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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. If you mouse over that number you will see a number that is much longer. The longer number is a UUID number, also sometimes referred to as a Key. It is the number the servers which store your inventory assigns to inventory items to keep track of them. Avatars also have key's or UUID numbers that servers use to identify a specific avatar. Scripts use these numbers too to identify specific avatars or items. You can find any non object items UUID by right clicking it in your inventory and selecting Copy UUID then pasting it where you can paste text like a notecard or chat. For objects, you must rez them in world and go to Edit, the click the Copy Key button and paste it. If the transaction involves a transfer of Lindens, or you "buy" for zero lindens, such as a purchase you made in world, you will see the items name in the description field. If it was a marketplace purchase you will need to use the marketplace order number to look it up in your order history on the marketplace where the name will be given. Transactions that do not involve buying or selling, such as when you give something, or receiving something for free by passing it to another avatar or receive something from a scripted object, do not have descriptions and you can not search your inventory by UUID using some viewers (although some older third party viewers can do this). It is presumed that you know what they were. Your transaction history is an reconciliation and accounting of the money in your LIndens account. Passing inventory does not involve Lindens and therefore the name of the item is not recorded.
  2. Fichier un ticket de support de l'avoir réactivé.
  3. There are all sorts of clothing templates for men and women available on the Marketplace. I have seen t-shirts as well as hoodie templates there in a wide variety of prices ranges depending on the details. Also some stores in world sell them too. No one here can give you a template unless they created it themselves. Even though templates are full perm the license you receive with one when you buy it prohibits you from giving it to anyone else. You may only use it to create clothing which you then can sell or give away.
  4. From the Official Policy of LL: Linden Lab responds to complaints that content infringes trademarked or celebrity material. Trademarked material includes trademarked logos, trademarked brand names, and trade dress, which is the distinctive visual appearance of a product or its packaging. It is often difficult to tell what may or may not be trademarked or protected as trade dress. However, use of designer logos and brand names without permission, such as Gucci, Nike, Louis Vuiton, etc., is usually not acceptable. ... If you're concerned that material you're using may conflict with another's trademark or intellectual property rights, we suggest you speak to an attorney. LL Official Policy on Use of Trademarks My thinking on this is that in RL use of a brand name in a comparison of one product's merits over another's merits is acceptable and you see it all the time in commercials. But, keyword search isn't that type of comparison. Under the marketplace policies keywords should be words that describe your product in some way or are specifically related to it. Clearly, you can't say your watch is a Rolex or like a Rolex. Based on the above stated policy, I wouldn't do it and take the chance.
  5. While rare it can sometimes take that long. If you bought them on the lindex exchange, call Billing who will straighten it out. If you bought through another exchange you will need to contact them. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  6. It depends on where you buy it. Most mainland can only be terraformed + or - 4 meters. Some older land a lot more. Linden developed areas such as Bay City, you can't at all. If you want to terraform a lot look for land on the older continents and ask before you buy if you don't see anyting about it in the land description or covenant.
  7. I'm a bit confused. If you were given a home with membership (assume you mean premium membership), that's a Linden home and you can file a support ticket if you are having problems with it. Who are you referring to as the 'seller' that has been absent for three months then? Are you actually renting from someone other than Linden Lab? Perhaps if you clarify this we can be of more assistance to you.
  8. Lof into the SL web site. On the sidebar of your dashboard, choose Account. Then choose Age Verification. Follow the directions on the page this leads you to. Once you age verify, relog or log into your viewer and set your search preferences etc. to include Adult ratings.
  9. You need to call billing to find out what the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  10. Unless the song is being streamed into SL via the land media, the song is coming from a prim of some sort like a music box or virtual musical insturment. Typically they only play one song, a few very short songs, or just parts of songs. The exception being SL TV's which use streams too) To stop the song from repeating, find the prim where the song is coming from and either return it to its owner or, if its yours take it back into your inventory. If its something you bought, like a music box, that is not functioning correctly,contact the creator. If the song is coming in via a media stream, tt is the station or media site doing this. Just change to another station.
  11. I doubt you'll have any success at this because all your asking is for the problem to be moved to another place so it bothers other people not you or the people on that sim. As stated before, consistently AR'ing griefers is the way to go.
  12. You may not sell your any RL product on the marketplace or in these forums but can do it in world. I've had someone I know in SL give me a gift of a RL limited edition print this way. I also received a copy of it in world that was guaranteed to be a one of a kind reproduction. The artist was an established RL artist who already sold on the web and the person who bought the gift for me paid RL money for it. There are a number of art groups in SL for serious artists. You can find them by searching groups. It would be beneficial to hook up with a group and talk to some experienced SL artists. They may be able to give you advice on marketing your work, point you to art galleries that will exhibit your work, as well as a realistic estimate of how much you could make. Some galleries allow you to sell your art, and others are for exhibit only. But most have rotating exhibits so you can't rely on them for anything other than exposure for a limited time to people interested in art in SL. You will also probably need to own your own gallery or shop or join a cooperative of some sort and share the cost of a venue with other artists.
  13. Sorry I don't, and even if I did, it may not look like Ariana Grande on your avatar. Skins and shapes work together to create a certain look. So even if you found a photo realistic skin like that, it would different on you if your shape wasn't identical. So basically your going to have to go try on various skins and shapes yourself to achieve what you are looking for. As far as a custom skin, you may find someone to do one, but be prepared to pay some VERY serious Lindens in terms of RL money. A good skin is one of the hardest things to create in SL and takes a lot of time, talent and patience. I know skin artists that work on a new skin for hours a day for weeks and weeks before its ready for sale. Its not fair to expect someone to put that kind of time and effort into creating one for just a few thousand lindens - the equivalent of pennies an hour in terms of RL pay. I doubt you would work for that. Of course once a skin is created for general sale, the creator can afford to charge a reasonable price for it because they can sell the same skin over and over and make enough in volume sales to make it worth their while.
  14. FIrst there are both trademark and copyright issues here, all covered by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which you agreed to as part of the TOS. This applies to all content creation, not just mesh. You can't market things as 'inspired by <specific game, movie etc.>' without violating trademark and/or copyright laws unless you obtain permission from the owner of the IP rights. You may use a trademarked name or title in discussing the work or item factually, for comparisons of the characteristics of one product vs.. another, or giving an opinion- such for a review - but anytime you use the name of a trademarked or copyrighted work for financial gain in the way you describe then you are in violation. You can say "inspired by a popular fantasy game" or other general description. You can't copyright ideas. Therefore you can make a jeweled sword that is medieval or alien in design, However, you cannot make them "substantially" similar to a trademarked or copyrighted item. I.E.: You can't make a sword just like one in a movie and only make a few minor changes to it. Basically, if someone sees the sword and they think of the original, you are probably in violation. Of course that word "substantially" is open for interpretation by a court of law if there is court case to determine if a violation took place. You are right to be cautious about complying with copyright laws. Its not just Linden Lab's enforcement or lack of enforcement you need to be concerned about. Anyone could see it and report it to the IP owner and you could find yourself in legal hot water as a result. Even if your cleared you will have to spend a lot of money for lawyers etc. Why take this risk for a few linden? I'm not a lawyer. The above is information that I believe to be fairly accurate based on my experience dealing with these issues in RL and SL. You should consult a lawyer if you have any doubts or research it yourself. Here are a few links you may want to take a look at: The Official policy of Linden Lab http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property About DMCA Violation Notices http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php The official summary of the US Gov't of the DMCA http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf
  15. /me Shudders at the thought of traveling salesman roaming SL and accosting people with spam and hopes that LL really thinks through the rules and acceptable uses for these AI bots before they unleash them inworld and a way to clearly identify them to people driven avatars. It remains to be seen how sophisticated the AI bots can be and if they are really that much more advanced than the bots that exist now other than being able to follow a path or engage in very simple roleplay. That being said, the residents of SL as a group are incredibly creative and I am sure will find many uses for AI bots that are valid and / or fun. I bet there are people out there already laying plans for some new and unique idea they have thought of but won't let the 'cat out of the bag" until they are ready to launch. Just off the top of my head without a lot of thought........Some people love the luxury lifestyle of SL and live in mansions. I can see AI butlers greeting them and their guests when they arrive home and fetching drinks. AI bots could be used as vehicle drivers that give tours of sims and answer FAQ's. Perhaps we'll see bartenders or customer service AI bots in shops and AI bots as singers or performers in clubs shops or plays, How about a AI bot in clubs such as ballrooms where you can't dance by yourself and at times there are not enough others around to assure you a partner? I can even see them being used to help teach noobs some basic orientation skills.
  16. When new features are introduced into SL or major changes to the server code take place in a new release, there are sometimes unforeseen problems or bugs that may cause more lag, crashing or inability to log in grid wide. These problems are usually isolated and fixed sooner or later. We just had a major new feature added with the addition of Mesh. So I'm not surprised. In the five plus years I've been in SL, this has happened time and time again. Keep in mind that SL is very unique in that it allows so many people to do so many different things and own and create everything under the sun - more than most virtual worlds or games. It boggles the mind to think of the variety an number of things the software has to keep up with. Its a pioneer of free form virtual worlds and there are bound to be things like this happen. Then again, it may be that the sims you and your friends are hanging out in are coincidently having problems and need restarting or other maintenance attention. It may also be that you are wearing too many scripted items or items that are poorly scripted that causes this, as well. Even if you don't normally have problems, when there are problems like this grid wide there are things you can do temporarily until things improve. Detach as many scripted items as you can from your avatar, turn down your draw distance or graphics settings, refrain from wearing complicated items with a lot of textures and flexi prims, and to stay away from venues with huge crowds or complicated scripted items in the environment.
  17. It doesn't mean any more or less than it does in RL. People with common interests may go or hang out in common places and know people in common. Many times i've met new people in SL only to find out that we share a common friend or friends or hang out in the same places. SL can be a surprisingly small world in some ways.
  18. There are black people in SL, probably more than you think. As others have said some may or may not be black in RL, and some RL black people have avatars that are not black. Some don't even have human avatars. I know a number of them myself, most of whom have told me they were in RL, as I really don't care what color people are and don't ask. To me I like the fact that you can be anything you want and the resulting equality of SL that allows all types of people to intermingle as freely as they choose. It may even be educational for those that may harbor prejudice in RL to find out their SL friend that they have a lot in common with and been having fun with is black in RL. In addition to some of the other suggestions you've received, I know there are fraternities and sororities in SL, some of which are extensions of RL black fraternities and sororities, others created just for SL. You will find them in group search. You may want to consider joining one. Other than that, I'd strike up a conversation with other black people you see and just ask.
  19. "Full Perm" are items that give you permission to modify, copy and transfer an item. Those not intended for resale are items that creators sell each other to aid in creating items that are eventually sold, such as a texture artist selling textures to a clothing designer or builder. . That doesn't mean you can do anything you want to them. Sometimes the creator gives you a license with specific restrictions. Examples: you may use them for creating other content but can not give that content away full perm, or you may not give or sell the item full perm to another avatar as full perm, you may not use the item outside of Second Life, etc. Sometime Full Perm items may also be resold. However here again, it may come with a license that has other restrictions as discussed above. "Reseller or Resale" items are intended to be sold to other residents by someone other than the creator. The reseller generally gets a commission on the sale or is charged a wholesale price which is a bit less than what the item sells for normally. These items may or may not be full perm. If they are not full perm, then generally you cannot modify them and you are required to sell the item as either copy or transfer or at a specific price point. Some resale items come in a vendor and you do not actually get the items. In these cases, the vendor is networked to a server that dispenses the item directly to the customer when the vendor is paid. If the vendor contains the actual items, they are generally no copy and there are a limited number of them in the vendor. When you run low on them, you go to a special resellers store and buy more to reload into the vendor. Resellers can earn money this way, however they are responsible for obtaining a store and paying any costs such as rent on the store as well as any other overhead such as the cost of ads. There is generally also an agreement called a Franchise or Resellers Agreement that you must agree to in order to do this. These agreements specify all sorts of things, such as where you can sell, what prices you can charge, what use you can make of the creators logo etc. Before purchasing either full perm or resell items be sure to find out all the details of what the license or agreement says and make sure you are willing to abide by the terms. If you don't the creator may take RL action against you in a RL court of law for copyright infringement which may result in fines or jail time, depending on the offense and law in effect. LL may also be notified and any items that are in violation of the agreement can be removed from your inventory and your customer's inventories by LL.
  20. It sounds like your messages are being forwarded to your email account. This can be turned off. Log into SL and go to Preferences in you viewer. There is a check off box that when checked will result in all your messagaes and notices going to your email. Simply uncheck it. Depending on what viewer you run you will find Preferences under Avatar or Edit and the check off box under the Communication or Chat tab. You will still continue to get emailes from Linden Lab from time to time, confirming purchases or sales of lindens or items on the marketplace, or to inform you of things LL thinks you should know as a player. There is no way to stop these. Confirmations of transactions are important so that you can monitor your lindens and may be useful in the future as 'receipts' if something goes wrong. As suggested, many people create a free email account using thier avatar name just for SL in order to keep their SL and RL seperate. You can also use this account to give to SL friends who you may want to received emai's from without having to give out RL information.
  21. This happens because the magic box that the vendor uses to store his stock in and that delivers to you has to be in-world and synced to the web site and there is a problem with it. The last few days, there have been a lot of sim upgrades and restarts which made sims go down for a bit of time. When this happens, any magic boxes on the sim won't work. When the sim restarts, they should start to function again but may not have gotten your order to process it. Try ordering the items again, and if that doesn't work contact the seller. They may need to go to the marketplace and resync their magic box with the web site or file a support ticket if more help is needed. In the meantime the seller will be glad to work with you to see that you get the merchandise you want and that the gifts are delivered to your friends, I'm sure.
  22. I understand how frustrating this may be. However we are all just residents in this forum and can't really help with this problem. The lindens don't generally monitor or reply to issues here. Using the JIRA system is the best way to address this problem. There is a JIRA's on this issue but has received little support in the form of votes (only 28 so far when I looked). Click here to read it and vote for it. Start a campaign among Arabic speakers and supporters in world to vote for the JIRA report. Each resident can vote up to four times a month. The more votes the report receives the more likely you will receive attention and a solution to the problem.
  23. Minerva Dover wrote: "tell person C that I'm gonna f*** them up?" This looks to me be to be permission to share the conversation with the party they are threatening and therefore it would not be a TOS violation in my opinion.
  24. You didn't specify who is telling you this. PayPal or Linden Lab? When you add payment information, LL pays you $1.00 through the account you gave them to verify that it is a valid account and can be used to debit and credit your transactions. This is probably the 'purchase" that is being referred to, unless you also signed up for a premium account and they are attempting to debit your PayPal account for the fee. If Linden Lab is telling you this, there may be a problem with your PayPal account and the verification transaction doesn't go though. You need to then find out what the problem is and correct it. If PayPal is telling you this, then you need to link a RL account of some sort to PayPal such as a debit or credit card or a bank account or contact PayPal to find out what their issues are. If you are not sure what the specific problem is with your payment information from SL's point of view, you can call LL Billing to find out. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  25. Rez the HUD on the ground and reset the scripts. Do this by right clickng it, choosing edit. While it is still highlighted, go to the Build menu and choose Scripts , then Reset Scripts in Selection. A window will open and show you the progress. When it says its done, Close the window and take it b ack into your inventory and wear it again. I always do this when i make changes. This will generally fix anything that goes wrong with them. If this doesn't work, contact the Creator. If you removed dances, be sure to take them off the notecard inside the huddles or you will get script errors when it attempts to play these animations and can't find them anymore.
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