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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. What I like about Mainland is that the land comes directly from LL and I don't have to worry about getting cheated by a third party that suddenly leaves SL for some reason and keeps my rent money. There are many stories about this. The most humourous story I recall was about a lady that returned to her former home only to be banned without any refund because the area had suddenly become a gay cowboy RP sim with no ladies allowed. It's much safer to pay tier directly to LL than to a third party. The other thing I like about Mainland is that the parcels have no convenants. I want a place where I can do what I want with it because it is MINE. I would rather own in hell than rent in heaven. I hate being dictated to. That's my two cents or 5L$, depending on the exchange rate.
  2. Michael Linden, head of the LDPW. People complain about how long it takes to respond to a support ticket, but the LDPW is highly efficient. It typically takes just a few days.
  3. Here are the pertinent provisions of the ToS that would seem to apply in the present situation: 8.3(iv) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users' normal use of the Service I think the vehicles are disruptive and they impede or interfere with other users' normal use. People normally use SL to simulate RL and when garbage trucks or big smoky tractors repeatedly appear in an area where they are inappropriate, i.e., on the ocean, on the SLRR or on a footpath, it is disruptive and intereferes with other users' normal use. The ToS incorporates the Community Standards as well in Articles 4.3 and 14 of the ToS. The relevant portions of the Community Standarsd are as follows: 3. "Assault in Second Life means: shooting, pushing, or shoving another Resident in a Safe Area." 6. Disturbing the Peace... "objects that intentionally slow server performance or inhibit another Resident's ability to enjoy Second Life are examples of Disturbing the Peace." Regarding (3) I don't see how the tank shooting someone qualifies as self-defense merely because someone touched it. Objects are touchable and clickable and that is expected behavior in a safe area such as on the SLRR. Touching an object is not an attack justifying shooting of the person that touched the object. Concerning (6), the excessive number of vehicles are inhibiting other Residents' abilities to enjoy SL and are therefore disturbing the peace. The most pertinent provision of all from the Community Standards is probably Global Attacks, which provides: "Objects, scripts, or actions which broadly interfere with or disrupt the Second Life community, the Second Life servers or other systems related to Second Life will not be tolerated in any form." The vehicles are broadly interering with and disrupting the Second Life community by creating a nuisance throughout the entire Mainland, at least on public pathways.
  4. Willow Danube wrote: Honestly, I don't mind if someone comes by and wanted to chat... but this guy apparently thought that Second Life is Sex Life. Sex Life would probably be very popular. LL could combine it with a microblogging platform called Titter and in no time they would have more users than Facebook. Willow, the more interesting question is how would you react if you rezzed into your home and found two trespassers being naughty on your rug? Would you: (a) watch quietly while occassionaly murmuring helpful suggestions; (b) ask to join in; or © Right click, eject, ban?
  5. DeDe Doowangle wrote: The entire converstaion was in IM. I see, by yelling you meant he was typing in all capital letters. That is rude.
  6. But, what would you do when a newbie just popped into your house one fine day without a knock or announcement?... Now what would you do? Perhaps an insight to your experience? What is your 'Nice-ness' limit to someone new before you pull the trigger? As a dude, I've never had such an experience. If a reasonably attractive female avatar suddenly appeared in my private residence and propositioned me in such a way , I would probably take the view point that one should never look a gift horse in the mouth and roll with it (metaphorically speaking). Accordingly, I wouldn't add them to my ban list. As an aside, how did he find your house? Perhaps he was using the radar and used the "Teleport To" function.
  7. Pauline Darkfury wrote: Personally, the auto road vehicles on the roads don't bother me all that much, although I do think it's wrong to advertise/sell on Linden-owned land, so that part should be removed from them if they are to stay. Pushing AVs on Linden land is just wrong and they need to stop doing that. If those issues were fixed, then I'm generally supportive of auto-vehicles on the roads as long as they are not causing a major performance issue, littering, or harassing other residents. The scripting in some of them isn't that great, from what I've seen, with needless script per prim stuff, but overall they don't appear to cause a huge lag issue. Where they are totally wrong, however, and entirely harmful to the experience/immersion of others is when they are spammed onto the SLRR (road vehicles, that is). Auto road vehicles on the SLRR is just 100% abuse in my book. The SLRR isn't all that big, and it's just not fair on those who want to use it as intended (a public railway) when a road vehicle blunders its way along the tracks. I agree with Ms. Darkfury that those cars on the SLRR degrade the SL immersive experience. When you're on a train riding the SLRR, you don't expect to see a bus, a garbage truck, or a convertible as in the earlier image someone posted, going down the railroad tracks. The cars on the SLRR ruin the magic of the experience. When you ride in the cars and exit, you're presented with a dialog requesting a tip to support the 70 rez zones that the creator maintains. I once IM'd the creator offering to provide a rez zone on the Hetorcera Atoll. My plan was to offer the rez zone if she would agree to direct her vehicles away from the SLRR. However, I did not get that far as she immediately rejected the overture. She replied that she did not need such a rez zone as her vehicles had already infested all the public throughfares and waterways. I distinctly remembered that she used the word "infested", which I thought was a rather negative word to describe her own creations. Notwithstanding, the word is appropriate as the vehicles have descended upon SL's public pathways like black plague and there is no escaping them. It would be quite easy for the creator of the vehicles to keep the vehicles off the SLRR with a few lines of code. All she needs to do is use llSensor to search for "Guide", which is what the trains follow. If the vehicle is within a few meters of a Guide, it's on the SLRR and should execute llDie. As Ms. Darfury pointed out, the SLRR is not that large. There are roads all over SL and on many different continents. The SLRR is only on the Heterocera Atoll and it is one of the smaller continents. She should keep her cars on the roads and off the SLRR. Those vehicles not only degrade the experience on the SLRR, they also ruin the magic along public waterways. I was once considering purchasing a parcel along a Linden owned ocean. It was quite expensive, but I thought it might be worth it for the view and easy access to boating. While I was there, one of those vehicles trundled past. Just what everyone wants, to pay 20L$/sqm for a parcel with a great view and ocean access and have it ruined by a garbage truck driving down the beach. I know the creator of those vehicles reads these forums. She has participated in the past. If she's reads this, I hope she takes it upon herself to voluntarily modify her behavior and that of her cars. Her cars are harmful to SL and ruining its magic.
  8. Knowl Paine wrote: 3 day grace for the previous owner Then a 3 day sale for Residents who own land in that Region. Followed by 3 days sale open to any non-bot Resident. On the 10th day and there after any Resident could purchase the land. I like your idea, but maybe it could be simpler. Instead of setting the parcel for sale for 1L$/sqm, set it for sale initially at 10L$/sqm and then drop the price each day until it is sold. That's similar to how some of the land flippers handle buying and selling land. If it works for them, it should work for LL.
  9. DeDe Doowangle wrote: IHe sent me the glasses and while I was looking at them, he yellled at me, saying I should be careful not to go around making full perm sculpties because people are stealing the maps! I calmly reponded that I don't usually sell anything with full permissions. He ranted how stupid I was, called me "Dude" and told me to stop it. What do you think, was I too harsh? That dude was rude! You weren't harsh enough. As soon as he called me stupid, he would have went on my mute and ban lists. Just curious though, how did he yell at you? Were you using SL voice to converse with him?
  10. ChloeAnn32 wrote: 2. How does one find employement? 3.Is there anywhere I can find informationpr someone that would literally "show me the ropes"? Any information is appreciated. I tried looking at tutorials on You-tube but it seems like i'm missing something. I thought you could customize what I look like instead of getting a generic version of a female avatar. Is it going to change everytime i log in? As a new resident trying to earn money, you should look for money trees. Most of the trees are set to give money to avatars that are 30 days old or less. So use your 30 days wisely. If you work hard, you should be able to harvest a couple thousand Linden dollars in that 30 days. For a list of money tree locations, see http://moneytree.wolfhavenproductions.com/ and look under the golden apple tree list. For a little better avatar appearance, search for the Bravo Bravo money tree. A free avatar is provided there for new residents (skin, shape, clothes and hair). It will meet your immediate needs.
  11. Why don't you try getting rid of llGetRot()? Try getting rid of the last occurence of llGetRot() first. Set it to <0,0,0> or use ZERO_ROTATION. If that doesn't work, try also deleting "* llGetRot()". If that dosn't work, wait for Ms. Singer or Loon to post.
  12. You might try joing the NCI group if you are not already a member. They have a very active group chat with someone almost always being online to chat with. They also have a lot of events and classes. The link for NCI is http://world.secondlife.com/group/25e187d1-3e88-b05c-9d2d-2dceeb9d4bc3
  13. Should be easy to write a script like that. I don't know of a pre-written one that does exactly what you want, but I know of one that sends you an email when an item that you sold is rezzed. You can find it here: http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/freescripts.plx?ID=1327 You just need to modify it so that it sends you an email a bit earlier, i.e., when the item is sold, rather than rezzed.
  14. According to the novel Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Albert Camus believed that the only serious question was was whether to kill yourself or not. But for the author of the Blues, the only only serious question was how to make love stay. If want love to stay, get a dog. If you want to be betrayed, driven half mad, and heart broken, get a spouse.
  15. Clonefighter wrote: Love is, for me atleast, when you dedicated yourself to a single person, give them your undivided attention. It is when this person is like the world to you, and if you were to lose said person, you would die. I would go on but it is late and I have found I tend to repeat myself when Im trying to say something serious. Sounds like my last dog.
  16. We should have a big party tonight in SL. Call it the Make Friends party in honor of the new Make Friends forum. Sing it (from Nirvana): Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend
  17. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: /me slaps you hard in the neck with a dead chicken. Missed nobody at all. Was just shutdown for a week. Congrats .. you're my first 'GET A LIFE !!!!' -yell. :robotmad: /me yells : GET A LIFE !!! (Gawd that felt good.. :smileyvery-happy:). You're a tough kitty, aren't you? What can I say? I have a really boring RL. I'm lucky to even have a SL.
  18. Where is everyone? Did everyone find their way back? Everyone please check in so we can see if anyone is missing. I'm afraid some may have wandered away never to return. I missed you all so much (big hug, kiss, kiss).
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