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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. SL is the vastly superior product. My thoughts are that SL should immediately raise its prices again.
  2. How come ChatGPT didn't suggest dramatically rising prices as a way to attract and retain users, like LL did? ChatGPT is clearly much dumber than the people running SL.
  3. No, but if the supermarket across the street hasn't raised the prices for oranges, I start buying oranges at the supermarket with lower price. What other free games have raised their prices so dramatically?
  4. I wish Epic Games would come up with a mobile app for Fortnite. Then I could play Fortnite while I'm frying chicken.
  5. Great, now we're going to have SL residents AFK on phones and PCs. The extra fees for the Infrastructure Investment are totally worth it; can't wait to download this new mobile app and experience the future of SL: AFK on a phone.
  6. It's a conclusion based on observations from lack of growth, fees that get screwed higher every year, and the Labs demonstrated lack of interest in SL, which is why we got Sansar and Blox instead of investment in SL. SL is a no growth business well past its use-by date. Most creators are going to start treating SL just like the Lab does. Collect the few coins that come in, but not bother with any serious development efforts because it's not worth investing in. When was the last time the Lab actually came up with something innovative?
  7. We have an idea of what the business model looks like. It's basically the slum-lord model. Squeeze as much as possible out of the tenants of a decrepit, run down building, before the building is condemned. The SL owners are not going to invest capital on an outdated platform with a declining and rapidly aging userbase.
  8. What matters to the lab is money. If enough people boycott that it makes a serious dent in SL revenue, the Lab will rethink its position and come up with an alternative way to screw residents.
  9. So do free societies, where you can buy cocaine, heroin, and fake passports.
  10. Block and derender the copycat.
  11. That applies to free societies as well, probably more so than communist and fascist countries. How much land speculation is there in communist Cuba?
  12. Try logging into SL and hanging out with a bunch of AFK avatars. That will bore you into a coma in about 20 minutes.
  13. So the first achievement is getting someone on your friends list to give everyone something to do and make them more sociable? And everyone gets a stipend of one Linden dollar per friend per week to incentivize socialization?
  14. SL is expensive because it takes a freaking supercomputer to run it.
  15. Yes, but you have injected yourself into the public sphere by posting on a public forum with a photo of your avatar. Therefore, that makes you a public person. Moreover, I have seen your avatar in-world and your forum photo looks just like your avatar. If you like, I can post a photo to prove it.
  16. People who post on the forums are celebrities, like film stars, and must expect to see their photos taken and published by paparazzi when the paparazzi catch them out and about in public.
  17. This thread is for sightings of forum posters randomly observed in world. Pictures or didn't happen. First up, Sam1 Bellisserian at Franks:
  18. I typically add people with busy messages at popular clubs to my block list and derender their avatar so that none of my resources are wasted.
  19. If you want to be alone it's pretty weird to go the busiest clubs in SL and park your avatar AFK with a busy message that you're working in Blender in another window and to leave a message. It's also rude to use up resources and create lag at a busy venue. But then you don't owe anyone anything, including common courtesy.
  20. At RL parties, they aren't a bunch of people standing around AFK. If I wanted to chat in RL with someone that acted like most people do in SL at clubs, I would have to write a message on a post-it, stick to their forehead and hope they got back to me.
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