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  1. We are currently hiring 85% of the tips go to you come stop by and fill out an application today! See you there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fairbeach/217/89/30
  2. Heya @Gopi Passiflora. I don't do much holiday decorating (well, I do some on rare occasions if the mood hits), but I've got some general tips for it. 1) Buy mod and full-perm. Since I generally like customizing my own accessories whenever possible, I'm always grabbing random every day full-perm items off the MP. Food, for the most part, but there are lots of options. With that, I can design my own holiday food plates and displays. 2) Shop all-year-round. Don't wait until holidays - it's not hard to find decor all-year-round that'll work for holiday displays. Orange cushions on sale on a random Saturday in February? Grab em. 3) Grab freebies from everywhere. Holiday Shop & Hops, group gifts, advent calendars, events - all of it. Most will be mod if you're lucky, so you can add them to your displays (or in my case, my themed holiday antlers). Seraphim puts out a list of stores doing advent gifts every year, but you get to know the regulars. 4) Buy holiday photography backdrops or get them from store group and advent gifts. Depending on the store, they'll be mod and you can dismantle them for "parts." 5) Buy furniture that's either mod or that comes with a large texture HUD. Some will include holiday-like patterns, or you can retexture them yourself. 6) If you ever stumble across nice rugs, get em. Really good rugs are hard to come by. 7) Put weird stuff weird places. I'm a huge fan of making elaborate food and drink displays for absolutely no good reason whatsoever and using them to decorate outdoor patios, the front entrance, the living room, the kitchen, bedrooms, in the garden - you name it, it's getting a side table of goodies. You should be able to find things like holiday cakes and cookies and drinks fairly easily (any good food store will have stuff like that) or you can mod em and stack them into shapes (like trees). 😎 Keep an eye out for deep storewide discount sales. 50% and higher. Some stores run 50L sales. Grab everything holiday-ish they have (keep an eye on Apple Fall, Dust Bunny, Tarte, etc.). 9) Think in seasons instead of holidays. A store like Maya's or others that offer good landscaping/outdoors items might have a great autumn tree you can add additional decorations to to make it Halloweeny. Hot dog pool floaties might not look like much on their own until you're needing something to decorate your backyard in a summer/BBQ 4th of July theme. 10) Think in complex color stories and palettes to avoid getting stuck in basic 2-3 color patterns (red and green and gold for Christmas, red and pink for Valentine's, etc.). You can find color palettes for inspiration all over Pinterest, or just use Google. 11) Take larger stuff and shrink it down and then create mini scenes with it. Make holiday displays for ants. Those can be used to decorate small areas like fireplace mantles, small side tables, and window sills. 12) Last tip - think beyond common decorations. Yes, you'll find plenty of lights and trees and heart decor and tinsel and things. Look beyond that. Mugs with cute holiday slogans are all over the place. Door mats. Artwork. Signs. Candles. Books. Pillows. Themed alphabet letter sets you can spell your own words with. Plants. Potion bottles. Knick-knacks. Statues. Flower displays. Lots of stuffs. Edit: Well played, point 8. I knew you were gonna go smiley on me.
  3. I love pink! Not so much with clothes, but more with landscaping and particle effects. I use a lot of pink flowers and even cast pink lighting in areas to create a soft, pink glow.
  4. not what your post was about - but I thought it may be fun to show what can be painful with probes (no aliens involved). Some of this is user error/learning but shows the journey. 1. Irregular shaped rooms because nobody just wants to live in a perfect rectangle without interesting architecture. So you use a method to coat inside, or overlap (blending was broken on cubes during the first LL production viewers - I entered that bug and gave houses for testing to LL). The reality is blending is a limitation on probes as the viewer interpolates between the probes and you can and will get artefacts at times. 2. Manipulating probes highlighted. Firestorm did help a little as they added the reflection probe selection into the edit build menu v having it on the drop down build options but it is hard to do inside a house in terms of selecting the right thing. 3. Probes bug out (still) so even if you think your probes are done, you teleport away come back and see something is either conflicting, is it real or not. Spoiler it can be both. 4. Probes don't lock in and it looks like a rectangle is missing, so you toggle back on to check (all the time whilst cammed inside the house to manipulate the probe in situ) then find out its the viewer not the probe or wait the next time it WAS the probe. 5. Probes rez with physics / prim but with phantom preselected (at least on Firestorm). Link your probe to the house (as you would)... guess what happens. yes now you have to go into each in the link set and turn physics to none as physics materalise. I am doing more testing on this to refine workflow. 6. Dependent on the EEP being used to test during probes, it can have different challenges dependent on what probes and HDR settings are in place. Customers not using new EEPs then have more issues (it's why I now do EEPs). 7. Probes can behave more wonky at height (bug I raised also now fixed to a degree) but can sometimes still have moments if on a build platform. 8. The biggest one - You can't have a mesh cube or sphere probe, it has to be a prim cube (or sphere) you then connect to a build after the fact. So you cannot create the cubemaps/probes aligned to the build during upload then configure those meshes already in place to be probes in world and appropriate physics. Now you are trying to align prims into a mesh build, cammed inside a build, adding to link set, fixing the fact then the probes want to have physics as it's a prim not mesh uploaded with the physics model. Again all the while why cammed into a build. 9. You can only grab a probe using edit object move. If you are mass working on builds and are on stretch, or something else it doesn't let you select the probe as the selection method is a hack around. More clicks, constant moving back and forth on select reflection probes versus not. Turn on transparent versus just highlight to help, but the click can often fail. 10. No real materials or SL University videos (beyond one that was incorrect on how to upload PBR with the right opaque setting) to show creators what best practice is, what is optimization, what is really appropriate in usage etc. (Hint the Unity documentation is very helpful to translate into SL). 12. As the reflection probes are generated on prims with what we can call "cubemaps", seams and distortions can and will occur, especially when the probe's influence extends over large areas or when multiple probes blend. There is only so much a creator can do on that and it's a limitation. However, if customers experience a seam will come back to the creator wanting it fixed. I have tested multiple blend ratios during the blend bug I raised to get the optimal outcomes, but it's effectively a limitation at the interpolation level. 13. Once you are finished with probes set up and this is not necessarily quick for a complex piece of architecture, then test, test EEPs, rule out bugs, adjust to reduce artefacts etc. 14. It's MORE WORK so much more work. I am playing with optimization e.g. using probes on windows (glass) versus brick walls that slightly glisten - that nice look can "go". ,Using mesh insets on building to push out external walls, so probes can slam with interior walls but not "extrude" externally. Each build now mesh with a dummy probe set up so I can use auto position in Firestorm to swap out each mesh dummy probe to a prim to align quicker - etc etc - but that's my own enhanced workflows I am adopting to help - no customer can be expected to deal with that cluster and of course there is no workflow best practices guidance available. 15. A customer unlinks something not realising a probe is there, moves the build and now it's broken on probes. 16. A customer doesn't know what probes are or why they need EEP (that's a huge education gap as again the standard person in SL doesn't want to muck around with probes or environments) - they have their favourite and they are done on lighting settings. 17. Why are there pink rectangles all over my house - why is half the region pink rectangles. Wait now it's calming down. There is more SO MUCH MORE, but a few of the examples of why they are difficult and painful for (me).
  5. Dani Dismantled


    Anyone know where I can get matching plain jane Pink Hoodie And Sweatpants with no stripes or graphics and the hood is up on hoodie for Legacy Male trying to make a cosplay.it could also be a white hoodie and sweatpants if their modify
  6. Checking out WelcomeHub this evening. 6 new users, none moving. One is a bot stuck in a fountain. One has no hair but two heads worn simultaneously. One is stuck in pink cloud state. One has the classic woman with floppy hat and small dog in large bag avatar, and is having clothing problems. One bought a box with some adult parts, but they're wearing the box, not the parts. One got on the Teegle demo horse but couldn't make it go. No mentors present. Onboarding still needs work.
  7. Pink is beautiful no matter the shade 😉 as long as it’s pink
  8. I’m pretty new and still don’t have the hang of SL 100% but I’m looking to make new friends that share similar interests as me, I’m into cross stitching, Horror movies, Hello Kitty, True crime shows, shopping, the color pink, I also partake in extra curriculum activities 💨 🍃 😉 reach out let’s be friends
  9. I'm working on that in my Sharpview experimental viewer right now. I'm up to SL viewer levels of performance, and might be able to do a bit better. I coded the fix in Firestorm years ago which made region crossings look sane. But the viewer can do only so much. The simulator is in charge. What the server tells the viewer is "go here, then, optionally continue at this velocity and direction until otherwise directed". There's no time or distance limit sent with that info. If anything delays the next update, any velocity-driven motion runs too long, and you overshoot. This happens when 1) you cross a region boundary, or 2) the simulator has a brief stall for some reason, usually because an avatar is entering the region. So even minor sim-side stalls generate rubber-banding. To observe this, go to a busy shopping area and open Advanced->Statistics, and watch the sim side frame rate and the number of main agents. Normal is 45 FPS. When the number of main agents increases, someone has entered the region, and, briefly, the sim side FPS will drop, often as low as 4 to 6 FPS. You'll now see both rubber-banding and very slow movement until avatar loading completes. Delays as an avatar enters a region seem to be behind a number of SL problems - region crossing fails, teleport fails, avatar clothing fails, rubber-banding, etc. This is a bug, but it's a several people for a year or two sized bug. As users, we need to keep LL's attention on this. They hate to be reminded, but it really is a killer bug that impacts the user experience in many ways. Textures not loading is usually a viewer-side bug. I've had that fixed in experimental Sharpview for a while now. LL looked into fixing that as part of Project Interesting some years back, but abandoned that branch. The code that does that in the C++ viewers is ... not too good. Objects not appearing at all is usually a simulator-side bug. If things get far enough that an object appears at all, even as a grey blob, it's the viewer's job to take it the rest of the way. There is a race condition as a region goes live which results in some objects not appearing. I have a somewhat hokey workaround for that. I'm not sure which side is responsible for incomplete avatar appearance, the thing in busy clubs where avatars appear nude and don't finish loading their clothing for minutes, if ever. Or get stuck in pink cloud mode. Anyway, enough about the internal machinery for today.
  10. RUBY Skins http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Axel/137/253/109 S/D Sandra - Brown Striped Sweater (BOM, Classic, Omega) 75L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SD-Sandra-Brown-Striped-Sweater-BOM-Classic-Omega/18821565 TuTy's - scripted Orchid (gift) hold in hand https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TuTys-scripted-Orchid-gift/2744153 #soft Wrinkles Face Tattoo classic layer bom https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/soft-Wrinkles-Face-Tattoo/9589777 ~ZUF~ Ziva's Silk Road China Flats https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ZUF-Zivas-Silk-Road-China-Flats/3811963 Pure Poison - Simone Sandals https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Pure-Poison-Simone-Sandals-Unpack/25119462 Lucrezia's Red Butterfly Ballerina Flats (BOXED) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lucrezias-Red-Butterfly-Ballerina-Flats-BOXED/3679847 flattie black butterfly 1L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/flattie-black-butterfly/912859 {MC} Dapper Flats https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MC-Dapper-Flats/5382300 SD Stripe Sweater Pumpkin ( classic layers bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SD-Stripe-Sweater-Pumpkin/226489 -SG- Madrid Sweater Beige ( classic layer bom ) 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Madrid-Sweater-Beige/617428 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Madrid-Sweater-Black/617429 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Madrid-Sweater-Bordo/617431 -SG- Valletta Sweater Blue ( classic layer bom ) 10L sculpted cuffs, sculpted scripted hood ( don't have to wear with it) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Valletta-Sweater-Black/617435 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Valletta-Sweater-Bordo/617437 (WildThing) *- Christmas Jumper - Snow -* ( classic later bom ) 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WildThing-Christmas-Jumper-Snow/65071 -SG- Rome Cardigan Black 10L ( classic layer bom (sculpted cuffs, sculpted collar dont have to wear ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Rome-Cardigan-Black/617511 -SG- London Sweater Grey (10L bom classic layer )( sculpted cuffs, sculpted collar ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-London-Sweater-Grey/617517 -SG- Helsinki Women's Sweater & Scarf Green 10L ( classic layer bom ) sculpted cuffs - suitable sculpted scarf with flexi fringe https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Helsinki-Womens-Sweater-Scarf-Green/617443 -SG- Helsinki Men's Sweater Black 10L ( claskc layer bom ) - sculpted scarf and cuffs https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Helsinki-Mens-Sweater-Black/617519 Black-gray rhombus sweater 1L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Black-gray-rhombus-sweater/876804 -SG- Hand Wash Sweater Green ( classic layer bom ) 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Hand-Wash-Sweater-Green/617406 -SG- Summer Women's T-Shirt Khaki ( classic layer bom 0) 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Summer-Womens-T-Shirt-Khaki/1596228 -SG- Dendi Shirt & Tank Denim/White 10L ( classic layer bom ) Shirt on different layers with sculpted collar, cuffs and bottom Tank on different layers https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Shirt-Tank-DenimWhite/617648 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Shirt-Tank-BordoBlack/617649 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Shirt-Tank-BeigeKhaki/617651 -SG- Dendi Tank White 10L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Tank-White/617533 -SG- Dendi Jeans Dark Blue 10L ( classic layer bom ) Jeans on pants layer Sculpted cuffs for lower leg https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Jeans-Dark-Blue/617565 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Jeans-Light-Blue/617567 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Dendi-Jeans-Black/617566 -SG- Classic TShirt Beige 10L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Classic-TShirt-Beige/617537 -SG- Goddess Gown White 10L ( classic layer bom ) dress top and bottom, dress pants (optional), two-layered flexi skirt with sculpted belt and sculpted flower embellishment https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Goddess-Gown-White/617643 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Goddess-Gown-Black/617644 -SG- Tear Off Bordo 10L ( classic layer bom ) jacket/shirt+underpants), sculpted sleeves and collar (chest/ spine) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Tear-Off-Bordo/617652 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Tear-Off-Black/617653 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Tear-Off-Green/617656 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Tear-Off-Brown/617655 -SG- Military Tank (+Ripped) ( classic layer bom ) 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Military-Tank-Ripped/617526 SG- Shake It Shirt Paisley 10L ( cassic layer bom ) l shirt top (shirt and jacket) - sculpted cuffs and collar assic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Shirt-Rose/617462 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Shirt-Red/617461 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Shirt-Paisley/617460 -SG- Shake It Blouse White 10L ( classic layer bom ) shirt top (shirt and jacket) - sculpted cuffs and collar https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Blouse-White/617396 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Blouse-Red/617394 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Blouse-Black/617390 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Shake-It-Blouse-Blue/617391 -SG- TShirt Love is War 10L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-TShirt-Love-is-War/617536 -SG- Broken Heart Sweater 10L ( classic layer bom ) sweater (jacket layer), prim hoodie, prim cuffs https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Broken-Heart-Sweater/617401 -SG- Antique Gown 10L ( classic layer bom ) dress top, dress pants, dress underpants, flexi skirt with flowers, chest flowers embellishment, lady's hat with flowers https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Antique-Gown/617670# -SG- Tenderness Wedding Gown 10 L ( classic layer bom ) dress top, dress pants, 2 flexi skirts (long and short), chest lace embellishment, veil with flowers, gloves and stockings https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Tenderness-Wedding-Gown/617642 -SG- Destroyed Jeans pack 10L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Destroyed-Jeans-pack/617496 nM The Prep Cashmere Sweater Fatpack 10L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/nM-The-Prep-Cashmere-Sweater-Fatpack-10L/713329 2 X 2 Uber stylin v-neck sweaters 1L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/2-X-2-Uber-stylin-v-neck-sweaters/295895 2 X 2 CatWalk Sweaters some simple yet very tasteful trim sweaters and others included are Haute couture turtleneck sweaters. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/2-X-2-CatWalk-Sweaters/295894 ::Agnes:: -Halloween Sweater 1L ( classic layer bom ) classic or system avatar. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Agnes-Halloween-Sweater/1382739 ** Gurly Styl ** Full Pack Pull SweetRoll ** 5L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Gurly-Styl-Full-Pack-Pull-SweetRoll/1092135 ::Para Designs:: Holiday Sweater ~ Christmas Edition 0L ( classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FREE-Para-Designs-Holiday-Sweater-Christmas-Edition/1629298 G&N Quality Design Cherie 2 Dress 10L ( Classic layer bom ) with some sculpt https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Cherie-2-Dress/2060941 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Cherie-3-Dress/2061058 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Cherie-1-Dress/2256170 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Cherie-4-Dress/2061050 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Cherie-2-Dress/2060941 G&N Quality Design Dee Thistle Pantset (Copy Version) 10L ( classic layer bom some sculpt ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Dee-Thistle-Pantset-Copy-Version/2639618 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GN-Quality-Design-Dee-Red-Pantset-Copy-Version/2639608 !Rebel Hope Designs - Ginger Gold Formal Gown 25L ( Classic layer bom ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rebel-Hope-Designs-Ginger-Gold-Formal-Gown/64772 [evoLove] - Elegant Man No5 69L pose https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/evoLove-Elegant-Man-No5/7886173 Man Suit - 5 Types 10L - Pants (Pants Layer) - Copy/Modify - Suit Tops 5 types (Jacket Layers) - Copy https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Man-Suit-5-Types/4396244 Gift Cover *AS* Formal Elegant Men Suit 50L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Gift-Cover-AS-Formal-Elegant-Men-Suit/18701377 [FF]Casual Open Suit Gift v4 55L .https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FFCasual-Open-Suit-Gift-v41822-Delivery-HUD-ADDOPEN/23497774 TD Yan Mesh Men Suit ~ Red 150L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GROUP-GIFT-Inwolrd-TD-Yan-Mesh-Men-Suit-Red/16651107 imMESHed - Goth Formal Suit with Vest https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/imMESHed-Goth-Formal-Suit-with-Vest/7668909 Alpha Male : Debonair SUIT 99L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-Male-Debonair-SUIT-SlinkAdamAestheticTMPSignatureBellezaNX-Nardcotix/16085507 Alpha Male : Addams Slink/SignatureBelleza 99L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-Male-Addams-SlinkSignatureBelleza/20221506 Alpha Male : luxuriousness 99L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-Male-luxuriousness/5652627 complete Mesh Male Men Outfit Suit Costume Tuxedo with shoes 5 sizes black white shirt almost free clothes 2L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Complete-Mesh-Male-Men-Outfit-Suit-Costume-Tuxedo-with-shoes-5-sizes-black-white-shirt-almost-free-clothes/13908008 ::FIERCE DESIGNS VALENTINES SUIT:: (Free $25L Store card included!) 25L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FIERCE-DESIGNS-VALENTINES-SUIT-Free-25L-Store-card-included/3109804 Shay-Gear Logo Tux 1L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Shay-Gear-Logo-Tux/25631367 *SOMER* Strappy Sun Dress - Pink with White Flowers 0L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FREE-THIS-WEEK-Please-visit-my-other-items-3-SOMER-Strappy-Sun-Dress-Pink-with-White-Flowers/1145176 BARBIE PRINCESS Tux Shirt 1L bom https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BARBIE-PRINCESS-Tux-Shirt/25328236 [wh] CAMISA TUXEDO T-SHIRTS free http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Urcho Archo/216/221/23 Freakin Sweet T-Shirt 25L https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Freakin-Sweet-T-Shirt/88576
  11. Some notes on lag, from the perspective of a viewer developer: The SL servers are rarely overloaded by much. London City has 60 avatars right now and the server is running around 90% scripts run. Avatar entrance performance is a huge headache. There's a huge load on a server when an avatar enters a region. This seems to be able to freeze things for as long as a second. I'm watching London City, and when the Main Agents number changes, Sim FPS drops from around 45 to 6 for about a second. ACCESS, the shopping event, has 55 avatars right now, and shows similar problems. You're walking along and suddenly stop and even move backwards. Bring up the Statistics bar in a busy area and watch the server stats. It's transient loads - everything is going fine, then the Main Agents count changes and Sim FPS drops from 45 to 4 or so. It's worse than London City because ACCESS has very well-dressed avatars. Avatars not appearing fully remains a big problem. This seems to be servers not delivering the proper updates to viewers. This is why clubs have unwanted naked avatars, and why some get stuck in pink cloud mode. (Viewers show a pink cloud until some basic body parts have been delivered. Unfortunately, that basic body part list is from the pre-mesh avatar era.) It's not clear why this is the case. The sim servers have very little to do with avatar appearance. That's mostly between the viewers and the asset servers. The asset servers are completely independent of the sim servers and have been for years now. Attachments don't have physics, so the server doesn't need to read attachment meshes at all. It does have to read the meshes of non-attachment objects to get the collision geometry. Some of that may be legacy code from the days when the servers did more of the asset work. Some (most?) of the problems with teleports and region crossings also stem from avatar entrance problems. We've observed for years that the vehicle always makes it through a region crossing; it's the avatars on board that have problems. Simulator to viewer bandwidth is not the problem here. When you're stuck, the simulator isn't sending the viewer much. "Cloud gaming" would not help any of this. Intensive attention from LL to bugs in this area would.
  12. Try this link and search for "scripts". There's a pink-shaded box to which that wiki quote apparently refers, but it isn't talking about the total number of scripts in a region or anything, it's about the maximum number that is apparently supported in a single rezzing operation from Inventory to the region. That doesn't mean it's still valid, but in any case it's not the concern here. It's possible, however, that the landlady's concern is partially motivated by something related to scripts rezzing-in: People very often experience enormous lag when a large number of scripts are first introduced to the region, especially as part of a heavily attachment-loaded avatar rezzing-in by teleport. That's not your situation, of course, but it's such a pain point that folks may be excused for a bit of overgeneralization. (Also, in passing, this rezzing-in pain may reduce some in the foreseeable future, as some fixes go in—although we don't know the full extent of those improvements yet.) Scripts already rezzed and waiting for events do not use much resources, but it's true, it's not zero. Exactly how scripts end up getting scheduler attention isn't guaranteed to stay the same, so getting too in the weeds is not a win here, but a few years ago a script would consume some scheduler time just by virtue of being set Running even if there was no event handler that could possibly fire (e.g., a script that loops some sound at state_entry and never does anything again); that overhead is effectively zero now, so simple static script count is as near meaningless as makes no difference. Waiting on touch_start is almost as quiescent until a touch_start event is generated by a message from viewer to region, but then there's a dispatching problem of recognizing which handlers of all the touch_start handlers on the region might get this event. Listens can have a more difficult dispatching problem, which is the origin of the advice to make their filtering conditions as specific as possible. I think I've rambled too much several paragraphs ago. Sorry 'bout that.
  13. Then you will love me, my pale white skin is actually a fantasy skin with the faintest pink tint. It just makes me look healthy instead of the washed out vampire look of most super white skins. 😁
  14. PHOENIX PRESENTS A TRIBUTE TO PINK FOR RELAY FOR LIFE. HEAD ON DOWN TO THE PHOENIX RELAY CAMP SITE WHERE YOU CAN WEAR YOUR GLITTER AND DANCE YOUR HEARTS OUT. COME ON DOWN AND JOIN PHOENIX AND CAMPING FOR A CURE AS WE ROCK OUT TO PINK. This is an RFL Relay for LIfe American Cancer society charity event. All proceeds go to cancer research. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RFL Research/180/92/23
  15. I only like pastel pink 😁
  16. Ya, that one feels like it loads everything, but they put up like a pink wall to block anything you see in the graphics.. You can still even see your avatars tag over their head through the pinkness.. Well mine was pink anyways.. that may just be a color from some setting of mine. hehehe
  17. Welcome to SL (and the forums)! Stick around long enough and you'll probably find a hundred niches to fit into, SL is very diverse and there's something for everyone. You may need to be a little more specific on "the color pink" thing though, there seems to be as many shades of it as there are residents! 😏
  18. Decor info on the blog
  19. FabFree has a listing of freebies and gifts for under 30-day old residents: https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ Definitely have your friend pick up Pink Fuel skins for new residents: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/PINKFUEL/105/162/501 There's also a set of BoM finger & toe fixes for $1L. Some MP listings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rmeng-Nura-Skin-Genus-Free-Gift/21824298 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WALTTEDDY-SKIN-GENUS-GIFT-Shape-Strong-type-free/25151449 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Anakin-Genus-Free-Gift/25286263 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HALLOWEEN-Gift/24093811 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RITA-BOM-Skin-GENUS-GIFT/26028731 Sweet's : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/213446 For really old stuff: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Thank-You-Gift-Skin-Shape-YAKO-OLD-BRAND/3522766 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Halloween-Skin-2013-Free/5392887 Free fatpacks of original Eloh Eliot skins: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Schreckhorn/69/177/67
  20. I was the one who posted about FS text mode. So here's the thing about it. It is just the normal environment but doesn't render any graphics other than the chat/im/group/friends stuff and the char bar and used to have a black background which was fine. However with v7, LL seems to have made the default background when there is no rendering, a kind of pink colour which when it fills the screen is garish and FS have had to take that upgrade apparently. I had a discussion inworld about this with FS support. So now it's quite painful to use unfortunately and no indication about what, if anything they'll do about it.
  21. NO. It's shown on one picture in pink because the CREATOR chose that, not the customers. who mostly don't wear it in pink at all. There's one store, almost EVERY vendor picture shows the item in pink, but the colours are sold singly, and guess which colours sell best? Onyx, Snow, Blood, Scarlet. There's another store, on the MP, to a casual idiot acting in "bad faith", their store is a sea of "pink", but if you actually click on an item and look at it' individual page, there's 4 pictures off the dress, one pink, one black, one white, one red, and a picture of the 30 colour hud. If you actually BUY the dress, when you put it on straight out of the box, the default colour is... Black. But that "bad faith" idiot, scanning a page of dresses screams "but they ae all pink so you stupid mere females don't KNOW what colours you wear or buy, or see other stupid mere females wearing. I know you're all wrong because *I* wear trousers! Blue ones!". No that's what YOU are doing. Want more examples? Try this store, notice how many of the single colour items are black or red, and then look at the multi colour fat-packs and see how they have MULTIIPLE pictures in different colours. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/170498 Fixed that for you. I don't see a sea of pink everywhere I go in SL, or RL on females, I personally never wear pink, it's "he Colour of Evil". And II certainly NEVER buy anything BECAUSE it can be coloured "pink" or any "pastel shade", EVER. Really? It seems pretty clear the "community" petty much agrees that 99% of your posts are what people acting "in good faith" would refer to a "utterly wrong".
  22. I was in a group years ago that was an Anti-anti-anti-Griefer group. We were called the pink hands. How we did it was, we just reported all you guys that were fighting. Fear the Pink Hands!! \o/ hehehe ETA: Just kidding.. We taught people about better Second life viewer security and things like that, because of the security risk like some anti griefer groups brought to the grid as well as things like Redzone.
  23. Help! I was recently advised to buy a new head for my av with disastrous consequences that turned my head into pink blur. I bought a CATWA head but it is pink and lacks any real shape. There are lots of little pieces that come with it but when I wear them I see no difference. There are no instructions. I opened the HUD but it is full of buttons with no explanation what they do and pressing them seems to make no difference. Can someone tell me what I need to make it look like flesh again? Please answer assuming I know nothing. Despite lots of years in SL I am still pretty ignorant about the technical side. Words of one syllable or less please.
  24. "The delicate pale pink Japanese cherry blossom petals have for thousands of years symbolized spiritual rebirth when they fall each year. Pink was all over in 2023 from Christmas Trees, decor, and even Santa in a pink coat. Why Pink? Pink just makes you think of warm Spring days and childhood innocence and it is not just for girls anymore, in fact, it was considered a masculine color before it was turned into the "pink is for girls" thing." Read more on the blog
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