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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. I don't mind a bit of touch up when a demo is available or for say a magazine layout. However for items with no demo, touchup of the sales pic should be limited to the background. The actual product itself should not be touched up. True they do that in RL ads, but you can go in RL and see the actual item before buying it for the most part. To touch up a sales picture of items with no demo in order to hide problem areas is just flat out dishonest in SL. More than once i have purchased clothing from a "new to me" shop that looks great on the sales pic but looks different in world. When that happens, i never buy from that creator again.
  2. Skin and shape work together to create a look. You may see beautiful skins you love , but when you try them on with your existing shape they don't look right. That is because of where the shadows and highlights on the skin fall on the shape. If the demo you got failed was it because it didn't look like what you thought it would on you vs. the picture? You can approach this either by looking for a skin that works well with your shape if you love the shape, or buying the skin you love and either buying the shape that goes with it, hunting for a compatible shape, or modifying your shape. Whatever way you choose to go, don't expect instant results unless you buy the skin and shape together. I hunted for months and tried hundreds of skins the last time I choose to upgrade my skin. Modifying a shape or even creating a shape is not a process that takes just minutes either. There are many subtle changes that you can make to one slider that make a huge difference in your appearance. So take your time with it..
  3. If you are asking is it possible to make one texture that will do this, Then yes its possible. There are two choices. One choice is to make it using an outside 3D program that can paint sculpts. Your other choice is to lay a texture grid map on it and see where the numbered squares lie on the prim and make a texture according to that. If you are asking if one texture can be a true solid in parts and transparent or semi transparent on others then no. To make any part of a texture see through requires an alpha channel on the whole texture. You can make the texture "appear" solid in parts however you will still get the problem with the weird effects when another alpha texture is too close to it. I don't use photoshop, I use another program. However I imagine you can make a texture semi-transparent by making a section on it solid then using a tool to set the transparency level on just that part more than zero but less than 100%. Maybe someone else can enlighten you on the specific tool or steps to take with photoshop.
  4. Aside from the prim vs. painted lashes - which is personal preference..... Skins and shapes work together to create your face. Its impossible for anyone to recommend a skin that will give you the same look for that reason. I too don't like to "change' my look when I buy a new skin, only make my avatar look better. The only way that I can do that is by going to skin shops and getting lots of demos to try on. The last time I changed skins I had to change creators too because the newer skins she was selling at the time changed my appearance too much. It took me a few months and trying on a lot of skins until I found one that I liked. About lashes though, keep an open mind. Maybe you don't like them because you haven't' found the right skin yet. Also when you wear prim lashes and close your eyes the lashes don't move with the lid. This is why I think that painted ones are getting more popular, aside from he convenience factor. However, that being said, its your face and you have to suit yourself. Good luck in your search
  5. Are you being realistic about price? Keep in mind the wholesale cost to the estate owner per prim. You didn't say how many prims were being used to provide you with the structure and furnishings but that has to factor into the rental fee. How many total prims are on your rental property now? Once that is known we can tell you if you are paying a reasonable price now. What do you consider "high prim"? How many are your looking for total; ie: not only your personal allowance but prims being used to provide you with a furnished or semi-furnished home?
  6. A sim only remains grandfathered while the person you are buying from owns it. When it transfers it goes to the current tier rate. It used to remain grandfathered, but that changed this year I'm pretty sure. Here is the link for the post the Lindens made about it: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-and-Sea-General/Island-Monthly-Fee-Pricing-for-2010/ba-p/654801
  7. Have to question now the contractor is going to cover costs if they have to pay for the sims. Doubt anyone is going to take on the cost of fours sims for grins. They will either charge for their services or 'sell' advertising and stuff to the newbs. Now if you were a newb and your first experience was being surrounded my rampant ads and hit up for money before you even knew if you'd like SL would that induce you to stay? I have to say I think this is an attempt by LL to wash their hands of adult content in an attempt to sanitize their image and limit liability. Now when the press asks they can say, its not us, its 'them' we're just renting server space and aren't responsible for anything that goes on there. On the up side maybe when I crash and the location I log back into isn't available, I won't end up all the time in Zindra.
  8. NEVER click on something like that you didn't request. Change your password immediately! I would notify Linden Lab too. You can forward that email to them and tell them what you posted here. Send it to security@lindenlab.com
  9. My understanding of this is that one side of the property will remain waterfront. The Lindens may put another sim there, but if so, no land will adjoin your sim. It doesn't mean that the other three sides can't be sold or built on, or that any new sim added can't contain some land, such as an island, as long as the protected water side of your property remains open water.
  10. I agree that quality clothes have been created with a high standard of craftsmanship i.e. well done textures, matched seams, no ragged lines, etc. come in all possible layers prim parts are attached to the right body part so they move correctly with your body are modifiable so I can fit them correctly (I understand that designers like resize scripts for those that have no clue how to use tools to mod something, but please also make it mod so I can take the resize out and mod it myself as resize scripts never work for the fine fitting I want to do. are original in design Quality has nothing to do with price. I've seen clothes that are high dollar but poor quality that I wouldn't be caught dead in, and have gotten some free or for less than 100L that are very high quality. If I really love something and its high quality, I'll get it regardless of price unless the price is SO high that I feel like I'm being gouged. Because this is SL, taste really doesn't enter into to objective quality for me. Different strokes for different folks and different occasions. I've seen things that are high quality in high end top fashion stores that are so uber tacky that I think that the designer must be playing a joke on fashionistas. But that's my personal taste. I wear a wide variety of clothing to fit the occasion, venue and people I'm with.
  11. Interesting concept but I am not sure what you mean in that write up about "the Moreland Farms Server". Do you mean the server for the sim or a server you yourself have, run and maintain? If the answer is the sim server, I have a feeling that LL's reason about the viewer not being acceptable because SL is a "shared experience" means that LL would not be able to share the users money and charge for 10K slim prims via tiers. If the answer is your own server, I am not sure what they mean by that. If guests to your unit can see the scenery, even though other's outside the unit can't, what is the difference between that and a private sim whose owner limits access to selected people?
  12. I see a bit of unreasonable behavior and attitudes on both sides. I am not against mesh, but consider these points which have been brought up before in discussions about mesh: Not everyone has a computer capable of running a mesh viewer nor do they have the funds to upgrade. Yes it may their 'problem' but it is a financial one, not because they are incapable of coping with change. Not everyone is enthralled with mesh clothing right now because most have to alter their shape to someone else's idea of what it should be for the clothes to fit properly and the individuality of their look is important to them. Also, there just isn't enough of it out their to suit everyone's tastes. Personally, I haven't found any that I am willing to spend money for. When this changes more people will be willing to wear it. Not everyone has had a thrilling experience with the new mesh viewers. They are unstable and crash frequently - I have a brand new computer that greatly exceeds the minimum specs for running a mesh viewer and find this to be true in all of the viewersi've tried. If you wear mesh clothing to a venue where the majority of people see you naked except for a donut, people who run the venue have a right to ask you to change or leave if it is offensive to a lot of their other customers.
  13. The only way you'll get your money back on the land you bought is to sell it for at least the same price to someone else.
  14. To run press ctrl + R to toggle running off and on. If the AO is modifiable then yes, you can replace the flying animation with one you like better. The AO should come with directions on how to do this.
  15. Actually you do need a premium account if what you are buying is a full prim sim and you will be the estate owner. If you pay tier directly to Linden Lab a premium account is required. If you pay the tier to the estate owner, no premium account is needed.
  16. I can run ultra high, but generally run as high on crowded public sims to keep lag lower. I always use ultra high for photos. Facelights are tricky because what looks great at one graphic setting can look horrible on others, as you discovered. Even using the same setting, two people can see you differently if they use different viewersand/or graphics cards. If you use one, make or get one that emits a low light and casts light in a very small radius unless you want to look like a walking flashlight and annoy other people. You may also find tinting the light various shades of rose to peach, depending on your avi's coloring, helps. If using a low powered light annoys you because you run at a low setting and don't like the way your avi looks, use the environmental editor to increase the light you personally see.
  17. I keep my textures in an organizer. One copy of the organizer in my inventory for daily use and also one in world inside a prim (actually some furniture) on two different sims as a backup against inventory loss or sim crash. Have never lost a texture yet this way. A texture organizer that does not require you to rename or tag textures is what you need for sorting. I have one that I have been very satisfied with created by Gaunt Gabe. When I bought this I had tens of thousands of textures. It wasn't a one day project to get them all sorted but it was a LOT faster than doing it inside inventory and its a breeze to add and sort new textures I acquire.
  18. I found two on marketplace by typing rez menu and searching scripts. Read the descriptions carefully to be sure it meets your needs and you have the knowledge to set up the one you choose. You may have to set the script up yourself and would need to know how to mod a script to do this. That would involve coding object names positions and rotations into the script as well as timers so that the script cleans up the rezzed prims after the user is done unless the items rezzed are temporary. If you don't script yourself, or just know how to do simple scripts like notecard givers, this may be very difficult for you. If you want objecta to rez from a menu to use with animations, such as a dining table and chair set that rezzes meals on the table, some of the set animations helpers with user menus have this option and may be the better choice.
  19. I join groups mainly because I love the products and want to know when new items are released,and secondly for discounts and useful freebies. I leave groups when they spam, or there is chat unrelated to product support. If you want to offer a group for the chatty, have two. One where chat can't be initiated and one where people who like it can chat away. Several of the merchants i deal with offer this and I really appreciate the option of a chatless group. I also leave groups that keep sending out the same notice. One notice is enough as you still get it if your not online. And please don't send a notice then spam chat with the same thing as a way around people turning off notices. If i turn the notices off in a group I sure don' t want to get it in chat. If I turn off notices I do periodically check the notice history when it is convenient for me to read notices.
  20. Decorations for the hats can be made from sculpted prims and linked to the hat. You can find sculpt maps to make sculpted prims for all the things you mentioned either in world at various shops or on the marketplace. Alternatively if you have building skills these items can be made with prims. It may take a lot of prims to make something like a flower or skull. However unless you are highly skilled at building, generally sculpted prims look more 'real' and your hats will look better.
  21. You can report them to the moderator as spam. There are a number of people doing this already. See the topic "I am on a mission" about this effort. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/I-m-on-a-mission/td-p/1134561
  22. Actually a cube can have 9 faces if its hollowed and path cut, and three of those, if your path cut the cube in half and flatten it will face the same direction. HOWEVER, for what you are trying to do, you will need to texture the faces differently in regards to horizontal repeats and offsets. For example the face created by the hollow goes all around the inside of the cube. So you'd have to set mutiple horizontal repeats depending on the texture your using and dimensions of the face and adjust the horizontal offset too so that the character is centered properly. You will just have to experiment with it and your texture. EDIT: After I replied to this I made a cube with the numbers 1 2 3 showing on the three faces that is textured property. I sent it to you in world so you can understand my answer better.
  23. It depends on the type of prim. Here is a link that gives you the information for each kind. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Face
  24. i have some wonderful friends in here that I cherish as much as RL friends. Some I've known for years now. Unfortunately, circumstances don't allow us to meet face to face for various very valid reasons. Distance being the chief among them. However given the opportunity I would not hesitate to get together in RL. Being able to meet and form real friendships with people all over the world has enriched my life immeasurably, not only by the friendships, but also exposure to the many different cultures, opinions and the experiences i have had. I would never have had the pleasure of knowing some of my SL friends but for SL. It is one of the things I love the most about our virtual world.
  25. You must have a premium account in order to buy land on the mainland. The free tier for the first 512sqm, of land only is available to preium account holders.who do not participate in the Linden Homes program.
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