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Sad downward lip trend :-(

Coby Foden

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What the heck is this trend with the downward lips? This makes me cry. :smileysurprised: :smileytongue:


Sometimes one sees silly exaggarated permanent smiles (on a newbie perhaps).

Now it has turned the opposite.

What next? This perhaps?

Or what? lol

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As someone said, she's a skinny model, they are hungry and sad lol

I've seen them too, and don't like them... Those lips come packed with eyes too far apart, short legs and hips that look like they gave birth to an elephant. I think its a new type of avatars that are clearly stating Don't mess with me cause I'll beat you and your drama with my bada** attitude lol

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I really dislike this new AV trending.Very separeted angry shaped eyes,angry eyebrows,small child/anorexic-like body,huge head with weird shape,ridiculously HUGE lips with weird distribution of upper lips and sad,like you said.And like said before me,the hips!

It looks disgusting,IMO,like a creepy doll.

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Amen. This happens a lot on the sl fashion blogs. I hate the trend. They might have really good clothes on them..but because of the avatar looking like a giant human catfish its offputting.

Of course its SL..anyone can be what they want and look how they want. But really,..who would want to look like that?

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Absolutely hate the look and don't understand why it is so prevalent in fashion shots now.  It really puts me off the clothes I see modeled by these freaks.  

I don't think I've ever actually seen an avatar walking around SL like this though or heard anyone say they actually like it.  Maybe its just the circles I run in or the places I go don't attract them,but I more inclined to think its just fashionistas gone wild.

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Im not a fan of the pout gone mad either...but..each to their own.

However.. designers might like to take note (or not,whatever) If youre trying to sell something..especially skins or makeup...using a model with the fish pouty thing going on..isnt going to appeal to those who dont have the fish pouty thing really. How can we make an informed choice when its shown on the "different" style of face...perhaps you only want the fish-pouty types to buy it?

Ive been to so many events , fairs etc..and see this type of model used (especially the ones with added "Im riding an invisible pony" sized legs/hips) and I walk away..the photo gives me absolutly no idea of what it would look like in a non fish pouty-im-riding-an-invisible pony sort of person.

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Faithless Babii wrote:


Ive been to so many events , fairs etc..and see this type of model used (especially the ones with added "Im riding an invisible pony" sized legs/hips) and I walk away..the photo gives me absolutly no idea of what it would look like in a non fish pouty-im-riding-an-invisible pony sort of person.

This links a little to the thread about using the wrong model. The 'knock-kneed fish-lipped invisible-pony-rider' model tends to make me leave a store fast after an initial scan. I don't relate to them, and so don't want to emulate anything about their appearance. Plus they often seem to be wearing quite forgettable clothes. But yes; to each their own.

I suspect these avatars mostly exist in blogs and on vendors. I never meet them when out and about.

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I know 5 or 6 people who look like this or worse, and despite being pretty nice people I have to fight the urge to tell them they look like angry little emo trolls, and are most definitely NOT cute.. which is what I tend to think they were going for along with a heavy goth/emo style. It's actually kind of disturbing to me, but they do have the right to look any way they choose in SL.

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Exaggeratingly happy = idiot/noob

Exaggeratingly unhappy = cold/trendy

It's all opinion. That picture you took is of a friend of mine. Some people, specifically people in the west (US, Canada, Europe, etc), might think that look is "skinny", I think that's normal because I'm Asian. We have a very different outlook in fashion than westerners. I think most models featured in ads are way too tan and chubby, with huge breasts and butt, and you might think we're too pale.

Anyway why do you care about this sad lip trend? I don't like it that much either as it's a very shallow taste but I don't care either as I don't use it myself. At least it looks better than those noobs with huge smiles and huge eyes.

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