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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Here's the the living room at the back of the house before going into the add-on. Through the double doors that used to be the exit to the backyard now leads to my laundry room and bedroom suite beyond. And lastly, the back of the house. This house will suite me well for the Thanksgiving holiday that soon approaches. I must admit though that I'm excited to see what's in store with the new theme. It might be time to think about moving.
  2. Now that I'm getting settled into my new job, I decided it was time to relax and play around with my Belli home. So, I made a quick add-on and decorated. This is a simple master suite and laundry add-on for the Winchester. Here's my entryway and the little room off to the left as you enter the home. I decided to use the large upper room for my kitchen and dining. I'll continue with the rest of the home in my next post.
  3. I don't get snow, well hardly ever, here in Texas. So I really enjoy having a white Christmas in SL. Some years I've bought a little bit of snowy mainland and others I've rented a little snow patch on a private island. I have friends who live up north and hate snow. In fact, one of them hated it every December when I would make it snow in SL. He kept saying can't we have a Christmas at the beach this year. So, I get it how some might not like the snow but for some of us it's nearly all we get. There's enough SL to go around for all so we can all enjoy the season as we choose.
  4. And in the part of Texas I live in when we get that much snow everything stops. We have a holiday. Kids stay home from school. And if it should happen to be around Christmas we all give a prayer of thanks!
  5. That's not what the knowledge base says about order of layers: The Universal wearable has slots corresponding to all 11 of the new and old bake channels. In layering order, universal wearables go above the skin and tattoo wearables, and below all other types of clothing. So clothing layers will go above the universal. The only layers that go under a universal is skin and tattoos.
  6. The best solution I can see is for skinners to start including a universal wearable for both left arm and left leg in their skin packages that have system layers. I've started another thread specifically about this problem.
  7. I can't see how a tattoo artist could include a skin with the tattoo, but now it seems the only solution would be for skinners to include a skin for the left arm/ leg on a universal wearable in their skin package. I just can't even imagine asking my skinner to do that, but if I want to wear a tat just on my left arm I'm going to have to ask. I don't even want to consider using an onion layer to achieve a one arm only tattoo because then we would be right back to the same problem we've always had with tattoos, which is alpha glitching.
  8. @PenGemini I was commenting on Silas's suggestion to continue using an onion layer to get the left arm only tattoo. This is why I said then you will continue to have alpha glitching. I'm NOT talking about using a normal system layer tattoo on a BoM compatible body but the problem with the universal wearable for the left arm or leg.
  9. Yeah, I was specifically referring to the left arm or left leg universal. I should have been more precise in my original post. Apparently if you use a left arm or left leg universal without a universal layer skin under it you will end up with either no skin under the tattoo or a default gray tone depending on how the alpha masking is set for the body. It explains this in the Knowledge Base article I linked.
  10. After doing some research on how to get a left arm only tattoo using Bakes, I've discovered it's not such an easy task after all. It seems in order to get a tattoo to work with a universal you will also need a universal layer for your skin, as well, to be worn under the universal tattoo for the left arm or leg. I wonder if skinners even know about this requirement. It's also disheartening to see the hoops one must jump through to alpha out a portion of the left arm/leg. If anyone wants to read the info for themselves it's available in the Knowledge Base. The part dealing with the universals is about halfway down the page. I did try to test this making a universal and using on my Maitreya body, but it didn't show up. I'm guessing there's a step to activate the ability of the body to use the universal, which isn't accomplished when just using the HUD that changes the UUIDs of the body to accept Bakes. I guess I have more research to do.
  11. As far as I know you can't derender in the SL viewer. There might be a debug setting that would let you but I'm unaware of it.
  12. I've been living in Belli since the very first day it went live. I've contacted many a resident about covenant infractions. In all but one case the person IM'd me right back and thanked me for the information and took care of the problem as we were speaking. In the one case where the person never responded they did remedy the situation with a correction. I would highly recommend simply messaging the person before you AR them. Belli has new rules and many are not aware and are thankful when you point them to the rules. AR doesn't need to be your first knee jerk reaction. If you don't get the results with a message then by all means AR the problem.
  13. This assumes setting the alpha masking is possible, which with a no-mod body it is not. Besides tats really look bad when set to alpha masking.
  14. The HUGE problem with doing it this way is that then you once again have alpha glitching. IMO that's no solution at all.
  15. The only playing field BoM leveled for you is making more skins available. Until your body is widely adopted by creators making rigged mesh clothing the field is far from leveled. I understand your optimism though.
  16. There were many changes along the path to BoM becoming a reality. Most creators waited knowing that it could very well end up that any work they did toward the BoM release might not be viable anyway. One good example of this is the Lelutka mesh head updating to BoM before the final release only to have that update fail when Bom FINALLY went live. So Lelutka had to quickly update the heads again. It was rather prudent of creators to take a wait and see approach until all things were finalized by the LAB in regards to BoM. This! So much this! Updating a product for no good reason causes inconvenience for customers. Who wants to constantly have to update outfits just so a creator can say they've updated the product? I don't!
  17. It's possible that the actual mesh face assignment will have to change on the mesh bodies for one foot/hand tattoos to work. So using a body that has simply used an applier to change the UUID used on the skin layer will have issues using BoM for single foot/hand tattoos. I'm eager to see how the mesh body creators will handle these issues once they release their actual BoM bodies. So far I think only Slink and Tonic have released full BoM versions. But I could be mistaken on that.
  18. I was under the impression that the auxiliary channels that were added during the Bakes on Mesh development could be used for hands and feet, which would make one side tattoos possible.
  19. Here are three pictures of Debi using the same head in all three looks. This is a Catwa head. I used an applier for wrinkles with this skin. I added extra volume around the jawline to create the illusion of jowls. Here I am still using the wrinkles applier but with a different skin with a lighter skin tone. Since I couldn't use an applier for freckles and the wrinkles at the same time, I opted to use a separate mesh freckles add-on. Fortunately now with BoM that's no longer an issue and I can stack wrinkles, freckles, moles, makeup, etc to my heart's content. I decided I was tired of looking at my aging face and wanted something completely different so I changed skins and completely redid my shape, but I kept the same mesh head I had been wearing. Here's my very pale looking elf-self. You might think it's easier to just use a system head to get the look you want, and it might be easier. But you can with careful shopping and use of shape along with adding skin details get just about any look you want with the right mesh head. It just takes patience and a sense of adventure to find all the parts to create that perfect meshy head look.
  20. System heads simply cannot compare in variety of shape to mesh heads. The old static mesh heads didn't respond to the sliders but the newer Bento heads are very responsive to the sliders in edit appearance. Each mesh head and even the system head begin with their base mesh sculpt then you can manipulate that shape of the head using the edit appearance sliders. There is but one system head compared to the huge market with varying styles and shapes of bento mesh heads. It might be easier to just go with the default system head as you don't have to shop for that, but to think that you have more variety available with the system head compared the vast number of mesh bento heads is rather short sighted.
  21. Alpha glitching is far reaching. It affects more than just mesh heads and bodies. If you've ever tried to wear a sheer lace dress with long hair mesh hair you've most likely noticed that parts of the lace dress disappears under some of the strands of hair. This is another example of alpha glitching. Bakes on mesh won't stop the alpha glitching that occurs between mesh clothing and mesh hair; however, it will prevent the alpha glitching that happens when you try to wear a tattoo under a pair of lace panties and sheer stockings.
  22. I meant mesh head not system head. Because skins made for mesh heads are fashioned to work well with a certain brand of head it's best to buy system skins that were made for a particular brand of mesh head. Deetalez has a growing collection of system layers for mesh heads covering Catwa, Genus, and Leltuka mesh heads. I know other skinners are also producing system layers for mesh heads. Deetalez has just been the fastest. If you're trying to use a system skin that was made to work with a mesh head it may or may NOT work with the default classic system head.
  23. Alpha clashing (glitching) has nothing to do with how clothes fit and alpha cuts. Alpha glitching is when two textures with alpha channels conflict with each other, where textures will keep flashing or completely disappear. A good example would be if you were to wear a eyebrow that's not on the skin but an applier applied to the eyebrow section of your mesh head and then also want to wear eyeshadow that goes up toward the brow and one cancels out the other because your graphics card doesn't know how to render that properly. With bakes on mesh you can "bake" the eyebrow texture and the eye shadow texture onto the skin so there is no alpha glitching. Alpha glitching has plagued all of us for years.
  24. I'm not a FS support person but I'm wondering if perhaps you need to do a clean install of the FS BoM viewer. If you just installed without doing the extra steps to insure a clean install it can possibly lead to issues. Just a suggestion. I know in the past when I've had issues with a new version I've taken the extra steps to do a clean install and saw significant improvement.
  25. True, you can always pay someone's head. LOL .. that could be misconstrued. But you know what I mean.
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