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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. How about if Second Life was turned into a cooperative owned by the residents? We just need to come up with enough money collectively to buy it from the current owners. How much is Second Life worth?
  2. The traditional way to celebrate your rez day in SL is to make love with a beautiful stranger.
  3. Lar's had a feature called strip the DJ. When tips reached a certain level the DJ would disrobe.
  4. Beach volleyball is one of the most common games to play in a beach environment. There are many volleyball games available on the marketplace here.
  5. Fogbound Blues and Muddy's are always busy. Search events for live music. Any live music event featuring Max Kleene as the singer will have a crowd.
  6. Due to 100% negative replies, the forum meetup is cancelled.
  7. What if nobody shows up at the Hangout? If you're at Fogbound, it will be busy anyway and there will be other people to socialize with if no forum members show. You don't want to get dressed up for nothing do you?
  8. I'm sure you'll be missed. Scylla is in to you.
  9. Okay, forumites, there is a a forum meetup at Fogbound Blues on Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 9 PM SLT. The location is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blue Moon Bay/211/57/26
  10. If SL was a game, Randall Ahren would have won already.
  11. No, you're whole, complete, perfect, and always have been. Perhaps you look at the world in a way no one else has. That's not weird, it's beautiful. There's nothing wrong with you.
  12. LlewLlwyd wrote: * What is the meaning of life? That was inspired by fascist forumers who respond to the simplest questions in general discussion by posting a screen shot of the answers section instead of answering the question.
  13. I'm asking for the purpose, not the definition, but kudos for trying. What happened to the other answers?
  14. Chilli Cao wrote: What other names could it be called? Sex Life.
  15. LlazarusLlong wrote: * Nobody seems to know the point of RL, and apparently you can't win at it The point of RL is the same as in SL: make money and mate as much as possible.
  16. Aphrenity wrote: I have a right to be upset because your real world profile picture should come with a warning and it doesn’t. Yeah, something like NSFL: Not Safe For Life
  17. I think I saw you at Fogbound. I remember I was dissappointed because you didn't have elf ears. You could add to your profile. Make it more inviting, show some vulnerability. Tell people what you're hoping for, what's missing in your SL. Explain how you signed up for SL on Christmas. How did you by the way?
  18. You should go for a mush head. It's cheaper.
  19. There's nothing wrong with wanting a contest buddy and going to contests and voting for each other. I used to do that with one of my friends and it was fun. I hope you find her.
  20. Put a water spout in it so it looks like an indoor fountain. In the Meadowbrook therme, I think the Plumtree and Greyson are the best models. Why don't you abandon the Overlook and get a Plumtree so that you don't have the problem of an indoor reflecting pool?
  21. Sy Beck wrote: I rarely partake in SL any more. Not because of boredom, but because there are more exciting things to do online than SL. I return once in a while because of the wonderful people I met here when SL was an exciting place to be. SL is as exciting as it ever was. There are still the romances, the torrid affairs, the betrayals, the love triangles, the business plans that failed miserably, the zombies, the griefers, the lies, the laughter and the tears. The boredom is in you, it's not in the world. And when the boredom grows too large to contain, you die, never to login again. According to Søren Kierkegaard, boredom dates to the beginning of humanity. The gods were bored, so they created humans. That's why we're here, because of boredom.
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