolly good sh1t (sluggish bowels can make people quite irritable)"


Excuse me while I make a quick run to the john. 


Thank goodness!  I was wondering when you were going to take your head out of your ass or is it in your **bleep** with the rest of the GOP?  

 Oh wait, I think it's my **bleep** you're all in!





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Phil Deakins wrote:

It happens in forums.

One of the causes is impatience. It sometimes happens when someone starts a thread but isn't particularly clear in the post. A few people tend to come down on it, as though it had been written to them personally and their time had been wasted by reading it. There's no excuse for that, of course.

Another reason is when a few people find fault with something that's written. Then others join in and go with the 'popular' view, regardless of facts and truth. The idea being that a few people have expressed it so it must be true. A 'feeding frenzy' can occur, even to the point of the 'vultures' insisting that black is really white, metaphorically speaking. I've been on the wrong end of that type myself. They weren't just 'vultures' - they were complete idiots. A few of them apologised afterwards.

But your question is why does it happen. I've no idea. Perhaps it's a feeling of being emboldened, due to the anonimity, causing them to write stuff that they wouldn't say face-to-face. Also, some people are just ignorant, of course.

I agree with Phil! A few other reasons could be:
- Feeling a little more courageous on the interwebz
- Lack of filter because it is on the internet
- Too much time on their hands and/or boredom
- Misreading or not understanding the OP question/issue (like Phil stated)
- Wanting to be an a-hole
- Trolling or Bullying
- Not really caring what they say to others regardless if it makes sense or not
- Overall not caring
- Honestly not seeing anything wrong with what they have to say
Of course there are others but these are just a few.


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

It's relatively few people that do this I think, and I think they do it because
they need to take a jolly good sh1t (sluggish bowels can make people quite irritable)"


Excuse me while I make a quick run to the john. 

/me teleports some brocolli across to you (works for me :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: )

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Maybe because they act in the same way irl too, maybe they are the ones who stand beside bullies or are the bullies. The ones who nobody really likes. They feel bad inside and for some reason they need to make others feel bad too, or at least try to.

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"Maybe because they act in the same way irl too, maybe they are the ones who stand beside bullies or are the bullies. The ones who nobody really likes. They feel bad inside and for some reason they need to make others feel bad too, or at least try to."


In a way I agree with you that some of those "vultures" do act the same in RL.  But, I depart from your analogy to being a "bully".  Most of the time I see the "vultures" swoop in is not so much being a bully but actually trying to make someone see what is really the problem.  Someone comes to the forums with all sorts of issues (mostly about personal problems with others in SL).  They lay out all these transgressions against them and accuse the transgressors of violating them in some way.  In almost every case that I've witnessed (and that's a lot of witnessing over the 6 1/2 years I've been visiting SL supported forums) the person is just ranting.  Saying half truths (at the most) and whinning endlessly about the "vultures".  Those "vultures" are trying to get the complainer to see the facts.  The complainer doesn't like the facts so they say more half truths (or out and out lies) to support their angle on the situation.  It's at that point that those "vultures" get a little mean or "vulturistic".

I won't say I've never seen an unwarranted bout of "vulterism" in these forums.  But I will say it's pretty rare.  Most people (even here in these forums) are kind people.......not bullies.  Bullies is such an over used term.  Because some outspoken person disagrees with a poster and says what they believe, does not make them a bully (especially if they know what they are talking about).  It makes them a person who wants to help the poster.

If you can't take disagreement with your views on anything or you are so thin skinned that a cross word makes you cry then you really need to rethink your maturity to even join the forums (and forum on the entire Internet).  I'm no bully but I sure have had a few heated "discussions".......some where someone got their feelings hurt (and it wasn't mine).

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The people I would consider to be vulturistic on these forums probably number less than a handful, especially since certain posters disappeared a year or so ago.  There is one particular person, who I will not name, who classes himself as an SL mentor, but he is a vulture 9 times out of 10, and it is not just because his command of the English language is not good.  Then there are three other vultures who you can guarantee with all gather together around the 'weaker of the species' (as they seem to view them).

In one of the places I used to work, everyone moaned if they were assigned to deal with the customers who were from a certain part of the UK, claiming they were rude and difficult.  This part of the UK does have it's own language, although not everyone there speaks it.  I got everyone to make a note of whether each caller was nice or nasty, and on paper it turned out that only around 1% of callers were rude.

On these forums, it's a case of getting to know who to trust, and who to ignore. Like in real life, we all find our level, and we kind of keep our own corner.  Mine is over there, next to the cat basket.

(Night everyone.)

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You think it's bad here, try the wow forums, lol

And I know what you are saying.  It's like trolling in reverse. Generally a post is made which is not entirely understood, or maybe it's innovative, or doesn't reflect a complete understanding of the subject they are adressing but still contains some good thought.


Enter bass-ackward troll #1 who usually points out some error in the post or the idea behind it, not necessarily in a rude way.

within 3 minutes 10 other bass-ackward trolls see this and pile on like a football team does after the guy has already been tackled.

My 1st thought when I see this is 'what are all these people missing in the orginal post because there must be some reason the person took the time to type out their idea.

granted there are trolls that post sily crap just to see the reaction but IMHO this is way less common than the ones that lurk waiting to eat OP's alive.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Then of course there is this scene from Conan The Moderator.

a little OT..but have you seen the new conan yet?

it's really good..way better than the old one..this one looks like conan also hehehe


There are some movies that I feel should never be remade simply because of their classic place in movie history.  I boycott these movies.

True Grit was a major example.  Willy Wonka I finally broke down and watched the Johnny Depp remake because my family insisted on renting it.   But Conan I will not watch the remake. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Then of course there is this scene from Conan The Moderator.

a little OT..but have you seen the new conan yet?

it's really good..way better than the old one..this one looks like conan also hehehe


There are some movies that I feel should never be remade simply because of their classic place in movie history.  I boycott these movies.

True Grit was a major example.  Willy Wonka I finally broke down and watched the Johnny Depp remake because my family insisted on renting it.   But Conan I will not watch the remake. 

it's not really a remake..a good comparison would be like watching batman with Micheal Keaton and then watching dark knight with Christian Bale..

about the same person but pretty much two different approaches..the stories are not even really that similar at all..this one is more true to the comic and details..especially in picking Conan and the childhood and how he was born and all kinds of goodies hehehe..

it's really two different movies..i wouldn't consider it a remake at all..

i really shouldn't have said better than the old one..i just meant looks wise in who played Conan and the feel this Conan gave off..

i thought it was gonna be the same story at first ..but it didn't take long to get lost in it..it never really felt at all like a remake.. =)


Aaanyways..sorry for the derail..just thought maybe if you hadn't seen it you may have wanted too hehehe..



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