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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. To the OP: It may be worthwhile to look into deformers to make the Lara body thinner. Right now Maitreya is probably the thinnest body among competitive options. You could of course go Senra as that is actually thinner and "new" but it's meant to be for newbies and is of dubious quality without notable work. Some years back there were more thin and I recall one that was almost totally lacking in curves to the point of being potentially androgenous. But most of those have fallen into obscurity and if you do track one down, you might be stuck being an SL nudist or always in your basic 'body included undies'.
  2. I think people understand the value of mod. It's when you go after a specific brand for using no-mod that fur will rise and folks start hissing and barking. Vehicles being mod (which you mention in the part I snipped) is a very good idea. With SL vehicles you're dealing with region crossings a lot - and that's the place where script load starts to matter. Every last thing you can do to make your scripts load in faster on a region crossing is a good idea. That can be the difference between someone buying your brand of motorbike and smoothly racing through the streets of Belli or Bay City, and someone else buying that other guy's brand and doing the "electric slide" through the air every time they try to cross a region. Of course you can make the best motorbike ever but still can't control the 75 HUDs and pile of scripted attachments your customer is wearing. They will blame you when they get tossed on a region cross, and not all that junk. But hey... you can still try.
  3. That's not unlike the reaction one would get about a decade ago if they mentioned having good proportions or being closer to 1:1 scale for avatar height. People would pile on to attack whoever suggested the idea and start claiming they were being "persecuted" by the person for that person daring to have a different style of shape. It was comedic tragedy in how wild the reactions could get. But now - SL is about evenly split between people making proportioned shapes and people not. But that's also why I think the issue will take a lot of time to get across. Despite the fact that 'copy/mod' was actually the norm for SL for it's first decade when the vast majority of 'creators' were furries.
  4. The average Belli region seems to have 18-20 homes. But of course this varies by theme. We could probably do some very rough estimates of how many homes likely exist, and then by seeing how many are available figure out a +/-10% estimate.
  5. Mostly yeah. We can pester shops, and "vote with our wallets." However at the moment the number of people annoyed at no-Mod is a minority. Or rather the vast majority don't understand the issue as they've never really experienced a mod-able SL. I feel if this issue is to change, it's going to be like how SL shapes have been getting better proportions over the last ten years. Meaning it will be very slow, take time, and be hardly noticed until one day we're just there. Assuming SL even lasts another 10 years given how technology is changing.
  6. That's one I would ignore. As a consumer if I want to mess with something I rez it. Yeah. But there is not 'wise' use of them. Like a lot of things in life: One can be a [censored] jerk all they want, doesn't mean I should be. "Being" a "Karen" isn't illegal, but it is ill-advised. There's a huge difference between what one can get away with doing and what is acceptable. Folks are more and more often questioning the acceptability of using no-mod, and rightly so.
  7. This. I suspect a LOT. People are not as knowledgeable as they used to be because there's no incentive to figure anything out anymore for so many who have no-mod goods. Just use the HUD, click the buttons, and if it doesn't work whine in groups and contact a CSR while leaving a 1 star review. If it's Mod, you can push a LOT of work off back onto your customer: "Hey, this not just an online dollhouse, it's also a sandbox. Edit the thing and enjoy figuring it out. Want bigger hair - edit it. Want smaller chairs - edit them. Want a different color - edit it. Furry makers go a step more: want a different color / fur / etc? Here's a texture you can buy from me, apply it yourself. And if you want, go sell your own textures too - then people have to buy my item to use your texture so it's win-win. Shops often want no-mod so they can force us to buy a fatpack with all the options. But they could just as easily put a mod copy out for near the price of the fatpack. That's more or less what the fullperm shops are doing. But if you could sell me a copy/mod/NO-TRANS item that included a pile of textures I'd pay MORE for that - especially if I could download something and make my own textures as well. In other words a 'MOD' fatpack. Where you could save on dev costs by not having to put together a fancy configuration HUD. - My furry alt has a pile of things like this.
  8. Yep. scripts that are NOT meant to be full-perms teaching aids are maybe the one exception. If a script is full perm, you can read the code. And if you can read the code you can fix it so it actually works right. And we couldn't have any of that nonsense. But yeah - if you're selling a complex script you need no-mod or you're just selling someone words on a page that can copy into their own page and hand around. So many times I've wanted to edit someone's script to change it a little to my preference, but this is the one case where I get their concern. It's the one example where mod does mean stealable. I guess you could say the same for shape sellers. But for most of what people buy these days - no-mod is just a nuisance. As long as your product is also copy, the support answer to "I edited it and broke it" can be just "rez / wear / grab out a new copy" and your CSRs could just have a note that says "we only support un-modded copies." Furries have been doing this since before non-furries even knew you could trade things in SL, let alone sell them.
  9. People put some crazy stuff in those 'Terms'. If I ever become a full-perms seller I'm going to have to put a Term in there that you must own a cat named 'George' and all products have to be set to have 'RuPaul' in the description. Why? Why not. But yeah. I buy a lot of full perms stuff and while rare, I have seen the 'no mod' callout in the terms at least once, if not twice.
  10. Almost ten years ago there was a big SL panic that 'mod' allowed people, most likely furries and other degenerates like people who prefer neon green prims, to use copy-bot tech to steal your stuff. It weren't true then, it ain't any truer now. But folks is stupid anyway.
  11. eBody reBorn is made for people who find Maitreya too thin. Legacy is made for people who like Maitreya but feel they need to spend lindens on a second slightly different copy of it. If you find Maitreya too curvy, neither of those is a good choice for you.
  12. Everybody already answered this. What I remember is that when the first fitmesh bodies were coming out, Blueberry was one of the first shops to add support for those early bodies - Belleza's first version and then Maitreya. For quite a while everyone else was sticking to 'standard sizes' and there were less than a handful of people making the move; Blueberry among them.
  13. I like seeing Xochitl on there even if it is a given name (first name) rather than surname. For folks not familiar with Mexican names, this is like having a surname of "Emily" or "Jennifer" on the list. It roughly means a marigold flower that symbolizes death and rebirth to the Nauhatl people (the largest Indigenous group in central Mexico - they were major players in defeating the Aztecs that were occupying them). Web search says: "pronounced SO-chee-tl or SHO-chee-tl, although sometimes the "tl" at the end is not pronounced." If I were to pay for a name swap on one of my accounts that one would be top of the list for me.
  14. That's one of my big worries about getting a stilt - that a neighbor might do that. We're down to 8 of them left. All I have to abandon to get one is a very nice houseboat in a quiet region with neighbors that put all their weird inside the walls, if they have any to begin with. So I'm probably not grabbing one. There's 720 houseboats available so it will probably never happen, but I am waiting for the regions on the river between "SSPAlotta Fish" and "SSPBristol Fashion" to open up so I can move my houseboat to somewhere in there. Been waiting a while on that, will likely happen sometime in 2073... I remember in 2019 when there were usually 0 houseboats available and folks would be in the Belli Citizens group all morning everyday waiting for a mole to pop in and say some random joke because we know if they did, they were either about to release a new region or just had and it was time to spam refresh the page again. But with 720 available, the ones in SSP regions right now will probably be there for ages.
  15. When you got a new machine, did you copy over your applications, settings and data? If so you likely copied over tracking / keylogging / etc software as well. And that would be how someone would keep tracking you through new machines. If you know anything about this person in RL, take it to the police. The part I quoted above seems to suggest you two have talked in RL so yes - get police involved. Computer security wise, if you know anyone in RL who is tech savvy have them look over your machine and your setup. Some of the likely things you will need to do: Change all passwords using something different from your previous style of making passwords - got to do this while logged out of everything. Might even suggest doing it on a totally different computer at something like a family member's house. Put your 'data' somewhere like google drive. reformat your computer. Install apps all base brand new. Don't copy things over from a backup. This is where you get a little extreme: grab the data down from google drive on a different KIND of computer. If your computer is a Mac, use a PC, and vice versa. Virus scan it all. Put it on a flash drive, put it back on your machine. Alternatively in future only access that old data through google drive and never download it - but I am not sure how secure this is. If you have a Mac savvy friend, deleting viruses, malware, etc from Macs is super easy. Cleaning PCs is harder but modern Windows is harder to get infected than modern Mac (it's very easy to put a virus on a Mac machine, and just as easy to remove it. Its very hard to infect Windows now, and just as hard to clean it). Outside of that... your other thoughts on VPNs etc. If this person is near you in RL, then you might need to look into some added measures, as far as making sure you don't have airtags or cameras hidden in your home. If any of that is the case - get police involved. Lastly. my post above: language was not an issue in your post. The words themselves were easy to understand. But having the entire post on a single line made it visually very hard to read. Looks like your posts after that have formatting though. Maybe that was a forum submit error that removed all the new-lines in the first post.
  16. Looks like there are 33 silt on pier lots now, 0 on water - those got grabbed up fast. Not all of them are on the new regions though. Some folks took this as an opportunity to move to a different stilt. I wonder if these new regions can be grabbed by premium plus tickets. Probably not.
  17. SL has a mainland? Do the lindens know?
  18. I recall being told once that LL did move some of those people around in years past when they shrank Shermerville down. It's hard to do on regular mainland where every plot is unique. But Shermerville had fairly standard plot layouts so I guess they could toss folks from one spot to another. If we have a lot of old dead accounts on L1 homes - they could in theory move them to other l1 homes to reduce the number of regions in use. Something that might happen if it saved enough costs. Another thing that could occur is the L1 homes getting put on lower AWS cloud tiers of some kind. I've never been the one paying for the servers on AWS though I have done AWS deployments and such. So I don't know if there are brackets of "cheap virtual servers" and "pricey high resource virtual servers". But if there's a discount 'low access' tier, L1 Homes might end up there someday. That said, they seem to still be quite popular. Sometimes you can find more green dots in L1 Homes than in Belli, though this doesn't mean too much given how huge Belli is compared to the L1 regions. Still, they can't ALL be Tiny Empires bots. Folks are clearly still using that land. And even Tiny Empires bots are still users using SL to do their thing.
  19. I've had this as a neighbor and actually they were better neighbors than having most live residents can be. They're AFK. They left me alone. They were in their skybox, and they filled up enough avatars on the region than other people generally avoided the place. The only time I ever saw people was when somebody was doing the "electric slide" across the region from lagging out on teleporting in or crossing in because the region I had a plot in did have a road on a different part of the region. I had better privacy on that lot than I've had in most places I've had land in SL. Enough so that my recommendation to anyone seeking privacy in SL is to get what looks like an extremely bad parcel on an AFK region. Get the one in the middle of the place with no road or water access, and ugly or vacant lots around you at ground. Basically a location that says "this place has cooties". - No one's gonna bug you there. Set it to home, and you can get in even when the AFKers have filled up the place. Rez a skybox, and enjoy.
  20. I have Single Player mode SL. It's known as "Sims 4". And just like multi-player SL; it's full of DLC they want me to buy - outfits, stuff to rez in my home, etc. As an aside; it's funny how often Sims 4 players panic over a fear that Sims 5 might be online / multiplayer. A lot of which has to do with a fear that they will lose the ability to mod things. Every now and then the discussion over there notes that the end result would basically be a new alternative to Second Life. As another aside; many (as opposed to all) of the things people who insist SL isn't a game cart out, could also be said of Sims 4, which is seen as a game.
  21. I dunno. It's banned in Belli so I rarely see it anymore; but on mainland there are plenty of places where you will see two neighbors with opposing ideologies with a pile of angry signs on their plots pointing at the other parcel. SL just seems more civil now because so many of us have opted for parts of SL where they are rules against being the usual sort of people we find online. But I suspect if we got rid of the rules in Belli, within a week's most of us would have angry signs and glowing prims pointed at each other's lots.
  22. Outside of the LGBTQ+ side; SL has a very bad record on this. There's always been a very high tolerance for racism, and an even greater tolerance for misogyny. In recent years the racism has been less prevalent and we're starting to see some diversity show up. There is still the problem where you are more likely to be reprimanded for complaining about racism (on the notion of creating a hostile situation by objecting to being mistreated) than you are for being racist. The misogyny is more complicated. It's still pretty rampant but things like Gor and Vore seem less mainstream now than they used to be.
  23. I've done this at various points when I wanted to isolate. Second Life is a social platform, but it's also a build platform, and a 'doll collection / doll house' platform and some times you just want to be alone to play with your dolls and not have some rando IMing with "Hay ur hawt, wan a [censored] pic?" Other times I have just been frustrated with all of SL yet still feel the urge to log into it. But most of the time I leave these off and just have the friend and group requests thing off. When I go to social venues - I want to talk to people in open chat. I get annoyed by all the IMing because then it feels like "why am I here, I could be in some random furry sandbox having weirdos send me animal [censored] pics, but instead I'm here and it feels like nothing is going on except for some rando asking if I do voice, cam, or have only fans..." Talk in open chat. At least then you'll feel some sense of screening what you say. Hopefully... So, sometimes I might have IMs off just because I want to only pay attention to the local chat.
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