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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. That looks to be on the 'too much' side. Everyone seems to want to be either too much curve or not enough curve / too small up top. Only Belleza Freya and Legacy seem to be in the middle. If I were to replace Belleza Freya I'd need something like it. Not something that looks like it's made to compete with Kupra. That image looks like a body made for people who want the Kupra level of curve, but with realism. I don't mind the presence of those bodies. Rather the competition there already has a lot of quality entries so why would someone who wants that look switch to something new and less supported? I pity the fool that tries to compete with either Maitreya on one end or Kupra on the other. They won't get many sales when the competition is already very good at meeting it's customer's needs. What I want is the Belleza / Legacy level of curve, still copy/mod like Belleza, but with a fixed neck. And supported. There was a new body like this a year or two ago I think, but it didn't get enough support. There's a lot of room to take this 'middle curvy' market. But it would still be a tough road to travel. Any new body at this point is probably going to need to come out of the gate as copy/mod, with an included pack of sample full-perms clothing, and a free 'anyone can get it' complete developer kit AND use an identical 'skin layout' to a popular brand - so people don't need to buy new skins for it.
  2. More and more skin makers are failing to support it in their more recent entries, and fashion is getting rarer. That said it's my favorite as I can mod away all the junk with the new version and it has enough curve (I find Maitreya, Isis, and Venus all too flat overall, and the Maitreya addons favor going even flatter up top), but not too much (the newer bodies all seem to be cartoonishly pear shaped). If Legacy was mod and I could delete all the excess, that might change my thinking. If this is a Goldielocks analysis - Belleza Freya is the one that's just right.
  3. I've been thinking of remaking my look to be clearly Mestizo or if not that Latin American Indigenous in appearance. I do not have that look at present as I've never quite found the right tone and features of skin, and head shape. And especially now that mesh heads are detailed enough that we're not longer just 'generic colored cartoons' picking the right head shape becomes vital to representing the right ethnicity. I'm Mestizo myself (though that's really a Mexican term, and I'm South American) - so ideally I'd like to be able to finally capture myself in SL. Something I've never had success in. I've run the list of having avatars of every sort of ethnicity and even Elves (it's my Elf alt that I used on the forum), Orcs, Furries, Tinies, etc... but never anything that was actually me because It's never seemed possible. But as SL has a lot more variety in human representation now, I'd like to look again. So that long into out of the way... Anyone know of or have any success in making a visibly clearly Latin American avatar of Mestizo or Indigenous ethnicity?
  4. Now that avatar skins often come as a tattoo layer, I've just got more things to get sorted into the wrong order. Let's say I wear, as I do, a hairbase, freckles, skin, and sometimes pubic hair or body paint or whatever. Normally I would sort these so the bottom is the skin, then the freckles, then any hairbases, then tattoos, then body paint. Then I get the bright idea to go and buy a new skin, and I auto replace all my skins in my 230+ outfits with the new one. Go to try on an outfit and my hairbase, freckles, and everything else is now hidden under my new skin. - Rather than replace to the spot on the stack where the old one was, it just puts it onto the top of the stack. So far the only fix I know of is to manually edit all of my outfits, one by one - move the skin to just above the freckles (when I edit it shows the new skin in the position it should be in, but it's not baking in that position). Save. Exit. Edit again, and move the skin down to the bottom. If for some insane reason it's one of those times when I've bought a bunch of new things - I would have to do this over again with each of them. Doing them all at once in a single edit never seems to catch them all. There's a lock function on items in outfits, but it does nothing for this issue. Is there anything that just sorts all tattoo layers in all your outfits to be the same as whatever you're currently editing? Or am I expecting too much out of SL in 2022...
  5. Thanks you for the replies. That's regrettable but understandable. I would pay for a service to hand my house to my primary account and make that one my premium. But I'm not sure how I would safeguard that same service against abuse. I really want to retire the account that is my premium, but that spot I hold is too perfect a match to my tastes to let go (Why this account has no profile: I'm trying to cut down all my "alts" so I blanked them all my accounts until I settle on one - and my linden home is the only barrier left keeping me from finishing this). Oh and yeah, over a decade ago I had a Linden in world address me by an alt's name. But at the time I was being pretty open about those two accounts being connected so not really an issue. I've also had messages sent to the wrong account by... regular users. A long time ago there was some shop I went get something from, and I forget as it's been so long - it was either: a freebie that I was rejected for because my other alt already had it, or a redelivery was sent to another account. I think I've actually had both of these happen exactly once each across the years. There used to be this one dance shop who's automated greeter would always say "Hello X" anytime I visited on any account...
  6. If the price is currently 24.99 due to promotion, and I sign up 'today', then the price promotion goes away X-months from now, will I be billed for the rate when I had signed up, or the price after the promotion ended? When I look at my current premium account, it's quarterly (which is a cancelled feature I will lose if I adjust touch my premium account). So I pay: 32.97/3= $10.99/month + $22/month for land tier. Premium Plus would cost me $24.00/month and I'd be able to drop tier down to $13/month as I'm using 3235m of tier (just a tiny bit over being able to drop to $7/mo...) So that's 37 vs my current 33. For $4/ I'm getting 350/L a week. None of the other benefits apply to how I use SL. That's just barely worth it. But at 29/month, I'd be paying $8 for that same bonus L$, and it seems no longer worthwhile as $8 right now gets 1936L, or 484/week if we assume 4 weeks a month. Even with the promotional price, it's still $4 more for the loss of 2000m of tier... So I'm still not sold, but I'm trying to think it all through anyway.
  7. Can the Premium Plus home selection system be used to guarantee success in handing a linden home from one alt to another? I have the perfect houseboat location already on another account, obtained in 2019, that I wish to downgrade and get rid of, but I've kept it premium merely to ensure I don't lose the location, and I would much rather that spot be in the hands of my main account.
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