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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Linden water always flows east to west too, btw
  2. I was also going to ask if the dates are the dates when your store was migrated to the VMM system.
  3. File a support ticket. They can help you and find out what happened where there is no way we can see what's going on.
  4. I have no problem with lower stars if it's legitamate. If the person didn't get a deliver or there's a problem with the item, I want the person to contact me rather than just give a 1 star review without contacting the seller first to see if it can be resolved first. Those that just jump to a bad review without trying to get a resolution first.
  5. Basically, when you look out at the edge of a sim and see water, that's Linden water. You can also see Linden water if the land level is below the set water level for that sim.
  6. If you are using Win10, it's my understanding there is a problem they are tracking down with some Win10 users and the 64-bit viewer. As stated, you can instal the 32-bit and still have all tne new shinies and eliminate the conflict problem. They are working on finding the problem.
  7. The use of premade templates, provided you use textures other than those provided by the templace creator isn't a problem. If's if you go to a store, buy one that has 10 colors and just use those to make your gift. That's frowned on. You want to add your own personal spin to those templates.
  8. There are a lot of bodies out there. Slink is 1250L but you'll still need to purchase the hands and feet to the tune of 495 for each hand position and 675 for each foot. You can get away with one hand position but you'll need at least the medium and hight foot, bringing the total cost to 2395. You'll still have to get the appliers for your body parts. They can run from free from some makers to 350L for each color tone you might want. Maitreya is 2795 and comes with 1 hand and 3 feet positions. Again, you'll still need to purchase appliers for the skin however, it is Omega compatible. Omega is a universal system you can use with the purchase of an additional hid (3L if you belong to the Omega Support Group). There are a lot of makers that have Omega appliers. Maitreya also comes with the built in appliers for Glam Affair skins in the hud. It is compatible with the Slink hands and feet as well. Belleza is the third. It runs 3995L, so it the most expensive, but comes with 4 feet positions and 16 hand positions. It also comes with 3 different shapes for the bodie, Venus-a more athletic body, Isis-a somewhat curvier body, and Freya, the curviest of the 3. The hud comes with the appliers that match the Belleza skins as well as the appliers that will work with the Slink hands and feet. It is also Omega compatible. All 3 have fitmesh clothing that is made for them. There are others out there, but these 3 are the most popular but demo, demo, demo. Find the one that fits what you want to look like.
  9. Some of that is the economy. It costs nothing for an MP store. For inworld, you have to have land, a building as well as a vendor system of some kind. Most people use hippovend or CasperVend so their customers can get a redelivery in the case of SL eating their stuff.
  10. No one from LL will see your request here. Instead, go to https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa There, you can create a request feature then get others to vote for it as well.
  11. Looks like you are standing in front of sculpt/mesh items that have alphas in them in the first one. What you are seeing is an alpha conflict cause by OpenGL. Not really anything you can do about it. It's the same thing that lets you see trees coming through a wall when that wall has a textured window in it. The graphics card has a hard time knowing what order to render in. The old invisiprims on shoes did the same thing when you stood on some dance floors....Flexi prim hait does as well. Just something you have to live with in SL.
  12. Happy Hipster and Builder's Brewery have a variety of classes from beginner to advanced on many topics. Join those groups and see what they have to offer. On your dashboard, check education for other classes taught in SL. I agree that going to clubs gets boring fast so start learning how to manipulate your environment. Check out Bryn Oh's interactive art sim.
  13. With the uLukie, unless you find someone designing for that body, you're not going to find mesh skirts to fit it. You'll have to go old school with prim or sculpted skirts. Check out the skirts and Blowup as well as in the vintage area at Lapointe and Bastchild. L&B in particuluar since their resize script allows you to resize on the X, Y and Z axis so you can get a perfect fit on your body.
  14. The ONLY ones that can say whether SL will or won't be here are the Lindens. Everything I've seen from them states that as long as SL has a reasonable financial model, like it has now, It's not going anywhere. As for inventory, since the model in Sansar is mesh and won't be using LSL but C#, chances are slim that any inventory witll be transferrable, much less work if it does. So, all that decide to go will be newbs together. As I said, I wouldn't worry about it since LL had said it would be opening limited beta by now...Hazsn't happened yet, has it? By the logic being thrown around...I shouldn't go to the local grocery store and spend money because it might be replaced by a new one in 2 years. 2 years from now has nothing to do with now.
  15. Enough already with the SLV2 talk...it's a totally different platform It's like comparing WoW with Half Life. 2 different programs and platforms. One has zero to do with the other other than that both are being supported by Linden Labs. It's Sansara, not SLV2 btw. And it's not even in beta yet...At least 2 years, if not more, before it's ready to even thing about opening it to the public. Now back to the OP. Get your feet on the ground with the current clothing that you wear with your default body and worry about the rest of it later.
  16. Don't believe the Chicken Little's crying that SL is closing. As long as it's a vialbe economic entity, it's not going anywhere. The second platform LL is developing will be totally different from SL. It's not even in beta yet so ignore the nay-sayers. You'll want to replace some of clothing with mesh clothing. It fits and looks better but take your time and look around. Not sure of your style but Lapointe and Bastchild is probably a good place to start. You're going to have to learn a whole new set of terms dealing with mesh but take your time to learn it and how to deal with your default body and clothing before you even thing about venturing into the more complicated world of mesh add on avis. For some free stuff, hit The Free Dove for some basics. Welcome Back
  17. Try CalWL or Nams Sin and Prims. What you are seeing is the shadows. Do keep in mind that it will only look good for you. How other see you depends on their windlight settings.
  18. Do remember that mesh, even for mesh bodies, depends on standard sizing numbers. If you've strayed outside of those numbers, no mesh is going to fit. The bodies are fit mesh and do respond to the slider numbers. As far as being eaten, ie clipping, you'll probably still need to use the alpha layer to make that part of the body clear, even if it is made for that particular body. You may also have to try different sizes to find what size in that clothing fits your body. I have my sliders set for XS for the defauld avi but the mesh adds a layer so for some clothes I'll still wear an XS, for others it can be as large as a medium, just depends on the designer.
  19. Hit up Fab Free...lots of free stuff for avis under 30 days. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ You'll need to not look like a new resident to get any job. WoW skins has a free skin on the coffee table by the couch you'll see just to your left as you go into the main store.
  20. They really aren't, you apparently just ran into that segment. When the RL media discusses SL, first thing they jump to is the sex because it's tintillating and easy to do. They don't hit places like Builders Brewery or Bryn Oh's visual artistry or the many gorgeous builds in SL...those are boring. Sex sells so that's what's emphasized rather than the more mundace aspects.
  21. My main objection to the style hud is the way it works. The style hud doesn't store your textures inworld. Instead it loads in the particular item from a server that is not in SL. What this means is if the server is down, you can't change anything you've used your style hud for...Skin, clothing, etc. What this also means is that if TMP decides to close up shop, like Banned just did, they'll be shutting down their server. You'll be stuck with a body that you can't change the skin on at the very least. The body is nice, but overpriced, IMHO. The drawbacks of the way the style hud works would be enough to make me decide not to use it.
  22. On FS, to use the letter keys...Avatar/Preferences/move and View/Movment second line, check it. For the advanced and Developer menu Preferences/Advanced, check the boxes
  23. Which body? Helps to know that so we can point you in the right direction.
  24. It's a rendering problem on your end. Be sure you have the latest driver for your graphics card, be sure you have hardware skinning checked, Try increasing your LOD to 4 as the default is usually 2
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