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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. The purpose of life is hydrogenate carbon dioxide. It's basically a way to consume energy to increase the entropy of the universe. There’s no reaction that goes directly from CO2 and hydrogen to methane (CH4) and water. The first steps consume energy rather than release energy. The purpose of life is to release energy in carbon dioxide. See Free Energy and the Meaning of Life: . You might narrow the question and ask what is the purpose of YOUR life, instead of life in general. The purpose of your life is to propagate your genetic material, or the closest material to your genetic material, into the next generation. That is why the sex drive is second in power only to the drive for self-preservation.
  2. Fortnite is a lot of fun. I spend way more hours playing that, than in SL. When it's late, and I want to be bored into a coma so I can get some sleep, I play SL.
  3. The 16th most dangerous city in the world: https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world.html
  4. You may believe that, but not everyone has the same belief. That's why immigration laws are not being enforced. Both California and Illinois have expanded public medical benefits to illegal immigrants. That's pretty welcoming of illegal immigrants.
  5. You're missing the point. Something can be illegal, but not immoral. Smoking marijuana for example. It's illegal under US Federal law, but it's not viewed as immoral by the majority of the population.
  6. 500 years ago was during the Renaissance, which commenced in the 14th century. See https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/middle-ages
  7. Those new AO's where the person is mostly frozen in place, what is the deal with that?
  8. That pretty much includes everyone, except for replicants.
  9. What about Spain and Portugal? Why are you excluding those two countries?
  10. There are multiple definitions; it depends on the source. Usually, the most common meaning is listed first, and then less common definitions. My definition was from Miriam-Webster "preconceived judgment or opinion," definition 2(a)(1), which does not include limitations about not being based on reason or actual experience.
  11. If the data is valid and trustworthy, follow it. However, data can be easily manipulated and is subject to corruption. Therefore, data should be thoroughly tested and validated before it is relied upon for important decisions.
  12. Prejudice means preconceived judgment or opinion, so yes you did. The data supports your prejudice, but what if more men are convicted of rape and receive much harsher punishments because of that prejudice? I've noticed a lot of prejudiced statements made against men in the forum, which is why I noted that post by MalibuBratz. Here's some one that is more straightforward: dude, I just try to be honest. thats is trrue men is the main problem in sl. most girefer > man catfishing > man
  13. Prejudice means preconceived judgment or opinion, so yes you did. The data supports your prejudice, but what if more men are convicted of rape and receive much harsher punishments because of that prejudice? I've noticed a lot of prejudiced statements made against men in the forum, which is why I noted that post by MalibuBratz. Here's some one that is more straightforward: dude, I just try to be honest. thats is trrue men is the main problem in sl. most girefer > man catfishing > man
  14. Prejudiced means having an opinion formed beforehand, especially an unfavorable one. You can be a man and have an unfavorable opinion of men.
  15. Would these be examples of personal attacks in posts leading to interpersonal disputes: 1. It's about time you started taking notes. 🤭 2. I can't believe y'all are grown ass men calling yourself "alpha men" 3. Google Dunning-Kruger effect. Because you are pulling stuff out of your posterior at this point, with great confidence. 4. Someone seems to have lost tract of their ridiculous posts. ^^
  16. It's boring to log into a game where most people are AFK. The SL population is declining and that type of behavior is going to accelerate the decline. It's more interesting to post in the forums than go in-world.
  17. Yes, and if it continues, it's going to become "Such was SL."
  18. Because 90% of them are AFK and have an auto-response set, while they play a more interesting game in another window or watch a video.
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