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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. It's not really a conversation. It started with the OP making an accusation and has continued that way. This whole thread is unfortunate and not good for the community at large. And it's downright shameful that it's come down to the OP actually suggesting that the creator abandon the home. Shameful!
  2. Your home looks great! I especially like how you did a build out to change those walls that don't change. And your bathroom is gorgeous. I really love how you took my add-on and modded it fit your needs. It's such an inspiration to see how people take my idea and make it even better by changing it. Great job!
  3. I have no idea how many LI is will end up having at this point. I always begin my builds with a complete prim build and then start meshing the pieces. So I am as surprised as anyone else by the time I get to the end and see what the LI ends up being. I'll message you in-world about the wall question.
  4. I remembered you posted from an open house .. so I went and found that post .. here it is You were at the other house. That's not the Apple Pie house. There was so much going on that weekend that it's easy to get the houses confused.
  5. It sounds like you are remembering the sign from the other house. That's a pretty good description of it.
  6. Meant to quote this as well : Sorry I was reading your comment to "say" (which it didn't) that "A****" wasn't part of the parcel name. Seems likely the maker wouldn't want the store name as the parcel name. THAT would be confusing in search unless it said "demo house" or something. Still MUCH more tasteful sign IMO. A good thing! As you can see from this blog post posted April 21 by Whimsy Winx the sign is the same as it's always been. It's ALWAYS been tasteful!!
  7. Day two! Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait. My poor arthritic hands just can't take it anymore.
  8. from the business dictionary - commerce: Exchange of goods or services for money or in kind, usually on a scale large enough to require transportation from place to place or across city, state, or national boundaries. from Merriam-Webster - commerce:: the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place. So from two different sources you can see commerce would hardly include advertising. And not only that commerce is not simply just buying and selling .. the scale of buying and selling is also implied. A creator hosting an open house in Bellisseria couldn't possibly be considered as conducting commerce. I've been to both of the homes that are hosted open houses by the creators the OP has implied are breaking the rules. While in both cases the majority of the items in those homes are made by the creators there are objects made by other creators as well in both of those homes.
  9. Well, summer is on the way so I decided I needed a wraparound porch with a little screened room in the back. The work has begun.
  10. Very kind of you to say, but I'm not. There have been creators doing add-ons for the old homes for a long, long time. So, it's not new, and I'm nothing special. I just get very excited about what Patch and the Moles were building so I got vocal about it.
  11. Yes, exactly. And she readily admits that everyone knows who she is naming and shaming here!!
  12. Yes, which is why I'm saying that Coffee should be looking at the current covenant instead of quoting the policy that was written for the old Linden Homes from back in 2011.
  13. These homes have been set up as model homes. When you go house shopping and go to model homes .. what is getting sold is the house .. not the furniture. These homes have been set up as model homes showcasing what can be done with a Linden Home. Remember in the early days of the preview some were saying that the homes were too small and that you couldn't even get a bed into one of the rooms. These creators that you are casting shade on have actually done a service to Linden Lab and the project. They have also provided those of us who love to see how people set up their homes an enjoyable experience.
  14. Prim size at the time of the writing of that page was max 10x10x10 .... it has not been updated!!! There is clear evidence. That prim size is no longer valid. And even beyond that .. I have not seen any signs posted at any open house that does what you implied. Yes, I've been to a couple of homes that were set up as open house by creators... well known creators ... but they are not selling anything. If the owner of IKEA invited me to their house I would be thrilled. I would go in a heartbeat. Would I care that they also sell furniture? Heck, no.
  15. The point, which seems to be lost on you, is that you are quoting a policy that is not up to date. You remind me of another person who wanted to imply that our building add-ons was against the rules as well. It took Patch coming in here specifically and saying otherwise. No one has done anything wrong here. There is no advertising going on. Creators have every right to open their homes up to the public just as others have. Why do you have to be this way?
  16. By your logic then we must remove all those skyboxes .. and heaven forbid you have a prim larger than 10x10x10! That page needs updating ... and badly!
  17. Rather than quoting a policy from 2011, which was implemented for the old Linden Homes, why not look at the actual covenant from Bellisseria? The statements regarding advertising are only as follows: *Linden Homes can not be shown in search. *Using prims or objects on parcels meant as advertisements on the world map is not allowed. Those are the ONLY restrictions stated in the current covenant. There is nothing that prohibits a creator from owning a Linden home and decorating that home and then opening it to the public. No one is selling merchandise from their home. No one is rezzing objects that are seen in the world map. Personally, I greatly enjoy seeing what creators do with their homes. I hope many more do the same. Depending on how you have your settings you will see these popups in anything that contains a script. The creator has no control of how you set your settings.
  18. This made me smile and keeps me going when I think I need to stop. I'm just so grateful to all of you and the Lindens for giving me something to do that I love and that others can use.
  19. With all the wearable furniture, lawn chairs to mention just one thing, there's really no reason to have to rez anything in a group area. Plus as your picture in the opening post shows you had a picnic table with seating available. You can get really cute wearable lawn chairs at What Next. That's all you really need if all the spots are taken at the picnic table. And there's lots of wearable food and drinks available.
  20. As a person who does indeed have two homes, perhaps I would be better served to stay out of this thread, but when have I ever been able to stay out of anything?! Perhaps if I weren't making content for both of these types of homes I might be more inclined to give up one of my parcels, but that's not the case so I will be keeping both of mine. I can understand why some would make a suggestion that those who have more than one premium account consider only using one of the accounts to get a new home, but I also think that's something anyone with multiple accounts considered before they got two or more parcels. So I don't see the suggestion as saying .... hey, did you think about the fact that others are waiting and why don't you give up one of your parcels... and more of a ... you are using more than your fair share if you keep more than one parcel considering the current situation suggestion. However well intended the people saying this might be, their suggestions simply will not come off as anything more than an attempt at applying pressure to those with more than one parcel to relinquish the "extras." As for the suggestion that it's all for the sake of building community, I don't think you have to actually own a parcel in Bellisseria to be part of the community. We see in numerous posts of people who have been waiting to get their own home coming to Bellissaria and partaking in the community activities, joining Bellisseria groups, and getting to know people here before they got their home. So being part of the community is not dependent on having a parcel really. I totally sympathize with those waiting to get their own little piece of land in Bellisseria. I wish Linden Lab could get these out faster so that everyone could get a home as quickly as they'd like, but we know that the moles and Lindens are working as hard and as fast as they possibly can, so that's not going to happen because they would have had to complete everything yesterday for everyone to be satisfied. I do love how some have opened up their homes to the community as hang out places or rez zones. I love how the community is active and that you can be a part of it even if you are homeless or call another continent home.
  21. Those fences that have been rezzed by the moles just outside your parcel are not optional. But there are many homes that do not have those fences and consequently, those like myself, have had to rez our own fences. Those do indeed count against our LI. If we use the fences supplied in the content pack they too count against our LI. And they have rather high land impact values, so most of us have either made our own or gone looking for a lower land impact replacement. It's really unfortunate because every time we use a supplied mole made item it helps to reduce texture lag since those textures are already in our caches. I will eventually abandon and try for another house that does have a fence just outside the parcel boundary as well as having a easterly or westerly orientation as I want the sun coming in through the windows during the day.
  22. There was never any incentive to leave your home with the old Linden Homes. You were confined to rezzing things inside your home or you might drop a chair or two if you could afford the prims on a balcony but there wasn't anything worth looking at outside. There was no garden aspect to your home the way we have now in Bellisseria. I only used my old Linden Home as a workshop. I made jewelry there, put together HUDs, or worked on sorting inventory. It is soooooooooooo different in the new area. Everything is beautiful. There are streets and waterways galore. Neighbors are actually out and about either walking, skating, driving, flying, or boating. And the best part about the new area .. nothing is cookie cutter. Everything was cookie cutter in the old neighborhood. And though we all have the same four homes in our mailbox/lifesaver we have them and can change them at will so even the neighborhood scenery can change at any moment because someone can rez a different house. Also, people are excited!!! And this excitement is contagious. Consequently, people are sharing their excitement and getting to know one another.
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