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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Happy Hippo school is good too. Their classes are more for starting builders where BB is more advanced. For some reason, some of the people in both places seem to thing there's a rivalry between them and shouldn't talk about the other. That's too bad since, as I said, HH seem to work more toward absolute beginners to beginning intermediate where BB works well for advanced beginners on up.
  2. I also love the way the community pulls together...look at the RFL events, the breast cancer awareness going on now, the Shoetopia that benefts Soles for Souls, the Hair fair that helps Wigs for Kids...etc. There's a thread on here asking for someone that lives in AZ if they could send a special MP3 to someone in hospice there. They are in the UK and the cost would be prohibitive. Several stepped up to the plate to get the farewell sent to the player in AZ. You just don't see that everywhere.
  3. SL is actually lusher, imho, than World of Warcraft. Really look at WoW and you'll see the same set of textures used everywhere. That's why it runs the way it does, the textures are all preloaded. SL, on the other hand, has the vast majoirity of its textures created by the uses. Look around and what you see is almost exclusively user created. I love that SL users can create their own world. The thing I hate the most in SL is that we have this wonderful world that we've created, where we can be who and what we want to be, and there are still idiots that bring their predjudices in, whether it be against furrys/non-human avis, race, sex or sexual orientation. This wonderful playground LL has provided us is a play we can meet people from all over the world. You have no idea what sex or color the person behind the avi is. You have to accept them at face value.
  4. Let me try one more time. It's not about the size of the shape but the appearance. With the smooth skin and proportions they look, at most, early teens. LL does NOT ban for avatar appearance or size per se. What they will ban for is even the appearance of ageplay. You have no way of knowing what was going on in IMs with the person banned. LL has access to all that on their servers. They can check what was said in open chat and what was said in IMs. If the person was engaged in a sex scene in IMs with someone, LL would be able to see it. With the appearance of being under 18, LL would band first and ask questions later. LL always gives you the opportunity to appeal, but because of laws all over the world, they have zero tolerance for ageplay. If it's just the appearance with a young looking avi in an adult sim...no problem...Near people engaging in sexual activity or participating themselves in IM....they're gone. So please, stop harping on the avi...it's NOT the avi but the activities being done/participated in by the person wearing the avi.
  5. LL always allows an appeal...they may deny it but they do allow it. Again, sounds like the whole truth wasn't told. LL would have looked at the logs from the area. More was going on than just standing and talking.
  6. The casual look much like the default relaxed default SL hand position. So...for someone starting I'd say choose one of 4...relaxed, casual, or one of the two elegant positions.
  7. The avatar does look child-like. Ageplay refers to a child and an adult avi engaging in sex activities. LL has a zero tolerance policy on ageplay because of the child porn laws in many countries. If you, or your friend if they come back on a new account, decide to go in that direction, I would suggest aging your avi so it looks more adult just to avoid even the appearance. I know it sucks, but LL doesn't want to get caught in the middle and then have a problem with prosecution for child pornography.
  8. The appliers "paint" a texture over your mesh breast. The nipple usually don't show up unless you've got them turned on separately (and that sounds so wrong on so many levels...grins). You really don't want the nipples showing through the outfit though.
  9. Applauds. Once again, SL residents step up to the plate and offer to help. SL is truly an international community that I am proud to be a member. of.
  10. All of this sounds like the same doom and gloom I heard back when gambling was removed from the grid and SL is still here.
  11. Biggest thing to remember with all this, LL isn't doing this arbitrarily or because the want to. When a policy is implemented like this, it's usally because of government requirements. Blaiming LL for it is wrong. LL stopped gambling for several reasons...Some owners weren't funding their places and players were reporting to LL. Some countries were considering the gambling as offshore for their countries. Biggest was the IRS in the US wanted LL to start issuing the 1099 forms for gambling winnings like they do when you cash out in Las Vegas. LL didn't want to have to deal with all the legal requirements and expense so chose to end gambling altogether. I'm sure the gaming rules have come into play for similar reasons.
  12. There really aren't any if you are looking for something like World of Warcraft, etc. There are many RP sims that have combat meters such as CoLA, Toxian City, NoR, among others. Do keep in mind they are RP and combat, not just fighting. SL really doesn't lend itself to fighting like WoW because of the script required as well as the fact that probably 99% of what you see around you was created by residents, not preloaded and the same set of textures like you see in WoW. You have urban, medieval, post apocalyptic etc themed sims. You'll have to find what you like.
  13. What settings are you using for your graphics and what is your draw distance set at? You really don't need more than High unless you are doing machinima or pictures. Your draw distance doesn't need to be above 120. You don't need to see 2 sims away. Uncheck avatar cloth. You might turn off the atmospheric shaders. Go to your hardware settings and check enable lossy texture compression. Also set your Max number of non imposter avis. If you are in a club or at an event, do you really need to see the avis on the other side of the room? All those will help with rendering faster. Good luck and welcome to SL.
  14. You are stuck manually matching if the skin you purchased doesn't come with the Slink appliers. Slink Resident is a whiz at matching so you'll be in good hands.
  15. You might also request for your limit to be raised to a business level. current purchase limits for accounts is 5K USD a month. If you are buying more than that, send in a ticket to request being changed to a business. Then you would have 10K per month USD rather than the 5K. Just a thought.
  16. The private areas in RL are roped off, behind a locked door, etc. An orb, when it's on the ground level by a public area, however, should give a 30 sec grace period, no a short 10. Sometimes it takes that long for what I'm seeing to register. For what it's worth, my private area at my shop...my workspace, is at 2000M and I have a private TP to it. Everything else is fair game.
  17. For what it's worth, I have a changing room area set up at my store. You will need to rez out in the area marked as such and then TP up to the changing area, but there is privacy that way at least. The TPs are located one in Boddies by Bobbie and one in Quoth the Ravenn.
  18. At least boxes don't default to our heads anymore. That would have really been confusing.
  19. All those avis are really cool. Unfortunately, there are a few places that don't like non human avis. I can understand some clubs since they would disrupt the feel they are going for but beyond that..... If you meet someone that doesn't like your avi...keep walking and ignore them. That's the beauty of SL..being able to be whatever you want to be.
  20. Your avatar is connecting fully to the grid. First, what viewer are you using? The down and dirty answer is go to a quiet sim like Pooley. Next be sure that you've taken off all attachements. Do the avatar test, that will reset your avi to the default. If you are still a cloud...clear your cache then relog. Once you relog watch your inventory and do nothing until it is completely loaded. That should fix the problem. Then you can put your avi back together. Once you do that with the shape, skin, hair, eyes, AO and system pants and top or just pants if you're a male. I'd save that as an outfit calling it rescue avi. You should be good to go. Also, once you log out, reset your router before you log back in.
  21. To wear the "system clothes" you have to use the applier system. This means you have to have a full permission copy of the original template that you can put in your personal hud or purchase clothing marked as having Slink Appliers. If you look on the Slink website, there's a whole list of stores that make clothing appliers, including mine. http://slinkstyle.com/physique-body-appliers-clothingtattoos/
  22. Belleza just takes the Belleza skins at the moment only because they haven't released a developer kit yet. Once they do, I'm sure there will be more skins available. Take a look at the list of available skins for the Slink and that's probably what you'll see...Of course it is possible, since the body is made by a skin maker, that they will choose not to make the developer's kit for other skin makers. Personally, I think that would be the proverbial cutting off your nose to spite your face move. They are probably waiting to release it until they get the rigging and alpha problem resolved.
  23. Try setting up a PayPal account if you can and pay through that. That should hopefully take care of the problem. You can add money to the account and then pay. The other option is to use one of the third party providers.Otherwise, you'll have to wait for LL to get to your issue
  24. L'Uomo Find them inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Smokey%20Valley/72/107/24 Find on Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/13003 Sking find inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sensual%20Freedom/64/166/23 Dev Muscle http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lumoli/36/38/33 All 3 are more muscular but are Omega applier compatible. None of the currently avaialble male bodies, other than Tellaq since they make their own skins, have any skins out there. If you find one you like, contact the skin maker. I know, for instance, that Prodigal makes applier for the male Slink hands and feet so might be amenable to making the skin appliers using the Omega system because of it's compatibility with so many mesh parts. The 3 metioned, because they are Omega compatible, might have an easier time finding clothes. If you decide to go with one of them, please message me inworld and I'll start adding male clothes. Good luck
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